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/lit/ - Literature

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13545770 No.13545770 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most relatable book you've read?

>> No.13545776

my diary
also Confessions of a Mask

>> No.13545780 [DELETED] 


>> No.13545787

Crime and Punishment

>> No.13545809

Also sprach Zarathustra

>> No.13545818

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.13545822

Of Human Bondage

>> No.13545826


>> No.13545833
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Infinite Jest

>> No.13545846

Post feet

>> No.13545851


>> No.13545922

It's the original title retard

>> No.13545929

The Fall - Albert Camus

>> No.13546130

the book of disquiet

>> No.13546146

German is an ugly language.

>> No.13546173

You must be 18 years or older to post on 4channel.

>> No.13546191

notes from the underground.

>> No.13546215
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No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai.

These two a lot too.

>> No.13546222

Portnoys complaint

>> No.13546223


>> No.13546227

The great gatsby

>> No.13546234

>reading books because they're "relatable"
Never gonna make it.

>> No.13546264

What do you mean by 'make it'?

>> No.13546416

By Night in Chile

>> No.13546444
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>> No.13546451
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He knows.

>> No.13546456

I've seen this Wojack approximately three times and the right arm still bugs me.

>> No.13546516

theres not a single book out there in existance that could be even closely relatable to the sequence of unfortunate almost bullshit unlucky events that my life is, my diary would be practically an absurdist comedy because for any other person in the world it would seem that having this much bad luck and lack of charisma could only be a shitty slapstick comedy plot

>> No.13546548

Ooh kinky

>> No.13546557

Mein Kampf

>> No.13546607

That arm is fucked up.

>> No.13546621

The Secret History

>> No.13546635


>> No.13546657

Parts of the pale king were extremely relatable. That whole chapter on him worrying about whether people noticed how sweaty he was. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people here have similar issues shutting off their brains to that

>> No.13546690

Never has a book aped Notes Frim Underground so hard and tried so hard to make it look as if it wasn’t

>> No.13546719


>> No.13546731
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Catch 22 at the moment

>> No.13546841


>> No.13546871

I just started this and i'm blown away by this book. I'm only on page 68 but i've never read something that so clearly details human emotional states as they impact decision making and how quickly they wane and wax.

>> No.13546874


>> No.13546878

What a Reddit response

>> No.13546884

it's not a bad book. I rather like it.

>> No.13546905

Ham on Rye, but without the good parts

>> No.13546928

>By Night in Chile
Based Bolaño poster

>> No.13546945

I read it out of curiosity in my mid 20s. Found it to be extremely relatable in terms of moving and wanting to hold onto one's comfort zone.

The truth is that we never "grow up" in life. Just progress through new life stages in until we die, and deep down most of us want to be rescued from aging.

>> No.13546972

never really saw the appeal to bukowski. Just seemed like smut to me. am i missing anything?

>> No.13546991

notes is a wake up call, the fall is hardening and direction

>> No.13546996

This. Got 100 pages into it and had to put it down. Rocked me into and out of a severe depression for two years. Finally got around to finishing it 4 years after

>> No.13547007

Hunger by Knut Hamsun

>> No.13547016

Why? Are you complicit in crimes against your people?

>> No.13547017
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>> No.13547098

Song of Solomon

>> No.13547102

This one hits deep

>> No.13547108


>> No.13547121

Mysteries by Hamsun or Suttree

>> No.13547265

The Loser by Bernhard

>> No.13547304

In terms of similar personality and temperament, it would probably be In Search of Lost Time; in terms of pure emotional relatability, where the author seems to be perfectly articulating my feelings and thoughts at that moment, it would have to be The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.13547671

The Sorrows of Young Werther
White Nights

>> No.13547672

>wanting to "make it"
Never gonna make it.

>> No.13547673


>> No.13547723

Were you actually cuckolded?

>> No.13547736

the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.13547757

>The Book of Disquiet
which edition? I've been looking into reading it for some time but the amount of differences between the editions has me worried I'll choose wrong and not enjoy it.

>> No.13547800

If you think you're so cool, post your diary desu

>> No.13548055
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Brave New World

>> No.13548061

Do people only comment on porn videos in hopes that somebody screencaps them?

>> No.13548068

White Nights

>> No.13548075

The Last Binge Ever

>> No.13548085

based pass user shilling for londonfrog

>> No.13548216

Hedonists are scum, hedonists who aren't even well versed in the literature of hedonism and are simply giving in to desire are consummately vile.

>> No.13548221


>> No.13548346

/lit can't read books written in this century

>> No.13548351

>Crime and Punishment
iktf anon.

For years I wanted to kill someone to prove to myself that I was an "extraordinary" person. C&P felt like it was tailor made for me.

>> No.13548352
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>> No.13548601

Demian by Hermann Hesse. The relationship between Demian and Sinclair is strangely similar to the relationship between myself and my friend.

>> No.13548744


>> No.13548843

i wish i had a friend

>> No.13548848

Suck his dick and post results

>> No.13548905

The last chapters of 100 years of solitude. Aureliano Babilonia is basically the average /lit/ poster desu

>> No.13549019

My Twisted World, The Great Replacement, The Last Binge Ever, the list goes on......

>> No.13549187

Why Lolita of course

>> No.13549215

Hunger. I did not think that the feeling for that kuboa part could be captured in words.

>> No.13549335

Le Pére Goriot - Honoré de Balzac.

>> No.13549352

Which one are you though

>> No.13549361

The Clown Puppet by Thomas Ligotti

>> No.13549363

Schoolgirl by Dazai

>> No.13549430

On the Road was a vicarious relateability. I've never traveled, apart from one trip when I was 12, and I've lived my whole life in one city. Probably will die here.

>> No.13549465

My Twisted World

>> No.13549509

I'm just gonna assume you have no feelings or emotions with that kind of response

>> No.13549518

Don't think I've read a single relatable book. mostly because I avoid novels and fiction

>> No.13549539
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iktf lads

>> No.13549546
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America Psycho, depending on your interpretation

>> No.13549547

I use my powers of empathy to relate to every book.

>> No.13549918

a ticket to the stars. Even down to getting fucking betrayed by the woman I love God fuck bros why'd she do it to me?

>> No.13550035


>> No.13550039


>> No.13550061

go back to playing WOW.

>> No.13550174

Death poems by Thomas Ligotti

>> No.13550360

She's a female.
I'm Sinclair, she is Demian.

>> No.13550470

This side of Paradise, when I was 18. Since then I haven't found a book that could describe my life's situation so clearly.

>> No.13550718

Weird, usually the male is the mentor type. What did she teach you?

>> No.13550754

Good Old Neon

>> No.13550771

i prefer runescape

>> No.13551269

My man

>> No.13551288

My Twisted World by Eliot Roger

>> No.13551342

What makes it so ugly? I don't understand it when others say that.

>> No.13551384

Hedonism is the pinnacle of human nature. Instead of (what most people these days do) striving for Instant gratification, to strive for the greatest pleasure possible (even if said pleasure doesen't come instantly) is what any human ought to do. That exact strive for pleasure is what makes humans human. Denying that, is like denying human nature itself.

>> No.13551589

Then it’s a lot more like Steppenwolf is it not desu they’re practically the same book but Steppenwolf is slightly better packaged and has more goofs and gags

>> No.13551599

Did we even read the same book?

>> No.13552599

I have never read a book

>> No.13552603


>> No.13552614

Crime and Punishment. I've had similar neurotic episodes to Raskolnikov and I harbored a lot of bitterness throughout college that I couldn't understand the source of.

>> No.13552631

I don't read fiction anymore and I unironically cringe to see people taking it so seriously (both the readers and the writers). Get over yourselves. Even the best of fiction is laughably cliche. Everyone would do better reading non-fiction and disregarding all art.

>> No.13552645

Pale fire

>> No.13552716

Based and bugmanpilled.

>> No.13552723

The Giving Tree.

>> No.13552731

this. people who complain about dostoevsky being too “melodramatic” do not understand human psychology

>> No.13552759

Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship

>> No.13552894
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Of Mice and Men

>> No.13552900
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>he fell for the "fiction bad non-fiction good" meme

>> No.13552901

The Rum Diary - I, too, am drunk and wandering around for no clear reason while making a shallow pretense of being a writer.

>> No.13553351
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>> No.13554875

You assume that pleasure in inherently good, and that humans cannot have more pleasure than is good for them.

>> No.13554907


>> No.13554917

Justine by de Sade. I sympathize with the priest who likes beating the shit out of girls and smearing them with feces

>> No.13554918

very hungry caterpillar

>> No.13554936

I was told about No Longer Human by /lit/ great book but the MC is a fucking asshole, kind of relatable but too edgy and had no empathy or others

Also he got a ton of pussy, as if I could relate to that

>> No.13554960

this, only I would have never allowed her to decide to be with me

>> No.13554973

dostoevskij exposing frauds like no other

>> No.13555072

Thus Spoke Zara-trust-a

>> No.13555097

On the Road by Kerouac

>> No.13555106

The Childhood of a Leader by Sartre

>> No.13555119


When he turns himself in at the end is well written. Dostoyevsky has a knack for character development. Read The Idiot next.

>> No.13555157

Also Thus Spoke Zarathustra, although not always to Zarathustra himself, as other anons have said. I greatly related to The Prophet & Kahlil Gibran's other works when I was an adolescent. Now I would say Leaves of Grass by Whitman, Pensees by Pascal, Paroxysm by Baudrillard (his interviews with Philippe Petit), The Foundations of the Moral Life by Spinoza and Temptation to Exist & On the Heights of Despair by Cioran. This is as a high-school dropout runaway living in poverty with my brother.

My older brother, a triple-major engineering and mathematics student, psychedelics-obsessed self-described "psychonaut", said Dune, Battlefield Earth, The Teachings of Don Juan & anything by Washington Irvine or Michael Crichton.

>> No.13555159

No confederacy of dunces, where are my poltards at?

>> No.13555165

Bartleby, the scrivener

>> No.13555248

That is the point though. Even the author thought Yozo must be some insane prick. It's kind of an insight into that perspective of entailed loneliness prevalent in young men of the time.

>> No.13555253

>the teachings of don juan
Your brother is extremely based

>> No.13555278

Thank you Anon. I know, I love and respect him deeply and value his brotherhood more than perhaps any other person I know. He's a good man, and I hate to see how much he suffers and doubts himself.

>> No.13555313

All of us are that little egg on the leaf.

>> No.13555327


>> No.13555333

The class reunion is top cringe

>> No.13555804

The whole book is cringe

>> No.13555821

It's a manga but My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness.

More emphasis on the loneliness.

>> No.13556029

Proverbs and Sirach

>> No.13556095
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The Stranger

Meursault reminded classmates of me (without the loving gf)

>> No.13556382

What do you read? Political cartoons?

>> No.13556544

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.13556570

Nausea - Sartre

>> No.13556599

Apology of Socrates

>> No.13556604

Great contribution to the thread thanks

>> No.13556629

This tbqh senpai

>> No.13556630
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>> No.13556640

yes. disturbingly accurate metaphor.

>> No.13556648
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The Iliad

>> No.13556655

You must be a massive loser, eh?

>> No.13556664

The Fall

>> No.13556665

It was Steppenwolf for years after I got onto a Hesse kick in my first semester of college. These days, it's probably Notes from the Underground these days, cliche as that seems.

>> No.13556701


>"But that I should feel any resentment against you, Nastenka! That I should cast a dark shadow over your bright, serene happiness! ...That I should crush a single one of those delicate blooms which you will wear in your dark hair when you walk up the aisle to the altar with him! Oh no — never, never! May your sky be always clear, may your dear smile be always bright and happy, and may you be for ever blessed for that moment of bliss and happiness which you gave to another lonely and grateful heart ... Good Lord, only a moment of bliss? Isn't such a moment sufficient for the whole of a man's life?"

This ending comforts me when the thoughts of her being with another man overwhelm me.

>> No.13556875
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Sorry for your life :*

>> No.13557078
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Kafka's the Judgement was basically a step by step recreation of a dream I had a year prior to reading it.

Freaked me out.

>> No.13557365

Big Sur by Kerouac.

>> No.13557376

are you a vet?

>> No.13557436


>> No.13557447

The between-the-lines story within Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling.

>> No.13557725
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fuck the memes its a damn good book

>> No.13557783

Person by Sam Pink

>> No.13557821

all of my this

>> No.13558060

these, but unironically

>> No.13558124

Convenience Store Woman
I worked retail for ten years and couldn't escape so it just became an innate part of me.

>> No.13558171


>> No.13558192

A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.13558311

Finnegans Wake

>> No.13558397

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

>> No.13558482
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tfw no gf

>> No.13558516

why is everyone posting depressing books? is everyone on this board depressed or something?

>> No.13558536

4chan(nel) attracts the mentally ill

>> No.13558609

Please elaborate as I recently read it, and felt an inexpressible connection towards it.

>> No.13558724

Very shitty book

>> No.13558753

Lord Jim

>> No.13558759

Post pics of his mom