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/lit/ - Literature

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13566526 No.13566526 [Reply] [Original]

Why is fascism so seductive? Any books that explain this in detail?

>> No.13566559

The need of perfection applied to humans

>> No.13566566

The only seductive ideology is transcendentalism.

>> No.13566589

because you are american and know nothing about fascism

>> No.13566625

It's seductive to you because you are a loser with a neurotic need to control others, most especially women.

>> No.13566628

Spoken like a true loser

>> No.13566634

neoliberalism has abandoned the substantive core of politics (read: what politics is) in favour of economics, so actual political movements can undermine it through appealing to this aspect.

>> No.13566640

Not only that, but OP just FANTASIZES about being in control. In reality he would just be a cuck lapdog, disposed of as soon as he's no longer needed.

>> No.13566647

this is a literature board
op asked for books

>> No.13566654

Go back to watching pewdiepie videos like you were before, nigger.

>> No.13566657

Neat clean aesthetics with spectacle appeal

>> No.13566659

rude and untrue
what book

>> No.13566661
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civilisation and its discontents - freud
The huan condition - arendt
the origins of totalitarianism - arendt
on violence - arendt
male fantasies - Klaus Theweleit (heavily influenced Littell's 'The Kindly Ones')
nationalism and modenism - Anthony D Smith
Age of extremes - Hobsbawm

>> No.13566662

Road to unfreedom

>> No.13566666

the devil is a lie nigga

>> No.13566667

Same reason chemotherapy is so tempting. You will give anything to get rid of the cancer

>> No.13566670
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>> No.13566673

weird title
who's the author?

>> No.13566675

wew, checked

>> No.13566683

>being an italian wearing a turkish hat.

>> No.13566687


>> No.13566688

that was a really strange book. shoehorning that one fucking random philosopher name checked by putin a few times into literally everything that's happened in russia since 1991.

>> No.13566710

Okay. My advice for OP is to read Ralph Waldo Emerson and live in a cabin miles away from the nearest civilization until he realizes how cringe fascism is.

>> No.13566723

Perhaps in our modern day and age, but Fascist ideology has existed ever since the French Revolution, via the Jacobins

My hypothesis is that the Humans are reactionary creatures, and as such, when we feel that progressivism(Not as a modern ideology) has gone too far,(Whether that thought is justified or not is irrelevant once it becomes the narrative) we do a complete roundabout and try and find the most stability possible, with Authoritarianism being the natural outcome, due to its control of power, making the individual powerless(In relation to the state), leaving decisions to the Government, which necessitates Trust, and so on.

Fascism is just one of the more extreme extentions of Authoritarianism, made outstanding due to a cult of personality that is important to a Fascist government.(Ref.14 characteristics of Fascism, a cult of personality is important to accomplish goals resulting from those characteristics

[E.g.- To justify disregard of Human Rights, Enemies need to be identified, and this will be made easier if the people are given "outsider" figure who the public has a high degree of trust in, as the trust in government(and public institutions in general) will decline in times of crisis, even if it's the opposition who has taken over

>> No.13566758
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Was that the plan all along?

>> No.13566779
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Cucks to power. Toadies, easily manipulated pea brains.
Donno about the book. He was a little goofy in the head

>> No.13566782
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>ITT nobody has even the slightest fucking hint of what fascism is
For a literature board, nobody here really reads books about the topics discussed

>> No.13566783

For me, it's "The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra". Really eye opening book OP.

>> No.13566797

a difficult read but highly rewarding

>> No.13566801


>> No.13566802

baudrillard my man

also this

>> No.13566825
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Fine, I've been baited into making a long reply. Poster of >>13566782

A simple understanding needs to be made about fascism right off the bat. Fascism neither starts not ends with authoritarian racism. People didn't like niggers and kikes LONG before Giovanni Gentile wrote the Doctrines of Fascism.

Fascism emerged out of the circumstances of early 1900s Europe: a mixture of Marxist agitators promoting class warfare and International Finance from Capitalist Liberals manipulating markets to their end but not necessarily to the nation's.

For this purpose, Fascism envisioned a a country where the "big three" of the nation, State, Labor, and Capital, would be brought formally into cooperation in government. This is Corporatism: the Organic State. The idea of this was to eliminate internal conflict via Class Collaboration.

>> No.13566830

this but unironically.
German idealism needs to be revitalized as the driving force in any aspect of politics.

>> No.13566841

It appeals to nostalgia on a nationwide scale.

>> No.13566843

Much like Communism, Fascism is a good idea in theory, but like all left-wing ideologies, it ultimately fails.
Also there's no such thing as a free market liberal, you're either a god-loving, freedom-loving patriot or Muslim, American hating Muslim.
Who says Fascism is racist? Did you see that video of Hitler with Jesse Owens, or how he said that Muslims were his greatest allies against God's chosen?

>> No.13566845

Umberto Eco - Ur-Fascism

>> No.13566848

the wasp factory by ian banks
the tin drum - gunter grass
lord of the flies

>> No.13566866
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That is the Fascist response to communists: Class Collaboration. Next is the problem of International Finance Capitalism. The Fascist considers the Capital owner to not be an exploiter because Fascists reject LTOV, rather, he views the Entrepreneur alongside the Worker to be producers, and therefore defended at all costs. What is consider parasitic is the system of cross-border financial institutions and the answer to this is Autarky: the self-sufficient state. To this end, either voluntary unions or Imperialism work. The idea though is not to tackle and rape another country of it's resources, but to bring it into a fellowship of Collaboration that now has the resources to be self-sufficient. This is the most basic TL;DR of Fascist methodology, if anyone wants clarification on the ways that Nazi Germany *did* qualify as Fascist but how their own unique political position and history influenced their most notorious actions, I can hopefully answer later.

>> No.13566874
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>> No.13566882

Fascism is human progression on steroids, the greater good is above personal selfishness

>> No.13566902

>The Fascist considers the Capital owner to not be an exploiter
>What is considered parasitic is the system of cross-border financial institutions
capitalism is inherently transnational. one of the many contradictions of fascism is the way it borrows the trope of the virtuous, civic-minded proletarian while also bootlicking the private interests siphoning wealth away from said proles

>> No.13566921
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>> No.13566927

because you are weak and want to give up control to daddy dictator
shhh dont worry ill take care of everything

>> No.13567154
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>> No.13567185

holy based! is butterfly orgone-pilled?

>> No.13567195

It is not really seductive. It is just seductive pathetic incel virgins such as yourself.

Have sex.

>> No.13567213

fuck off satan

>> No.13567250

k. keep me posted

>> No.13567300

Under the Sign of Saturn

>> No.13567301

LOL at the replies to you. Christians are so cucked that they can't see a string of sixes without becoming superstitious. And I'm sure some of those guys are not even religious.

>> No.13567323

Capitalism and Schizophrenia

>> No.13567355

Books about Italians wearing turkish hats? No thanks, I'm not into orientalism.

>> No.13567373

Because fascism, even if is was between 1920s-1945, appealed to concept long gone in the begining of the 20th century. Those concept were honor, chivalry, bravery etc...
However, those concepts were only appearances, a facade. Since Italy and Germany during the 1920-1930 to 1945 era were clearly Capitalist.
So fascism was some kind of nice facade, in order to make believe Germans that they returned to the glorious ages of the conquerors. When in fact, they were just wage-cucks with a nice uniform. You cannot mix chivalry and wage labor.
There is no pride, when you are a wage cuck.

>> No.13567461

I beg this is just 9/10 LARP. Otherwise
go back

>> No.13567516

all these christcucks hahaha holy shit these paranoid subhumans lmaoooooo

>> No.13567529

it's only seductive if you're a closet gay
fascism claims to hate homosexuals but ironically they worship the male body
the brazillian fascist guy cant even fucking do pushups what a bitch

>> No.13567531

Christcucks are really the most fucking retarded people on the planet I've ever met

>> No.13567548
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Unironically meme philosophy book Anti-Oedipus by meme philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari tries to do exactly this

>> No.13567565

way too many words to describe a simple phenomenon: domestication

>> No.13567570


>> No.13567617

It's hardly a coincidence that an ideology which purports superiority of a group would be seductive to individuals during times of increased social distortion, economic difficulty, international tensions, etc.
If you're a typical person, what sounds more alluring - accepting the fact that you're a nobody in a world that is either disinterested or leaving you behind, or believing the only reason you're so insignificant is because you're actually a member of a powerful elite being held down by the forces that be out of jealousy or malfeasance?

Unironically, if you find fascism alluring it's probably because you're a cuck.

>> No.13567639


Very stupid paragraph for not understanding why even vagrants (sometimes) avoid stealing.

>> No.13567649
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>> No.13567664

It uses emotional arguments rather than logical ones to push itself. Presenting morality as binary is also very attractive to those not well versed in politics. Basically fascism is a “feels over reals” ideology that panders to people who think politics and philosophy are sports in which one side can “win”.

>> No.13567676

je suis français + le anglo hater numéro 1 de ce site. je tolérerai plus ce genre d'insulte

>> No.13567681

c'est moi qui ai commencé la vague de spam anti anglo mdr et on me traite d'anglo. c'est ma première fois sur /lit/ en un mois. si c'est pas poétique..

>> No.13567714

For me what made fascism appealing was first that it was the only modern political philosophy that promoted aristocratic values, heroism, self-sacrifice, the overcoming of economic "odds" and similar materialistic thinking by instead promoting the human will, likewise the refusal to accept unconscious liberal cynicism about human nature that is programmed into us these days, like the idea that most people are pathetic cynical money-grubbing hedonists. Liberalism has this bizarre relationship with true humanistic values, it constantly wants you to watch TED talks about cripples overcoming their problems to be optimistic or whatever, but it seems to systematically repress masculine virtues and any way of seeing the world that gives primacy to the will in overcoming obstacles.

In liberalism obstacles are always somehow to be overcome by budgeting for them, waiting six fucking decades, then producing statistics that somehow prove the obstacles have been overcome despite the fact that everybody in their right mind still obviously lives with them on a daily basis. "Actually it turns out net happiness is up and net crime is down, just look at these graphs!" Then why do I live in a hellhole filled with criminal immigrants who don't give a fuck about the nation I love? That's another thing you can't do, love your nation. A nation is an abstract economic zone, again with the materialistic, subtly cynical, hedonistic thinking. Somehow there are all these dire moral imperatives to maximize the happiness of abstract humans in abstract economic zones, to accept personal discomfort and accept all kinds of change so that these abstract hypothetical immigrants can "pursue better lives" at my expense, but at the same time the immigrants must be considered as amoral pleasure-seekers with no morality of their own. Liberalism is schizophrenic.

As I got more philosophically mature and realized capitalism is a sickness, again I realized fascism had the most sophisticated and direct responses to it, namely smashing it before it can kill humanity. At first I was attracted to Marxism, and I still consider myself Marxist, but most in that worldview are "big tent" democratic socialists who have no concept of actual change. They're also very effeminate. Again, if you mention will-based politics to them at all, they won't hear it. And again, if you talk about any kind of moral austerity, they freak out. Still, politics fundamentally has to be "about" ensuring happiness for rootless malthusian hedonists, still politics has to be "about" the negative liberty to suck cocks in public and wear your wife's panties. I'm not even against negative liberty, I just don't think it's the ground of politics.

>> No.13567742

>croak croak croak + croak croak croak croak 1 croak croak croak. croak croak croak croak croak croak

>> No.13567769

Klaus Theweleit—Male Fantasies

About the violent fantasies of Weimar veterans who eventually formed the Nazi corps. The idea is basically that these violent fantasies are not explicable by recourse to Freudian psychosexual dynamics. It’s like a psychoanalysis of troops culture that resists the easy prurient ridicule

>> No.13567780

>le anglo hater
Tu parles bien la France toi dis-donc.

>> No.13567814

Only good posts on the thread.

God, Anglo liberal understanding of fascism is cancerous. Literally any polity more authoritarian than their imagined liberal utopia is "fascist" in their eyes.

>> No.13567819

Incredibly good post
Unfortunately when delving deeper you find in historical practice fascism ends up beating down the weak instead of nurturing the strong
This is the ideological limbo I'm stuck in
Libertarians would be an escape if they weren't autistic idiots
Maybe Land is right and I should swear fealty to our Chinese overlords

>> No.13568001

Fascism can only punch down rather than punch up. It sustains itself through conflict by necessity since it’s a purely reactionary ideology. This conflict is beneficial to capitalism since it justifies the existence of the military industrial complex and the slaughter of innocents on the faulty basis of the superiority of one nation over another. It’s delusional to think that fascism is the antidote to neoliberalism as they both require capital to uphold them.

I also think a nation is a naive thing to believe in. Rather than believe in a nation, why not believe in something more immediate like a community?

>> No.13568084
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the people tired of tolerating your smarminess have already realized that they don't have to tolerate it anymore

>> No.13568127

Fascism is just authoritarian liberalism with extra duplicity

>> No.13568134

There’s nothing smarmy about it. Fascism places the concept of state before the people and cannot survive without an enemy and a war of some description to be fought. Fascism projects a romantic exterior in a time of moral nihilism to sway people and have them ignore the practical and moral problems with fascism as an ideology. You haven’t answered my central question as to how fascism can actually effectively combat the flaws of liberalism rather than amplify them.

>> No.13568240

Absolute power

>> No.13568261

What a load of horseshit. Markets are powerful and efficient, populations that don't organize on a national level will be at the mercy of those that do, and all political movements start out highly reactionary.

You should examine your own naivete. I understand your concerns about statism and capitalism, but some things are pragmatically unavoidable and must simply be be reigned in. Fascism is appealing precisely because it recognizes what is pragmatically powerful, yet explicitly seeks to subordinate these forces to the long-term wellbeing of the population. It would also seem to be the best option in terms of valuing community and providing traditionalist counterbalance to industrialized populations and technological advancement.

Plato's 'The Republic' is proto-fascist in some respects. Might give you some insight into the formative ideal.

It's seductive in modern times because the maladaption exuded by unchecked liberalism & capitalism has become impossible to ignore, and other alternatives tend to be either too weak to reverse trends (libertarianism) or too strong in condemning what works (communism).

>> No.13568372

I don't know if I'm a fascist in any real sense because I recognize laissez-faire economics as being the most efficient method of distributing goods, if it can be called distributing, and so it's conducive towards creating wealth. I'm sympathetic to fascists as I understand them because when it comes to social issues and morality I'm as authoritarian as it gets. I think it's necessary to enforce morality in the world we currently live in. I would accept something similar to what China is doing with their social credit system because I don't see any other way to stop and reverse the destruction of our morals and families.

>> No.13568389

there can't be dialogue between a proponent of fascism and someone who sets up premises like "nations can't be superior to each other".or "class cohesion is capitalism behind a mask". How can you reasonably expect to be persuaded by a fascist if you rule out core tenets of his ideology from the start? That is why you are being smarmy

Also, a fascist would reply to your claim about neoliberalism and the military industrial complex by saying that liberal capitalism has no goal besides maintaining itself while fascist "industry" has goals outside of maintaining the property structure such as empire, exploration, eugenics, building programs and the like. I will give it to you that some or all of these "great projects" could be construed as cynical capitalist conspiracies, but it is difficult to deny that fascists have motivations that are not essentially related to wealth production. I can't prove that Hitler and Mussolini were NOT
merely capitalist stooges though I guess

>> No.13568395

You're not fascist, you're a totalitarian technocratic oligarch, much more dangerous than either a communist or a pants-pissing but childishly well-meaning liberal. At least those people have some shadow of a real set of values.

>> No.13568397

The metaphysics is sophomore enticing, just like how LGBT faggots and trannies are now flooding intellectual discourse.

>> No.13568399

>Why is fascism so seductive?
It isn't. Only Wehraboo LARPers think it is.

>> No.13568411

Mein Kampf is unironically one of the biggest, smelliest, most narcissistic piles of shit I've ever read. Not a single thing Hitler says makes any lick of sense and he was completely out of touch with reality.

I don't understand how you people don't see it for what it is, which is the ravings of an incarcerated lunatic.

>> No.13568437

Who gives a shit about Mein Kampf or Hitler? Nobody is talking about them.

>> No.13568442

Sure faggot, sure.

>> No.13568456

>it wasn't REAL fascism

>> No.13568460

Now read Martin Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, Ernst Jünger, Hans Freyer, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, early Thomas Mann, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Othmar Spann, Gottfried Benn, Edgar Julius Jung, Werner Sombart, Oswald Spengler, Leopold Ziegler, Ludwig Klages, Stefan George, Alfred Bäumler.

>> No.13568501

>capitalists accuse fascists of being communists
>communists accuse fascists of being capitalists
>fascists accuse communists and capitalists of being Jews
how accurate is this /litpol/?

>> No.13568582


>> No.13568619

Maybe in the 1920s it was.

>> No.13568727

>t. him

>> No.13568737
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>> No.13568766

The only tenuous one is “capitalists accuse fascists of being communists” because only libertarians do that consistently

>> No.13568768

>early Thomas Mann
I've read some Mann but I can't say I've caught any fascist vibes. What works are you thinking of?

>> No.13568784

Male Fantasies is a shit book and Thewelit has admited it

>> No.13568841

no its not and every decent author thinks his previous work is shit.

>> No.13568904

all political thought is either a rejection or embracing of nature.

whereas leftists deny the natural order of things and attempt to pervert them, fascists base their system on the cruelty of the natural world.

Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor would be a great book for this line of enquiry

>> No.13568916

>subordinate these forces to the long-term wellbeing of the population

Subordinates wage-labor to the well-being of the population?
I don't think you can have wage-labor and well being at the same time.

>> No.13568921

>why is fascism so seductive
It isn't.
It is only for those who are susceptible (small brains)

>> No.13569023

Christians are the biggest larpers.
Otherwise, go get lost in a desert.

>> No.13569032

>Maybe Land is right
yikes better to stay a fascist

>> No.13569066

littell did basically a companion to that male fantasies, called "the wet and the dry"

>> No.13569067

>it isn't
>expect it is
>for those with small brains, which is not me


>> No.13569079

Fascism is only seductive to weak people who can't make it on their own as an individual. So they hide behind collectivist symbols, race identity, hypernationalism

>> No.13569131

>implying Americans can’t read the philosophy of it
Now this is pretty anti Semitic

>> No.13569150

Except it didn’t fail. It took the entire world fighting together to force it to fail

>> No.13569156

>muh individualism
God want me to fucking tell you how I know you’re lonely depressed and exopersonalise your emotional insecurities onto anime characters

>> No.13569164

Did I hit a nerve ?

>> No.13569165

Funny how that descriptions fits better for antifa sympathisers and braindead leftists these days than the people they label "fascist"

>> No.13569173

You're in denial. Fascism is an anti-intellectual collectivist movement that dissolves individuals into a corporate whole. Its appeal is for those who are independently ineffectual and must rely on the state for discipline and guidance.

>> No.13569229

Maybe because they are two side of the same coin?

>> No.13569249

Never knew satan likes /lit/

>> No.13569309

So many people just aren't intelligent enough to resist /pol/'s rhetoric.

>> No.13569377

No, it's appealing to those with more than a meme-level understanding of social dynamics -- those who understand that 'sola dosis facit venenum' / ' the dose makes the poison'. Individualism/collectivism, liberalism/authoritarianism, capitalism/socialism, progressivism/traditionalism... All of these aspects are healthy up to a point, then they become toxic.

We're all 'independently ineffectual'. None of us would amount to SFA if not for the influences of our collectives.

>> No.13569392

>the fascists are the real communists
Aight boomerfly

>> No.13569419

No. read books, tranny.

>> No.13569526


>> No.13569763

>Nazis are the real socialists! It’s in their name, duh!
A’ight, zoomer tits.

>> No.13569925

Why is every black population in the world shit?

>> No.13569941

Various reasons, you wont hear till you’re ready to accept them into your narrow preprogrammed little mind

>> No.13569944

I'm ready

>> No.13569976

have sex

>> No.13569985

>fascism is the only ideology that wants control

all ideologies are based on the premise of imposing one ethos onto others.

>> No.13570064

Greentext: no, but this is why we call all authoritarian leaning sorts fashies
Blacktext: NO, there is another.

With Natalia Tena and Hayley Atwell, I hope.

Homo sapiens spread out from Africa. The further development of our species took on differing appearances with the environments we went through. Different tribes split off and then rejoined again, yes, race mixing! The flora and fauna as well as geography continued to play a major role in shaping the development of cultures. There’s nothing to particularly special about Greece aside from its proximity to Anatolia and the older civilizations of the “Fertile Crescent” and Egypt. Horses and other domesticated animals also helped this continent develop far and away.
Now what do we think a out all this? Is agriculture a good thing? Are cities good? The discovery of metals? It’s a double edged sword certainly.
Flash forward now to colonialism ...

Still care?
I donno. Maybe this is your level

>> No.13570654

damn butterfly, you really are a fucking retard

>> No.13571610
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Any books on clerical fascism?

>> No.13571613
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>Fascist ideology has existed ever since the French Revolution, via the Jacobins
I've never heard this before. Can you elaborate?

>> No.13571616

Was that a thing that people didn’t like it? All I remember is being completely fascinated with that ideology.

It’s all I cared about for weeks. I remember being at my boyfriend’s band’s concert one night and all I wanted was to go home and put TGSNT on. It was a good movie and I was out with good friends and Hitler ruined it for me because I could only think about fascism finally hitting the high note just in time to save Germany.

If it was possible to be medically addicted to an ideology, I was addicted to fascism.

I’m equally worried that it might happen again with this new president, and also worried about how disappointed I’ll be if it doesn’t.

>> No.13571617
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>> No.13571625

lmao the irony

>> No.13572144

lol most people that think they are individual or egoist are larping, the "individual" is as massified as any other person. just because you like chocolate ice cream and others vanilla doesn't make in any way an "individual".

>> No.13572165

agree 100%
if it wasn't for societies, agriculture, cities we would have mentally-ill trannies who believe their condition is natural.

>> No.13572207

They aren't you idiot-sandwich

>> No.13572219

Poorly phrased, yes.

>> No.13572221

You masturbated to me :3

>> No.13572234

Ai Shinoza? Here?
おはようございます, セクシーな女性。

>> No.13572403

I usually just insult tripfags, but seriously, this :3 guy is going to start stalking you irl.

>> No.13572410

I have a gf fag. She’s gaslighting right now.
Stop fuckin around bitch, I remember the day I made you not wear pants

>> No.13572423

don't give tripfags attention

>> No.13572426

Don’t give anonymous attention :3

>> No.13572435

Yeah, if they are going to get murder-suicided, I feel like the calculus is different.

>> No.13572492

You think about it with the assumption that the order the state enforces would be an order you like when in reality it's almost a guarantee that it wouldn't be

>> No.13572575
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Read Gottfried Feder. All he talks about is interest and debt. It's a politic of liberation from international finance, honest socialists would like what they read. International socialism is another means for them to enslave the people. What leftists have a real hard time with is accepting that international finance and international socialism are both tools of the Plutocratic Jewish Elite. It's basically a big a/b test for world domination. All you have to do is look at who was at the top of both.

>> No.13572607

Socialists don't read so you're out of luck

>> No.13572859
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yeah look how that worked out..

>> No.13572976

Yeah, let's not try to fight our slave masters. Fucking moron.

>> No.13572985

I wish all fascists and SJW leftards gathered together in a giant vat that would be filled up with cement. You faggots ruined the whole internet.

>> No.13573018
File: 334 KB, 961x887, Jews-fear-paganism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always found it strange that I hear phrases like "resisting the allure of fascism" from the left. I'm nearly a fascist myself, so you probably dont want me telling you that it's because fascism is in line with nature, specifically human nature, the nature of body politic, and the nature of the specific sub-group of humanity, which is different from generic "human nature". Forces of nature are far more powerful than forces of culture, and all these liberal constructs are flimsy. Fascism allows excellence to Express itself and for people to be the way they are naturally to the extent consistent with the health of the whole of the group. A fascist nation is a big tribe.

>> No.13573564

Why are some people so vehemently opposed to fascism?

>> No.13573594

Lemmings see it as a threat to their comfort.

>> No.13573624

I dunno, has something to do with losing individuality and freedom, building an impenetrable state that may or may not want to see you prosper, and being forced to do things against your interests or beliefs.

>> No.13573625
File: 164 KB, 1300x738, the-three-wise-monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homo sapiens spread out from Africa.

lmao get with the times granny


>> No.13573636

>The discovery indicates that some humans left Africa far earlier than researchers previously thought

>> No.13573655

>The state doesn't want me being a detrimental leech, this is absolutely a bad thing
ok retard

>> No.13573661

>Why is fascism so seductive? Any books that explain this in detail?

Not a book, but this song explains much:


>> No.13573746

Hope you read your link soon.
Remember, “modern human” does not equal “white human”

>> No.13573864
File: 17 KB, 332x397, Cromagnon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope nigger
The earliest modern human skull ever found belongs to the Cro magnon 1 of European origin.

>> No.13573899

It changes nothing but timelines. We homo sapians came out of Africa.
“White” was a result of living in the northern regions.

>> No.13573928

Nice post, screenshooted for later reflections .

>> No.13574911

that's a raf photo, retard
you might as well have used an image of rammstein

>> No.13575306

is there non fascist third positionism?
also would have been interesting to see a small falangist state in spain or mexico

>> No.13575317

i'm only half-nigger

>> No.13575321

Spain was already a fucking falangist state

>> No.13575375

>Spain was already a fucking falangist state

How? Antonio Primo never got into power, he died before he could. Sure Franco reformed the Falangists and merged the ideology with his and monarchists/tradionatalists, but Spain never was a "falangist state".

>> No.13575386

And what's wrong with that?

Not really, I just want to be a cheese maker

>> No.13575526
File: 318 KB, 1203x1416, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.13576509

>Liberalism has this bizarre relationship with true humanistic values, it constantly wants you to watch TED talks about cripples overcoming their problems to be optimistic or whatever, but it seems to systematically repress masculine virtues and any way of seeing the world that gives primacy to the will in overcoming obstacles
It's all about embracing what can be achieved culturally as opposed to what can be achieved naturally. The TED talk cripples with progeria would die in the wilderness, whereas strong, masculine men would survive. This is the essence of modern liberalism.

>> No.13576511

It's government without the bureaucracy is why

Damn did I even spell that right that's a huge fucking word

>> No.13576519

It’s like communism but not for poor people who want society to end

>> No.13576953
File: 148 KB, 1600x1144, Berlin in 1945 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, you sure about that?

>> No.13576980

Marketing. That is all

>> No.13578414

Why do sharks have such sharp teeth?
Why can wolves run so fast?
Why is flu so infectious?
Why is OP so confused?

>> No.13578756

Maurice Bardèche works are good, but i don't know if he's translated in english

>> No.13578758

>Carl Schmitt
depends, his analysis in the concept of the political is eternally on point and may be historically associated with national socialism or fascism (even if his thoughts were twisted by neocons to mean the opposite of what he intended), but it is not necessarily an excuse for total war. Schmitt in general tried to restrain total war rather than unleash it, he strictly criticised any attemps to moralize war, and der führer schützt das recht was just him currying favor from the nsdap leadership to gain influence. it stands in contrast to earlier and later works of his. read thor von waldstein's dissertation der beutewert des staates and carl mehring's introduction to carl schmitt if you're a kraut.
>ernst jünger
jünger and fascism is completely diffuse, on the one hand his elitism and romantism fit, and his interwar works (storm of steel, aufmarsch des nationalismus, the worker from what i've heard) were turbonationalist and in-tune with the nsdap, but already by 1938 he was critical of the dark undertones the nazi state emitted (on the marble cliffs), and in heliopolis he basically drew a caricature that was a mixture of hitler, göhring and goebbels and made it the antagonist. the forest passage can be read as an opposition to fascism, but it can also be read as renunciating any formal engagement in politics and society as a whole to pursue eternal truths as an individual.
>edgar julius jung
underrated writer, i've been reading reign of the unworthy on and off for a while now and it's extremely dense. i think it can be attributed to fascism, but of a radically different style and completely opposed to the pragmatic, ruthless national socialism he eventually fell victim to.
the hour of decision is fascist core, untergang probably less so
i dont know about the others, but the list in general looks like a who is who of the conservative revolution. if you want to get an overview of these thoughts (illiberal, proto-fascist, antimodern, anticapitalist, pangermanic etc.), read armin mohler's conservative revolution, i think it has already been translated into english. but please don't try to apply these ideas to the letter even if they sound good, they were written at a time that had different prerequisites (an incredibly radical and numerous population of war veterans, soviet communism as a seemingly viable alternative or threat, depending on the view, people actually being willing to fight and die for something and mostly homogenous populations) and themes. don't end up as the fascist equivalent of unshaved college students annoying people by telling them how trotsky figured it all out already. make notes, compare perspectives and try to filter out what might have worked back then, what might work now and what was always complete rubbish.

>> No.13579078

Communist manifesto

>> No.13579089

Loss of personal responsibility

>> No.13579112

will repost for christcucks until eternity. fucking checked.

>> No.13579115


>> No.13579336
File: 13 KB, 420x420, 1560621771866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13580340

Fashtards think that true fascism has never been tried, so they overlook the failures of historical fascism.

>> No.13580351
File: 106 KB, 750x574, 1560207627495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think its funny desu

>> No.13580353

Moby Dick.

>> No.13580384

>Why is fascism so seductive?


>> No.13580402

Because there’s no arguments against it and is a solution for class struggle and inequality

>> No.13580487

Get thee behind me Satan! Begone!