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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 657x527, 1559988777033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13557670 No.13557670 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on making a living as an author in 2019

>> No.13557690

Stop posting nonsensical imagery depicting frogs. The catalog is beyond the point of saturation. And stop using terms like "red pill", it makes you sound like a mentally challenged individual. It is time to mature and behave like an intelligent adult. Join the Meme Jihad

I do not have any advice relevant to your query, and for that I apologize, but I felt that I had to alert you to the childish character of certain aspects of your post so you could stop ruining the board with such nonsense. Together we can make this a better board.

>> No.13557755
File: 118 KB, 657x527, 1559858105372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fren pepe is a comfortable character that conveys innocence and ignorance, disparaging him to feel intellectually superior or otherwise offended by an image is a personal problem you have to work out

>> No.13557764
File: 177 KB, 410x274, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think ANY person on this board is a successful author?

Isn't his name Apu?

>> No.13557766



>> No.13557777

>Do you really think ANY person on this board is a successful author?
i am :)

>> No.13557786

That is not an intelligent contribution to the thread. You are wasting your life making meaningless one word responses to threads you don't care about when you could be doing something productive outside the internet, or engaging in intelligent discussion, or joining the Meme Jihad.
Your beloved "pepe" is turning your brain into mush. Please stop lowering yourself to the level of a mentally challenged individual.

>> No.13557798

Humanity is overrated RIP

>> No.13557802

You cannot. This is not a joke, this is not an opibion, this is not disregarding the exceptions. This is just how it is, especially assuming you live in the Western world.

>> No.13557805

Congrats anon. Now go on then, tell OP the secret to success.

>> No.13557817
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1541655531426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your beloved "pepe" is turning your brain into mush. Please stop lowering yourself to the level of a mentally challenged individual.
bold claim about pixels on a computer screen, if we're just going to sit here and make assumptions; it's more likely that you have a pretty hallow life and set of responsibilities right now to get this worked up over a image on the internet, on 4chan no less lmao

>> No.13557818

This is (((them))) by the way, they need to control the symbols

>> No.13557853

Write furfiction on Kindle Unlimited and shill yourself on targeted sites under a collection of shell accounts.

Welcome to the new pulp era.

>> No.13557859

I have seen the board progressively deteriorate as a result of memes, and I wish to stem that trend. Be more mature, and join the Meme Jihad.
If you wish to discuss antisemitic literature in an intelligent manner I am all for it. This website has always been about taboo subjects or things outside the "Overton window", but please refrain from posting idiotic imagery. It contributes nothing to discussion.

>> No.13557874
File: 471 KB, 466x470, 1560141879477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also stop shitting up my thread with your schizo meta posts

>> No.13557896

Your thread is of a poor quality, it could hardly be made any worse. You can, however, make the board of a better quality by joining the Meme Jihad.

>> No.13557900


d a m n

>> No.13557910

t. pseudo-intellectual
i'm willing to bet you're the stupidest person on /lit/ rn, all you do is compensate and attempt to prove yourself but, like, get it together

>> No.13557963

This. Write furfiction, autistic fanfics, etc so you polish your writing and get better at character and world building while you earn a couple shekels. Do it like this Anon says, under a lot of shell accounts so when you actually publish something decent no one will know you made all those fics, kinda like when movie directors shoot porn before shooting Hollywood stuff

>> No.13558048

fren pepe baka its apu you dumb cringy tranny

>> No.13558075

You are what a dumb person thinks a smart person sounds like.

>> No.13558080

i drew the original fren pepe, i can call him what i want and it's cannon
you cannot disprove this

>> No.13558147

The op image is Apu, Pepe's retarded younger brother but some people think both are pepe