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13545880 No.13545880 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is making me insane.
I feel like I'm going crazy.
Sorry, guys, I give up on philosophy. I'll just (try to) stick with my normal (average) life and normal family and normal everything.

All I wanted was to find a purpose in life. All I wanted was to find a meaning, to find God, to find happiness, not lose my sanity.
Sure it might not be entirely philosophy's fault, I started taking antidepressants, too. But I'll stop "taking" both. I had a psychotic breakdown once where I thought I was God and ended in a mental hospital.
I'll just keep taking my antipsychotics and that's it.

Pls, this thread is serious and I'm not in the mood for stupid jokes. I'm afraid. I don't want to lose my sanity.

>> No.13545888

But, you ARE God.

>> No.13545893

No, I'm not. I'm a normal human being and everything is perfect the way it is.

(it's a illusion, but who cares)

>> No.13545900

>All I wanted was to find a purpose in life. All I wanted was to find a meaning, to find God, to find happiness, not lose my sanity.
The Catholic Church is what you're looking for.

>> No.13545911

He said 'find purpose in life' not 'rape little boys'.

>> No.13545919

I've been there. I was a catholic before.
Can't go back now. I'll just try not too think too deeply about life.

>> No.13545928


>> No.13545940

Finding God isn't an easy task. It takes legwork and sleepless nights. But he'll be there for you. You're in this together.

>> No.13545953

Besides reading, what have you been doing?

>> No.13545993

When society itself is insane the only way to find truth is to dive into what society calls "insanity".

Also stop taking the drugs, the fact that your mental health took a turn for the worse after you started should be reason enough. Blaming it on thinking about things is retarded.

>> No.13545996

>Also stop taking the drugs, the fact that your mental health took a turn for the worse after you started should be reason enough


Thanks, anon

I'll stop taking antidepressants
It made things worse

>> No.13546027

Has it occurred to you we're waiting to be saved?

>> No.13546030

Why do you think the world is so shit and you're brunting all of it?

>> No.13546036

antidepressants made me hypomanic, so you might want to watch out for that.

>> No.13546058
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>> No.13546417

You are God but the I you refer to yourself as is not God

sry buddy you're already insane, but I'm insane too if it's any consolation. Living out in the woods won't work either, I've tried it.

I'm God too if it's any consolation, but that is cosmic consciousness welt an sich arena. Just because everything is connected doesn't mean that we could ever necessarily witness it however

Did you know that you live in different psychical realms and that you can lose your sense of self in them? Yes probably. Psychosis is proof that you can divorce from "REALITY" that there is an objective place upon which genes/memory is found. Perception isn't REALITY, even if it is "reality". Also, I think of God as a realm rather than an individual.

Start at 17:04 if you don't want to listen to it all but it's all great generally

>> No.13546427


Also, and I'm not religious, but I found praying to God helps in times of psychical disturbances

>> No.13547263
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Same here, man. I just can't do it anymore. In my search for meaning I've become a sleep deprived, delusional, alcoholic. I've pushed all of the people I love away from me. Fuck.

>> No.13547295

Don't become physically dependent anon. The drinking works temporarily but the next day the anxiety will make you insane.

The most whacked out i've ever been was because of alcohol. the ups and downs are so bad for your nerves. I remember just crying and having panic attacks for no reason and this was before I developed a true physical addiction to the stuff. Once you become physically addicted to alcohol you won't have to worry about philosophical problems because you'll be to busy trying to get your next drink in you to think about it .

Hang in there friend. I'm sober now and have been for almost a year, but I know that one slip up and i'm off to the races. Bottoming out on booze helped me to find God.

>> No.13547496

Read Jung. He is going to heal you.

>> No.13547511

it's a tormented mess and im in the thick of it, but leaving alcohol never solves all my other problems, and girls are so much willing to take me when im drunk that i dont get how to go beyond it

>> No.13547520

Please share with us how philosophy made you insane. I am genuinely curious. Also please refrain from quitting your medication.

>> No.13547744

read don quixote.

>> No.13547756

>he hasn't yet reached panpsychic enlightenment
the sooner you recognize that your body is an object, that your brain is an object, and that experience can arise in inorganic systems, the sooner you become one with the grand consciousness of the universe and abandon all anxieties

>> No.13547809


Also, you can't find meaning by reading books, books are there to facilitate your understanding. Meaning only comes to you when you go out into the world in search of it.

>> No.13547821

>Meaning only comes to you when you go out into the world in search of it.
What do you even mean by that?

>> No.13547834
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Give it a read, one last book before plunging yourself into the abyss.

>> No.13547839

honestly a lot of philosophy is total garbage that confuses people if they take it seriously

>> No.13547877
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I felt the exact same way after I read Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It was one of the first books I read when I started reading philosophy. Every night I would spend reading Nietzsche. My whole belief system tumbled and I fell into depression, something I'm still struggling with. Turn away while you still can. It's too late for most of us.

>> No.13547882

The cause of all your illness is malnutrition, no wild humans or other wild animals are depressed, the only other animals who get mentally ill are the animals humans keep as pets and the reason for all this is malnutrition. Once you get all the nutrients you need from your food your body will be able to create all the chemicals it needs to make you feel happy, at peace and strong. Then what does this nutrition consist of? animal protein and animal fat, preferably raw and unpasteurized. Do this and be as you are supposed to be.

>> No.13547978
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OP here.
I read Human, All Too Human.

Nietzsche was onto something, anon.

>> No.13547982

(Don't) Read Nietzsche.

>> No.13548003
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Yeah, man, everything is connected.

>> No.13548167
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The more times u conquer crazy the more human u are and the better philosopher ull become

>> No.13548182
File: 57 KB, 524x836, NietzcheENOUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book in particular?
Was it because it contradicted previously held beliefs? Or did it say something startling? Something you had thought about before?

>> No.13548210
File: 79 KB, 480x635, Nietzsche (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was it because it contradicted previously held beliefs? Or did it say something startling? Something you had thought about before?

All of that.
It felt like he wrote FOR ME. It feels like HE WAS ME in a previous life. It's soo "haunting".

I read "Human, All Too Human".

>> No.13548219

You know too much, you have to die anon. It is trully over for you. Hell is awaiting your boipucci.

>> No.13548227
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Friends, should I quit my medication (it's Fluoxetine) or should I keep taking it?
Perhaps, it's not the medication itself, perhaps it was because I took Fluoxetine plus another pill for anxiety. Maybe I should just stick with one. Without it, I feel too anxious and depressed.

>> No.13548228

>I started taking antidepressants, too

>> No.13548232

>being this brainwashed by libtard media
So we can pigeonhole all Christians because 0.00001% of them rape kids. But not wanting to ship in migrants en masse because blacks commit 50% the crime is racist.


>> No.13548241

Man I wish a work of philosophy could resonate within me so strongly. It is an uncomfortable but important thing to find things out and follow them wherever they may lead. I hope you don't quit your journey for answers and that you get better.

>> No.13548243

I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of losing my mind.

>> No.13548248

accept the path of the schizo and become insane, go kill an arab

>> No.13548250

>your body
my, my, my. look at this retard of >>13547756. Amputate!

>> No.13548254

Friend, pls, help me here

I want my medication, but I don't know if I should keep taking them. I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of losing my sanity. I love life and I want to live life but I want to be aware of everything.

>> No.13548259

My life is very similar to Nietzsche's life, perhaps I was predestined to meet his great work. We've both suffered from similar (almost identical) problems.

>> No.13548278

Is psychosis lit?

>> No.13548281


>> No.13548285
File: 66 KB, 600x397, Librarian_holding_books_Depositphotos.com_lucidwaters_10852161_wd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you suppose that those well educated in the ways of philosophy lead better than average lives and have better than average families and better than average everything?

Observe the philosophy student in action. Observe his mentor, the PhD laden professor. These guys aren't killing it.

Philosophy is questions, not answers.

>> No.13548293

>Philosophy is making me insane.
>I feel like I'm going crazy.
>I had a psychotic breakdown once where I thought I was God and ended in a mental hospital.
Better check yourself for schizophrenia and/or psychosis, these a clear warning signals

>> No.13548640

Am I wrong

>> No.13548655
File: 62 KB, 750x410, friedrich-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're not.

>> No.13548660
File: 847 KB, 1014x1010, Screenshot 2019-07-21 at 8.38.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP doesn't know that he's a god

>> No.13548664

What were you reading?

>> No.13548670

Human, All Too Human

>> No.13548680
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You were already suffering psychotic breakdowns and made to take antidepressants so you then went and read the books of a guy who had a nervous breakdown and died consoling a horse?
Why didn't you read the Stoics?

>> No.13548682

crazy people sometimes read philosophy, philosophy doesnt make you crazy. either read spinoza or read novels/poetry

>> No.13548964

Come on, even he had a lady that loved him deeply.