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13549710 No.13549710 [Reply] [Original]

I now realize that I have somewhat wasted my vacation. Instead of doing something mentally worthwile I’ve spent far too much time on the internet. This made me wonder what books would be able to help me be more thoughtful, instead of constantly feeding my brain with artificial stimulus through the web. Pic is somewhat related, I’m basically trying to find out how I can start thinking ‘better’.

>> No.13549715

The Bible

>> No.13549779

What you need to do is reduce your internet consumption. Leave this place right now and do the things you need to do. If you cannot leave right now, than you are not ready, no book will help you and you have to keep suffering until your brain is finally done.

>> No.13549859

Already reading it, while it is a great patime and some points certainly hold up, I find it to be kind of bullshit.
That’s actually a great idea, thanks anon, I’ll go and clean.

>> No.13550507

start with the greeks

>> No.13550549

You haven't read the bible at all unless you read a "study bible." The ancient way of writing was to omit massive amounts of information, not point up connections, and assume the reader already knew background (cf Art of War). It doesn't matter what type of study bible it is so long as it explains things in little asides and footnotes.
Also consider the biblical commentary of atheist Isaac Asimov and religious Dennis Prager.

>> No.13550573
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Read well written books.

>> No.13550672
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Unironically Plato. It's all you need to kick start your brain. Once you abandon the homosexual faggotry called realism that Machiavelli brought upon us, you can embrace idealism and search for the compatibility of ideas instead of swallowing everything down like a chimp. When was your last web binge? What do you even remember from it? How much time did you have to think something out before you were exposed to the next thing.

Eventually you'll find out that the criteria for the artificial stimulus you were exposed to is that it needs to be true enough and that the context and connection to something greater is disregarded.

Pic related, me after reading an author's work about Plato and then reading Plato.

>> No.13551059

Nigga the ghita was better
Been considering getting the five dialogues, is that a good starting point?

>> No.13551182


Google some "Alan Watts fireden" and see if you can find a list of books that make you smarter from there

Worked for me.

>> No.13551187


Wish there was some math, government, and computer science stuff we could all read from.

>> No.13551224

Death of Socrates. A lot of people on this board are going to generalize your struggle as the struggle to develop good habits (which is probably a form of projection) and recommend you a bunch of self-help shit but if you’re serious about “thinking better” you may as well get the widest possible scope to understand what’s at stake.

>> No.13551454

What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean by widest possible scope? widest scope of what?

>> No.13551561


>> No.13551571

Can you elaborate? And what do you mean about the death of socrates?

>> No.13551755

proper study of mankind by isaiah berlin

>> No.13552027

It’s a book by Penguin Classics, or a collection of diologues centering around the death of Socrates (iirc Crito, Meno, Euthyphro, Apology, and Phaedo). These are the most accesible and often most gateway-ed texts for a serious study of philosophy (which is, after all, the highest form of thinking and requires the most rigorous thinking), not to mention they provide one of the most comprehensive and virtuous defenses of the examined life. And even if for whatever dumbfuck reason you are not persuaded to pursue philosophy at least these texts will prime you for the Republic which is the other text I’d recommend. Please dont make me explain who Socrates is and why he matters, for the love of god. Just trust me BREH.

>> No.13552128
File: 108 KB, 665x1000, Lol_Idealism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Embracing idealism
Nigga go read a book