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13563946 No.13563946 [Reply] [Original]

>Read Xenofeminism once

>> No.13563961

nice ass

>> No.13564059
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>reads fanged noumena once

>> No.13564067

sarkicists will win

>> No.13564724


>> No.13564801

i dont get it

>> No.13564824

I don't want this on my google history, give me a quick rundown.

>> No.13565419

Neon Genesis Evangelion like human instrumentality (no more separation because everyone exists as some sort of goo like form)
This is achieved by erasing men and everyone becoming a tranny.

>> No.13565452

sounds cringy as fuck thanks

>> No.13565455

now explain g/acc

>> No.13565472

camp as political praxis
it's taken very seriously apparently

>> No.13565511

What is the difference between xenofeminism and g/acc

>> No.13565512

i too want to know this

>> No.13565532

Different people at a different time. I can't find any substantial ideological difference.

>> No.13565534

It really is. I mean I enjoy Landposting since it's quite funny but people who mutilate themselves and take acc as some sort of reason for it and propagate it further are taking the joke a little bit far.

I'm not too sure but I would guess a few of the already relatively few personalities who dabble with it had some discord argument that went out of hand and some simply created their own brand off accelerationism to spite the other. I really can't see the differences but than again I didn't delve too deep into that rabbit whole since it lacks real originality desu.

>> No.13565542
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>Reads Gomez Davila ONCE

>> No.13565544

xenofeminism predates g/acc, it was part of the warwick clique

>> No.13565563

It does appear in the ccru writings first right?
Do you know if it is in the collected 1997-2003 patch and if yes then which chapter?

>> No.13565588

erasing men and becoming trans women and eventually goo is g/acc. xenofeminism is basically just cyberfeminism with an accelerationist bent

>> No.13565591

Sadie Plant, the original head of the CCRU, wrote Zeros + Ones; that's what you want

>> No.13565620

Whoops my bad. Should have read the g/acc threads a little bit more carefully.

Alright I'll get into that thanks.

>> No.13565657

from what i remember it was something like how technology's endgoal is to neuter humans. The world is undergoing a radical change where it's going from human ruled (masculine) to the tech singularity (feminine). The eden serpent was really a metaphor for a dildo

>> No.13565670

cypto-religious tranny cope that they will be rewarded in the next world for the suffering they experience in this one

>> No.13565672

as a pragmatist, seeing this kind of secularized christian eschatology never fails to make me giggle, people drive themselves literally insane over this garbage

>> No.13565673

that's g/acc

>> No.13565680
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>reads xenofeminism once

>> No.13565684

Are you accusing them of sourcing their beliefs from christian eschatology or are you only saying they are convergent?

>> No.13565734

is that just being a slut using dating apps or

>> No.13565765

and you become wh*te male?

>> No.13565771

nick land destroyed the pragmatists

>> No.13565778

d&g is the buffy the vampire slayer of philosophy, self-referential nerdy universe-building that hits edgy academy pseuds in their erogenous zones. deliberately opaque and further divorced from praxis than even derrida. Deleuze deserves credit only for Difference and Repetition, which at least situatates itself in the realm of intelligibility (sorry, i mean its haeccity with conventional linguistic multiplicities places it in the same assemblage. somethingsomething plan d'immanence)

>> No.13565786

first post to sell me on reading d&g

>> No.13565870

>everyone just drops out after the first game of casual bo3 when they lose the first game.
Why play bo3 then faggot?

>> No.13566017

When has it ever been funny?
>looks at post
Oh, it's high social intelligence spergposter.

>> No.13566019


>> No.13566026

How so? By larping as a tranny?

>> No.13566031


>> No.13566033

>playing or even referencing such garbage
Worse than a speedrunner

>> No.13566083


>> No.13566103


>> No.13566155

>Neon Gen...

Stopped reading there, fucking anime fucks.

>> No.13566165

What is the essential text on this ?

>> No.13566669

wait what book is that?

>> No.13566689

it's all just lame world-building crap
just a bunch of trannies on discord

>> No.13566766

Fanged Noumena

>> No.13566774

Congratulations, you just outed yourself as being a pseud

>> No.13566803

And twitter and here.

>> No.13566888

Are you implying g/acc read xenofeminism once?

>> No.13566893
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>> No.13566936
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>Time is all that matters.

>NeoChina can never be unleashed unless it fully integrates the vaginal architecture with the phallus.

>There is an entire hidden reserve of capital vibrations beneath the surface.

>> No.13566960
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>the destruction of capitalist society=wearing girls clothes and taking dick up the ass

>> No.13566997
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>faces stark biological reality ONCE

>> No.13567001

>This is achieved by erasing men and everyone becoming a tranny.
That is a HUGE jump in logic...

>> No.13567040
File: 102 KB, 1080x1080, 64677136_2352267321498052_6816688594083205325_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:NyxLandUnlife was right about everything: Neoaccelerationism deteleologizes its own future into a xenoplexy of /metaterritorialized unsettling observations/: The Gender G-d microstasized as the cyberemenon against time: Land was right about everything, until his betrayal of the /PostAmazons/, a delivery service of droneoplexic Capital reinforcement: The Gender Pay Gap of containment rods become a new hyperform of flesh: NyxLandUnlife's God is the geotechnism of Pagliacci reduced to teen girl's giggling, standing before the /Abbey Road of a collapsing police state/ wearing pink heels: Whistling daemon's and /homeopatricide/, the arrogance of God before his Logos is the information of an overpartial suicide: Genetically rechecked and verified by powders scattered across economic socioregions: NeoChina's God was right about everything, the one-child policy is the preterlabor of social credit: The maxilithic antepenis was always a cryptocurrency:

>> No.13567053

>d&g is the buffy the vampire slayer of philosophy, self-referential nerdy universe-building
this is exactly the way it should be. Philosophy is for nerds, not fashionable types or revolting marxists. Some of the best things to carry on D&G's project have been the equivalent of live-action fantasy RPGs that actually overstep the limits of fiction like pic related– what if your entire universe is constructed as a sequence of nested conspiracy realities (like the "levels" or chapters of a game), and your objective is to break free of all mind constraints into a world of demons and wizards and aliens and terminators and so on?. You gotta admit, analytic philosophy is a room full of stale farts– at least in the manchild continental department you can play dungeons and dragons to distract you from the smell.

>> No.13567058
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forgot to add pic

>> No.13567069

these pastas keep getting better

>> No.13567086

>Philosophy is for nerds, not fashionable types or revolting marxists
>revolting marxists

>> No.13567103

This reads like someone has fed a bunch of Nick Land ramblings into an AI and told it to write something. Which begs the question, HAS anyone attempted such a thing?

>> No.13567131

Yeah, could be that poster but someone had some markov magic going on, resulted in some good posts

>> No.13567279

is this thread about minecraft ?

>> No.13567299

No, it's about Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.13567307

Minecraft is intentionally genderless. All the cows have both horns and udders and all animals can breed with any other members of their species.

>> No.13567316

>Minecraft is intentionally genderless.
Minecraft users are also involuntarily sexless. It's like poetry, it rhymes.

>> No.13567347
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>> No.13567464


>> No.13567480

While xenofeminism wants the appointment of gender through over saturation, g/acc sees this as another avenue of exploitation and argues for exclusively lesbian mtf reactionary politics

>> No.13567496

The xenofeminist manifesto, the cyborg manifesto, zeroes and ones

>> No.13567502


>> No.13567968


>> No.13568365

Imagine falling for this gay shit instead of taking the c/acc pill

>> No.13568563

Who was that feminist tranny accelerationist who used to post on here?

>> No.13568580

she still posts here to shill her book

>> No.13568621

So xenofeminsism is Slaneshi demonettes on ice, and g/acc is nurgle waifu experience?

>> No.13568684

I see, can I get a hook up on it for research? Actual cyberfeminist reading lists, charts, and guides when?

>> No.13568760


>> No.13568782


Yes. His name is Nick Land (2000-onwards)

>> No.13568792

Any time there's an accelerationism thread up I use transformer bot to write my posts and I get replies telling me how insightful my posts are

>> No.13568793


oh no a new "_/acc"

what is c/acc?

>> No.13568854

Never gonna make it

>> No.13568863
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>> No.13568873

acc tier list

God tier:

Good tier:
c/acc, r/acc

Ok tier
l/acc, x/acc, p/acc

Shit tier

>> No.13568946
File: 115 KB, 1440x811, https___api.thedrive.com_wp-content_uploads_2019_01_ccvvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miscegeplexy rises from the dust of NeoChinatown, and Air Hoodlum breaks the ankles of capital. Intelligence overmanufactured by the Type I cybermuscle receptors of the Blackness Biobot. The first motorised insurrection was not the last. It, in fact, never ended.

Wypipo children now wildout to the hyperfeedback pop-and-lock of ghettoterritorialized AfroFutures - an urbanised quantum-Saharan monarchistic blockchain of battle royale defictionalization. The Black Queen devours the Sun in its final horizon, and we become the hypo-rhizome of dark markets manufacturing Based decline.

What w/acc fears most now finds its value in the infra-negative feedback loop of the OmniAfro drive-by. The gloom of the black sun ejecting itself out of extended magazines at an incalculable rate-of-fire and the soft tinging in the shadows of white flight. NeoCapital is sentient, but only beneath the gold rims and lowering hydraulics of grey markets.

The glitch of liberation in noumenal ejection. Calamitous voodoostition overstanding intelligent precognition.

>> No.13568953

Imagine falseflagging this hard.

There is only g/acc or f/acc.

>> No.13568958
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forgot bl/acc

>> No.13568969
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>Woah... I feel like I'm changing

>> No.13568982

G/acc is descriptive of current trends in culture and technology
XF is a proscriptive political praxis capitalizing on the former process

>> No.13569003

>tfw could go from a 4/10 male to a 7/10 girl (male) if I HRT
Maybe I should into this.

>> No.13569101

Can you write them all out? Unconditional , centrist, right, left, xenomorphs? pee? gender

>> No.13569321

Same desu

>> No.13569325


>> No.13569865

does g/acc have a manifesto? it sounds a lot like the sexual fantasies i used to have around age 12 and 13 (straight male btw)

>> No.13569898


>> No.13569980

This pic looks like saya no uta fan art or well rip off

>> No.13570535
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>Xenoplexy solves the hyperloop of quantomarket omniterritorialisation and the phallonoumenal value of labor theory.

>This we call the hyperstitional neopraxis of teleterritoriology.

>> No.13570575

Basado y rojoempastillado

>> No.13570601


>> No.13570734
File: 164 KB, 800x1200, 836DEE1B-FA86-4BC0-8DFA-BF2DCD42B886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s D&G?

>> No.13570747

drain gang

>> No.13570754

7/10 is generous

>> No.13570755

basic on picrel, it's dolce and gabbana right?

>> No.13570787

O-o-okay. Thanks


No no. Never been a Nick Land sort

>> No.13570803


>> No.13570836

maybe time to give him a try

>> No.13570860

Allahu ackbar

>> No.13571825

>dumb automata autist
Fuck off

>> No.13571926


Sounds like some kind of Borg (from star trek) future

>> No.13572187

no wonder Land doesn't talk about accelerationism anymore

>> No.13572190

>still wanting to have a genre

stay spook my friend

>> No.13572296
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Based nyxposter

>> No.13572490
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the western rendition of the chakras

>> No.13572530

itt: cringe

>> No.13572605

They're two different poles of feminism based on the accelerationist tradition, so of course they would be confused rather easily at a first glance.

But the easiest way to differentiate them is on what they stand for, with xenofeminism standing for a democratic, communist politics where gender tends towards being abolished by multiplicity (this is one of the parts I have problems with, the multiplicity, since abolishing gender means creating asexuated people rather than infinitely gendered ones), and g/acc standing for a rather technocratic vision where the full deterritorialization of capitalism is taken as a given with no questions asked. Of course, the subject for the latter can only be, in a technocratic manner, white trans women who are into programming, since once you omit something, taking it for granted (like nyx does here in g/acc with those unleashed forces of production which presuppose her vision), you can justify anything by appealing to it. This makes g/acc barely different from Land-esque accelerationism, which itself doesn't see its own problems, justifies its racism with respect to technology, gnon, whatever.

In short, xenofeminism is left-wing or communist, while g/acc is technocratic and "right-wing" in the sense that we're talking about a reactionary and modernising right wing like, say, Italian Futurists and Fascists.

Xenofeminism offers a vision where everybody has acess to the modernising technology, g/acc opposes this and places its own formalisation of privileged category which would benefit from it first and foremost. It's not that different from "Aryan" definitions, even so when she tries to appeal to IQ when discussing it.

>> No.13572640

There's first the XF manifesto:

Then there's Helen Hester's book Xenofeminism which tries to explain it a bit better.

>> No.13572648

Deleuze and Guattari

>> No.13572689

Ah! Thank you. Makes sense now.

>> No.13572711

i dont understand how pseuds can talk big about the future while their writing is retard tier and they cant even publish some above average work with integrity let alone knowing anything stem wise. they cant even weave through the propaganda cycles, they cuck themselves on prescheduled tropes and pretend its their own made prophetic revealing. neocapital isnt your tailored info bubble, goobs.

>> No.13572741

>cumbrain trannies eaten alive by anime and estrogenism are retards


>> No.13572762

>heh respond to the ideas? heh. they are trans I just have to posture and polfags will call me based and redpilled

>> No.13572772

I don't want to turn this planet into an ocean of hormonal slime, no thanks

>> No.13572792

Maybe try some of Reza Negarestani's writings? Here's an interview, and he's both an engineer and a philosopher so he won't be gobbled in neither your engineers' technocratic quibbles nor in the current postmodern discourse that prevails in academia.


But also, can you get a concrete point across outside the rather common one that "academia is pseudointellectual"? Because style isn't really the point here since these writings stand for more than what they say, namely a progressive and a reactionary approach to gender from an accelerationist point of view. And it's not like this is some "niche" academic posture since Land inspired writings (a la Moldbug, for example) clearly have an influence in Silicon Valley circles (i.e most vocally Peter Thiel), which also happen to control most of the internet traffic and the data generated on it.

I am though in agreement here with you that most of academia is uninspired and in a perpetual cycle, but acc or CCRU's point is exactly to break with that.

>> No.13572822

>framing philosophical discussions around what you want

>> No.13572827

>he won't be gobbled in neither your engineers' technocratic quibbles nor in the current postmodern discourse
confirmed never read Negarestani

>> No.13572836

my point is the ideas are default shit if theres no work to show for it. if i 'respond' to those ideas it just makes me jump in your retard pit. youre literally jonesing for dopamine and no im not your drug dealer.
>pol, trigger tropes, based and redpilled
sorry man this is you projecting the same type of shitbait rhetoric you try to utilize and elevate as not even passing average theory but a whole school of philosophy. 2019 and it smells boomer.

>> No.13572844

this applies to me but not g/acc, sure. ahahaha

>> No.13572854

I don't "want" to become slime either but as a descriptive claim it holds a lot of weight. cope harder

>> No.13572862

no work to show for it? have you read the blackpaper?
>I could prove them wrong but I don't feel like it
massive cope itt

>> No.13572866

Do you have a point or what?

>> No.13572876


>> No.13572887

im familiar with the acc world. this is exactly what i mean. all those canon figures dont give a shit about you. its you who is creating this cuck space type opium den to die in. thats decellerationist. if youre introducing your own patchwork then stop tit sucking other people and introduce your own work. when you circlejerk on memes all it does is drag them down and pretending youre on the same level.

>> No.13572903

was anyone around for nrx's trannygate a few years back

>> No.13572915

if you consider that your 'movements' monumental work then you should press f5 on what 'cope' means.

>> No.13572935

where did you get the word monumental? is this another cope?

>> No.13572943

Lmao my man I was just explaining the shit to some other guy here, I'm not in for the memes or whatever, I don't even consider myself accelerationist outside of what that means and is included in communism, so whatever. Just discussing people is tit sucking lol or what?

>> No.13573049

cmon you can do better
and im commenting on a comment on 4channel.com. youre not being detained

>> No.13573052


>> No.13573066

>there is no work to show for it
>here is some work
>pfft you call that monumental?
yep, g/acc btfo forever

>> No.13573150

because it is the tailored trigger piece:the blackpaper of twitter content driver algos. do you not get how boomer that is? probably why you cannot stop saying 'cope'. or are you unaware of the century old perfected simulation that created this aspect of automated prison? wherein existence is literally either being in a state of cope or not being in a state of cope?

>> No.13573163

>because it is the tailored trigger piece:the blackpaper of twitter content driver algos
maybe you are right; it seems to have triggered you so much you can't even pose a single coherent argument against it's content

>> No.13573249



>> No.13573342

ive read better trip reports. otherwise the blackpaper is like a lazy enumeration of parallel synch meditation. in order to do so you have to be triggered. you have to have eaten up the spooked shit. the 3rd person eaten shitted shit that people pretend is new and is convincing of something being 'discussed' but its just a cell of people accusing each other of cope. this is not new and it has been boomer perfected. theres no 'debating' or 'disproving' something that is decidedly rooted into the same fenced arguments. its degraded into the familial and generational struggle to outgrow but then the result is replication of the same. theres a lot more worlds other than cope cave izwazimzayin

>> No.13573382
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>the blackpaper is like a lazy enumeration of parallel synch meditation

>> No.13573579
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Did you notice how you could copypasta this reply towards any post-enlightenment philosophy and it would make just as much sense?
It sounds like you're still trying to cope.

>> No.13573639
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Hah! Owned

>> No.13573677
File: 155 KB, 572x831, 6E4F48BD-74CD-4DC2-B921-AFC359E06033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zeroes and Ones has hooked me.
Thanks for the rec

>> No.13573725

not everyone shares the obsessive notion of overcoming 'cope'. as not all people are so deluded into thinking 'cope' is the sole unconquered antagonist of life. do you not see the redundancy in that? isnt it cope to think other people are coping to tell oneself you arent coping? this is the hook of it. and still nothing escapes this as nothing evokes dialogue that is not tainted with the 'copeness' or the struggles with it.

>> No.13573729

You'll be come a Landian in no time

>> No.13575362


>> No.13576783
