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File: 119 KB, 785x647, 1-the-suicide-edouard-manet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13543484 No.13543484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me one good reason not to do it

>> No.13543488

death is never a fact in your life.

>> No.13543495


go to med school instead

>> No.13543501

The pain doesn't go away, it just transfers to another person.

>> No.13543512

Take your enemies with you first. If you have to suffer they should too.

>> No.13543513

One have to imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.13543526
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>he still hasn't passed his suicidal phase

>> No.13543540
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Only optimists kill themselves anon

>> No.13543569

"Suicide thwarts the attainment of the highest moral aim by the fact that, for a real release from this world of misery, it substitutes one that is merely apparent."

>> No.13543573

idk but you are probably too much of a pussy to actually go and do it

>> No.13543609

Fucking this.
Imagine reincarnating in something shittier than you

>> No.13543626
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>> No.13543631

Go ahead. Learn to paint.

>> No.13543660
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>> No.13543673


>> No.13543693

rent free

>> No.13543709


>> No.13543712

Even now you are vindictive. You want to prove that life is worthless, but you are not convinced yourself, so you have to pose the question to others in order to see them squirm and struggle. Cruel heart! You cannot end your life quietly, discretely. Instead you need to see hands reach out for you, offering their feeble and uncertain aid, just so that you can take another step back toward the abyss, smiling, delighting in the rejection of their groping in the dark. What is it that you need to see before you die? Is it that you need to believe that those hands are not reaching for you, and could never know you, in order to convince yourself that you are truly alone, that every man is blind but you, that every man believes in the false hope of real embrace but you? Are you convinced that to sever yourself from the world is the only real, sincere act a man is capable of? The only truth? Nay, yours is simple self-pity--a weak, envious pity. That is why you cannot kill yourself. You could not self-annihilate knowing that your motive was simple stubbornness and egotism--for that is boring, common--and who could suffer a boring death? Who could commit suicide knowing that even by self-slaughter they were not differentiating themselves? After all, suicide is the fruit of boredom, and that is why it is in itself banal, underwhelming, and unimpressive. Suicide needs to feel like it is attacking the heart of the world, dealing it a solid blow, making a real impression--but in the end it is feeble, immature, and cowardly. Yet it must believe that it is doing something courageous, that it dares to go where others are afraid to pass. But how could it equal itself with death if it never approaches it sincerely?--for it is always looking back, comparing itself to others until the last. And death does not meet those kindly who engage in such petty and self-serving war with friends. It will reveal unto the foolish the artless jealousy of its vacuous heart.

>> No.13543729

have sex

>> No.13543736

You'll die unpublished

>> No.13543739

Nice, can't wait to be an asshole from the afterlife too

>> No.13543742


>> No.13543868


>> No.13543877

have sex

>> No.13543880
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Don't kill yourself. Kill your self.

>> No.13543933

i know that you are also looking for something to differentiate yourself from the masses, simply by writing this post. Do you expect people to reply, complimenting your intelligence? Would that satisfy your craving? There is an alterior motive behind every post on the internet. Idealized sincerity does not exist. It is an abstract concept, like infinity. The reason we are unhappy is because we live a life of projected idealism. We project the concepts in our mind onto the world around us, whereas the naturalists, pragmitists, scientists etc. observe the world as it is, and form concepts based on those observations.

We should try to shift our mental processes from internal->outward projection to external observation->internal acceptance and consolidation

>> No.13544073

You accuse me of insincerity. But do you deny sincerity as a possibility? Are you convinced that there is duplicity behind every post? Should we resign ourselves to duplicity, then, since idealism is foolish, as you believe? Our by forfeiting the ideal are we destroying also the possibility of duplicity? But then, sincerity would become a reality--which you deny as a possibility. You are foolish, furthermore, to think that we can somehow avoid projecting our concepts onto reality; reality is formed according to our concepts, and even the world the scientist sets out "sincerely" observe is such a one as is structured by our thought. The ardent pragmatist, the steadfast realist will meet, at the bottom of his precious reality, his own transcendental principles.

>> No.13544090

i dont have enemies except the ones in my head

>> No.13544146

Then just stifle them. And live.
Live now, because you’ll die anyway. Deal with the enemies in your head

>> No.13544203

Like Kafka?