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/lit/ - Literature

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13564317 No.13564317 [Reply] [Original]

>be at B&N
>can’t find Faerie Queene
>ask employee for help
>she types it into the computer, can’t find it for nearly a minute
>belatedly realize, “oh, sorry, the spelling is archaic, it’s F-A-E-R-I-E and then queen with an E at the end”
>she looks it up
>not in stock
>suffered that situation for nothing
>pic unrelated

>> No.13564328

Just order it used for 1/3 of the price.

>> No.13564625

both volumes are on my shelf OP, never read it, what's so great about it

>> No.13564661

Just get it off Amazon, faggot.

>> No.13564698
File: 52 KB, 687x147, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a dirty scab

>> No.13564729

Union workers can rot

>> No.13564793

Why are you against the working man, anon?
Rooseveltian unions are imperfect things, by design, but you’d probably be dead set against workers owning their own business and receiving all the profits themselves because they’d be able to divvy it up equally, and you *h a t e* people treating each other as equals, right?

>> No.13564949
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but I like new copies that aren't beat up and written all over
it's epic fantasy poetry from before fantasy was even a genre, read it
see >>13564698
please leave my thread

>> No.13565286
File: 21 KB, 432x429, 1564117961331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suffered that situation for nothing
What situation, having to clarify the spelling of a book to a clerk? I don't see how this is suffering.

>> No.13565315

t. does not have or empathize with those who have social anxiety

>> No.13565683

It's kinda hard to empathize with.

>> No.13565846

I do.
I also know that anxiety is pure indulgence, do not engage it and it dies. Relativize the act. Infact, socially anxiety is a lack of empathy, it's the failure to recognize that "everyone" are a annoyed stressed by these interactions, and your narcissistic self-importance overblows the nothing burger.

>> No.13565881


>> No.13565997

I buy all my books used, and not one of them have any writing in them. You just have to look around for good deals. Or continue to pay for your overpriced shit, whatever floats your boat, I guess.

>> No.13566023

Michael Jordan’s coach back at North Carolina was accused of showing unprecedented favoritism to Michael Jordan while he played there. Jordan was treated more like an assistant coach than a 19 year old student athlete.
In response to these accusations, the coach replied, ‘I try to treat everybody fairly. That does not mean I treat everybody the same.

>> No.13567147

I went to b&n the other week. They didn't have shit. I asked for the 3rd wizard of Oz book, they barely had 1 copy of the first one. I asked for a newer book, and it wasn't even in there system. How are they still on business

>> No.13567163

Overpriced coffee, Harry Potter, and assigned reading books for local schools.

>> No.13567176

>pay me more for putting a box on a truck!!!
You’re being replaced anyway, who gives a fuck
I’m going to go order twenty books for thirty dollars right now just to celebrate the erosion of the pseudo-laborer class

>> No.13567187

>bruh why aren’t you spending more all the time on everything so that I can stay uneducated and dependent on the government?