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/lit/ - Literature

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13556673 No.13556673 [Reply] [Original]

is this the new meme word? like cringe and fail were?

>> No.13556683

i miss the "epic fail" days

>> No.13556694

epic fail is triumphant, mocking, and masculine. for some reason all the meme words that are current are snide, passive aggressive and feminine, e.g. cope, have sex, yikes, oof, etc

>> No.13556695


>> No.13556755


That was over ten years ago grandad

>> No.13556759

Along with "cope", and (for some reason I don't understand) "dilate", yes.

>> No.13556761

they're all lifted from twitter is why

>> No.13556764

epic win

epic fail

>> No.13556774

we need to bring epic fail back, and other masculine memes

>> No.13556778

holy twitter jihad when

>> No.13557172
File: 200 KB, 690x1185, 20190721-100023_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when cis xirple appropriate trans lingo

>> No.13557185

Twitter crafts more fresh and funny memes than 4chan.

>> No.13557193

memes are bad. they are the downfall of this board. we need less memes, not more. fuck memes

>> No.13557219
File: 178 KB, 800x1132, 800px-Gandhara,_bodhisattva_assiso,_II_sec..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posters of 4chan(nel), I hereby declare the beginning of the Great Meme Jihad. Memes have destroyed all semblance of intelligent discourse on this board. They sap our very mental powers. Make no compromise with meme posters. No more memes. Death to frogposters, "have sex" posters, "cope" posters, "doomer/boomer" posters, gigachad posters, and all their ilk. Death to all memes, death to all meme posters. Meme War Now.

>> No.13557234

What is this, 2015?

>> No.13557238

get rid of the memes and you'll just find another layer of them underneath

>> No.13557241

that's a completely meaningless statement. the memes im referring to are the depraved infantile jokes and joke images that pass for discourse on this site. if you get rid of them, you get rid of them. there is no "secret layer" underneath. shut up.

>> No.13557247

In some African languages the plural of nouns is made by duplicating the noun. For example the word mother is "mama" but the plural mothers is "mamamama".

I wonder if the word "meme", is just a plural of the word "me", considering how the depiction of the frog is attributed to an African deity. But if this would be true, what are the implications?

>> No.13557258

On another note, why does "FUCK YOU" or some more biting personal insult make your heart twinge even after just reading it? Same mechanisms behind voodoo death? There must be some thin skinned people here.

>> No.13557261

I'm perplexed as at the memetics of language. It's an infection that got us all.

>> No.13557272

I thought yikes predates cringe?

Such simpler times

>> No.13557278

I never understood insults and why do some words hurt in the first place. Is there a book that actually deals with the origin of "bad language" because for example in some African tribes where you have tight communities and there is pretty much no crime there is no real motivation for bad language to even exist. The vocabulary for some African languages do not contain the word "I" or "me" at all. They use "us" even when referring to oneself.

>> No.13557291

Why, it's much the same at our Kibbutzim

>> No.13557296

I read somewhere uck You is a verbal manifestation of the mounting gesture - "(I) Fuck You". It is the verbal counterpart to the mounting / pantomime of rape performed by Male apes and other mammals such as dogs.

I'm willing to accept this as superficially plausible. But there's something going on in your amygdala when reading FUCK, the instantaneousness fluttering your heart for a millisecond -- presumably it's a conditioned reaction.

What's the science behind capital letters being read as YELLED? Conditioning as well?

>> No.13557300


>> No.13557304

Have sex, incel. If you "unmask" terminology, people create new terms. Dilate.

>> No.13557305

stop doing that. it's a shitty rhetorical device and it makes you look stupid

>> No.13557308


>> No.13557309

stop being an obscurantist and come back down to reality. the reality is this board sucks because of the profusion of memes. it used to be much better when memes were a mere spice instead of the main course. it's best if we just get rid of them completely. probably the only way to fix this board is to completely militarize against all memery.

>> No.13557314

Be an adult and speak normally.

>> No.13557339

The "(I) fuck you" with I being omitted does make sense. But then you can just reply to the sentence with just "No." because nothing really happens when the insult is said. You are not getting fucked physically.

I always considered capital letters to be more of an emphasis than yelling. In some cases it makes the word easier to read for me, because I have a mild form of dyslexia.

>> No.13557369


>> No.13557383

That's a very stupid thing to say, especially on a literature discussion board. Please desist from making such childish posts in future.

>> No.13557388


>> No.13557394

have sex

>> No.13557396

Stop wasting your life by making stupid posts. You should engage in intelligent discussion, or get off the board and do something else. Or you could join the Meme Jihad, which would also be a good thing to do. This is my sincere advice for you, brother.

>> No.13557398

Have yikes

>> No.13557400

>oh my sweet summer child
>that's a (insert word here) from me
All should be avoided

>> No.13557405

Stop behaving like a person who suffers from mental retardation.

>> No.13557406


>> No.13557429

That is a cultural word not a modern cringy word bro

>> No.13557449

Wiggety woggity ;3

>> No.13557455

It used to be but now every self hating white person uses it because their worried they might misgender someone, it makes them sound like retarded cowboys

>> No.13557456

That is less bad than the other memes you posted. I can see we are making some progress. Perhaps one day you will make an intelligible post that does not require a degree in Twitter Culture to decipher.

>> No.13557471

Have cope

>> No.13557472


>> No.13557475
File: 73 KB, 500x498, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13557477

Please be aware that you are posting on a literature discussion forum, not on Twitter. Join the Meme Jihad and behave like a mature adult, please.

>> No.13557480


>> No.13557481


>> No.13557503


>> No.13557531

>Meme Jihad
New meme?

>> No.13557689
File: 299 KB, 500x375, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm all for this but frogs have been on this site longer than you, if we can't have them does that mean no reaction images at all? why even bother posting on an image board no costanza?

>> No.13557719
File: 41 KB, 531x800, c4129090ccee1c9575b703e12bccd721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic, epic for the win!

>> No.13557730

I've been on 4chan since 2007. I cannot recall frogs being a significant part of board culture at the time. I don't remember when "feels bad man" became a thing, but even if it was around back then it wasn't as obnoxiously spammed as frog posting is now. It's better to just go cold turkey. Anyway, the Meme Jihad I am waging is for this board only, since it is the only board I use. If other posters want to carry the fire of war to other boards, they are welcome to do so, but I am only involving myself with this one.

As for your concern over lack of reaction images. I am only advocating radical measures provisionally. We have a serious problem we need to tackle, and it's worth the price of forgoing reaction images for a while. Despite what it might sound like I am not an extremist. I am against the memery precisely because it has reached a point of extremity and we need to find our way back to moderation.

It's a practically oriented endeavor with a clearly definable goal. The title is obviously humorous, but the objective and the means employed are serious.

>> No.13558028

Y'all is actually an incredibly useful word, considering English has no other plural "you" for when speaking directly to a group of people about those people, when "we" or "they" are inadequate. It makes sense to adopt it into the wider English vocabulary, as opposed to leaving it as a cultural slang term. Thanks southern United States.

>> No.13558033

I don't think he's reffering to these memes specifically, but the kind of memes to which they belong. Which is, as he stated, the kind that destroyes all semblance of intelligent discourse. So by getting rid of them, there wouldn't be anything of them left, for if there they simply exist in a different variation they wouldn't have been gotten rid of.

>> No.13558040

/qa/ dealt with the frog problem basically overnight with schizospam

>> No.13558051

Is based masculine?

>> No.13558057

yikes is old af dude what are you 12?

>> No.13558077

I don't post on /a/ so I'm not sure what schizospam refers to. If it's an equally idiotic meme, then I don't condone such a strategy. We have to combat stupidity with clarity and intelligence.

>> No.13558102

>You should engage in intelligent discussion
You lost?

>> No.13558108

geez, dude, sounds like you really need to HAVE SEX

>> No.13558126

This is true but I still avoid using it and instead say "you all". I'm from the south. Everyone from the lowliest nigger to the richest member of the gentry says y'all. However, northerners and other urbanites have started to use it (like they do the word "folks") and this is especially true for "woke" people who seem to despise any prestige dialect. It's as if they have contempt for all that is decent and standard.

>> No.13558134



>> No.13558150


>> No.13558152
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, marty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd you guess it OP ?

>> No.13558156

>the meaning of life is not to have sex
This, my good friend, is where our mutual arms against a common enemy deteriorates and I must respond simply: have sex.

>> No.13558165



>> No.13558169

Sounds like you need to have sex

>> No.13558188



>> No.13558195

I’m sorry :3 but I’m not listening to another vocaroo until you go have sex

>> No.13558202

Sounds like you really need to spend some more time outside instead of shitposting on 4chan(nel).

>> No.13558252

Here's my girlfriend telling me she loves me bitches. Suck it


>> No.13558263

Sisters dont count :3

>> No.13558280

I live alone, but she comes over.

>> No.13558363


>> No.13558514

More shitty memes that need complex analysis of beauty youtubers and the queer groups

>> No.13558531

I hate every new meme word that comes out. Back in the day, I loathed "fail" and while I've gotten less extreme in my reactions, I'm still blown away by how fast people latch onto words and phrases, hardly anyone ever questioning them.
With 4chan in particular, there's this fear people seem to have that they absolutely must conform to the group's standard. It's like that game "We Happy Few" where you get bum rushed by berserk townspeople if you don't fit in.

>> No.13558646

Is vocaroofag and the Meme Jihad poster the same guy?