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/lit/ - Literature

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13540385 No.13540385 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We make assumptions based in pictures or our bookshelves


>> No.13540388

Are you a Chinaboo?

>> No.13540393

You're a weaboo from Spain who occasionally reads sci-fi and classics.

>> No.13540800
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>> No.13540812

You were picked last in sports.

>> No.13540833
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I suppose I might have been, during the odd gym class where it was an issue. I don't actually remember.

>> No.13540879
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You’re a piece of shit.

>> No.13540992

Imagine the smell

>> No.13541673

you watch forged in fire

>> No.13542397

How's animal money?

>> No.13542695
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>> No.13542699



>> No.13542744

Struggles with money due to buying useless trinkets. You do this because you are depressed and the meaninglessness of the world and buying stuff gives you that little dopamine hit you crave so much.

Have sex, incel.

Wants to be part of a group so badly that you've lost yourself to the meme that was Rome. You read these books and imagine yourself as Augustus, Caesar, or Hannibal. A glory you will never have but can live in your imagination.

>> No.13542948 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13543575

Dope candleholder

>> No.13543590
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>> No.13543665

Smells like vodka all day

>> No.13543771

>one or two chink books
What screams Cheeb about that?

>> No.13543971
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>> No.13543979
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>look at my toys!!!!
dont forget your daily dose of soi

>> No.13543990

Vodka is odourless, dipshit.

>> No.13544003

>poorfag cope

>> No.13544010
File: 2.50 MB, 2500x2795, Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to keep my books private; today is an exception. Make an assumption about me.

>> No.13544027

You are a directionless bastard who buys "classics" to make your "redpilled" literature seem more respectable through association.
You probably haven't read any of them.
Call your mother and say a few nice words to her.

>> No.13544059

I am so fucking tired of seeing people owning Infinite Jest - it is possibly one of the most boring works of literature I've ever read.

>> No.13544069
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>y-you're just angry because you dont have my toys!!!!

>> No.13544071

>clean price tags
>immaculate spines
>totally white pages on the bottom
>no creases anywhere
You've never read any of these books.

>> No.13544077
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>> No.13544082


I like his Decline and Fall collection by Gibbons; which publisher is that? I may pick it up to supplement my "redpilled" literature.

What do you think? >>13544027

>> No.13544087
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Why is it that people who post in these shelf threads always have the worst taste in books?

>> No.13544097

Christ, get an ereader

>> No.13544100

post yours faggot

>> No.13544101

probably because they have corrupted their reading and thought by integrating it into their social identity, instead of detaching it from that entirely.

>> No.13544117

A proper bookshelf can't be posted in a single picture. Anyone who does "serious reading" will have a shelf bigger than the effort its worth to photograph. (That, or they use libraries.)
The people who post 10-15 books from their night stands are either newfags or just pseuds in it for the pseud-cred to validate their shitty ideologies and world views.

>> No.13544132
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And if you do not like my current mini-library then please let me redeem myself. My interests are not shallow and I love to pursue (practical) knowledge, like computer science and mathematics.

>> No.13544140

>Lang Basic Math
>Gelfand Algebra
people actually buy into those memes lmao

>> No.13544167


What are better mathematics books for the foundations of algebra? I completely ignored mathematics in high-school, and coming back I wanted something intuitive than Pearson or McGraw Hill textbooks.

>> No.13544174
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>> No.13544176

khanacademy. It even has interactive exercises with hints/solutions.

>> No.13544288
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Rate my shelf /lit/izens

>> No.13544313

soi/10 awful

>> No.13544372
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>> No.13544395

bunch of fags who think they can buy a personality

all of you

>> No.13544410

no offense but i think i'd hate you

>> No.13544456

It's a mix of high school and google top hits

>> No.13544457

>which publisher is that?
Looks like the set from Everyman's Library

>> No.13544465
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I - in the past - read my textbooks from the computer but it is inferior to a physical book on your desk. I now buy textbooks each and every time. SICP and Lang are not "memes" by any stretch of the imagination, by the way. Computer Systems: A Programmers Perspective is quality if you want to learn C and lower-level programming in-depth.

>> No.13544510

Read prince. I am sure you will like it

>> No.13544515


Must be fun going through my post history.

>> No.13544580

Guaranteed assburgers

>> No.13544595


>> No.13544621

Itt pseudo intellectual faggots who read books they don't understand to impress people far above them mentally.

>> No.13544629

nice to see ur still ganbaruing anon
nevar forget every post u make is saved somewhere (˘ω˘)
i'm going thru lang now (`・ω・´)9

>> No.13544640
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Here's like 1/4th(?) of mine, from way back (2008), too lazy to go take new pics of it all organized.

>> No.13544670


You got "you're a wild and crazy guy" written in your highschool yearbook

>> No.13544679

> nice to see ur still ganbaruing anon

What I have learned is that programming & computation is much easier to grasp than mathematics, but I (we) must push the limits anyway.

> i'm going thru lang now (`・ω・´)


>> No.13544715

You just described all of /lit/.
Well done.

>> No.13544725


>> No.13544824
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>> No.13545050

how did you like the gay science?

>> No.13545091

walllength mass of wasted pulp and toilet paper. “Practical knowledge txtbooks and massmedia inspiration for 70’s Hollywood type of instantly forgettable “literature” interspliced. Disgusting.

>> No.13545129

Academia non-fiction makes up most of the rest. Though there's more in that image than in this entire thread I guess.

>> No.13545222
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That's very sad, anon. So you don't want to come over and play D&D?

>> No.13545889

should have kept them private, those editions are an assault what the fuck

>> No.13545992

>if your books are not damaged you have not read them
Jesus christ when will this meme end

>> No.13546026

The weirdest part is that the stack he's commenting on is made mostly of obviously used books, many library or ex-library, most with used stickers on them, and plenty of them clearly worn. He must be blind.

>> No.13546089

>box sets still have the shrink wrap
lmao at these threads
I’m convinced none of you have actually read the books you brag about

>> No.13546104

I hope you bought a lampshade.

>> No.13546122
File: 823 KB, 1065x1994, IMG_20190728_185758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookshelf built just now from stolen milk crates. Cost, $0.25 of electrical tape to hold the crates together.

Books all acquired this week from massive Chicago book fair, totaling about $225, at $1 to $3 per book.

Goal for the next year: significantly less 4chan and anime, significantly more reading and piano practice.

Currently reading: Moby Dick, The Martian Chronicles

>> No.13546145

Looks promising.

>> No.13546155

>Books all acquired this week from massive Chicago book fair
The Newberry? I was there on Saturday and recognize some of those books, we may have crossed paths without realizing it.
Nice haul and nice shelf, best of luck in your reading.

>> No.13546162

You ok /lit/boi
just make sure to actually read them

>> No.13546465


Get out.

Listen, I am waiting for the day they make affordable leather hardbacks for $20 each. Today is not that day.

>> No.13546532

Yup, the Newberry. Went on Friday, and then again on Saturday. Spent about 10 hours there total, mostly in the lit and sci-fi sections.

Protip: The best books are in the boxes under the tables; like way under the tables...Not the lower books under the tables in the vertical boxes with spines out, like second lower shelves either, but in boxes behind those, yet to be seen out at all. No complaints from volunteers either, as I put the boxes all back neatly after, and they were probably just happy to see someone getting more books.

Haven't been to this fair in awhile. Forgot how epic it was. Gonna take off Thursday for it next year. And yeah, you might have seen me. Super tall guy (6'5), white, glasses, mid-length hair, with black hiking pack on (for biking books home).

>> No.13546545

Wtf I just finished The Martian Chronicles. Enjoy. Bradbury's a bit dark. And I see you have a few from him. Good luck, man.

>> No.13546576
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>> No.13546601

>Bonanza upside down
>the wrong Steve Erikson
I'd bone you but not call you again

>> No.13546608
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Judge me

>> No.13546625


>> No.13546683
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>> No.13546687

>Shannara trilogy
I'd kick it wit chu.

>> No.13546692
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>> No.13546720
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Thank you, that's very kind. Do you like antique books at all?

>> No.13546747
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>> No.13547019

Mark, is that you?

>> No.13547041
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>> No.13547070
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if you don't get your books 3rd hand from your college senior who originally got in a second hand store then your just a soiboi wannabe faggot loser ya nerd !!!q!

>> No.13547415

Matt, that you?!

>> No.13547417

Yes. Is that you Mark?

>> No.13547574


>> No.13547578


you are a 4chan nerd who uses literature as cultural capital and think you are unqiue

>> No.13547901

those MIT AI books were published in the late 70s / early 80s
you might as well read a medical book that says that diseases are caused by an imbalance of the humours

>> No.13547975
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Note that it's rude not to put the obi back on after reading.

>> No.13548007

Based reply

>> No.13548009

You are a Based and Redpilled Freethinker

>> No.13548020
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>> No.13548039

I’m Australian

>> No.13548217

Half of these shelves are probably from reddit.

>> No.13548455

I don't think that I'm unique

>> No.13548487
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I think that it's really important to dive fully into the total oeuvres of individual authors.

>> No.13548918


They were $1 each at a local bookstore marked down from $50. Lots of aspects are still relevant today in the same way aspects of mathematics from the 17th century are still relevant today.

>> No.13548980
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>> No.13549172

If you want a book get simmons precalculus in a nutshell. Teaches everything in under 200 pages and you can get an older hardback on amazon for cheap. If you need more problems than I guess Lang could be useful, I just found it to be one of the more boring math books I've read.

>> No.13549473

I enjoyed it, it’s actually the only book of his I’ve read. I’ve heard Ecce Homo is a good one to go for

>> No.13550220

Had been reading s&p since 2014

>> No.13550246
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Are you Nick Land?

>> No.13550346

Nice b8 m8 I’d r8 8/8

>> No.13551003

Your supercilious manner and cold, icicle-like penis are the bane of all who cross your path. Possibly a vegan.

>> No.13551950

bottom left cover makes me think that this is just stoicism for retards

>> No.13551987

I like you.

>> No.13551993

You aren't Greek

>> No.13552006

You have reddit.

It's not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.13552018

Pretty based desu. Basic, but based.

>> No.13552046

everyone who reads these should be scalped

>> No.13552151

Idk I usually try to post my worst books when I do. It's fun to see how people react

>> No.13552167

Can't. It depends on which edition of Security Analysis that is

>> No.13552202

>high school core
>a few meme easy classics
>rounded out with reddit memes
Stop browsing 4chan and reddit and develop some fucking taste.

>> No.13552633

Bruh, what?
I think you may have a thing against weebs lmao

>> No.13552653
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What book is this?

>> No.13552745

Same lmao, it’s cringy but I bet they’re a cool guy. And actually cool, not checks all the right politically correct boxes cool that we have today.

>> No.13553172

Cool swords

>> No.13553178

>None of these replies are ever remarks on the books themselves or their content
If you're gonna shit post at least read the books anon

>> No.13553388
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>> No.13553763

Good job on that Homer. That cheap wordsworth Chapman Iliad and Odyssey is so much better than the garbage overpriced penguin edition, I doubt that translation is written in dactylic hexameter

>> No.13553791
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>> No.13554718
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Thank you kindly. I may be a hopeless materialist manchild, but I genuinely enjoy what I read.

>> No.13555082

>yuri manga
Very patrician.

>> No.13555087

The swords looked cool, this hollywood chain is awful though

>> No.13555240

You have Mauve! That book was a real treat. I like explorations of specialist history (like Salt and Cod).

>> No.13555276

Webster's International Dictionary probably

>> No.13555299

This one is nice >>13543971

>> No.13555321

It's funny that you mention that because when some faggot shares out yearly top 100 on Reddit (which includes many of the titles in the picture), plebbitors go nuts about how we are snobs and connoisseurs and such. There's literally nothing wrong with the shelf.

>> No.13556318

I collect cheap metal superhero keychains from China. I'm not sure why.

>> No.13557215
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I need to get a bookshelf soon man

>> No.13557473

I have no cultural capital and no way of acquiring cultural capital

>> No.13557491
File: 445 KB, 2048x1536, 67525922_464692664313834_8217784300095930368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the books I haven't read, and which I've mostly stolen/scrounged over the years from people and my family. I don't pay for books, I read whatever is nearby. All the books that I have finished get chucked into a box I have in the loft.

>> No.13557502
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>> No.13557534

Who is this Matt? I demand you put me in contact with them at once

>> No.13557538

Cool books but either you are uncommonly gentle with them or most have never been read.

>> No.13557889
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>> No.13558677

Post feet

>> No.13558797


>> No.13558969

Water your spider plant more often, you doofus

>> No.13559059

Stirner is shit, but otherwise the rest is pretty good

>> No.13559105

is jarusalem any good? t

>> No.13559135

actually very based
what editions of "exploring the world of lucid dreaming" and "the singularity is near" are those?

>> No.13559156

im in exactly the same situation as you are. I ignored math for most of my school life and im now regretting that a ton.

>> No.13560723

Pull out The Magus and settle in.

>> No.13560756

Lang and Gelfand won't give you enough math to understand the examples in SICP. Also SICP is literally available for free on the MIT website.

>> No.13560759

Shit, 2nd reply was meant for >>13544132

>> No.13562016

You're tired of meandering through life at the mercy of unseen tormentors. People tell you to go out and grab life by the throat, but why? All you ever wanted was to be the little tampon baby of a semi-obscure booktuber, but noone ever asked what you wanted. Also you've never been able to tell your mother you love her, and sometimes you eat hotdogs from 7-11 for dinner and feel vaguely guilty and worthless over it.

>> No.13563256

Comfy desu