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File: 11 KB, 264x356, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13542584 No.13542584 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw cant see the noumenon

>> No.13542592
File: 23 KB, 220x317, kant_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghost of kant still restlessly haunts the streets and castles of konigsberg
>late on autumn nights, philosophical tryhards come to shout out their metaphysical preferences in the darkness, and he responds with his judgment
>on the first night, a young man calls out "buddhist process theologian!"
>voice of kant groans "dogmatism"
>on the second night, another young man yells "haeckelian monist!"
>gust of wind blows
>windows rattle
>on the third night a man with screamo tattoos and a handlebar moustache shouts "deleuzian bergsonian!"
>the response comes again, "dogmatism"
>finally, on the fourth night, a fourth man appears, but does not say anything
>after many hours the ghost of kant materializes at last, curious at his silence
>kant asks the man why he does not proclaim his metaphysics
>"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent"
>finally the ghost of kant was put to rest
>on that spot, to this day, you can still see the moral law within you and the starry heavens above

>> No.13542656


>> No.13542706


This painting has convinced me that Kant and Land are the same entity

>> No.13544503

he was reborn to correct his mistakes

>> No.13544628

Cunt kant can't cannnnnnnt


>> No.13544643

I've got your noumenon right here, bro.

>> No.13544654

>tfw can't even think about the nuumenon without filtering it through the sense modalities and imposing the form of spatiotemporal reason upon it

>> No.13545549
File: 125 KB, 275x275, 1540412516928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's real

>> No.13545555
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1562336377147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this little goblin wants ethics without God, so he calls it the "categorical imperative" and just tries to recreate Christianity
Fuck off you Prussian leprechaun. Use that lucky charm of yours to wish for some stelts.

>> No.13545569


>> No.13545587

Mind if I adapt this for my book?

>> No.13545598
File: 63 KB, 675x500, 1483846804997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't have moral principles without a sky daddy

>> No.13545634

You want me to lie? I simply Kant! Haha!

>> No.13545673

Hahaha go jump off a bridge you worthless fucking nigger. You think you're funny? You think it's funny to make the same joke that every other philosophy undergrad makes the first time he hears about the Prussian goblin? You're such a fucking comedic talent, why not turn your joke of a life into a tragedic comedy and jump off a building with an invisible parachute. Cunt.

>> No.13545683

An invisible parachute would still function as a parachute, it would just look like I’m falling really slowly.

>> No.13545686

Jump off a building and smash your head open on the street.

>> No.13545691
File: 739 KB, 2322x744, 20190728_190304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13545952

>mfw this little goblin wants ethics without God
not true btw

Have you even read the critique of practical reason?

>> No.13545959

t. Königsberger Klops

>> No.13545971

>he hasn't read Kant

>> No.13546276

>jump off a building with an invisible parachute
man, what a shitty insult, so many mistakes. you are far worse than the guy who is at least an under grad.

>> No.13546283

My system of metaphysics is a necessary condition of knowledge itself, checkmate transcendtards.

>> No.13546369

did you make this? Its beautiful

>> No.13546728

>tfw can't know the noumenon

>> No.13546748

Ahhhh, I get it now, I get it all...

>> No.13546755

t. dogmatist, sophist, and moral relativist

>> No.13547344

Wasted digits. Have you even gone over Kant in a 101 class?

>> No.13547349

I would jump off a building, but if we made that into a universal maxim, then the very notion of jumping off a building becomes a logical absurdity. So I simply Kant! Haha!

>> No.13547355
File: 158 KB, 510x640, Beatific Vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the grace of God it is possible

>> No.13547367

That's a good description of Wittgenstein

>> No.13547582

High IQ physiognomy

>> No.13547587

Kant's entire ethical framework presupposes and necessitates the existence of God, you very clearly haven't read him.

>> No.13547600

all the growth hormones, energy and nutrients went to his brain
>Kant stood less than five feet tall, and his head was disproportionately large for his body. His frame suffered from a slight corkscrew twist, which made his left shoulder droop, his right shoulder curve back, and his head tend to lean to one side.

>> No.13547616

>His frame suffered from a slight corkscrew twist, which made his left shoulder droop, his right shoulder curve back, and his head tend to lean to one side.
Literally me, I’m a genius

>> No.13547617

He want to say Kant is a crypto-atheist. Why does he need to presuppose God on using categorical imperative? Any argument on there?

>> No.13547619


>> No.13547643

Are you a manlet balloon-head though?

>> No.13547649

No my head is small for my body :(

>> No.13547650

>t. wannabe composer from röcken

>> No.13547675

IIRC Kant argued that in order for the categorical imperative to be true, there needed to be an impartial arbitrator to judge and punish/reward those who deviate/follow the imperative. I could be incorrect because it's been ages since I read Kant and I haven't gone back to brush up before writing this, but I think this was his general idea.

>> No.13547772

>screamo tattoos

>> No.13548066
File: 272 KB, 846x957, 1564145764856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being the noumenon

>> No.13548412

need to translate this into german

>> No.13548434

>he unironically goes to class

>> No.13549394
File: 7 KB, 217x300, schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the noumenon was inside you all along

>> No.13549729
File: 24 KB, 500x414, 25929B10-2820-4DC7-8874-016BD01F2763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Der Geist Kants spukt immer noch durch die Straßen und dem Schloss Königbergs.
>Spät an Herbstabenden kommen hochmütige Privatphilosophen raus um ihre metaphysischen Schwärmereien zu verkünden, wozu Kant sein Urteil gibt.
>In der ersten Nacht kommt ein junger Mann und schreit: “Buddhistische Prozess Theologie!”
>Kants Stimme erwidert: “Dogmatiker!”
>In der zweiten Nacht kommt erneut ein junger Sprosse und ruft: “Haeckelischer Monismus!”
>Die Blätter säuseln und der Wind flüstert: “Dogmatiker!”
>In der dritten Nacht kommt ein exzentrischer Halunke und durch seinen Schnauzer deklamierter: “Deluzeianische Bergsonier!”
>Die gleiche Antwort hallt wider: “Dogmatiker!”
>Schließlich, in der vierten Nacht erscheint ein Mann, doch spricht er nichts.
>Nach langer Weile verwirklicht sich der Geist Kants, neugierig des Schweigens des jungen Herausforderers gegenüber.
>Kant frägt ihn warum er seine Metaphysik nicht teile.
>“Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen”.
>Kants Geist vergeht und endlich wurde er zur Ruhe gelegt.
>An der Stelle, noch Heute, kann, je öfter und anhaltender man vorbeikommt, das moralische Gesetz in einem und der bestirnte Himmel über einem das Gemüt mit immer neuer und zunehmender Bewunderung und Ehrfurcht erfüllen.

>> No.13549786

>Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent
unironically dogmatism

>> No.13550456
File: 66 KB, 473x600, magritte sophia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOCRATES: So whence the line dividing what you know and what you know not?
>KANT: I...
>SOCRATES: Have you found it continuous, or have you gradually encountered parts of it that you later put together?
>KANT: I-I just...
>SOCRATES: Does it have ends, or does it loop?
>KANT: Look sir...
>SOCRATES: How would you know if you've truly returned to the initial inquiry? What gives you the authority to close it there, rather than elsewhere? Is what you know on the inside and what you know not on the outside, or the other way around? Moreover, how do you know either way? Is there a second line dividing that too? Why? Why not?
>KANT: I-I-I-I...
>SOCRATES: And if you do not close it then have you found either of its ends? Perhaps there is not one but two lines, intersecting, dividing what you know, what you know not, what you know you know, what you know not you know not, and so forth.
>KANT: Pl-please...
>SOCRATES: Would it not follow that you could walk around the ends once you find them, as one would walk around the end of a fence, no matter how long, once one has gone the distance?
>KANT: *silently weeping*
>SOCRATES: What, then, divides what one knows from what one knows not, other than vitality?

>> No.13550715

imagine putting Kant up against Eocrates/Plato as if they would disagree

>> No.13551019

>other than vitality?
Jumped the gun right there, the rest is K

>> No.13552435

One can't KNOW that God exists as that's a transcendent claim that extends beyond the bounds of reason. However, because human agency isn't adequate to the task of producing the highest good (the highest virtue mixed with the highest happiness), we have to act AS IF God is real or have faith in God's existence in order to believe that it can be achieved and that God will distribute happiness and virtue adequately in the next world.

>> No.13553313
File: 111 KB, 625x773, wojak wilted testicle brain breaks off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr what is the analogy of the divided line

>> No.13553478

>SOCRATES: So whence the line dividing what you know and what you know not?
>KANT: I actually wrote a few books about that. Solved the whole problem. Check this out I call it a Critique.
>Socrates: Oh... Well...
>Kant: Yeah.

>> No.13553686


Writing an infernal codex around your self-imposed agnosticism makes it worse, not better. The more you attempt to alleviate the sickening strangeness of "I don't know", the less justified it becomes.

>> No.13553771



It seems even worse than I thought, my God.

>> No.13554756
File: 10 KB, 604x608, 1460971277189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i touched the noumenon and he made me bleed

>> No.13554900

Yes, that sounds correct. Thanks for clarifying, I should really go back and read Kant again.

>> No.13554913


>> No.13555044

Because its a Fanged Noumena™

>> No.13555126

Noumenon touched me... inappropriately.

>> No.13555270


I mean mentally.

>> No.13555500

Very underrated. This guy actually read Schopenhauer

>> No.13556788


>> No.13556862

I don’t get it

>> No.13558172


>> No.13558795


>> No.13558892


>> No.13559804


>> No.13560975

Bro you just posted cringe. You will lose subscriber!1!1

>> No.13561674


>> No.13561742

Very based.

>> No.13562919


>> No.13562929

Kant already says this too

Our soul is of course a thing in itself that only appears for us, not as it is in itself

>> No.13564243
