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13573533 No.13573533 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true? Has NickLand really been placed in a re-education camp?

>> No.13573538

does he unironically want people to become cyborgs?

>> No.13573539

yeah gonna need a source for this

>> No.13573541

Yes, the CPC's patience finally ran out

>> No.13573557

Why not do a nice hyperstition like him being on holiday with his family or something

>> No.13573740

He hasn't tweeted in 3 days...

>> No.13573759

I wonder what post-re-education Land thought is going to be like.

>> No.13573765
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yes this was confirmed on Negarestani's podcast moments before he was raided

>> No.13573784

Unfortunate. I don’t think he will survive because of his fragile bones. What scares me is the coming Uyghur Accelerationism movement (u/acc)

>> No.13573901

lol. they uploaded his brain. he actually becomes the a.i. of neochina

>> No.13573915

No, he wants the human race to be exterminated and replaced by robots.

>> No.13573927


>> No.13573971

why not?

>> No.13573973

It's cool and fulfills the blockchain.

>> No.13574003

Isn't that what he wanted?
It's just the acceleration of his glorious capital.

>> No.13574057

based xi

>> No.13574101

He doesn't live in the UK anymore, so that's unlikely.

>> No.13574115

Highly doubtful

>> No.13574154

is this guy worth reading? can someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.13574161
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>> No.13574166

Just read his tweets @Outsideness

>> No.13574171

so basically chinks?

>> No.13574172

Check out Meltdown. You'll know pretty quickly if you're going to hate it or love it.

>> No.13574180

It doesn't matter, we can awaken his clones we placed in cryostasis a few years ago.
We shall not be without technobabble for centuries to come!

>> No.13574191

wtf happened

>> No.13574195

Why Dark Enlightenment Manifesto insists that immigrants are zombies?

>> No.13574198

if you were blind they smell the sme

>> No.13574204

Nick here, can confirm. Here with every Christian poster on /lit/

>> No.13574216

Why was he recently busy tweeting about Baltimore? It's like the least thing he would care

>> No.13574222

He's pretending to be a /pol/ brainlet to accelerate the process

>> No.13574238

god I wish I was smart like him

>> No.13574254

You will once you start buying Xeno Brain-O supplements

>> No.13574265

i hope they preserve the brain once they kill him

>> No.13574287

From what I gathered out of his twitter, he seems to be fairly /pol/ politics wise, but shouldn't he support progressives? Progresivism is basically the manifested will of capital.

>> No.13574297

It seems to me that he's still likely to be a textbook left-accelerationist, and his 'dark enlightenment' views are simply a vehicle for this.

He goes so far in promoting and deifying particular forms of alienation that his tongue seems sure to be in his cheek, even if he's still biting it almost all the way through as he chatters.

>> No.13574360

Mainstream progressives engage with technocapital because they want to skim profit to spend on human interest. That arrangement has been to the benefit of both technocapital and the humanists so far because the support for development outweighed the profits given to the poor. As soon as that symbiosis breaks down progressivism shatters. Meltdown and No Future both have details on this. Boomer Land is entertained by the collapsing left and considers it a step forward.

>> No.13574398

He got his brain wiped out and replaced by an AI chatbot

>> No.13574411

reminds me of the botposters who post here sometimes they are mistaken for schizos unless you read their posts intently

>> No.13574427

that doesn't change the fact that tradition (and so conservatism) and capital are fundamentally opposed. The cultural memory-loss that gets embraced by the progresivist project has been part of the capitalist logic from the very beginning, when the village, the guild and medieval values were destroyed. Then came the family and now comes gender; the rationalization of humanity comes nearer.
The world is having a reactionary wave right about now, which is interesting, but I find it hard seeing how any of it is part of capitalism's logic and not a human revolt against it (psychologically speaking. In actuality the right's priorities are misplaced, though the whole eco-fascism meme seems to indicate that there is some realization happening on the right).
Anyway, inmigration is right now the capitalist path. If the right does happen to stop it then an economic crisis will take care of them, I'm sure.

Right and left are not really the right terms to use. Conservatives and progressives is much more relevant IMO, since the entirety of the political divide right now seems to be about questions of culture, not economics.

>> No.13574442
File: 36 KB, 452x347, Screenshot_2019-08-03 Cleverbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI chatbot

>> No.13574478

Left/Right Acceleration is indistinguishable from one another outside of teleological outcome.

>> No.13574482
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>> No.13574490
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>> No.13574693

Immigration is the path of capital but welfare and high taxes don't seem to be. That's why the neocons had to stop opposing immigration and the progressives had to move to identity over class. Each wing has a humanist segment that opposes each of their compromises. The difference between the left and right is that democracy favors the left so its success lasts longer. The conservative right became disillusioned by its failure earlier so its revolt against capital started sooner. The war is a necessary step in capital shedding humanity.

>> No.13574708
File: 2.49 MB, 1125x1500, antitechrevolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But man-machine hybrids will retain a biological component derived from human beings only as long as the human-derived biological component remains useful. When purely artificial components become available that provide a better cost-versus-benefit balance than human-derived biological components do, the latter will be discarded and the man-machine hybrids will lose their human aspect to become wholly artificial. Even if the human-derived biological components are retained they will be purged, step by step, of the human qualities that detract from their usefulness. The self-prop systems to which the man-machine hybrids belong will have no need for such human weaknesses as love, compassion, ethical feelings, esthetic appreciation, or desire for freedom. Human emotions in general will get in the way of the self-prop systems' utilization of the man-machine hybrids, so if the latter are to remain competitive they will have to be altered to remove their human emotions and replace these with other motivating forces. In short, even in the unlikely event that some biological remnants of the human race are preserved in the form of man-machine hybrids, these will be transformed into something totally alien to human beings as we know them today.

The same applies to the hypothesized survival of human minds in "uploaded" form inside machines. The uploaded minds will not be tolerated indefinitely unless they remain useful (that is, more useful than any substitutes not derived from human beings), and in order to remain useful they will have to be transformed until they no longer have anything in common with the human minds that exist today.

>> No.13574974

Land sounds pretty evil.

>> No.13575295

Not all immigrants, Nick wants high IQ immigration, he doesn't care about ethno-nationalism. He uses the the zombie analogy for mostly third world humanitarian mass immigration as they consume value produced by the native productive populations and produce nothing of their own so he likens them to a zombie horde eating and eating and eating then sputtering out in to nothing when everything is gone.

>> No.13575302

The thing that anon posted was from Ted K not Land.

>> No.13575323

This guy is rehashing tumblr-tier memes from 2013

>> No.13575344

Honestly I’m still convinced that the Dark Enlightenment and NRx are a deep troll trying to level the right with a discourse the current left can defeat or something by making what’s going on in Silicon Valley (aka Capital) painfully obvious. Not that I approve of that in the slightest it seems to be an incredibly awful take either way. If you read his earlier work like “Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest” or “Thirst For Annihilation” he very clearly is against race realism, racism, or any other sorts of molar politics. In fact, NRx seems to be an almost complete mirror reversal of his earlier stance.

>> No.13575374

He came from an extreme left wing environment and changed a lot over time. NRx is a way of making peace with acceleration instead of desperately fighting back. Even if you disagree with the actions they advise I think the analysis is worthwhile.

>> No.13575396

They're framing the rabbit just because his wife looks like this youtube.com/watch?v=yy5THitqPBw ? For shame

>> No.13575412

Ted at least wanted to stop this dystopia.
Nick wants us to get there ASAP and accepts it as humanity's teleogenic QED.

>> No.13575432

Why "good"(as opposed to evil) accels like Ted K and Mark Fisher were WEAK?

>> No.13575444

Strong person wouldn't let his humanity get in the way of truth. A strong person never remains a "Good" accelerationist for long.

>> No.13575451

they are evil since they want to prolong human suffering

>> No.13575533

You're assuming that human suffering is innately evil rather than being apart of the human condition.
Genocide by obsolesce replacement is far more evil than allowing human to exist (and implicit suffer by existence). Contemporaneously, it's not much different than say replacing one population of "bio machinery" with another more servile population of "bio machinery" (if you catch what I'm getting at).

>> No.13575537

This assumes that the purpose of the singularity is something other than functional immortality. A mind given power within its alloted space will choose to preserve itself and resist the intrusions of streamlining AI, lest it lose its own cause for existing in the first place.

>> No.13575541

A Strong person can change their fate. A Stronger person can change the fate of humanity.

>> No.13575618

lol good luck bro

>> No.13576869

Unironically, does anyone know what the odds of him getting out alive are? And are people normally mentally stable when they get out, or are they brainwashed?

>> No.13576914

has he never managed a day without twatting?

>> No.13576939

Never. He averages over 20 tweets a day, too. He's probably just had a stroke or something though. Unless there's some more evidence that I'm missing.

>> No.13576958

Yes, but only once without announcing it which is when he had his heart attack.

>> No.13576967

do you not?

>> No.13576988

He twits like a quintessential boomer

>> No.13577014

>So this is what the once mighty nick land has been reduced to. Ranting about the politics of Americans on a lowly corner in Twitter. Kind of ironic lmao. I remember a time when you were called one of the pre-eminent thinkers of the 21st century. Kinda sad.
I think this tweet got to him

>> No.13577067

need a source