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13544826 No.13544826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

he has a point...

>> No.13544834

How do I have Sex?

>> No.13544844

white people going extinct due to low birthrates is the problem of white people, we dont need help or interference from other races, if we go extinct its on us, fuck off

>> No.13544857

I think that is exactly Nick's point.

>> No.13544876

>"You dont really deserve to die"
a thought that has not crossed a single non white mind ever

>> No.13544881
File: 85 KB, 856x846, 1550785235121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrr muh birthrates
It's a self fixing problem because governments will start implementing pro natalist policies and future gene editing technology.

>> No.13544891

I do not think you got his point, it isn't that this what non-whites are like.

>> No.13544894
File: 40 KB, 525x348, future (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, here is $2

>> No.13544897

Yeah bro. 7 billion nigger black science men edited in crispr will be a utopia...

>> No.13544896

>governments will start implementing pro natalist policie
No, they will support immigrants, as they have done and are doing now.
If they wanted to raise birthrates then 30 years ago they should have started, instead they left in everyone who could tie his shoes as a replacement for the local population.

>> No.13544901

>even remotely lit
Die one thousand deaths.

>> No.13544902

>worship a hyper-competitive, accelerationist capitalism as a deity
>complain when it tosses your birth rate off the cliff
what did nick mean by this?

>> No.13544906

What does some literal who's twitter have to do with lit?

>> No.13544910

White people arent going extinct because they’re breeding responsibly, we are all going extinct because minorities are breeding irresponsibly.

>> No.13544912

>complain when it tosses your birth rate off the cliff
He isn't complaining about the system, he is complaining about whites.

>> No.13544913

it's nick land

>> No.13544914

He's a pseud wanker.

>> No.13544921

>literally who

>> No.13544926


>> No.13544928

This why the fuck are people acting like the white population is dropping, it’s not. The only people dropping in population are jews.

>> No.13544936

They will self-regulate once the Chinese have invested enough in them.

>> No.13544938

Partly true, partly cringe. Unironically, what's Land's take on the JQ?
Because there clearly are strong policies in place to surpress white population growth.

>> No.13544953

Israel has a birthrate of around 3, by far the highest of any highly developed nation.

>> No.13544954

>like the white population is dropping
It's dropping in most major white countries both absolutely and relatively, which is the central problem.

>> No.13544963


>> No.13544969

Jews are still decreasing in population

Whites are still increasing in population

Yawn JIDF faggot thread

>> No.13544977


>> No.13544982
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>> No.13544987 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13544988

>Whites are still increasing in population
Evidence for that being relatively and absolutely the case?

>> No.13544991

That the white population is literally bigger than it was yesterday?

>> No.13544993

That's a bit pathetic, to be honest. Guess he doesn't want to actually engage the topic. That's his prerogative.

>> No.13544997

>That the white population is literally bigger than it was yesterday?
Do you understand what I am writing? Can you read?

Do you have evidence that the white population is absolutely and relatively increasing?

>> No.13545006

Yeah, that the white population is an increased amount from what it was

>> No.13545011

That is not evidence of a relative population increase.
Do you have a link to back up anything of that, some evidence? So I do not have to take your word on this matter?

>> No.13545017

Can you do math? The Jewish population is MILLIONS less than it was 10 years ago. The white population is MILLIONS more than it was 10 years ago.

>> No.13545024

>some failed hipster academic is my hero and I have to spam his shit on the board constantly so a bunch of incels might buy my, er his, book

>> No.13545031

the birth rate in most white countries is below replacement, how could the population be increasing?

>> No.13545033

Desu the Jewish population is oversaturated with older people too that’s why it’s dropping like fuck

>> No.13545034

That is NOT evidence of a relative increase.
This also NOT evidence.

Do you have a link or are you making this up?

>> No.13545037

Now discount anyone over the age of 60. Whites live longer these days, a 90 yo granny is literally irrelevant but still counts in statistics.

>> No.13545038

Imagine being so triggered by a failed genocide

>> No.13545044

So you have no evidence?
Because clearly it doesn't exist, the white population is relatively falling.

>> No.13545052

If Nick Land is so fast why is he regurgitating two hundred year old trash leftist theories?
If Nick Land is so fast why is he such a twatter boomer?

>> No.13545083

>The Jewish population is MILLIONS less than it was 10 years ago.
No, unless there recently had been a Holocaust:

>> No.13545186

Kiddies who get scared with numbers are funny.

>> No.13545226

Race is a spook, used by fascists who want you to die for their cause, or by communists who want you to hate yourself. Look beyond it.

>> No.13545317
File: 13 KB, 200x271, nick-land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There once was an accelerationist
Who wasn't quite anti-natalist
As the whites died out
He floundered about
But at least he wasn't a fatalist

>> No.13545323

so he's returning to his anti-white postmodernist cultural marxist era...