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13542532 No.13542532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you honestly believe a high paying job, a wife and kids will make you happy?

Do you honestly believe doing what society says you should do will make you happy?

If society is so great, why does it rape and scar the land, why does it produce millions of mentally ill people, why does it spawn more diseases than it cures? I'm talking the past 10,000 - 15,000 years here, before you get all smug and condescending. Agriculture was the beginning of the end.

>> No.13542542

Fuck off neet
Also /lit/ - literature

>> No.13542552

most people (normies) live relatively happy peaceful lives and they have jobs, family, etc.

NEETs on 4chan act enlightened because they're supposedly not part of the system but they're all depressed and nihilistic. it's actually a mental illness the way NEETs on 4chan somehow have managed to think they are superior to normies because they are failures. it's bewildering to me to see people shitting on people for having jobs or trying to create a family.

>> No.13542555

I wish you could be happy, Reianon.

>> No.13542562

Being a neet honestly sucks. I became more productive after I got a job and ironically had less time.

>> No.13542563

True NEETs willingly opted out of society, they didn't try and fail, they never wanted to be part of the system. There's a lot of failed normalfag "NEETs" running around giving us a bad name, those are the ones with depression.

True NEETs enjoy the NEET life, they recognise the raw deal society offers and choose to opt out instead. You can't comprehend this because society has taught you the only value you have is your usefulness to society. I don't believe most people are happy with their lives, I believe they're simply bombarded with so much stimuli they never get a chance to be left alone with their thoughts and realise how horrible their situation truly is. Fear, shame, cowardice. This is what rules the life of the normalfag.

>> No.13542566

Case in point. A former failed normalfag who bought into the myth that being valuable to society = a good life.

I believe the only way for this to happen is if I retreat into the mountains to live out my days.

>> No.13542570
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Rei gets cucked by Asuka every day.

>> No.13542571

>I retreat into the mountains to live out my days.
You keep saying it, but are you ever going to do it?

>> No.13542576

Your life is miserable. Do you have a partner? Are they happy with your life decision to run away? How are you making enough money to survive? If you're leaching off parents or society, how do you not feel like a beta loser? What could you possibly do with all that free time? If you're working on your hobbies, you should have reached a level where your hobbies made money if you're good.

>Fear, shame, cowardice
For some, not all. And this seems like projection. I don't see how NEETs don't have fear or shame given their lifestyle. I also don't see how they can't be called cowards for quitting on society..

>> No.13542577

>the only value you have is your usefulness to society.

Can I be useful to you?

>> No.13542594

NEETs and other dropouts are simply overly idealistic.. that's the problem.. they think that if the world is not perfect and catering to the needs they won't contribute they'll just hide in their little corner and watch things burn. They are the very definition of pussies. You should be striving to create a better world like a real man. Build a business. Building a family. Build a career. Be more.

>> No.13542598
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It's not about how much money I make or what jobs I perform, it's about how much joy and/or useful knowledge I can get from them.

I don't want kids and I find having children rather pointless. That's just a personal opinion, though. To some people it gives life a purpose.

Having a wife, (or any form of romantic relationship) however, is a necessary evil for me.

>> No.13542606
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itt animes where the best girl won

>> No.13542609

fuck off pedo

>> No.13542610

Why should one care about making a "better" world and better for who?

>> No.13542611

>Your life is miserable
No, it's not. And all your whining won't make it so.

>> No.13542614

Soon, very soon.

>You should be striving to create a better world like a real man. Build a business. Building a family. Build a career. Be more.

>> No.13542616

What's wrong with being a pedo?

>> No.13542617

I bet you any money that you're under 25, lmao. Being a NEET is awesome in your early late teens and early 20s but it's not sustainable and you know it.

>> No.13542621

>Soon, very soon.
Can I come?

>> No.13542622

The future generation. Your children. Your family. I personally am hungry to succeed to give my parents a better life, my parents have struggled so much all their lives and I want to give back to them. I want to give my younger sister a better life, I want to make money so my future family doesn't have to worry about financial stress so they can live comfortable. Basically I want a better life, so I am trying hard to create it.

It's all about trying to ease some of the suffering we have in this mad and chaotic world.

>> No.13542626
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>What could you possibly do with all that free time?
Do you even hear yourself?

"What would I possibly do with my life if not serving the system?".

>> No.13542627

The depressed NEET lifestyle satifies two of the most basic human needs, the need to belong and the need for meaning. Our heroic NEET struggels endlessly with himself and sociey. What is more meaningfull than struggle? If we dont have anything to struggle with, we will create something. The need to belong is fullfilled in a less opaque manner. Since an internet community is hardly comparable to real affection and deep connection. The NEET needs to convince himself that he is so special and his group is so exclusive, so that shitposting on an anomynous internetboat will actually give him the feelz of connection he is so desperatly looking for.

>> No.13542631

>You should be striving to create a better world like a real man. Build a business. Building a family. Build a career. Be more.
"Join the system, work, work, work, build a more efficient system, work, work, work, buy that tv it will make you happy, work, work, work".

>> No.13542634

It is better to do nothing rather than be a utility for others

>> No.13542641

>The future generation. Your children. Your family.
You have to be inhumanly selfish, cruel and egotistical to bring new life into this post-agricultural world. You know full well what a terrible life your children will have, and yet you'll drag them here anyway because of your own pathetic, cowardly beliefs about "living on past my death, passing on what I know, continuing my lineage". I hope your child is stillborn.

>> No.13542642

>Since an internet community is hardly comparable to real affection and deep connection.
I dunno, think that there are some nice people here. Just because we're far away doesn't mean our interactions are less real or genuine.

>> No.13542643

This. I'm approaching 30 and currently NEET and I barely want to be alive.

>> No.13542646

I'm 28, 12 years as a NEET and no sign of it ending. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.13542647

>I hope your child is stillborn.
That's a little mean.

>> No.13542650

Of course, the more the merrier.

>> No.13542658

I think so too, but I think it is okay to be useful to others as long as it isn't a hindrance to ourselves. The problem begins when you are expected to be exclusively useful to others to great personal expense.

>> No.13542659

>That's a little mean.
I meant I hope it's stillborn so it avoids being dragged into this horrible existence.

>> No.13542662

My only wish is to be useful, even if it kills me. I hope it does.

>> No.13542663

Even if you don't want to have children, wouldn't you at least want to create a comfortable life for you and your partner? Or maybe help others who are struggling? I don't know man, just be a little more positive..

>> No.13542668
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>WARNING Child porn is illegal

Thanks Google I was unaware.

>> No.13542670

fuck off redditfag

>> No.13542673

I don't think its healthy to think that way. To believe that it is a necessity to be useful, its a twisted thing, we exist to be alive not to serve.

>> No.13542678

>wouldn't you at least want to create a comfortable life for you and your partner?
I don't see the life society offers as one worth the effort. So no.
> I don't know man, just be a little more positive..
I refuse to pretend to be happy or delude myself into thinking happy thoughts when everything around me is screaming in big, bold, capital letters "THIS IS WRONG".

>> No.13542691

>is screaming in big, bold, capital letters "THIS IS WRONG".
Scream back.

>> No.13542693

I don't know about a high paying job, but I know that someone loving me, getting money for my passion and the ability to pass on my knowledge will make me happy.

>> No.13542702

I never said that you pessimistic asshole. I'm not a consumerist. I just want a better life for my family I've been fucking poor all my life. I've struggled all my life. Don't I deserve a little break? My partners have never go on a fucking holiday. I know the system sucks but I want to make so much money to escape the system. Do you think I want to retire at 65? Fuck that. I want to retire at 35. And use the capital gained from my ventures to live comfortable forever. However we're we differ is that I think that leaching off the system is not escaping the system, you're trapped by the system even more.

Money and wealth = freedom.

NEET = no money or wealth = no freedom.

With enough wealth, I'd be able to go innawoods and build whatever lifestyle I want. So I'm striving towards wealth which means being part of the system for a bit.

>> No.13542705


>> No.13542712
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>Do you honestly believe a high paying job, a wife and kids will make you happy?
Wife and kids, yes.
I do not care about money, aside from it sustaining me and my family.

>Do you honestly believe doing what society says you should do will make you happy?
No, society currently suggests that the highest amount of consumption and promiscuity makes you happy.

>If society is so great, why does it rape and scar the land, why does it produce millions of mentally ill people, why does it spawn more diseases than it cures? I'm talking the past 10,000 - 15,000 years here, before you get all smug and condescending. Agriculture was the beginning of the end.
Because conquering is human nature, and it didn't start with agriculture.
The moment the first knife was broken away from stone and the first spear was created from wood and stone, conquest became humanities ultimate destiny and duty.

>> No.13542728

>Scream back.
That's like an ant screaming at all of humanity.

>> No.13542733

>but I know that someone loving me, getting money for my passion and the ability to pass on my knowledge will make me happy
And how do you know this?

>> No.13542737
File: 600 KB, 1000x1413, 1564234299498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no it's that loser again.

And that spaz too.

>> No.13542741

I'll scream with you.

>> No.13542750

Because I know what it's like when someone loves me, because getting paid is just another way of being told "good job", and teaching is a great deed

>> No.13542751

>I'm not a consumerist. I just want a better life for my family I've been fucking poor all my life. I've struggled all my life. Don't I deserve a little break?
It's a false promise, a wild goose chase. I've been poor my whole life too and then I finally had money, and I realised money doesn't help. Money only offers comfort, nothing else. And a life of comfort is the most horrible existence imaginable.
>but I want to make so much money to escape the system
If you want to escape the system, the only winning move is not to play. Millionaires kill themselves all the time, money is not your escape route.
>I want to retire at 35. And use the capital gained from my ventures to live comfortable forever.
Everyone has this plan, it never pans out that way.
>Money and wealth = freedom.
This is the lie they sell you.
>NEET = no money or wealth = no freedom.
I don't regret a single day of my 12 years as a NEET, I was free to do what I honestly wanted to do every day of those 12 years. You weren't. You were expected to be places at certain times, you were expected to do things you didn't really want to do. You were beholden to the will of others, I never was.
>With enough wealth, I'd be able to go innawoods and build whatever lifestyle I want
You don't need money, only knowledge which is freely available and the will to do it. You'll never leave your comfortable life, your comfortable job, you'll work until you're too crippled to be of use to the system and then be left to rot in "retirement".

>> No.13542755

>high paying job
Of course not. Passive income will though.
>a wife
Definitely, if we're right for each other at least.
No. I fucking hate kids.
That being said I might be open to having them just so I can teach them to be even better than me.
>Do you honestly believe doing what society says you should do will make you happy?
Too broad of a question. Society tells us to do a lot of things. I would be happy with the aforementioned situation, especially if I lived in the countryside.
>muh society is bad drivel

>> No.13542756

What do you like to do, anon?

>> No.13542758

>Because conquering is human nature
The only ones doing the conquering in this day and age are the handful of men who hold trillions of dollars. You're their bitch.

>> No.13542760
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>I refuse to pretend to be happy or delude myself into thinking happy thoughts when everything around me is screaming in big, bold, capital letters "THIS IS WRONG".
Then you are just an idiot.
Even if society is an utter joke and wrong about everything, you are even more pathetic if you take that as a reason to deny yourself happiness.

You are defined through what you hate, society has a far deeper level of control over you than it has over most people.

>> No.13542764

I feel sorry for you, you're in for a rude awakening when you actually get out in the world.

>> No.13542768

Go hiking and camping, study wilderness survival, read philosophy, watch anime and play games.

>> No.13542769

You've been a NEET all your life, what do you know of the world?

>> No.13542771

How do you survive then? You're a slave to the system because you need the government to sustain your existence. Whereas my plan doesn't involve the government.. just hard work and being creative and clever.

>> No.13542774
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>The only ones doing the conquering in this day and age are the handful of men who hold trillions of dollars.
They aren't conquering, they are enslaving humanity itself, with the shackles of consumption and the anti-freedom of "liberalism".

>> No.13542775

Which animoos do you like? Aside from EVA of course.

>> No.13542780

>you are even more pathetic if you take that as a reason to deny yourself happiness
Society does not hold happiness over my head, it resides within me. All I need in this world is what I was born with and the knowledge of how to survive. You can keep your money, your abstract "purpose", your lies and bullshit about society being about the collective good and happiness. I don't need it, I don't want it.

>> No.13542782

They are conquering humans in the same way we conquered cattle

>> No.13542785

>Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. and the 1995 movie
>Outlaw Star
>Cowboy Bebop
>Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
>Darker than Black
>Aku no Hana, manga
>Vagabond, manga

>> No.13542789

To quote you:
"I refuse to pretend to be happy or delude myself into thinking happy thoughts when everything around me is screaming in big, bold, capital letters "THIS IS WRONG"."
No, happiness doesn't reside within you, you admit the opposite yourself, you are letting society give you what you hate.
You are thoroughly it's slave, if society tells you to go left, you will, without fail, go right.

>You can keep your money, your abstract "purpose", your lies and bullshit about society being about the collective good and happiness.
And that is why you are the slave, both blind rejection and blind acceptance is the choice of the slave.

>> No.13542791

>Aku no Hana, manga
Didn't like the adaptation?

>> No.13542796

My 12 years of NEETdom were occasionally interrupted for a few weeks at a time with attempts to exhaust all possibilities in life. I gave society a fair shake, but it just made my resolve to leave it behind even stronger. I've had jobs, not for long but I've had them. I've had gf's, not for long but I've had them. I'm so sure of myself because I've seen first hand what society offers and it's nothing I want.

>> No.13542800
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Enslavement isn't conquest, it is inevitable that humanity will struggle against itself, as only the struggling can conquer.
Enslavement is what happens after everything is lost and enslaving humanity itself, is the end to all conquest.

>> No.13542801

I was one of the few who liked the visuals, but it's unfinished so I prefer the manga. I hope one day they adapt the rest but I know they never will, it flopped super hard.

>> No.13542806

Me too. I liked that they did something different with the animation. It helps with the uneasiness of the story, I think. I can see why you would like it.

>> No.13542807

>No, happiness doesn't reside within you, you admit the opposite yourself
Neither of those statements contradict each other.

Society offers me no reason to be happy, however the capacity for happiness itself resides within me. I'm saying, I can leave society behind and find happiness. I don't need society to be happy and it could never make me happy.

>> No.13542809

It made things impact a lot harder because it was so expressive with movement. Kasuga dragging himself to and from school every day with his shuffling, lazy walk conveys a lot more than traditional animation ever could.

>> No.13542816
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>rape and scar the land
>spawn more diseases than it cures

>> No.13542819

>rape and scar the land
>spawn more diseases than it cures
Are you denying this is true simply because of your terrible choice in women?

>> No.13542820
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>I can leave society behind
Planning on going into a cabin in the woods?
Because society is everywhere, escaping it is basically impossible, and even if you are not part of it is still around you.

You aren't a partisan, who simultaneously is part of, and entirely opposed to everything around him, you are a slave to it, as long as you are physically near it.

>> No.13542829
File: 210 KB, 590x787, __nakamura_sawa_aku_no_hana_drawn_by_doudoude_dou__99a2adeefa260cc9ca41b69f62340aa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conveys a lot more than traditional animation ever could.
For sure. I think it was the perfect way to animate that kind of story for the effect I think they were going for. It had a great kind of 'uncanny valley' effect for me. Like being stuck in some kind of surreal awful nightmare. It gave me some weird dreams the night after I watched it, too. It made me kind of sick to my stomach, too. I can't stay that many of pieces of fiction have had that much effect on me. It's damn tragedy that they only adapted the first third of the story.

>> No.13542830

>Planning on going into a cabin in the woods?
No, staying stationary will inevitably lead to a run in with society. I'll go innawoods, but I'll relocate often. Ted would've been better off if he didn't bother with buying land, he should've just gone deep, deep in there and roamed.

I'd rather live on the run from civilisation and its never ending encroachment onto nature than just lay down and accept defeat. I'll die in the woods or the mountains.

>> No.13542840
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Have you thought about not caring about society? About rejecting it so deeply that you can live within it and not be a part of it?
Fleeing is the same as being guided, it avails you nothing it is the definition of defeat.

>> No.13542849

Society isn't real. Abstract concepts that only exist within human brains are not real.

>> No.13542857

working is not that bad unless you have an alienating assembly line job or semething like that

>> No.13542862

>Abstract concepts that only exist within human brains are not real.
That is an absurd notion of reality.
Language isn't real, science isn't real, emotions aren't real and so on.

>> No.13542865

I've been out camping and hiking before, and when you get far out there off the beaten path and there's nothing but you, the animals and the wind rustling the trees it's exactly like Ted and others have said. Inner peace, you're never bored or lonely, that hole inside you is finally filled. It's like the Earth itself is welcoming you home. It just feels good and right and natural, like everything else you've ever done in life was nothing.

I don't want to spend my life on a futile struggle against civilisation, I just want to go far far away from it and live for as long as possible in the mountains and the forests and the grassy plains.

>> No.13542873
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>you're never bored or lonely, that hole inside you is finally filled.
And if you weren't a slave to society that is how you would be feeling everywhere.

>> No.13542875

Bro it's all going to get better!!!!!! You just gotta stay positive!!!!! Put a smile on your face, a whistle to your lips, a skip to your step, and chew some bubblegum!!!!!!! This is a great world and we're all living it!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13542878

>What's wrong with being a pedo?
Your nose is showing.

>> No.13542879

>And if you weren't a slave to society that is how you would be feeling everywhere
So long as you reside within society, you're under its control, you're subject to its will. The only real option you have if you want to live a truly good life, is to walk away.

>> No.13542882

Those are indeed not real.

>> No.13542891

>So long as you reside within society, you're under its control, you're subject to its will.
No, you aren't, a partisan resides within, but is entirely disconnected from everything around him.
He doesn't have a knee-jerk reaction to run away. He is there, because that is the biggest betrayal that can possibly exist.

>> No.13542892

How are we communicating if language doesn't exist.

>> No.13542894

>No, you aren't, a partisan resides within, but is entirely disconnected from everything around him.
>He doesn't have a knee-jerk reaction to run away.
I've spent 12 years thinking on this, it's not a lightly made decision.

>> No.13542903

I believe having a job that you value (not necessarily a high paying one) and a wife and kids (if you place high value on that) will indeed make you happy, yes. I do believe that, and I think you do as well.

>> No.13542904

Whatever you say.

>it's not a lightly made decision
Just because it is a 12 year long knee-jerk reaction doesn't make it not the result of your inherent fears.
Running away is being controlled.

>> No.13542907
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>> No.13542913
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>> No.13542947
File: 48 KB, 360x480, leave this board if....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /pol/, brainlet.

>> No.13542966


>Do you honestly believe a high paying job, a wife and kids will make you happy?

I know children will most definitely will. There is nothing more beautiful than having children. You'll love those tiny little mini (you's) like you never loved anything in life. And if by any chance you find a good, understanding wife who also love children and a family life and not some brain dead feminist which sole purpose of life is to travel, eat, workout, social media, repeat.. that my friend will be pure and utterly beautiful happy life. Don't get me wrong, you'll have many difficulties throughout life, ups and downs, bad things etc but in no other scenario you can achieve that kind of happiness and fulfillment in life.

>Do you honestly believe doing what society says you should do will make you happy?

Society wants mindless and childless drones. Society doesn't want healthy families and happy people. Society wants apathy, fear, hopelessness and offers you an endless hedonistic pleasures, drugs and happy pills as a counter-measure for that depression which they created in the first place.

>> No.13542976

>You'll love those tiny little mini (you's)
This alone is why you're unfit for fatherhood.

They're not your clones, they're not puppets, they're not slaves you get to control. They're people and you joking about them versions of you shows subconsciously that's all you see them as. Your second chance at life.

It's evil.

>> No.13543019

Stop assuming so much on an innocent short statement. Did you consider he meant the physical similarities, the share in personality traits (which are mostly congenital and to a lesser extent environmental), etc.? No you didn’t, you’re just a jaded little man.

>> No.13543021

spoken like a true npc

>> No.13543022

The rest of his post reads like the typical low iq ramblings of a future poor father figure. He doesn't have kids, he thinks he knows what's involved but he has no idea.

>> No.13543176

Desire is the desire of the Other. You are a pervert if you disavow that.

>> No.13543415

>Do you honestly believe a high paying job, a wife and kids will make you happy?
Yeah, that sounds pretty good.

>> No.13543444

Ah, the whole 'human beings are parasites' shtick. That's fine. All you have to do is not procreate, then you may freely die at your leisure. The West didn't need your weak genes anyways. I'll get a wife and have half a dozen kids to replace you and a bunch of other onions-sucking lefties. They'll have the fear of God in their minds, the love of Christ in their hearts, and a keen shot with a rifle by the time they're 10. I'd be quite proud if one joined the Police and another joined the Military. Ideally, all of them will be full-on heterosexual. I find my own bisexuality to be rather annoying and not at all useful in regards to what I need in life.

>> No.13543472

You are correct. Those things are not real. Time and space aren't real either, and ultimately neither are we.

>> No.13543518

Yes that would make me happy. But really what would make me happy is having enough money to own or comfortably rent a small room where nobody can disturb me for at least 8 hours a day. Thats ALL it would take to make me happy. But because Im a loser I dont make or have enough to afford that and have to live with my parents. I dont have a car. I obviously dont have a GF. And most importantly I dont have any freedom. My days blend one into another from going to absurdly low paying job that constantly changes schedules and makes it an impossibility to know when I will have a day off. Whenever I am free I either sleep or go for a hike trying to convince myself that seeing a nice sunset is all it takes for a man to be happy. If I stay at home my peace is usually interrupted by parents fighting which at this point I still consider superior to paying to stay in a room with 3 immigrant workers which is what my salary could afford me. So yes making more money would solve all my problems. The biggest problem is that I am a maladjusted idiot with no skills or capacity to make money so its unlikely to ever get better. For some reason despite the fact that I am an idiot, God has granted me enough self-reflection to constantly drive this point home instead of blissful unawareness of your typical low-wage laborer. So yes making more money might not make me happy, but its going to at least remove the nagging daily suspicion that my entire existence is a mockery and that I am being mocked for some fundamental quality that I am unable to change and that this is the whole extent of my life experience. Having been subtly humiliated by my own father leads me to believe that this could perhaps be as obvious to others as it is to me. But alas when the very quality of loserdom seems to be fundamentally part of one's being, what can one really do to change his situation? All attempts end in failure and only reinforce the obvious.

>> No.13543525

oi watch out boys we got ted kasnackpack over here. go jerk off in the mud while beating your chest ya loon

>> No.13543534

Yes that would make me happy. But really what would make me happy is having enough money to own or comfortably rent a small room where nobody can disturb me for at least 8 hours a day. Thats ALL it would take to make me happy. But because Im a loser I dont make or have enough to afford that and have to live with my parents. I dont have a car. I obviously dont have a GF. And most importantly I dont have any freedom. My days blend one into another from going to absurdly low paying job that constantly changes schedules and makes it an impossibility to know when I will have a day off. Whenever I am free I either sleep or go for a hike trying to convince myself that seeing a nice sunset is all it takes for a man to be happy. If I stay at home my peace is usually interrupted by parents fighting which at this point I still consider superior to paying to stay in a room with 3 immigrant workers which is what my salary could afford me. So yes making more money would solve all my problems. The biggest problem is that I am a maladjusted idiot with no skills or capacity to make money so its unlikely to ever get better. For some reason despite the fact that I am an idiot, God has granted me enough self-reflection to constantly drive this point home instead of blissful unawareness of your typical low-wage laborer. So yes making more money might not make me happy, but its going to at least remove the nagging daily suspicion that my entire existence is a mockery and that I am being mocked for some fundamental quality that I am unable to change and that this is the whole extent of my life experience. Having been subtly humiliated by my own father leads me to believe that this could perhaps be as obvious to others as it is to me. But alas when the very quality of loserdom seems to be fundamentally part of one's being, what can one really do to change his situation? All attempts end in failure and only reinforce the obvious. I am in this grey area of existence that seems to be obvious only to me but not to society. I exist, but all attempts at trying to participate as a fully free individual in society end with violent rejection. So I am stuck in this position where I have to exist, but invisibly.

>> No.13543597

>For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

>> No.13543600


no they don't. they get drug addictions, cheat on their partners, lie to their children, keep up with the joneses, and die

>> No.13543638

Except they dont, they become society's leeches, mere parasites dependent on the flourishing of society in order to suck its blood

>> No.13543659

NEETs are the last thing you should be crying about if you care so much about your precious society.

You're being outbred by non whites who work cash in hand for less than minimum wage AND get all the government gibs they can. Your government spends huge chunks of your taxes fighting wars not to protect you, but to make the people at the top even richer. NEETs are leeches, but you have rabid dogs biting chunks out of you so maybe pay attention to the dogs first.

>> No.13543670

>most people (normies) live relatively happy peaceful lives and they have jobs, family, etc.
Not really. Most men loath their wives and get by on alcohol.

>> No.13543696

>most people (normies) live relatively happy peaceful lives
No they don't, they need to cope with the stresses of the system just like anyone else. Ted K was onto something when he talked about surrogate activities but he dismissed all activities under the label surrogate. Escapism, that is what we call "fun" activities i.e. entertainment, should be considered a separate surrogate activity and are cope methods for dealing with modern life. Nobody today is happy, not a single person, and if they tell themselves they are happy they're lying to themselves. The difference between a normie and a NEET is that the normie is better able to cope with how shit modern life is and needs less escapism, but they need escapism all the same.

>> No.13543727

The truth is neither NEETs nor wagies will die fully satisfied with the life they lived, since the human condition is marked by an endless striving for something we don't have. Regardless of your life situation, you will constantly feel like there's something missing and this will ultimately make you discontent.

>> No.13543773

This is just falsehoods. There are people out there completely satisfied with their lives. They work in their passion which doesn't wear out, they married the love of their life, they're rich and have everything covered, and each of their days is filled with joy and satisfaction. Just because you can't be satisfied with life, doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else.

>> No.13543781

Why do you believe fairytales are real?

What you just described doesn't exist.

>> No.13543801

Not only does it exist, but they have names and faces as well. Or are they just deceiving me and are secretly whining anonymously on 4chan in their free-time instead of spending time on their hobbies and loved ones? Wake up man. Not everyone is a miserable incel robotically devouring philosophy to look for an answer as to why their lives suck ass.

>> No.13543818

Where are you getting this shit from?

Strangers on the street? People on facebook?

>> No.13543874

How were EVA's designs so iconic? I haven't even seen the show, but everything I've seen of it from the outside just strikes as so memorable to me. The character designs, the plugsuit designs, the mecha designs...everything feels like such a real world, and still fresh even decades later. I mean look at that character, Rei - I don't know practically anything about her, save that she's some kind of experiment, but with the sparsest of details - blue hair, red eyes, a schoolgirl's uniform - she somehow manages to lift straight off the page, and into reality. I could write the same of Shinji, Asuka or that other maternal girl with purple hair that behaves like a Mommy GF to Shinji. I have spent time studying design (particularly the kind found within storytelling franchises), and I find it such a fascinating domain. The manner by which a reality is conveyed through an arrangement of elements, is something I still have trouble understanding the exact mechanisms of. I mean, how is it that simply pairing blue hair, red eyes, a detached facial expression and a certain schoolgirl uniform somehow create the illusion of life? Why do those elements work so well? Could not other elements - a different hair color, eye color, face type, and outfit - have equally created a semblance of personhood? Why is it that "Rei" is only found within the former, such that other combinations would not seem likely to have worked? What is it about blue hair, and specifically the shade they used, and why red eyes, and specifically the kind chosen, and why the schoolgirl uniform, and specifically the design selected by them? I could ask the same of Shinji's white shirt, or of Asuka's hair color.

Is it effable, or something strictly intuitive and not communicable through language?

Cowboy Bebop is another show with absolutely wondrous designs, which similarly reach the status of what could-be called "living fiction". Spike, Faye, Jet, Ed, Julia and several other characters have such tremendous design quality to them.

>> No.13543906

high paying jobs are usually associated with a lot of work, stress, and very little time to yourself. but i think a properly selected vocation can bring a lot of satisfaction to someones life beyond "contributions to society" or having enough money to provide for a family.

It's true a lot of people are simply busy working shitty jobs where they shuffle paper around and their "contribution to society" is 100% a cope. Usually because they are unwilling to take a risk, quit their job, and put everything into some dream they've had for years. Because it would be harder to deal with that failure than it is to cope with day-to-day drudgery. "I've got kids to feed!", "I've got rent to pay" etc etc. It's easy to cope with being a wageslave.

I think the standard reply is either "for yourself" or "for your children" but the real reason is for God, or at least for some greater purpose. If you're so unhappy and dissatisfied with the world you need to articulate that. What exactly are the things you hate about this world? Is there anything you can do to fix any of those things? If you're unwilling to act on your dissatisfaction maybe you're weak, or maybe you're not really dissatisfied.

I have nothing against NEETs, and I do think there are great arguments for being NEET but I still think it's better to actually try and do something. By that I don't mean be a wageslave but go out and take a RISK. Besides, being NEET you have nothing to lose so just go and try something.

>> No.13543975

This but unironically

>> No.13543977

All the colors in Eva are outlandish and unrealistic and yet they're all somber, their original luster lost in the foggy haze of the world Eva is set in. Every character's design matches their projected identity. Shinji, like a juvenile salaryman ready to bursy. Asuka, redheaded and fiery, all about "me". Two sides of the same coin. Rei, outwardly cool yet carefully keeping a hidden passion, protected by a veil of innocence not found in other characters. Each visual note in Eva is a masterstroke, an unparalleled masterpiece born from the tortured genius of a man who walked down every avenue of meaning life, never found any, yet chose to keep going anyway to appreciate the suffering.

>> No.13544143

no, generally speaking i haven't enjoyed life since my teenage years and can't see myself enjoying this society as i get older though i will probably secure myself a high paying job after uni so i can live comfortably and have independence from my family

everywhere you go brands, logos, names, images, symbols, are seared into your subconscious, everything you hear is about selling you something, there's no common goal outside of every man making money for himself, nothing to unite people, people can see there are things wrong with the way things are but nobody does anything, nothing gets solved, nothing is ever fixed, everything you hear about politics is a lie (people know this but don't care, so long as they can eat from their dopamine troughs why bother with what their overlords are doing to them?), most jobs now require you to sit at a desk for 8 to 10 hours a day typing into a computer doing mental tasks, technology has even commodified romance with the advent of tinder and other dating apps/websites, nature is destroyed for more houses/apartments for parasite humans who can't stop having kids or for more ways to produce profit for the capitalist machine, what's funny is when people tell you to just pay no attention to all of this and get back to "feeling good" or to "live life", they employ these weird mental gymnastics so they can ignore the entire world and just focus on consume, consume, consume

>You should be striving to create a better world like a real man. Build a business. Building a family. Build a career. Be more.

it's hilarious that people like you think this is what "real men" do, basically licking the feet of the capitalist system and helping it progress by producing for the economy, it is fine to do this for your own personal financial safety but please never delude yourself into thinking that it's "masculine" in any way

>> No.13544148

I really love seeing discussions like this here. You guys sincerely express the depths of your personal journeys in life, which often display much raw wisdom. This said, I have a somewhat related problem that I'd like your advice for. For a long time now, I've somehow come to hold myself to be worthless, and undeserving of fulfillment, perceiving the very concept of desire as an evil, and thinking that thinking of my happiness makes me selfish for doing so. I genuinely feel that I should dedicate my life towards not merely the assistance of others, but at the cost of myself. I must not benefit, only others should - and if others can benefit from my harm, that is perfectly acceptable. I used to think I was simply an altruistic person, but I recently came to realize it's not merely the wish to assist others, but is born of a highly dysfunctional self-view.

I genuinely "feel" all of this to be correct, but I'm aware that most others consider it incorrect - and I'm sure I'd agree once out of this mindstate. My attitude has no coherence, since there's no reason why others should deserve happiness (which I dedicate myself towards giving them) and myself not to. How do I reorient myself back towards self-care, seeing myself as on the same plane I do anyone else, and not selfish for pursuing my own fulfillment?

>> No.13544158

who cares, people devote their lives to accumulating monopoly money, others, like you, have their defects lead them to a life of altruism. do it who gives a fuck fuck this gay earth (or at least, what we've done with it)

>real man who couldn't last a day in the woods by himself

end it

>> No.13544181


Identity. I am that I am.

>> No.13544208

anime isnt real haha