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13561846 No.13561846 [Reply] [Original]

Everything in Sufism that isn't shirk and is actually interesting is done better by phenomenology.

>> No.13561888
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>> No.13561907

punjabi sufism is the only good sufism

>> No.13561911

Statistics does not take into account individual circumstances nor any other phenomenal categories in consideration, but only looks at their results. Stats is total bunk.

>> No.13561966

Ooh cool look at all those trained sandmonkeys dancing for their moon god! Give them 1€ Simon!

>> No.13561972

Guenon why did you convert to Islam.... Hinduism is so much more based

>> No.13562002

>Guénon chose a conversion to Islam rather than to Hinduism because the Hindu ritual life is not compatible with the Western way of life, whereas following Islamic rituals is compatible with modern Western life. He believed that Islam is the only traditional religious world that is practically accessible to Westerners.

>> No.13562004

Barelvi are kuffar. Deobandi maybe

>> No.13562015

comparing religions and mysticism with rigid structured logical philosophy

WOW! what a hot thread.

>> No.13562028

>comparing religions and mysticism
Guénon said Sufism isn't mysticism, but mysticism is just equivocation to sound deep

>rigid structured logical philosophy
You think phenomenology is this?

>> No.13562032

Allah is not a moon god. Allah is the God.

>> No.13562040

Is Allah the Atman?

>> No.13562061

true punjabi sufism isn't related with any fiqh

>> No.13562067

No, He is a being who is entirely distinct from creation

>> No.13562076

Sufism that renounces fiqh is pure retardation and kufr, most Sufis would say this

>> No.13562077

>You think phenomenology is this?
YES. Phenomenology, when done right, makes more sense to me than some chutiya Fakir singing songs in Punjabi

>> No.13562082

Yes most certainly (I am OP) but it is hardly rigid or based on exacting methodology.

>> No.13562099

>most Sufis would say this
not true for punjabi sufis
also killing yourself is not a bad option you wahhabi scum

>> No.13562115

to attribute independent existence to anything is shirk

>> No.13562136 [DELETED] 
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Such unislamic speech degrades only you. Installah you will seek tawba and look to the Salad for guidance.

>> No.13562155

Only a complete brainlet with no understanding of metaphysics would consider waḥdat al-wujūd to be shirk

>> No.13562157
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It's shirk to ascribe independent exist to God?

>> No.13562165
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>> No.13562169

Such unislamic speech degrades only you. Installah you will seek tawba and look to the Salaf for guidance

So you say this of Allah?

>> No.13562428

I just mean that i can understand and criticize phenomenology. That is not what i can do with Sufism.

>> No.13562489

Yes because Sufism relies on equivocation

>> No.13562580

I wouldn’t mind converting to Islam if it weren’t for the fact that Muhammad was a disgusting pedophile. At least Jesus was a paragon of every possible virtue from even a secular standpoint.

>> No.13562653

Jesus wouldn't see anything wrong with child brides

>> No.13562675

Wahabis truly are the worst

>> No.13562716

"What is Sunnah?"

>> No.13562779

anything except God I meant

>> No.13563449
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You fool that’s basic muslim rules, how does that make him wahhabi kek
True, but denying islamic rules turns you into a Kafir

>> No.13563466

Are there any schools of thought in Islam that would allow me to commit an hero?

>> No.13563493

Wtf do you mean? Like kys ? I just searched for this term and seems to be some kind of jargon/slang for murking yourself. Some radical schools allow to kill yourself in an operation like on a battlefield to kill as many enemies as possible. But if you want a serious answer: of course No. Just live to give man, help others out or smth. Save those who are almost dead

>> No.13563603

Maybe because Sufism relies on direct communication with the divine, while phenomenology is dry intellectualism? You are a right-brained modern westerner. Of course you prefer phenomenology.

>> No.13563649
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>Saying a dead kike on a stick 2,000 years ago would agree with your modernist view on child marriage
Protestants are the worst.

>> No.13563723
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Rejecting the independent existence of the soul is not going to be allowed in the coming millennium.

>> No.13563741

I have literally never seen a phenomenologist dance, let alone better.

>> No.13564014

Yeah I’m sure Jesus would be 100% onboard with your kiddie lust.

Fucking degenerates. The average age of marriage was still in the late teens/early 20s for as long as ever. Talking child brides was just as weird and disgusting back then as it is today.

>> No.13564045

Twelver fiqh says suicide bombing is halal and rewarded

>direct communication
That's what angels and a very few prophets do, you can't learn it, God selects you. If you get taught it, you're delusional

Do you think Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) danced? He certainly could have. No, he banned public dancing.

The average age is not the *absolute* age. Child brides not being regular (Muhammad only had one out of thirteen wives) didn't make them taboo, Jews had zero issue with it

>> No.13564058

>Jews had zero issue with it
Neither did Christians btw

>> No.13564072

Kidhr say ho kid? Reveal yourself.

>> No.13564074

>Jews had zero issue with it
I’m sure they don’t. You’re not earning any brownie points with me with that line of reasoning, however.

>> No.13564088

Minimum age of marriage in Byzantium Empire was 7

>> No.13564092

in the church it used to be 12 years minimum for girls before new and gayer canon law changed it to min 14

>> No.13564110

It was twelve when it was raised. The French Revolution established twelve, which was vigorously opposed by hardliner Catholics like Bonald

>> No.13564125

im pretty sure it was 12
or was it raised to 14 eventually?

>> No.13564135

14 old boys were being paired up with 12 year old girls. Not fully grown men with 12 year old girls, save for the creepiest of wealthy men preying of desperate households or marriage for political reasons. And even then, most creeps didn’t consummate the marriage, unlike Muhammad who couldn’t wait past the “fecund” age of 9 to break in Aisha.

>> No.13564137

Who the fuck cares about "average age" except for westerners whose minds are cucked by Liberalism and Enlightenment ethics? Nobody back gave a shit if you took a child bride, as long as you waited to consummate the marriage when she hit puberty, and Mohammad didn't fuck her before then.

>> No.13564142

It raised to 14 in The 80's but raised to 12 before that. It is pinned to the age of confirmation (six or seven during the Middle Ages)

>> No.13564146

it was actually a big breakthrough at the time since it happened before and the church introduced the element of choice which they didnt have before
also mohammad basically limited abuses that happened at the time by putting limits on marriage

>> No.13564150

>muh pedophile
you need some historical context. at that time people used to honor others by giving them their daughter (not for exclusively for sex but as wives) and women were often buried alive if they weren't able to get a husband or they brought disgrace upon the family.
i think there is a hadith that says that you shouldn't come close to a woman (i.e. have sex) if she hasn't reached maturity (prolly like 14-16)
btw Muhammad didn't have sex with most of his wives

>> No.13564151

>14 old boys were being paired up with 12 year old girls.
Lol not very often except with nobility, men were generally established before taking a bride

>> No.13564152

>Do you think Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) danced? He certainly could have. No, he banned public dancing.
If Muhammad had been told by Allah to rule by scripture he would not have been illiterate.

>> No.13564174

Muhammad memorized the whole Qur'an, which is primarily an oral work. Qur'an unlike Bible doesn't mean book, it means telling

>> No.13564177

Muhammad didn’t wait until puberty to consummate his marriage with Aisha. She was fucking NINE years old. And this was during a time when adequate nutrition was hard to come by, meaning that women often didn’t get puberty until 13-17.

Face it. By any standard Muhammad was a degenerate pedophile.

>> No.13564183

>this was during a time when adequate nutrition was hard to come by,
Not for her family

>> No.13564284

Dude that shit almost never happens even today, despite the chemicals in the water. Healthy puberty starts around age 12. I guarantee you that Aisha looked like a young innocent kid. Muhammad was a pedophile.

>> No.13564292

Then why is anon relying on written accounts? Who told anon there is no dancing?

>> No.13564434

A pedophile who had absolute, autocratic power but only one child bride (the daughter of his best friend) based on a dream?

The purpose of writing is it's more efficient at storing, referencing and proliferating records. Also makes them less liable to corruption.

>> No.13564442

Oh, he only fucked ONE kid? What a role model!

Fucking neck yourself.

>> No.13564458

Lmao and that's not all! He had *slaves*! And he was *gasps* homophobic!

Stay mad, Boomer

>> No.13564472

Dude, not fucking prepubescent kids who are nowhere near puberty is one moral standard that most cultures can agree on throughout all of history. I don’t give a shit about your false moral equivalences and your buzzwords. Muhammad was a pedophile, and you look up to him. You should neck yourself.

>> No.13564503
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All cultures in his time allowed marriage at seven or so. Please stop demanding prophets follow your postwar boomer morality lmao

>> No.13564511

The church allowed betrothals at age 7. Much different from actually consummating a marriage after puberty.

Muhammad was a pedophile who raped an innocent little girl. And you worship him.

>> No.13564518

>adult gays marrying is bad but fucking little boys? AWWWRIGHT

>> No.13564524
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The Church didn't have rules for when it could be consummated. Lmao. Stop trying to pretend even Muhammad harshest critics complained about him having a child bride until Boomers

>> No.13564538
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>Since the Taliban regime toppled in 2001 with the US intervention, the Bacha Bazi phenomenon revived in certain parts of Afghanistan. However the practice has not only been limited to strong men or warlords, but it has also penetrated the Afghan Police Forces. The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan in a recent report sharply criticized the Afghan Government for remaining complicit for not preventing the recruitment and sexual exploitation of children by the Afghan National Army.

>Recently, a short video circulated on social media displaying Police Chief of Ghormach district of Faryab province of Afghanistan kissing a teenage boy. It highlights the depth of Bacha Bazi’s shameful practice in Afghanistan. A former Marine recalled feeling sickened the day he entered a room on a base and saw three or four men lying on the floor with children between them. “I’m not a hundred percent sure what was happening under the sheet, but I have a pretty good idea of what was going on,” he said. In a New York Times article Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr, told his father before he was killed on his base that “At night we can hear them (young boys) screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it.” When complained to his superior, he was told, “to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

>> No.13564547
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>The Bacha Bazi practice remains one of the issues much talked about (in news article and documentaries). However, it has not been dealt with effectively enough to root it out from the society. Bacha Bazi exists as a sexual companionship between powerful men and their conscripts (young boys). Nonetheless, it has matured more inexhaustibly since 2001. The issue has been largely ignored by international partners, in a bid to keep their local allies (Militias) intact to fight the Taliba

>The Bacha Bazi practice remained outlawed under the Taliban rule, and death remained the punishment for the culprits. Initially, the Taliban movement started to fight local commanders involved in Bacha Bazi, highway robbery and so on. The Times newspaper highlighted in the article “Kandahar Comes out of the Closet” in 2002, one of the original escalations for the Taliban’s rise to power in the early 1990s was their unacceptability of Bacha Bazi practice. In areas under the Taliban control, Bacha Bazi became taboo, and men involved in the practice had to go underground and keep the practice in secret.

>> No.13564558
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>> No.13564559

>In contrast to other pre-modern societies, Northwest Europe was characterized by relatively late marriages, with women tending to marry in their mid-20s. The data available for England suggest that it was already the case in the 14th century. This pattern was reflected in English common law, which was the first in Europe to establish statutory rape laws and ages of consent for marriage. In 1275 sexual relations with girls under either 12 or 14 (depending on interpretation of the sources) were criminalized; the age was reduced to 10 in 1576.
>A Scottish physician living in 18th century Syria reported that locals tried to contract marriages for their children at a young age, but the marriage was not consummated until the girl "had come of age". Evidence from 19th century Palestine suggests that husbands sometimes initiated sexual relations before their wife reached puberty, but that it was a rare occurrence, condemned socially and censured by Sharia courts.
>Historically within the Catholic Church, prior to the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the minimum age for a dissoluble betrothal (sponsalia de futuro) was 7 years in the contractees. The minimum age for a valid marriage was puberty, or nominally 14 for males and 12 for females.[45] The 1917 Code of Canon Law raised the minimum age for a valid marriage at 16 for males and 14 for females.[46] The 1983 Code of Canon Law maintained the minimum age for a valid marriage at 16 for males and 14 for females.
You’re wrong. Muhammad was a degenerate by the standards of even shariah law.

>> No.13564596
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>This pattern was reflected in English common law, which was the first in Europe to establish statutory rape laws and ages of consent for marriage. In 1275 sexual relations with girls under either 12 or 14 (depending on interpretation of the sources) were criminalized; the age was reduced to 10 in 1576.
This is for unmarried girls

>article can't distinguish between Urf and Shariaa

>historical revisionism to make Catholicism seem retroactively progressive

Par the course

>> No.13564613 [DELETED] 

Okay. I screw babbies. Little ones. 2 year olds. I tear them apart with my monster cawck. Such is the Muslim way.

Now go find something else to do.

>> No.13564626

Okay. I screw babbies. Little ones. 2 year olds. I tear them apart with my monster cawck. Such is the Muslim way.

Now go find something else to do.

>> No.13564631
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> he says in my thread

>> No.13564933

You don’t have a valid marriage without valid consummation. You don’t have valid consummation without minimum age requirements. Obviously in the past, the Church and many other societies had lower “acceptable” ages that we would consider pedophilia today, but social expectations of maturity were different then. People had to mature quicker, and it wouldn’t have been as creepy back then as it is today. At the very least, the bride would had been past puberty, and in many cases, were well into their late teens or early twenties. Almost any instance of prepubescent pedophilia was seen as aberrant, degenerate, and debased.

There is nothing progressive about shitting on pedophiles. They deserve the bullet. Muhammad was a pedophile.

>> No.13565026

I guess Moses was too then?

>> No.13565064

>The purpose of writing is it's more efficient at storing, referencing and proliferating records. Also makes them less liable to corruption.
Did Allah whisper that to you or are you just writing it?

>> No.13565092
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>when kuffar can't speak Arabic

For some reason (I am not sure why) Hadith translators into English translate engaged at six and married at nine to married at six and consummated at 9. The word translated as "consummated" is "nikah", which just means marriage. It doesn't mean sex

>> No.13565098

he claimed that deobandis are good and then later advocated for salafi bullshit you blind sub-human

>> No.13565116

Salafis are extremely anti Deobandi....

>> No.13565169

both are wahhabis

>> No.13565199

No. Hahaha. No, not at all. Deobandis support taqlid. And Wahhabi is mainly just a slur for Salafi anyway, and Salafi is an Athari movement. The Deobandi are Maturidi, not Athari. Furthermore there are anti madhab Salafis (I'm a pro madhab Salafi), but the Deobandi are ultra pro madhab. The main Salafi allies in India are the Zahiri. However despite being literalist like us their fundamentalism has lead them to a much more relaxed fiqh since they require extreme textual evidence to prohibit anything, there are many that see music performance as entirely halal.

>> No.13565231

two different branches of wahhabism

>> No.13565326

Either you aren't a Muslim and can't into the terms I just used. Or. You are incapable of parsing English grammar. Salafism is an Athari movement, sometimes used interchangeably with Athari. Wahhabis is a put down of Atharis. The Deobandi are Maturidi, i.e. a school opposed to Athari school on numerous points. Athari aqidah is literalist and emphasizes textualism over rationalism. Maturidi by contrast are very rationalist, they don't even recognize hadith that are deemed irrational. They believe rulings can be issued based purely on reasoning or local custom without textual evidence. They also believe scholars can be cited as authorities without referring directly to textual evidence, a practice called taqlid. Thus what you call Wahhabis are by definition at odds with Deobandis. That is why the House of Saud funds their rivals, Indian Zahiri

>> No.13565330

>. They believe rulings can be issued based purely on reasoning or local custom without textual evidence.
based that Musliims also have this heresy. Read Shestov

>> No.13565352

Yes but for Muslims it leads to very different results. The Taliban for example are Deobandi which is the source of their peculiar ways

>> No.13565424

both of these ultra cons groups are wahhabis

>> No.13565434

Wettest place on Earth right now.

>> No.13565459

You're not even a Muslim Lmao. Are you a Shi'ite, or something? Every madhab is "ultra con" by kuffar standards


>> No.13565479

What do modern muslims think of Ibn Arabi? Do they hate him? Why Sufis are literally salughtered?

>> No.13565499

Asharis is love him, Maturidis do too, Atharis have mixed feelings, some are conditionally positive, others have a lot of problems with him.

What do you mean by "modern Muslims"? Most of the theological differences within Islam are very old.

>> No.13565509
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>Why Sufis are literally salughtered?
Also I'm not sure what you're talking about, Sufis are everywhere, even Saudi Arabia. Bin Bayyah is an outspoken Sufi and head of a major university in Saudi Arabia.

>> No.13565740

The mistranslation argument of 16 marriage and 19 consummation is a lot more palatable. Either way, why would I believe you, some random shitposter, over the beliefs of millions of Muslims who gladly accept and defend the cut-and-dry pedophile interpretation?

>> No.13565751

>91 posts
>not one asks about the validity of statements of people dead 200 years, collected 1200 years ago
based jewish intellectual rigor

>> No.13565776

Most believe he had sex with her after menstruation and that menstruation is the onset of adulthood. And 16 and 19 is completely impossible because hadith from too many chains including to Aisha herself are involved


Hadiths are questioned all the time, their validity is mostly based on the narrators in the chain that traces them back. Obviously if you have multiple chains with different people saying the same thing, it is probably true

>> No.13565806

Wahabis are interpreters, they extrapolate and insert meaning that isn't there.

>> No.13565840

Objectively wrong.

>> No.13565844

>Maybe because Sufism relies on direct communication with the divine
Sufí only comune with the Demons of the desert who tell them to dilate.

>> No.13566308
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>Salafis: Everything that the Prophet didn't explicitly state is bidah. Except the Quran and Sunnah which the Prophet never gave explicit instructions to compile.

>> No.13566317

>In medieval Europe, Gratian, the influential founder of Canon law in the twelfth century, accepted the traditional age of puberty for marriage (between 12 and 14) but he also said consent was "meaningful" if the children were older than seven.

>> No.13566771

>And 16 and 19 is completely impossible because hadith from too many chains including to Aisha herself are involved
What do you mean? Can you go into detail on what testimon(ies) are relied upon for this particular understanding of Aisha?

>> No.13567410
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Strawman. The Salaf means the first three generations

Hadiths are by definition hearsay and generally compiled hundreds of years ex post facto. How they work is chain: they have to have a list of who transmitted this to whom stretching all the way back to the original, they have to be verified as trustworthy and with excellent memory (even still Hadiths CAN be challenged on various grounds, Maturidis will challenge them if they are insensible, and every other madhab will if they contradict the Qur'an, plus challenge on grounds of phony change or a narrator in the chain less reliable than thought is done). There are myriad hadith that do with Aisha's age, many going back to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). The only discrepancy is a minority say seven instead of six when she was engaged, but all say she was wedded to Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and moved in with him when she was nine. She is a prolific source of hadiths for all sorts of things in multiple chains and was a well regarded scholar (female scholars in Salafism are not uncommon based on this, one of Ibn Taymiyyah's prized pupils was a woman who trained many others). Very important source in Sunni Islam. Hated by the Shia though who refuse to accept anything narrated by her

>> No.13567420

Reminder that salafis should unironically kts

>> No.13567440

Muhammad destroyed the religion of the Arabs and forced them to worship the god of the Jews.

>> No.13567449

A muslim threatening another muslim on the haram Internet.
Islam in a nutshell.

>> No.13567451

Cool. I am from your rival country. On a scale of 1-10 how Muslim are you and what would you say the general state of Islamic thought is in India?

The general perception here is that it's not too great but then again the situation is basically the same here.

>> No.13567454

Abraham and Abel and Noah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) weren't Jews.

>> No.13567456

Using Internet is haram, you murtad.

>> No.13567463

Give daleel

>> No.13567474

Because Christians and Muslims worship the god of the Jews.

>> No.13567479

Put two muslims in a room, and they will say the other muslim is a kuffar.
Islam in a nustshell.

>> No.13567488

>Abraham and Abel and Noah
>The god of the Jews
You are retarded.

>> No.13567494

Sorry, I don't speak camel.

>> No.13567498

You're thinking of Christianity. The only thing Muslims actually takfir over is shrines or worship of those other than Allah (those who engage in this practice also takfir those against it), and denying basic things in the Qur'an. By "Punjab Sufi" he means Barelvi, people who ripped off Christianity and said Muhammad is light who helped God fashion creation then became incarnate in it. These people call anyone who disagrees "Wahhabi"

>> No.13567507

Indeed they worshipped Allah. Allah saved the Jews from captivity but lead them back into it when they turned from him

Give evidence, cite the Qur'an or Hadith supporting your position

>> No.13567527

>On a scale of 1-10
Sorry m8. I don't know anything about Islamic thought. I'm upper middle class so nobody cares about me or my family. My circle of friends appreciate Muslims like me who are moderate and drink and smoke and marry Hindus and all the rest. I've never ever had any problem just because i'm a Muslim. We're pretty secular unlike those in lower tier cities i guess.

I love Western Philosophy. Never read the Muslim stuff. Doesn't interest me at all. Hard to find good English translations anyway. I can read a little Urdu but it's a chore. I'd rather read Kierkegaard than Firdausi or Rumi.

>> No.13567530
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The whole thread reeks of used socks. Guenon was a mistake.

>> No.13567536

>Indeed they worshipped Allah. Allah saved the Jews from captivity but lead them back into it when they turned from him
Yes, I know, Christians and Muslims are slightly different flavors of Jews.
Sorry, no gibs for you, murtad.

>> No.13567545

You mean munafiq

>> No.13567549

Islam is fundamentally anti-Western.

>> No.13567560


>> No.13567569

>I love Western Philosophy.
>Hard to find good English translations anyway
>I can read a little Urdu but it's a chore
>I'd rather read Kierkegaard than Firdausi or Rumi.
lmaoooo the absolute state of east

>> No.13567574

If that's the only moral objection you have to Muhammad, you need to read more of the hadiths or perhaps the Sirah. He was not a good person according to those, and we know that the first author of the Sirah excluded information about Muhammad that made even the faithful cringe.

>> No.13567580

Western today means anal sex and feminism, so yes

A criminal organization with no state backers except maybe Israel, and no support from any scholars or muftis, who make up their own rulings

>> No.13567593

He molested her before consummation, though.

>> No.13567606

This. On top of being a pedophile he did some pretty opportunistic bullshit and tried to claim that it was simply the will of God (see his marriage to Zaynab, the wife of his adopted son).

The pure cope of Muslims who try to act like it's cool to fuck a 9 year old. I don't even care about the marriage aspect. I get that, but to consummate the marriage when she's pre-pubescent? Yep...Perfect man right here.

>> No.13567613

>islam prevents promiscuity
>banging hundreds of concubines is halal

Truly a religion made for inbred retards.

>> No.13567618

>Western today means anal sex and feminism, so yes

>> No.13567624
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Ali and his family are way more appealing than Muhammad.

>> No.13567631
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>> No.13567634

Both worshipped the god of the Jews.

>> No.13567636

The abolition of adoption (warding is allowed but the child must keep his last name) is theologically important on several grounds. For one, Islam says it is incorrect to refer to God as your father or yourselves as his sons. Jews argued they were adopted. Another important point is succession to Muhammad's position: according to the Qur'an Muhammad has no sons (indeed he only had daughters except for one son, Qasim, who died in infancy) among the Muslims. This is to establish firmly against blood succession.

His adopted son divorced her. After that Muhammad wanted to marry her but marrying your son's ex wife was iffy. It was then revealed to him that he had no sons.

>> No.13567638

Please read

>> No.13567644

Islam has been the enemy of superior Western civilization since 632. Equating Western Civilization to today's unrestrained hedonism is comparible to equating baccha bazi and beastiality to Islamic Civilization.

>> No.13567647

kek....typical pseud
as if the westerners have it figured out
you live in a chimeral stinky pussy you nigger
you're just rehashing and superimposing Aristotle and the Hindus over Jesus and the Hebrews.

/lit/ has really suffered badly since Trump became President. Fucking incestual rednecks.

>> No.13567652
File: 614 KB, 1020x970, 1564086211877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After that Muhammad wanted to marry her but marrying your son's ex wife was iffy. It was then revealed to him that he had no sons

Lmao. Of course it was. Just like it was "revealed" to him that Aisha didn't cheat on him...

>> No.13567653

That is a guy fighting on the side the WEST supports

>> No.13567659

Bacha bazi pederasts have western support but Islamists kill them

>> No.13567670

He was very civil and didn't like being rude to those who loved him but when he ruled a large state and people kept popping in to pay their respects it got to be a bit much so God said something

>> No.13567671

Islam is degeneracy, that's why it will be eradicated.

>> No.13567675

Islamists eradicate the practice of bacha bazi, the west supports it.

>> No.13567686

So you're trying to cover the obvious muslim degeneracy with your lies.
And you fail at it.

>> No.13567689

> Dude he was so polite and shy!
> Dude the 9 year old he fucked really loved him back they had such a great relationship! They used to play games and shiet!
> Dude people trusted him!
> Dude he loved cats!

Very inspiring stuff. Truly the perfect man.

>> No.13567695

Nope, Westerners exposed and criticize the degenerate practice, Afghans continue to deny its existence even though theyve been fucking little boys for centuries. Anybody who worked monitoring aerial reconnaissance knows how pervasive it truly is, even among your Islamist friends. That brings me to another point, any Islamist living in the West is a traitor and ought to be exiled.

>> No.13567696

More islamic lies.
Islam is being eradicated, so bacha bazi will end soon, and there's nothing you can do about it, you degenerate.

>> No.13567697

You are welcome to read

And then

A recent UN investigation showed the American backed side is killing most of the civilians in the war.

>> No.13567698

quick rundown?

>> No.13567709


Are willfully

Stopping the practice was a major basis for public support for the Taliban

>> No.13567713

You are on the wrong side here, you disgusting creep, Islam will be crushed, and bacha bazi will die with it.

>> No.13567728

>killing most of the civilians in the war
Yes, muslims are killed very often, that's one of the many reasons why nobody wants to be a muslim.

>> No.13567731

No it wasn't, getting rid of the warlords was. And nobody outside of rural Pashtun hillbillies were happy with Taliban (Deobandi) rule.

>> No.13567735


>> No.13567741

And you keep trying to cover the proverbial degeneracy of Islam with more lies...
And no one believes you, because the smell of degeneracy is too strong in your posts.

>> No.13567745


>The Bacha Bazi practice remained outlawed under the Taliban rule, and death remained the punishment for the culprits. Initially, the Taliban movement started to fight local commanders involved in Bacha Bazi, highway robbery and so on. The Times newspaper highlighted in the article “Kandahar Comes out of the Closet” in 2002, one of the original escalations for the Taliban’s rise to power in the early 1990s was their unacceptability of Bacha Bazi practice. In areas under the Taliban control, Bacha Bazi became taboo, and men involved in the practice had to go underground and keep the practice in secret.

>> No.13567762

That does not disprove my post, rather it strengthens my argument

>> No.13567771

Copypasta lies.
You won't fool anybody here.
Bacha bazi is a disgusting and revolting practice, enforced by muslims, and your lies won't change that.

>> No.13567784

>The issue has been largely ignored by international partners, in a bid to keep their local allies (Militias) intact to fight the Taliban.

The enemies of the Taliban love the practice so it has to be tolerated

>Since the Taliban regime toppled in 2001 with the US intervention, the Bacha Bazi phenomenon revived in certain parts of Afghanistan. However the practice has not only been limited to strong men or warlords, but it has also penetrated the Afghan Police Forces. The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan in a recent report sharply criticized the Afghan Government for remaining complicit for not preventing the recruitment and sexual exploitation of children by the Afghan National Army.

>Recently, a short video circulated on social media displaying Police Chief of Ghormach district of Faryab province of Afghanistan kissing a teenage boy. It highlights the depth of Bacha Bazi’s shameful practice in Afghanistan. A former Marine recalled feeling sickened the day he entered a room on a base and saw three or four men lying on the floor with children between them. “I’m not a hundred percent sure what was happening under the sheet, but I have a pretty good idea of what was going on,” he said. In a New York Times article Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr, told his father before he was killed on his base that “At night we can hear them (young boys) screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it.” When complained to his superior, he was told, “to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

This is a culture that has zero to do with Islam, it is a pre Islamic practice the Islamists oppose

>> No.13567788

Ali would have smashed your head in with a stone for saying that.

>> No.13567793

>would have
Islam in a nutshell.

>> No.13567827

I think we scared him off. He thought the Taliban were the good guys because they banned baccha bazi, yet fucking little boys is banned in every country in the West. The fact that many Muslim, if not the majority, living in the West support Islamist groups currently fighting against us proves that a multicultural utopia is a gigantic lie.