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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 612x454, set-of-2-books-milk-and-money-the-sun-and-her-flower-original-imaf6pgzcnhde4t7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13541893 No.13541893 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13541904

She's got dime piece tootsies tho senpai

>> No.13541909

let them be anon, you can enjoy and write poetry while they exist

>> No.13541910

What can we do, anon? Instathots have taken poetry.

>> No.13541925

>Milk and Honey, was published in 2014; it sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide and spent

How do the authors on here feel about this? I swear you could probably compile random posts on here and come up with something that's infinitely better than this dog shit. I actually got milk and honey from the library because I saw it had great amazon reviews and wanted to some modern poetry and was absolutely flabbergasted by how atrocious this was, I thought it was written by a 12 year old until I saw that she is 26.

>> No.13541938
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>> No.13541945
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>> No.13541948
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>> No.13541954
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>> No.13541960
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>> No.13541966
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>> No.13542156

When my book on the relation between Instagram poetry and The Canterbury Tales comes out, you'll all be sorry you spoke poorly of Rupi & co.

>> No.13542198

Hi rupi

>> No.13542205

none of these are poetry they're just made to appear that way

>> No.13542224

Of all the literary forms, we might have predicted that poetry had the best chance of escaping social media’s dumbing effect; its project, after all, has typically been to rid language of cliché. Yet in the redefinition of poetry as ‘short-form communication’ the floodgates have been opened. The reader is dead: long live consumer-driven content and the ‘instant gratification’ this affords.

What good is a flourishing poetry market, if what we read in poetry books renders us more confused, less appreciative of nuance, less able to engage with ideas, more indignant about the things that annoy us, and more resentful of others who appear to be different from us? The ability to draw a crowd, attract an audience or assemble a mob does not itself render a thing intrinsically good. The new poets are products of a cult of personality, which demands from its heroes only that they be ‘honest’ and ‘accessible’, where honesty is defined as the constant expression of what one feels, and accessibility means the complete rejection of complexity, subtlety, eloquence and the aspiration to do anything well. As Kaur’s editor has explained: ‘The emotional intensity of Rupi’s message of self-empowerment and affirmation, combined with her passionate audience really resonated and we could see through sales of her self-published edition that her readers were really responding to her message.’

When did honesty become a requirement – let alone the main requirement – of poetry? Curiously, the obsession doesn’t apply to all literature; there is no expectation that the output of novelists or playwrights should reflect their personalities.

>> No.13542228

when you can't write anything of substance it's easiest to criticize others who also can't write

>> No.13542289

rap is unironically the only thing keeping poetry alive today

>> No.13542309


none of these
are poetry
they're just made
to appear that way

>> No.13542341

this guy is onto it. people talk down on rap, and generally those who are most ardently into poetry would never mention the two in the same breath, but the influence of poetry has very obviously reared its head and rap arguably would not exist without poetry. poetry fiends consider it the child they wish they'd never created, but it will soon become sentient and overtake the throne, and i can't wait. a lot of what makes poetry good is how it comes across when spoken, and sitting alone in my room reading poetry off the page doesn't give that same emotional rise that listening to it does.

>> No.13542347


>> No.13542350

;_; its so beautiful

Take any tweet and;
add line breaks
and semicolons.

>> No.13542680

who fucking does this, wtf?

>> No.13542684

are these fake? wtf

>> No.13542686
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 1420969181131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rap is like urban poetry

>> No.13542719

so she is against political leftism? Still not good but based and redpilled

>> No.13542826

that's the beauty of it
you literally can
not tell if i wrote it
or a fourchannel epic troll :)

- rupi kaur

>> No.13543857

Are those buttholes?

>> No.13543893

Fuck off troll

>> No.13545565

Just found out my sister has a copy of Milk and Honey. I don't know how to feel.

>> No.13545597

>prostitution is considered beautiful

maybe on fucking instagram

>> No.13545623
File: 323 KB, 2176x3264, IMG_9502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goodness gracious, it's Ms. Rupi Kaur!
Whose footgame began an Indo Smut War
Igniting from Bhuj to Hoshiarpur's
Riled crowds’ lusts for Rupi trotters
Her pedal blooms floor millions so jealous
Archlets, stub-toed wives thrown from high trellis
Ministers pledged crisis chiropody
Besieged by footlusting scurillity
Kashmir first then Gujarat’s Feet Riots
Ascetes pledged pedis with karmic diets
No alms could sate Rupi’s lurid haunting
Toes of vert, bice, teal and rose, so flaunting
Dreams of Rupi’s ruddy duned soles, so fair
Askew expectations and blighted prayers
Vexing cities, hills, trenchant fetish thirsts
Vortical infatuations soon bursts
Statewide calamities roust refugees
Mumbai podophiles spend like bougies
None rival but one Rupi toe cranny
Not Humaima Malick, Pakistani
Nor Asin or Priya’s feet, still thrilling
Sans Rupi’s nuance they’re unfulfilling
UN relief atop Delhi’s blather
Stayed not the surging footlusts’ viscous slather
Oracles, savants dumbstruck by her feets
Women spurned, soles lacking velveteen pleats
Wrecked ruins plume smoke while fapper fists froth
Beware all counterfeit Rupi foot broth
Dissolved cities, fetishists hermetic
From one poetess’s hot aesthetic
Girls unshod, their men then struck by bathos
Rupi’s shoe slave quips, “Finna pay f’ those”
Outside India, this crux ludicrous
Cannuck Rupi bathes in Juniperus
Sudsing her soles, how bubbles slowly slide
Pumice and files, deftly her hand glides
Trimming the hairs along toes’ regal length
Wiggling and flexing, bewitching her strength
Strappy heels compress, her toes seem Grecian
But barefoot she slinks wavy, Phoenician
Thinking the riots as all a bit weird
Detoxifying her soles, charcoal smeared
On idols and shrines, foot pilgrims do weep
Recording laments after iphone’s bleep
Solace from old texts, The Queer Solestry
Enlightened by a sacred shoeless creed
Army convoys guard her Ped Egg shavings
From dangerous desires and cravings
Upon Caucasoid writers, her full weight
Her soles feeling their heart by skull’s pulsate
Lesser feet drove men furious, hateful
Where Rupi treads, the ground is quite grateful
Cosmetics, prosthetics, footlets juicing
Surplus silicone feet, just adducing
No peers to Rupi’s sleek sloping tarsus
Struck to the face by her, sweet catharsis
Fixate Chakras upon those phalanges
Manifest her scents until as Ganges

>> No.13545629

What did Megan Boyle mean by this?

>> No.13545796

Its a scam, an equivalent of a shitty action movie made with a nonexisting budget to make a couple mills, but on a smaller scale

>> No.13545814

someone put in more work creating this pasta than she did creating those tree wasters, he didnt get millions for that tho
think about it

>> No.13545844

I miss the days when poets were made on a romanticist heroic build. Restless, unquiet Rimbaud in search of withering cosmic daydreams, Baron braving distant battlefields with a spark in his eyes. Now it's for tweeters and prissy-pants.

>> No.13545854

Whitman taking in the whole spirit of America wide-eyed and gleaming, the momentous religion-changing power of Dante... It's sad really.

>> No.13545872

>old white misogynists

>> No.13545883

They didn't poems about their flowerpots.

>> No.13545908

spoken like a poet

>> No.13545914

Sometimes it's more about the pleasures of writing and reading and leaving all else to be

>> No.13545918

Thanks for reminding me I need to read Whitman again

>> No.13545923

Yet another JIDF slide thread I see

>> No.13545933

She says on Instagram she writes comic poetry as versification exercise to improve her writing

>> No.13545951


>> No.13546039
File: 17 KB, 263x263, 1533435642873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13546046

rap is not poetry, neither are song lyrics, which offer much more poetic examples than fucking rap

>> No.13546071

>rap is not poetry
It is. Your distaste for the subject matter is irrelevant. Singing a sonnet does not automatically make it not poetry, you small brained idiot.

>> No.13546084

Rap is not sonnets lmao, and poetry is not just words that rhyme

>> No.13546090

You could very easily make a rap out of a sonnet or write rap lyrics in the form of a sonnet.

>> No.13546096

Which would then be mixing two mediums of art, and likely be retarded. Post some rap lyrics you think are good poetry so I can fucking laugh at you

>> No.13546116
File: 98 KB, 900x1200, 1518542717485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern poetry bad
Nael is literally the best poet of all time though?

>> No.13546120


>> No.13546129

In that case, pull the fucking plug.

>> No.13546134

>shittalking a prominent member of the lgbtqiap2++ historical legacy

>> No.13546310

Not him but like types of poetry, there’s type of rap and literature. Artists I listen to tend to talk about ideas of religion, politics, philosophy and history, all whilst seeming like everyone else. It’s not all blocks and bitches out there, anon. Look around.

>> No.13546319

Like I said, I'm arguing a technicality that wouldn't change regardless of whether the material was any good. But since you asked, I like this
And this
And the first half of this

>> No.13546333
File: 41 KB, 711x199, Screenshot_2019-07-23-10-27-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetry is dea-

>> No.13546385

Why women like talking about their bodies so much?

>> No.13546398

They love themselves

>> No.13546404


it sells BECAUSE it's dogshit you fucking brainlet

>> No.13546419
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>> No.13546435
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The plebbitors have been out in full force lately.

>> No.13546438

Considering they're so stupid, it's the only thing they have to work with.

>> No.13546457

The most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest
Today I seriously thought about killing you
I contemplated, premeditated murder
And I think about killing myself, and I love myself way more than I love you, so...
Today I thought about killing you, premeditated murder
You'd only care enough to kill somebody you love
The most beautiful thoughts are always inside the darkest
Just say it out loud to see how it feels
People say don't say this, don't say that
Just say it out loud to see how it feels
Weigh all the options, nothing's off the table
Today I thought about killing you, premeditated murder
I think about killing myself, and I love myself way more than I love you, so
The most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest


>> No.13547293

>if you want to be poor become a poet
i wanted to contradict that teacher by mentioning kaur but then i would have to explain to commie how i found out about her crap

>> No.13547333

i think it's due to the fact that most people of my generation (born early 90s) never really developed an appreciation for poetry or ever really read it beyond what they were forced to read in high school.

because of this, when a major publisher throws something that's "critically acclaimed" at them they latch to it because it seems to carry intellectual gravitas. I think essentially it's tied to social media and the upcummies they get from posting a shot on instagram of their coffee next to some silly poem.

Just from looking at what was posted below it seems like my generation cannot tell the difference between the simple and the inane.

>> No.13547824

Any thoughts on where I should start to really learn to appreciate good poetry? All I've read is fucking Pushkin.

>> No.13547833

I think to myself
wow these are se bad
like so bad that
I unseal 200 pounds
of dry ice
in my room
while masturbating
tonight I can finally

>> No.13547850

sometimes I wonder why men
were given a dick
so big

If you have a problem
play with it
to forgive
stop wars

>> No.13547856

Start with the greatest poets of your native language.

>> No.13547859

Shit and menstrual blood

>> No.13547896 [DELETED] 

>wake up and boot up my machine
>log into my 4chan pass, configure my options
>scan the 'Catalog' for any one of my favourite threads
>ah, yes, a Rupi Kaur thread catches my eye, undeniably classic /lit/
>press the 'Watch Thread' heart
>Like clockwork, illiterate anons mock the poetry as totally talentless, and simultaneously writing much worse poems themselves
>As always, all seem oblivious of the absolute state

>> No.13547921

>wake up and boot up my machine
>log into 4chan
>scan the 'Catalog' for good threads
>a Rupi Kaur thread catches my eye
>'Watch Thread' - this is going to be good
>clockwork - illiterate anons simultaneously mock the poetry as totally talentless and write significantly worse poems
>all seemingly continue to be entirely oblivious to the irony

>> No.13547935
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>> No.13547962

I don't know what that face means, Anonymous.

>> No.13547981
File: 731 KB, 1152x648, sparkle-snap-peas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat my peas with honey
I done it all my life
It makes the peas taste funny
But it keeps them on the knife

>> No.13548544

I woke up this morning
thinking of abuse
you used
my abstracted

>> No.13548548

Absolutely madwoman; Making incels seeth 24/7

>> No.13548561
File: 21 KB, 725x710, 1563934541984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got gangbanged
By six men
In a hotel
In Reno
I feel liberated

-Rupi Kaworu

>> No.13548564

Look at him go! Wow!
It's David Hume on a broom!
Now this is what I call

>> No.13548566

I woke up this morning
with an interrupted wet dream
wanked me johnson a bit
And went back to sleep

>> No.13548574

it's really funny seeing people get this upset over a book

>> No.13548577

of /lit/'s reading comprehension

She says prostitution is okay
Sex is what's deemed beautiful

Maybe you shouldn't be taking the piss at how simple her poems are if they're apparently too complex for you.

>> No.13548778

>pussy lmao

-rupi kaur

>> No.13548784

Why does she sign every single poem kek
- Anonymous

>> No.13548792

Alive but senile and hooked up to machines

A lot of rap is garbage

>> No.13548882

cause her readers post it on instagram. She's making it convenient for them