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/lit/ - Literature

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13563554 No.13563554 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of this board right now.

I've been here for over half a decade, I'm extremely well read. Post popular /lit/ books (I've more than likely read whatever you're thinking of) and I'll substantively review them and rate them to one decimal place. This will be more fun than anything else on the frontage. Let's see how long we can keep this going.

>> No.13563562

Clockwork orange

>> No.13563564

Murphy, Beckett

>> No.13563579

Sun also rises and for whom the bell tolls

>> No.13563594


I actually have never read this. Kubrick is my favourite director of all time however and I would rank space odyssey and eyes wide shut as among two of my favourite ten films ever. I have never watched clockwork orange either though. my sincere apologies.


like me he is also Irish but I have never read a single one of his plays or books. my girlfriend did her postgrad thesis on him though I think. I didn't read the thesis either however.


I've actually never read Hemingway either, though I've been meaning to get around to it. I was at a museum yesterday where I got to see first edition copies of both books. I even took pictures of them. sorry about that.

>> No.13563605
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>I've more than likely read whatever you're thinking of

>> No.13563608
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>didn't read any of them

>> No.13563610


That was an unfortunate beginning but I'm sure things will pick up shortly. Seep posting book titles my anonymous friends!

>> No.13563623

Place of Dead Roads

>> No.13563633
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>my girlfriend

>> No.13563637

The Bible
El Quiijotes
The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.13563652


I've actually never even heard of this one which is pretty embarrassing for someone with a library as vast as mine! I'll have to give it a Google, haha.


I also have never read any of these either. We never studied the Count of Monte Cristo in school so it never came up organically after that. my family isn't particularly religious so I'm not familiar with either of the first two titles you listed, my apologies.

>> No.13563657
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>Haven't read any of those three
Well, at least you are not an anime poster like those other faggots.

I've no idea what's a popular /lit/ book other than meme stuff like Ulysses (which is actually a good read anyway) or gravity's rainbow.
But given you feel entitled to reviewing stuff, why don't you review me pic related? Is it popular enough?

>> No.13563676

There's nothing religious about Quijote.

The Great Gatsby
Ender's Game

>> No.13563683

Epic bait thread

>> No.13563692

The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Being and Time
Phenomenology of Spirit
The Iliad
The Odyssey

>> No.13563700

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.13563708


I've never come across this book before, I'm going to add it to my Amazon Wishlist though!!


I've never read the latter two but I did read TGG when I first started reading properly about seven years ago. It's too long ago for me to recollect anything but I remember thinking the prose was magical. If I remember correctly I think at the time I rated it a 9.3/10. With the benefit of hindsight my rating would probably be harsher today if I reread it.


Please limit to three titles at most.

>> No.13563713


OP here. I actually was part of a /lit/ meme in relation to this book that ended up near the top of the reddit 4chan's board with tens of thousands of up votes. it was a pretty funny joke but getting that sort of anonymous recognition was even weirder.

>> No.13563716

The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Being and Time

>> No.13563724
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Simbly erik

>> No.13563727


Sorry, but that's at least 11 titles and that surpasses the 3 title limit.

>> No.13563729
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>I've been here for over half a decade
Your times up gramps

>> No.13563742

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.13563746

Phenomenology of Spirit
The Iliad
The Odyssey

>> No.13563769

The Hunger Games
Being and Time
The Deathly Hallows

>> No.13563770

Hey guys, OP here, something just came up with the wiring so I'll be back in about 30 - 40 minutes. In the meantime my girlfriend is going to stand in and review in my place. She is doing a phd in literature so she might even be better read than me. her next post will be a review. I'll be back shortly!

>> No.13563779

Post elbows

>> No.13564608

Hey guys, it's me, OP. I'm back now if you want to post some titles for me to substantively review and rate to one decimal place. My girlfriend hadn't read any of the books previously mentioned she couldn't contribute, sorry about that.

>> No.13564620

Okay, I'll give you an easy one this time.

A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.13564628
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>reading books
>having a gf

>> No.13564633

Illiad you can skip over a lot and still get what you need from the book.
Odyssey is the better of the two with many more themes and exciting stories.

Not OP but OP apparently does not read

>> No.13564687

The Buried Giant?

>> No.13564709


I've actually never touched Dickens. Almost feeling like I've read an entirely different /lit/core to everyone else here, haha.


Is that Ishiguro? I've never read that but I'm working through Never Let Me Go. I'm about 4 chapters into it.

>> No.13564713

Anna Karenina
Robinson Crusoe

>> No.13564716

I've never actually read those three, I have AK on my shelf but have not quite gotten to it yet.

>> No.13564726

Okay, this one is the easiest yet. If you haven't read it, you can't claim you have anything in common with /lit/.


>> No.13564736

The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

>> No.13564743

Haha, I've never quite gotten around to reading lolita. I do have some background with nabokov but that book specifically is not on my reading list.

>> No.13564746

Never read it, sorry

>> No.13564756

props for honesty
my review
>tons of revisionist history with nuggets of truth buried throughout
>decent enough primer on the diffusion of paganism and its symbology throughout time
>conclusions are basically tripe he either invented or heard about in conversations
>highly critical of the Church because he thinks he's a wizard, or in other words, very /lit/
>fun read. would read again.

>> No.13564779

Pale Fire
Ada or Ardor
Transparent Things

>> No.13564790

Laughing my ass off at this fucking threadOP. Good job :3

>> No.13564794

I haven't had a chance to read any of these three, unfortunately haha

>> No.13564804

Hahaha cool.

What about Fahrenheit451? Is your very real girlfriendreading these posts and laughing too? Haha

>> No.13564830

Nah dude she's asleep, i have farenhit451 and it was alright, lol

>> No.13564847

Hahaha cool. Alright man haha

>> No.13564890

You have never watched nor read Clockwork Orange??? wow

>> No.13564903

The Divine Comedy
Gravity's Rainbow
Paradise Lost

>> No.13564910
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Rick and Morty and Philosophy: In the Beginning Was the Squanch

>> No.13564916


OP here. This guy obviously isn't me. For record, I have read Stoner (9.5/10), the prose in it is exceptional and has informed my writing style to a great degree.

I would give Fahrenheit 451 a 7.5/10, I felt like the concept was more interesting than the way it ended up being written. It's definitely the weakest of the We/1984/Brave New World subset of books.

I read Part 1 of Lolita and would give it a pure 10/10, it's one of the most impressive books, lyrically, I've ever read. I never read Part 2 though, I didn't see the point.

>> No.13564920

>. I never read Part 2 though, I didn't see the point.

>> No.13564928

>rating books on a scale out of ten while saying almost nothing about them
m8 you are not fit to criticize the state of the board based on this offering.

>> No.13564939

Op here again.


I've never read either AK or RC.


I've never read this, I don't see too much point in reading estoercfisim although Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots is a great album.


I have never read any of these however PF, Ada and Speak Memory are all on my reading list. I am familiar with the short stories of Nabakov however.


now we are approaching my territory. Never read TDC or PL but GR is a cool 9.7/10, the prose in it is breathtaking, the characters heartbreaking, slothrop's disintegration, mentally, morally, spirtually, like a precursor to it's always sunny in Philadelphia. there will never be another gravity's rainbow. I've spent so many hours of my life exploring the depths of that book. to think only one man wrote it...

>> No.13564944


the reasoning made sense to me at the time.


I've been here for over half a decade, I can say what I want

>> No.13564958

Stinky Steve
Bataille on Nietzsche
Programming Pearls

>> No.13564968

>. I am familiar with the short stories of Nabakov however.
Whats your favourite one?

>> No.13564972


the real OP here once more, never read any of these sorry. I don't think any of these constitute /lit/core so my apologies are at best strained. I'm trying to keep a constructive thread here and would appreciate it if you took my effort to better the board seriously.

>> No.13564978

yeah anyone can say whatever they want but if you complain about the board and dont effortpost you look dumb

>> No.13564985


Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't really remember any of them now. I must have read the collection maybe four or five years ago. I remember there was an early story of his that had something to do with skiing that I liked. I think he had another short story called Circle or The Perfect Circle or something which I thought was really innovative (I won't ruin it for you but it was a really imaginative use of text as medium and meaning). It takes place in Paris I believe. That one blew me away, easily one of the best short stories I've ever read.

>> No.13564989

Will read it, thanks, lad.

>> No.13564993



used to be a pdf through google, if you poke around you should be able to find it.

>> No.13564996


>> No.13565008

The two best Hemingway novels with Old Man and the Sea coming in at number three

>> No.13565019

Okay now that the joke is obvious it’s really funny dude. I’m just going to consider this a review thread and rate shit myself

>> No.13565034

Sun Also Rises - 8.5/10
What I’ve read of FWtBT (I’m three quarters done at the moment) -9/10
Old man and the Sea - 8/10
Farewell to Arms - 6/10

>> No.13565051

A fun book that’s mostly held up by its unique style. If it didn’t have the language fuckery it would be significantly weaker so I’m glad Burgess loved his linguistics. The ending (both versions) leave a lot to be desired though. The hospital ending (the same as the film version) is probably the better of the two although it feels abrupt, but the “it was just a youthful phase” epilogue is not great. If it had a really hard-hitting ending it would raise it up a point or two. 7/10. The movie isn’t better.

>> No.13565057

The movie is the superior version. A cinematic achievement in its own right.

>> No.13565067

Gatsby is some of the best entry level literature out there. If it were taught better in high school I’m sure it would be able to get a lot of young people into reading. The plot has some weird stuff in it, but it’s so well written that it works. The shirt throwing part or Jay and Daisy’s first reunion in Nick’s house could have been really bad in the hands of a poorer writer. Really a beauty of a novel and it’s hate mostly people too embarrassed to admit liking the same shit they read in high school. 9/10

>> No.13565073

I remember you, OP. You hadn't read anything the last time you made this thread either.

>> No.13565083

It's the first time I see a bait thread where the ruse is to be unthreateningly unread and make anon feel better about himself. Nice one OP.

>> No.13565093

Ender’s Game is fun. It’s not really good per se, but it is fun. It’s a nice read if you’re into science fiction I guess. But genre fiction isn’t really my thing unless it’s the real great shit. It’s got some weird anime shit in it like the super genius children. I like the stuff with Ender interacting with the other kids and him basically rejecting his “chosen one” role, but also that rejection being exactly what makes him chosen. It’s been a while since I’ve read it, but I still think back mostly fondly on it so overall 6/10. Maybe could be higher or lower by a score on a reread but I doubt I would either ever love or hate this novel. I’ve never read any of the sequels, but I would also not be opposed to reading them. If they can retain at least EG level of quality.

>> No.13565105

The Man Without Qualities
Autumn of the Patriarch
Joseph and his Brothers

>> No.13565118

Hunger Games is good for what it is, but that being said I do not like what it is. It’s not so bad that I had to drop it or anything, but it also brought basically nothing to the table that hasn’t been done better. It’s social commentary is weak at best and groan worthy at its worst. The battle royal story wasn’t bad, but ultimately I didn’t give a shit if any of the characters died except maybe Rin (the little girl, if that wasn’t her name. I’m not even going to bother double checking this). The romance stuff wasn’t as prominent as I was expecting so that’s good. I have no desire to ever read this again nor any of its sequels. The movie was terrible and Jen Lawrence is a terrible actor. 4.5/10

>> No.13565120


Thanks. OP here. Now that the cat is out of the bag I might go back and do some actual ratings and reviews of the books I actually had read.

>> No.13565159

Harry Potter is children’s fiction done right. But it is children’s fiction and (in the case of the later books) young adult (aka teenage) fiction. But not taking into account how cringe it is to see the overwhelming amount of adults who are obsessed with the series, it’s good. It’s certainly not as great as people build it up to be though. Reading them all the way through is quick though so if you’re looking for some light reading with fun adventure/mystery plots that has just a bit of angst to it then this is the series for you. She at least knew to keep pace with the age of the audience and let the books get a little more mature as the years went on.
I do have a bit of a theory on why it’s so popular. I think it’s the small scale capitalism. All of the shops in the wizard world are run by passionate artisans who are dedicated to their craft. That’s the main draw of the wizard world for me. No mega wizard corporations.
The series as a whole gets a 6/10 from me. Good, but looking at how some people treat it one would expect much better. From what I’ve seen of them the movies have a style completely different from how I imagined while reading and for that reason I won’t watch them. It’s the same for LotR for me. I don’t like live-action movie adaptations of fantasy stories. Showing my weeb, but just watch Little Witch Academia

>> No.13565168

Very dull. Even for a work of children’s fiction it was sparse in substance. 2/10

>> No.13565176

Not hard to be better than you, chief. Since you seemingly haven’t read more than Great Gatsby years ago. I get that this is probably a joke but still

>> No.13565179

i reread the hp books every few years and they really are good children's fiction. The messages they send are very simplistic but the world that woman created seems incredibly real and the story is very good at provoking emotions.

I agree that adults that take them seriously are stunted developmentally because the philosophy in them is beyond childish.

>> No.13565184

Alright OP I’ll pretend that this isn’t a joke for a second. You mind giving us just a few titles you’ve actually read just so we can get a feel for what we should recommend. Also maybe don’t brag about being so well read when you haven’t read some pretty essential stuff

>> No.13565196

Stoner was my favorite novel for a long time. Upfront I’d give it a 10/10. Perfect prose. I love the characters and the character study set-up of the plot. It’s also the book that has stirred the most emotion out of me. I know it’s a meme, but it honestly is a masterpiece. Damn now I want to reread Stoner

>> No.13565207

Lolita starts and ends great, but much of the middle section drags on. Maybe I’m forgetting just how great the prose is, but I remember being downright bored during the road trip stuff. It’s not Nabokov’s best (pnin). Still a great work of literature that I know I need to revisit to freshen up my opinion on. For now Id give it a 7/10, but that’s a rusty opinion

>> No.13565219

The road trip was my favorite stuff by far for whatever reason.

>> No.13565234

Fahrenheit some of Bradbury’s worst. It’s not bad, but Bradbury has some truly exceptional science fiction that Fahrenheit just can’t live up to. It’s got some decent concepts and some solid story telling. I liked the robot dogs that they would send out and the bit where he was hiding the book from the fire captain actually had my heart racing, but the social commentary seemed a bit off-base. Don’t get me wrong, average people certainly don’t read much and there is some anti-intellectualism (in America as that is all I can speak for), but over all I think more people justify their lack of reading with being too busy rather than attack people who actually do read. Books aren’t under attack directly, more-so there are just so many easier options that people will almost always take instead. 6/10. Just read Illustrated Man or Martian Chronicles. Especially MC holy shit it’s the best sci-fi I’ve read by far

>> No.13565241

I’m not much of a movie guy so I liked the book better, but I did like the film. I just had more fun reading the book because the language was what I liked the most about it.

>> No.13565247

For an obvious joke thread this still is actually one of the best threads on /lit/ right now because of the people picking up the slack for joke OP

>> No.13565255


op here. I actually posted like 10 of my classic troll threads from the last few years tonight haha this was just one of them.

>> No.13565274

Speaker for the Dead is the real main Ender novel and it's exponentially better than Game. And I really liked Game.

>> No.13565278

I’ll add it to the pile. I’ve heard this before so it’s got me curious to be sure. Thanks anon

>> No.13565298

Glad to see you’re doing your part to keep this place a shit hole. That being said this is pretty good thread so I guess it doesn’t always work out

>> No.13565934

Mein Kampf
Ride The Tiger
Metaphysics Of War

>> No.13566039

Falling for bait this easily. The guy said Kubrick was he's fav director of all time for Christ's sake. This thread showed how fucking dumb most of you guys are for taking any of it seriously

>> No.13566093

I keep saying that if we ban Americans and /pol/ crossposters the board quality would rise but I keep being shouted at by Americans and /pol/ crossposters.

>> No.13566111
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Toasting in the best this year

>> No.13566119
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>post anything: I've read it
>haven't read this one
>haven't read this one either
>actually never read that

Nice shitpost faggot

>> No.13566171

Op here, have not had a chance to read any evola. Have read mein kampf, though I'm not a big fan of nazi literature

>> No.13566224

Journey to the End of Night

>> No.13566225


>> No.13566237

Not OP, For Whom the Bell Tolls was 4/10. Average prose and deadly dull for massive stretches despite occasionally getting interesting for a short time. Haven't read any other Hemingway besides Old Man and the Sea in middle school (an 8/10 for me at the time)

>> No.13567761
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>> No.13567777
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Source on this boat?

>> No.13567787

>Hasn't read hamlet

>> No.13567810

Op here. In my top ten desu. 10/10

>> No.13567845

Notes from the Underground

>> No.13567905

This is op, i have never read NFU but I will consider it in the near future

>> No.13567909

>I've been here for over half a decade
If you haven't been here since day 1, you're part of the problem

>> No.13568186
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holy kek, this is the best thread currently

>> No.13568255 [DELETED] 
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>extremely well read
>I've more than likely read whatever you're thinking of
>hasn't read Notes from the Underground

>> No.13568328


None of these people are OP. I actually have read notes from underground, I thought it was interesting reading a book about someone from r9k before r9k even existed

>> No.13568339

Actual OP here. I can confirm that I have read NFTU and I found it extremely pretentious.

>> No.13568346

have sex

>> No.13569531

You gave me a good belly laugh, thanks.

>> No.13571038

The Reluctant Dragon

>> No.13571046

A room full of imposters. This is the actual OP, i'll post a ss to prove it soon. My girlfriend has been keeping me too busy to respond until now. Notes from the underground I have not actually had the chance to read, though I hear it's thought provoking.
I have not read this

>> No.13571407

The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner