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13565879 No.13565879 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Savannah Brown /lit/? Are you gonna read her book?

>> No.13565903

I like her legs

>> No.13565907
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>> No.13565915

After you remove her pants or skirt (removing her panties is optional — but I strongly recommend it), softly run your hands up and down her legs from her upper thighs down to her feet. Don't leave any part of her legs untouched. Now spread her legs apart (for torturous purposes) and kiss them one at a time. Start with her ankles and work your way up her calf and shin. When you get to her knees, lick the back of them softly — that's an erogenous zone for many women. Continue on your journey up her leg by kissing her outer thigh and slowly make your way to the inside. I must warn you that this area is very sensitive, so biting is unacceptable.

>> No.13565916

so QT

>> No.13565917
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>> No.13565932


>> No.13565939
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don't lewd to Savannah

>> No.13566037
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God please help me, I looked in the mirror this morning and there are five, maybe six new wrinkles. The doctors say I have "Crypt Keeper Syndrome" and I don't know what that means! I'm only 22 years old, please someone help me! Buy my poetry so I can fight my mystery aging illness!

>> No.13566207
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the title looks like something my gaze would very cursorily pass over in a general fiction section

wonder who buys them

>> No.13566252
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I like her

>> No.13566340
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now thats a face I could bust on with overwhelming force

>> No.13566492
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she was immortalised in this meme as "Zoey"

>> No.13566496
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no lewd

>> No.13566819


>> No.13566879

the irony is that if she stayed with the trad wholesome look which seemed like her natural, she wouldve been a hit on lit

>> No.13566942
File: 156 KB, 1080x1921, Savannah-Brown-Feet-3961115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Savannah Brown's people post her here so they can drum up some perverted poetry that can then be used to drive a marketing campaign about her online harassment and buyable work? Do they really think she's has that vivatory feminine mystique to be found in Rupi and AOC? Because she seems the very template for an over-Tinderized Sex at Dawn lifestyle drone.

>> No.13567060

i wouldnt go that autistic on 2019 4channel.com but someones selling her books. its probably her. whatever.

>> No.13567150

fucking schizos

>> No.13567256

l o n d o n

>> No.13568213

Savannah Brown’s feet may be tiresome, aesthetic bores, but they are interesting because of how transparently they have been conditioned by not only surveillance capitalism generally but specifically the burbling userbase’s thirst for female flesh, especially pale, well-cared for feet that capture elements of the surreal alongside the powerfully feminine. Much of the work of liking, subscribing, following and such is a yoke applied to the thirsty, lonely users of the internet, who have accepted, somehow, that pretty cutesy sexy fun slutty real lit dope photos can be consumed much the same as a Viewfinder or Kaleidoscope might, only now you can post pictures of your coyly crossed bathtub legs, elongated before the iphone’s lense and terminating in, say, Savannah’s often unpainted toes, bareness, longness, soft sculpted warmth, enticing the servant bathtub faucet that looms over her crossed and very much relaxed feet as if it were perhaps recording their subtle perfume. Only in Savannah’s case there’s nothing to those aromas. They are just feet and the products she applied to them. They lack all mystery and feminine mystique as to be found in, for instance, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s history-sweeping slipper-dippers. Alexandria’s feet have been moreso incidentally captured, she being now notorious for an almost Maoist or Khmer-esque reluctance to adorn her iconography with such garish consumerist cosmetics as pedicures. Keeping her toes bare but “buffed and healthy and hygienic” was how she described her routine on an Instagram Live feed in March of this year. That way, she feeds the capitalist machine a little less and can still benefit from the high fashion of her shoes, which she says have given her no small amount of leverage against the septuagenarian and octogenarian leadership who can barely bathroom independently without the day’s two liters of pubescent blood transfusions. In private and off most records, Alexandria has remarked to several fashionistas and socialites who so inquired that she neglects to wear any color on her toes because she obsesses, even “draws energy from,” in her words, “fancy, artistic shoes,” and she tries to balance this side of herself by remaining more modest and restraining elsewhere her feminine energies. “Shoes and spectacles are my power elements. When I walk into a room, if those are on point, I’m on point.” She explained to her Livestream audience.

>> No.13568223

Still, AOC could be sashaying through Congress in calve or knee-high tie-sandals, or double espadrilled wedges, and wreck everyone she meets by how mesmerizingly long the torsional wrap of her beautiful lower extremity musculature winds, starting from the very deep doubtlessly distantly Africanized nailbeds of her toes, careening up the sauntering sculptures of her metatarsals that merge rootlike into the subtle sapling canes of her intricate, spry, vigorous ankles and into the undulating shimmer of her calves, heaven help you if they’re ever misty with her own Bikram dew or seawater or artisanal lotions in accordance with AOC’s rigorous self-care regimens.
Around Savannah Brown’s feet swirls nothing of these mysteries and intrigues, nor even the dreamlike promises to be found in AOC’s feet, that one needn’t be a Kstew or Emily Stone or Kaitlin Olsen and possess not only exceptionally podiatric geometries, tones and genetics but also the life long resources to fuel your body with proper nutrition to ward off anatomic grotesqueries that evince any measure of deleterious decrepitude as, for instance, Savannah Brown’s second metatarsal tic on her right foot, which suggests by an overwhelming scholarly consensus between Chinese and Ayurvedic schools of solestry a preponderant and unsettling inner evil inside Savannah that so throws her feet off balance and out of sync. This “evil” may be nothing more than the senses cultivated by Savannah Brown’s need to survive our hellish Darwinian bacchanalia that drives our remnants in which she tries to sell herself. Who is to say Savannah Brown should do anything differently, striking on more than one ephemeral Story or Elite Snap the legendary posture simply called “The Pose,” wherein a prone woman bends her knees and so launches into view the highly intricate and spellbinding subtleties to be found in the alternating paths of ripples and softness of her elevated, taunting, glaring bared soles, dunes sculpted by invisible winds, tender gifts to sweet lovers, unmistakably a paintbrush wielded by a gifted creator or else some podophilic force of nature that sculpts such exquisite and powerful aesthetics found in many women but, unfortunately, not Savannah Brown.

>> No.13568235

Ambitious though Savannah is, her feet reflect a forlornness, an abandonment of self-care that makes one worry deeply for her wellbeing. Almost always her neglected toes’ long ago pedicureal evidence are so time ravaged you are duly struck by not merely her gnarly patch of perennial black paint unflecked from her burgerpunk hormonal hooves, but even more striking is her subversive idea of assailing feminine aesthetics themselves, conjuring what exactly her marching orders might have been in that room at the St. Regis with Mr. Soros and Soros Junior who told young Savannah she must help fight against cultural regression by destroying beauty first and foremost by devastating it in herself, as many of her female women predecessors had been instructed.
Being a beautiful young woman, Savannah’s feet once simply glowed with youth and fecundity, eliciting as a neon sign might the presence above her sprightly pale feet of a beckoning cornucopian hungry womb void that sought to swallow all worthy nearby masculinity, animating her entire physiology, setting her to motions much like a scramjet engine, gobbling high velocity manflesh without any physical requirement for hesitation or restraint, streaking across cities, masculine densities, mounting, impaling, bruising pelvises, busting bedframes and bus seats, a demoness hellbent like an Elk in the rut only with Sugar Daddies and app services for every need, an ocean of thirst for her to surf upon. Until that is the vegan carbs and alcohol and pharmaceuticals and pesticides dumped upon Americans privately and publicaly start to impact people’s anatomy in phylogenetically tragicomedies, such as Savannah Brown’s feet. Leaving aside the cringe-frought tryhard clumsiness Savannah connotes with every social media post of her cats that includes her hygiene-disguising jet black pedicure. There is something fundamentally deceptive and dishonest about Savannah’s feet, and these aspects may go some way to explaining her right foot’s metatarsal tic.

>> No.13568245

But it’s certainly not the self promotion itself that corrupts Savannah Brown’s feet. We can find in the example of the unabashed and self-declarative “Foot Goddess,” Rupi Kaur, a female woman who, like Samantha, is quite forward and shrewd with leveraging her feet to lure and entice the yoked thirst driving most internet marketing dynamics. But Ms. Kaur exerts legendarily efforts to keep her feet preened, pristine, utterly immaculate. Where butts and boobs and even more raunchy imagery have so saturated our minds, the simple details of Rupi’s feet tucked into flower petals, strappy heels or feathery sculptures conjur a whirlwind of femininity, eliciting that torrential limbic reaction making most less beautiful human beings helpless and stupefied before the truly beautiful ones, as Ms. Kaur has long been, her body exuding melody and metrical cadences and symphonic curvatures and crevices and always luring ultimately with mystery and restraint and composure and composition. To gaze upon Ms. Kaur is to spy a tornadic conjuring of feminine energies, to see a being inhabited by something ethereal and mystical, a person beautified not purely by her physical material but by her own dwelling within the pursuit of beauty itself, enduring its quotidian chores and disciplines, remaking herself into a yet more unerring and refined distillation of her prior self. Eternally pupate, Rupi whirls. Savannah Brown sees only “foot fans,” while Rupi receives into her the universe.

>> No.13568260

Are those really her feet?

>you will never put a gypsy baba in a headlock for trying to steal from you and get cursed by her to turn into a dog for 15 long years
>you will never make your way across europe in a great adventure and hitch a ride across the atlantic to find savannah
>you will never finally find her with great effort using only your dog skills, not knowing where she lives and being forbidden by the curse to communicate with humans or use human technology
>you will never become her pet dog and lick her feet every day
>you will never lick her sweaty feet right when she gets home and thinks it's just funny because you're a dog
>you will never bite her and maul her if she tries to neuter you so she leaves your penis and balls intact

>> No.13569166

Those Jimmy Dean meat lab escapee turkey links are indeed Savannah Brown's podal offerings.

>> No.13569517

Savannah Brown's feet are not nearly as lackluster as her detractors would lead one to believe. Her toe tips slope gracefully in a squiggly pattern, topping luscious shadowy cleavages between each of her lengthy, meaty phalanges. Savannah Brown's feet are no doubt enlarged by some sort of interspecies hormonal stimuli common in American girls who eat much animal protein before and during puberty. But her bovine gigantism reveals better upscaled intricacies of her shapeliness. Her simian toes appear to possess an extra joint or else stylized fertility totems. Some prefer miniscule and ultra - delicate feet, and Goddess bless them. But Savannah has some sturdy hooves. Whatever one says of her flippers, they're strong.

>> No.13569543

> HI, this is Boxxy...

>> No.13569548

Is it really so wrong of me to wish Reichsmarschallatrix Savannah Brown would gas my stinky feet pajeet gf before my very eyes, affixing one of the gas chambers intake tubes to her own puckered rosebud, careful to spit a phlegmatic mucous daub on the business end before sliding its foot of medical tubing inside her, my poor woolley headed gf looking at the glass ceiling at Savannah, aghast, horrified, shocked that she would add her own dioxide and methane to the life quenching stew starting to gently and silently pump inside

>> No.13569558

Is vivatory a word? Or did you perhaps mean vivacious?

>> No.13569564

I needed a new one.

>> No.13570187

what's wrong with you guys? faakin elll

>> No.13570506
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who is Savannah Brown's emergency contact for any podal injuries or emergencies?

>> No.13570513

absolutely based i do that too and fuck anyone who gets mad about it

>> No.13571116


>> No.13571489


>> No.13572077
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>> No.13572107


>> No.13572200
File: 87 KB, 681x381, brwnsss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol she kinda quirky tho

>> No.13572261

rolling for Chloe or Claire pls pls pls

>> No.13572264


where do I go to collect my qt Claire art hoe gf???