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13546761 No.13546761 [Reply] [Original]

Would Plato have been a Christian?

>> No.13546767


>> No.13546770

aquinas was literally the reincarnation of plato.

>> No.13546773

>God in human form

>> No.13546776

In the modern day, probably.

>> No.13546778

No, but he'd probably be catholic.

>> No.13546779

Christ would have been a platonist desu

>> No.13546783

They would have killed him if he didn’t

That would make him a Buddhist

>> No.13546785

Is Plato in heaven?

>> No.13546789

If he only had an education. Poor provincial carpenter.

>> No.13546790

No. He would have found it absurd that a man could be god

>> No.13546794

Yes. Christianity is the ultimate conclusion of tripartite Platonic thought and would have never existed without it. God bless Christ, God bless plotinus and God bless Plato.

>> No.13546798

plato would have definitely been a hermetic

>> No.13546800

Plato hated Jews and said the Pentateuch was garbage.

>> No.13546801

This fits perfectly with the Socratic archetype, brainlet and philosophical illiterate. Kill yourself.

>> No.13546812

So did Christ. He was not Jewish as he born of divine parthenogenesis. God chose this as his birth place to confound the wise.

>> No.13546823

More like a Hindu if Plotinus was right about what his ideas were

>> No.13546824
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>muh god isn’t a jew
100% he is.

>> No.13546832

Paul defeated this

>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things

>> No.13546836

What do you mean?

>> No.13546844

You don’t understand what that means? Are you fucking retarded or something?


>> No.13546845

Since every soul is part of The One Soul he would technically be Christ as he is you, me and everyone else
At least if interpreted my „revelations“ correctly and I’m not just some guy with a fried brain

>> No.13546846

Reincarnation isn't Buddhist you dilettantish pleb.

>> No.13546849

Close. That argument is used in the Koran though.

To God do we come from, and unto God do we return :3

>> No.13546851

It means you're a brainlet.

>> No.13546861

Yeah, it is.
It’s certainly not Christian.

Explain what you mean by “defeated” otherwise its a joke.

>> No.13546869 [DELETED] 

I wish you were my bitch so I could put you in a bondage suit and fuck you

>> No.13546877

I hope you get Bianca'd soon

>> No.13546883

It wasn't him who wrote that. It was me. It means the God you described was obviously not the Christian God and your point was hence moot and invalid and served, literally, to make you a fool.

>> No.13546894

You're being a dickhead, dickhead

>> No.13546901

That Paul’s interpretation of God simply defeats you puerile notion of God’s tribal primitivism?

I really wish I could put on an atheist’s goggles and see reality through a completely idiotic lens, otherwise I can’t really empathize with anything you type or say, since that image is not even a refutation of Judaism let alone Christianity or Islam. :3

>> No.13546906

anybody saying yes is literally retarded. or worse, a liar.

>> No.13546908

>would someone living in greece have been a christian

>> No.13546926

Hm. So Yhwh isn’t the god of the Hebrews anymore.
This image was smashed and even the name was forbidden, but THAT IS your god. Paul defeated nothing, you brain dead fool.

It’s Yhwh. The one the only. The originator of your pantheon. And Asherah/Athirat was his wife. Its IN YOUR BIBLE

>> No.13546929

Low IQ. This is like arguing with an NPC in a video game.

>> No.13546931

You are by far the worst poster yet to use the « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » mantle

>> No.13546933

Stuff your memes up your ass, brainlet

>> No.13546957

>I really wish I could put on an atheist’s goggles and see reality through a completely idiotic lens

yikes. imagine being this deluded in the world you live in. almost like schizophrenia or something. religious people really need to be culled desu.

>> No.13546959
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>> No.13546965

You’re cute when you’re visibly upset. You’re obviously a woman

>> No.13546970
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I'll pray for both of you tonight

>> No.13546981
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>> No.13546986

what happened to him

>> No.13546989

He converted to Christianity

>> No.13547002

lmao great response dude. I'm sure your imaginary friend is proud of you :)

hahaha I literally can't believe there are people believing in shit they've never seen on 4chan. hahahaha it's genuinley hilarious to laugh at you morons. oh and I've never worn a fedora lol.

hey buddy, I'll see you in hell.

and I'll pray for a good peaceful world. thank you very much for your kindness though. I'm sure your God isn't very happy with your racism though.

>> No.13547010
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>I'm sure your God isn't very happy with your racism though.
I'm not racist

>> No.13547037

lmao my bad dude I thought you name said "fuck off niggers"

forgive me I take back calling you a racist :)

I'm gonna go to sleep now cos it's 5am

>> No.13547046

>swastika tattoo across his chest
>Klan hood resting on top his head
>necklace of ears, all dark skinned
“B-but, I’m not a racist”

>> No.13547047

Plato would have been a Christian and a welfare king.

>> No.13547052
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>> No.13547060
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>chopped off dick
>take estrogen injections
>dilates everyday
"B-but I'm not a tranny"

>> No.13547067

So your name means you only go out with black girls?

Another fine gay priest in the fold.

>> No.13547076

It's up to interpretation

>> No.13547140
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You can't resist shitting up good threads.

>> No.13547157

You guys arent very sharp, are you?
It's not even her. The tripcode was discovered.

The price to pay for only using one pound sign.

>> No.13547169

Christianity has a soft concept of reincarnation. Not in the Eastern sense, or in one of total soul and consciousness, but in the sense of archetype and presence.
>13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, 14 and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come.
Matt. 11 ESV
I believe this is a "mystery," one that's been forgotten in the obsessive thirst for simplification in the modern faith.

>> No.13547177

Butterfly fag is an archetype at this point. An archetype of tripfags ruining good things with turpentine huffing retardation.

>> No.13547179

>You guys arent very sharp, are you?
You can't resist getting that in there for your own self-affirmation can you

>> No.13547181

newfag here. Who is this bitch and why do you hate her so much?

>> No.13547184

butterfly you dont understand what that image means, it's a perennialist understanding of shamanistic religion as it relates to the major world religions

>> No.13547188

kill yourself newfag, jump in front of a train

>> No.13547212

Is it just atheists on /lit/ that are retarded? I swear they aren’t all like this

>> No.13547224

He was from Greece so he'd be a Eastern Orthodox Christian

>> No.13547227

Atheists in general are like NPCs, I have never met a sentient atheist

>> No.13547272

Denying Christ Judaism and Jewish blood is borderline schizophrenic. He was a Jew and followed and fullfiled the Law of Moses. There's so much NT quotes that recall the OT that is just absurd to start posting them, you're just delusional. The Father of Jesus was YAHWEH the God of the Jews; His Mother was a Jewess, his Apostles all Jews, Saint Paul and nearly every member of the Primitive Church was a Jew, the theological concepts used by Jesus recall those of the Pre-Christian Rabbinical Eschatology of the Targumin. You're deluded. Stop browsing pol. You're not different from people who believe the Earth is flat. Jesus was a Jew, both religious and racially, that's a fact.

>> No.13547297

Jesus wasn't Jewish. He spoke Greek, lived in a province that had been Greek for over 300 years, ministered to Greeks, named the Jews as worshipers of Satan, and was murdered by Jews.

After his death, there were many sects of proto-Christianity in existence, with gnosticism being truest to his teachings. The Jews co-opted one of those sects, through their Jewgold behind it, and formed early Orthodox Christianity with the Jew Peter as the first pope.

>> No.13547303


>> No.13547308

Jews hate Jesus though. They see him as a heretic, and not one of their own.

Also in christianity Jesus is literally divine, so while he confirms the Jewish prophecy he is not Jewish, he is God, and the Jews who didn't accept him are by definition divorced from his truth. Moses was just a prophet in Christianity, Jesus is God himself.

>> No.13547314

>Jesus is God himself
Wait, really?? I thought he was the son of God. This is the most retarded shit I've ever heard.

>> No.13547315


>> No.13547325

>Transmigration of souls
>Reaching the heaven through intellect
>Anihilation, or eternal damnation/salvation of souls depending on the bible hermeneutics of your choice
>Reaching heaven trought his blood and meat, good actions, active belief etc. Also depending in the bible hermeneutics
It doesn't look like

>> No.13547339

neurotic fag, nasty guy

>> No.13547362


>> No.13547364

True, I know, I was once a Christian, but that anon gave it an eastern connotation.

Because I don’t put up with their shit, I’m anti-theist, anarchist, homosexual woman. Various reasons. They coaxed it all out of me years ago. I actually kept things to myself at first.

It’s Yhwh. Their god was just like all the rest.

You people are like zombies, feeling like you’re special spiritual things.

I know, right?

>> No.13547366

You mean: would he have been Jewish. He was born and lived before Christ.

>> No.13547368

Yes, and Jews hated Baruch Spinoza. That doesn't make Spinoza or Christ less Jewish. You're making fallacious arguments. In Moses times there was no Christianity, Judaism or Mosaism was the true religion. We can only talk about a "Christianity" of Moses in that he hoped in the Coming Messiah just like all the Justs from the OT. Jesus was fully man, stop denying his humanity just because his ethnic origin makes you uncomfortable... He was both fully Human and Divine. God the Son IS the Jew Jesus Christ since the Incarnation.

>> No.13547380

god, the son of god, and the holy spirit, are all the same thing in christianity

In christianity Jesus is not just a man, he is God, this is why the confusion occurs on this subject. His humanity doesn't make him not God, that's the point of the trinity. His being Jewish as a human is immensely less revelant than his being literally God.

Spinoza also was not entirely jewish in thougth, just as the vast majority of Christian scholastics were not because of the influence of Greek thought on their work.Spinoza was a modern philosopher above anything, not a Jew who followed the Torah as holy revelation.

>> No.13547388

Jesus spoke galilee, not a single reference in the NT of Jesus spoking greek, SOME exegetes thinked that he spoke greek in the interview with Pilato, but that's just an opinion. The gospels were written in greek for evangelic reasons but the content is 100% judaic. Jesus wasn't less Jewish than St. Peter. In fact, Jesus is the truest of all Jews, the "Jewiest" Man in the World, the Divine Jew. God loves so the Jews so much even after they killed His Son that he decided that His Only Son became Flesh of the Israel people FOR ALL ETERNITY. He's the Jew per excellence. The synagogue of Satan in the Apocalypse are the FAKE JEWS who DENY THE MESSIAH, THE PROMISED MESSIAH OF THE OT, THE SERVANT OF YAHWEH (read the whole chapter and dont guide yourself by pol infographics, read the whole thing; quoting the Apocalypse is just ridiculous to backup your Antijewish claims because the Apoc is probably the most Jew book of all the NT canon, filled with OT quotes, references, vocabulary and Schatology)

>> No.13547393

The first council of Nicaea was a mistake. Homoousianism is retarded and so was Athanasius.

>> No.13547403

Jesus is both equally Man and God. Your denying of Jesus Mankind is just docetist heresy, a facade for your racial ideology.

I mentioned Spinoza because he and Jesus were "innovators" in Judaism: one an pantheistic heretic and the other the most Orthodox of Jews, but an innovator in the most genuine and positive form of the term. Both hated by the Religious Jewish fanatics.

>> No.13547440

Yes, that's right.
I justify my existence by how many pretentious quips I can get in with internet strangers on a tibetan apple carving forum.
Aren't you a sharp one.

>> No.13547449

I dont hate Jews at all, I literally used to wish I was Jewish, even though i do feel anger against them being a white as fuck gentile who they look down on. Ive known Jews intimately since I was a kid, I could never hate them as a people

Im also not Christian, and it wouldnt bother me if Christ were Jewish, I just don't see it that way. Jesus is God as Man, not God as Jewish Man. The universality of the Christian religion doesn't allow for the tribal selectiveness of the Jewish faith.

Spinoza is just a philosopher, you may as well call Hegel or Kant Christians when they have fuck all to do with the actual doctrine of Christianity, they invented their systems, they didnt take them from revealed religion.

I have a weird position, in which I believe Christ was divine, but Im not a Christian, because I think the Christian God is a God who does not control or see all. Christ is my favorite of all prophets but he doesn't say what I think the truth is, and I think that is because the Judeo-Christain God is an imperfect force among others, and the entire situation is more complicated.

>> No.13547685

So, a christian?

>> No.13548224


Not even "King of the Jews" is peculiar enough for Chabadniks, apparently.

>> No.13548253

>enter thread
>literally half of it is filtered
>leave thread

>> No.13548485

On ome Orthodox churches, he Socrates and aristotle are painted on the outside. Because they were Christian but sort of Proto Christian, theyre treated as proto saints. But this means they can only be on the outside of the church and not the inside with full saints.

>> No.13548761

You’re not a woman

>> No.13549307


>> No.13549828

Jesus was not white

>> No.13549841

Despite what Orthodox theologians would like to believe, Plato's ideas are simply INCOMPATIBLE with Christianity. Plato would think of GOD (as in the ultimate divine principle) as something which apprehends all existence as a single substance, not a person. Plato would call any God with a personality a lesser being aka an Archon.

>> No.13549843


>> No.13549939

>Plato would think of GOD (as in the ultimate divine principle) as something which apprehends all existence as a single substance, not a person.
That is YHWH

>> No.13549948

What retard can believe YHWH has no personality? All he does is bitch all the time about how people aren't honoring him.

>> No.13549986

You can only truly believe when you feel the touch of god. For me it was my Uncle during a 4th of July BBQ

>> No.13550047

interesting. any link for more on this?

>> No.13550300

>tfw I saw the transmigration of souls after nearly dying on a drug cocktail

How do I transmit this information to the atheist? Why is it not enough for my own faith?

>> No.13550398

Yep, that’s going in my cringe compilation

>> No.13550695
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No personality does not necessarily mean no identity. In fact, that which subsumes all things could be the "I am that I am" Self-identity, by which all things are this or that. You've probably directly experienced it already in waking life. Perhaps when randomly sitting down, making contact with the chair took just marginally longer than expected and you found yourself stumbling into Identity proper. Or when suddenly waking up from an otherwise normal sleep and finding yourself perfectly aware, only to become less aware as you come to and remember your particular personality.

>> No.13550766

Christians are arrogant and evil
God bless its death in the west

>> No.13550852


>> No.13550972

you simply cannot call yourself an intellectual if you're a materialist. i mean you can of course but you'd be lying

>> No.13552639
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Spiritualists are always lying when they refer to themselves as intellectuals, so I do avoid such pitfalls, thank you very much.

Sorry, there’ no cock for you to suck here.