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13538793 No.13538793 [Reply] [Original]

>the Mafia is dead
>the Chicago mob is dead
>the Yakuza is dead
>New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Paris, Miami, are all safe theme parks
>film is dead
>cinemas are all pathetic, homogeneous and dying
>literature and poetry are dead
>public libraries are pathetic and redundant
>Western governments have nothing to do except build a bit more infrastructure
>there a nothing on the earth to explore
>any crime you commit or disciplinary trouble at work gets you blacklisted for life from all interesting work
>no more science is done by hobbyists
>there are no more polymaths
>there are no more grand philosophical insights
>the internet is homogenised, centralised, and dead
>4chan is dying a slow painful death
>exciting investment banking trading floors (loud, filled with working class Italian Americans / Londoners) are silent and filled with tie wearers
>videogame arcades are dead
>tinkering with computer parts is dead
>every operating system is a walled garden consumercuck mush
>smartphones are a dumbed down consumer interface for the world
>TV is going through a short lived revival but will die again soon
>music is dead
>universities are sterile corporate morality training centres
>idea of lone genius is dead
>crypto is dying
>biotech consists of nootropics for autists and rubbish for half dead people
>there are no foreigners
>all sports except football are dying slowly and painfully
>football is sterile and most teams are dying
>the long tail of stupid fuckers is here to dumb everything down
>the success of products and services depends mainly on their ability to have dumbed down and simplified interfaces
>Japanese Vidya is dead
>Europe is dying
>the UK is dead
>The USA will die a white demographic death
>Comics are dead
>radio is dead
>toys are dead
>cars are dead
>shopping malls are dead
>an average day in 2019 requires as much autism to succeed, yet also as much fake socialising, as a decade in the 19th century

>> No.13538821

that's nothing new

Jake was close to tears. In that moment he saw the world in its true light, as a place where nothing had ever been any good and nothing of significance done: no art worth a second look, no philosophy of the slightest appositeness, no law but served the state, no history that gave an inkling of how it had been and what had happened. And no love, only egotism, infatuation and lust.

>> No.13538841

This post reeks of virgin.

>> No.13538843

And with all those distractions gone, you still couldn't find time to read and make a book thread. Are you waiting for that until you too also are dead?

>> No.13538861
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OP knows what's up

>> No.13539529

Don't worry op, with economic collapse, climte change and overpopulation looming, this will very likely become the bloodiest century in human history. Exciting times are ahead

>> No.13539535

>the Mafia is dead
no it isn't, retard
stopped reading there

>> No.13539544

How the fuck are these things related? What does the mafia have to do with video games and toys? What are you even getting at? Terrible post.

>> No.13539553

mafia is greater than ever they just don't kill people in the open anymore but there is lots and lots of corruption (at least in the US) on all levels of government and in the private sector it's probably at its worst nowadays 2bh so many scammers and shit
t. do lots of work with government and private agencies

>> No.13539568

Criminality or the capacity for transgression suggests a variability to society, one that isn't wholly domesticated or indolent. It also introduces randomness or danger, which stands in stark contrast to the gradual grind of state power or social pressure which is the only real violence that manifests in the modern westerner's life.

>> No.13539605

I believe he was trying to convey a sense of general decline in many areas of the world.

>> No.13539609

What is "general decline?"

>> No.13539623

Life has become an unbearable ease. We've succeeded at collectively eliminating challenges to our well-being, but constant convenience has stopped us from being able to do anything meaningful as individuals. There are no struggles that you can overcome. You can't do anything significant; everything is specialized beyond all hell.

>> No.13539627

Decline in every major field. He mentioned entertainment, arts, science, economics, sports, etc.

>> No.13539675
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those who are unable to believe in the reality of human progress ought to cheer themselves up by a short study of the middle ages. the lack of mafia, bad cinemas, smartphones, biotech itself would then seem a light price to pay for no longer being in the middle ages.

>> No.13539706

t. sheltered middle class person made of onions

>> No.13539716

Imagine typing this.

>> No.13539719 [DELETED] 

Obviously y meant s.o.y

>> No.13539720
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There is no reason to believe nor is their any empirical study that demonstrates that material wealth correlates significantly with hapiness. Hapiness is also different for different people and culture and therefore impossible to accurately gauge or even get a sense of. Sources from the Middle Ages are certainly present and while there is great cruelty, there is also wonderful sublimity. Although I suppose if you are talking about "progress" (whatever that even means) you probably just have a stick up your ass about muh evil Christians and so I guess religion=unhapiness.

>> No.13539757

er no. i'm reading history at university & specialized in the medieval papers & i don't think people had ever been as nasty, as self-indulgent, as dull, as miserable, as cocksure, as bad at art, as dismally ludicrous, or as wrong as they'd been in the middle ages

>> No.13539765


>> No.13539770

oh lord

>> No.13539784

>This is my opinion without any evidence, so therefore I'm right

>> No.13539796

What does this have to do with literature?

>> No.13539802

>Life has become an unbearable ease.


>You can't do anything significant; everything is specialized beyond all hell.

The nature of our problems have changed, not their presence. The challenge for you is to find more interesting problems.

>> No.13539807

why don't you study the middle ages and see if i'm wrong

>> No.13539812

You write like a woman and argue like one two. Can you please provide an instant where material wealth correlates to self reported hapiness? Because there are several counter examples such as people under the impoverished Czechoslovakian regime were recorded as being happy at a greater rate than the economically booming Sweden at the same time (80s).

>> No.13539817

you must be a nigger or have a shit taste if you think all that

>> No.13539837

who's arguing?

>> No.13539859

It's dead.

>> No.13539861

and jew are killing our morals and want to replace us

>> No.13539866

so it's a woman? that explains the shit taste, then. case closed.

>> No.13539869

oh well we'll just have to make do with 4000 years of it

>> No.13539873

The most based man on this board. can i get your discord or something brah

>> No.13539880

i'm sorry your opinion means very little to me

>> No.13539892

>Nothing on Earth to explore

There's still the deep sea, and there is at least one species of animal I read about in the Guinness Book of World Records that is only known as a result of a dead specimen, no live specimens have been found. There's also loads of stuff about dinosaurs to learn. So there is still parts of the animal kingdom to explore.

>> No.13539895

isn't brah kind of a 2016 thing

>> No.13539899

don't worry, the feeling is mutual, sweatie.

>> No.13539910

2016 was at least a better time

>> No.13539912
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>> No.13539941

A lot of that is wrong tho. Criminal organizations are thriving in many parts of the world. The mafia of gangster movies are not what they used to be, but they've been replaced by others.
There is a lot to explore, you just need the scientific curiosity and patience for that.

>> No.13539946

don't kid yourself you worm

>> No.13539951

literally everything you said is 100% false
except about shopping malls being dead, but that's hardly a bad thing

>> No.13539965

yeah it's funny people that go on about 'the sad reality' are always the most deluded.

>> No.13539991

>the Mafia is dead
Good. Fuck 'em.
>the Chicago mob is dead
Good. Fuck 'em.
>the Yakuza is dead
Good. Fuck 'em.
>New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Paris, Miami, are all safe theme parks
Don't worry, they're becoming crime-ridden rapefugee camps as we speak. Enjoy ;)
>film is dead
Stop watching Hollywood capeshit. There's plenty of films from the past you can watch.
>cinemas are all pathetic, homogeneous and dying
Good. Fuck 'em. It's their fault for providing terrible services and high prices.
>literature and poetry are dead
I'll give you this one.
>public libraries are pathetic and redundant
So? You now have access to more books than ever at your fingertips.
>Western governments have nothing to do except build a bit more infrastructure
Except fix wars, stop pollution, pay back national debts, reduce poverty and crime...
>there a nothing on the earth to explore
The deep sea and the stars..
>any crime you commit or disciplinary trouble at work gets you blacklisted for life from all interesting work
Shouldn't criminals be punished?
>no more science is done by hobbyists
>there are no more polymaths
I'll give you this one. There's too much knowledge in too many fields for someone to absorb it all.
>there are no more grand philosophical insights
I'll give you this one too.
>the internet is homogenised, centralised, and dead
>4chan is dying a slow painful death
>exciting investment banking trading floors (loud, filled with working class Italian Americans / Londoners) are silent and filled with tie wearers
Wether they're stiffs in suits or fat guidos, I say fuck 'em.
>videogame arcades are dead
In the West, yes. There's still alive in the East.
>tinkering with computer parts is dead
You can build your custom PC if you want.
>every operating system is a walled garden consumercuck mush
Don't know about this, so I'll neither agree nor disagree.
>smartphones are a dumbed down consumer interface for the world
People don't know how to use technology to their advantage.
>TV is going through a short lived revival but will die again soon
Fuck 'em. TV has always been inferior to film.
>music is dead
Stop listening to pop trash
cont. 1/2

>> No.13539993

we're unironically in a golden age of film right now, just none of the masterpieces are coming out of America

>> No.13539995

Huh? They are still very much alive in my third world dump, why are they dead over there?

>> No.13539999

>you worm
wow how will I ever recover?

>> No.13540002

They're coming from Europe?

>> No.13540004


>> No.13540013
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Why'd you have to remind me

>> No.13540019

you don't deserve to

>> No.13540020

Some of them. They're coming from Iran and Hong Kong and Portugal and Romania and Singapore and Turkey and plenty of other places. You just need to be open to world cinema and you'll find that incredible works of film art are being produced globally.

>> No.13540027

>universities are sterile corporate morality training centers
Fuck 'em. Become an autodidact. You have a lot more tools to educate yourself now than ever.
>idea of lone genius is dead
Yes. Nothing's stopping you from becoming one thought.
>crypto is dying
Don't know about this.
>biotech consists of nootropics for autists and rubbish for half dead people
I'll give you this one.
>there are no foreigners
Don't worry, there's more rapefugees coming to Europe this year sweety ;)
>all sports except football are dying slowly and painfully
I'll give you this one.
>football is sterile and most teams are dying
Fuck 'em. Football's boring af
>the long tail of stupid fuckers is here to dumb everything down
Yes this is true.
>the success of products and services depends mainly on their ability to have dumbed down and simplified interfaces
This has been the case for longer than you think.
>Japanese Vidya is dead
Don't know, haven't been keeping up wth video games recently.
>Europe is dying
Fuck the EU.
>the UK is dead
Fuck 'em.
>The USA will die a white demographic death
Fuck 'em.
>Comics are dead
Oh no muh capeshit
>radio is dead
>toys are dead
Jesus you still play with toys?
>cars are dead
Hopefully something more sustainable takes their place.
>shopping malls are dead
Yeah this is hits right in the nostalgia. But then again, fuck 'em for promoting mindless consumerism.
>an average day in 2019 requires as much autism to succeed, yet also as much fake socialising, as a decade in the 19th century
Stop socializing with NPCs
Did I miss anything?

>> No.13540036

t. salty liberal cunt

>> No.13540040

>nothing on the earth to explore
>on earth
And in response you suggest the stars...seriously?

>> No.13540045

you're cold

>> No.13540052

I and some other guy in the thread suggested the dark zone of the ocean. Alternatively, you could explore the Dark Web or Antartcica

>> No.13540053

>>exciting investment banking trading floors (loud, filled with working class Italian Americans / Londoners) are silent and filled with tie wearers
When on god’s green earth we’re trading floors filled with working class Italian Americans? I’d venture a guess that there are more Italian Americans (both in numbers and market share) in finance companies than at any point prior to maybe 1970

>> No.13540064

Triads are still around anon

>> No.13540077
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>criminals are dead and that's bad

>> No.13540114

Now, remove jews as an element and try again.
>oh wow, things are actually better

>> No.13540139


Isn't that most of us here? And indeed most people who could ever even have the potential to do anything of note

>> No.13540145


>> No.13540147

Arcades are huge in Japan. They are dead in the West but in Japan they're common as places for salarymen to just go fuck around after work or on weekends. Last time I was there I impressed some cute Japanese girls with my skills in a rhythm game

>> No.13540172

don't engage him

>> No.13540288

>public libraries are pathetic and redundant
Speak for yourself burger-kun

>> No.13540293
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>>idea of lone genius is dead

>> No.13540309

>all sports except football are dying slowly and painfully
American football or soccer?

>> No.13540329

Middle Ages were the peak of European and white history. Only a spiritually empty retard will object.

>> No.13540334
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>There are no struggles that you can overcome

>> No.13540362


relax, you still have time to become a soundcloud rapper

>> No.13540377


>> No.13540387

Have you ever read Middle Age popular theatre? People in that time were madlads obsessed with toilet humor.
My point is that I agree with you.

>> No.13540397

it was the most awful period in our history. it's only the home-made pottery crowd, the organic husbandry crowd, the recorder-playing crowd, the esperanto speaking crowd that push that soft-centred rubbish. they don't want to know.

>> No.13540420

what does the esperanto crowd have to do with anything?

>> No.13541957


>> No.13542002

>Posts a dead guy

>> No.13542008

It also created the gothic cathedrals, church monophony, and Dante.

>> No.13542085

I hope that one day all of you fucks can time travel back to the Rennaissance period and see how much happier you would be. The horrors of the Hundred Years war alone, not to mention the spread of dysentary, would smash your faggy ideas about the past. Yes, times of great suffering can be conducive to great art but the idea that the average peasant/city-dweller was experiencing the beauty of this newfound life and culture is fucking retarded.

>> No.13542103

>cars are dead
>there are no foreigners
i wish

>> No.13542988

OK. So say, we overcome capitalism and then what?

>> No.13542989


>> No.13542994

in Italy mafia is dying or is already dead, but the new Italians aka known as African gangs have taken their place and from what I have heard they are 1000 times worse, on par or even worse than cartels. And its the trend in most western nations

>New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Paris, Miami
with the exception of Tokyo, these cities are unsafe af

>> No.13543024
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>> No.13543198
File: 137 KB, 750x1334, E4A2F143-1D3A-413E-9453-143D8B7071E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one’s ideals are peace and prosperity then it wouldn’t be inaccurate to claim that we are living through a“golden age”, a time devoid of culture but rife with civilization.

It is also likely that we will face a sort of “convergence of catastrophes” later this century which will upended the lull we’ve been experiencing since the end of the War.

As for literature, I wouldn’t doubt that valuable works are being produced now, even if they are obscure or remain unpublished in our time. However, many of them might not be discovered for several decades or even centuries.

>> No.13543329
File: 367 KB, 700x700, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish the US decided to fuck out after the cold war's end and let Germany and Japan become the masters of the free world

>> No.13543410

so this is a first worlder on his first existencial crisis.

>> No.13543686

>the Mafia is dead
Stopped reading here.

>> No.13543860

The worst of all is the negrification of Earth. Primarily the result of American influence. Everywhere you go you see these ugly and culture-less people. Niggers on tv, in film, music, in public. It is one of the most unlikely problems someone from the 19th century and before would think we would face. I have a gf, a loving family and a few friends, but I can't be happy having to deal with negro fatigue.

>> No.13543873

>Portuguese mutt
Too obvious.

>> No.13543903

They'd both do almost exactly what they're doing now though.

>> No.13543931

>>film is dead
Parasite is coming out and it's supposed to be great! Not dead by any stretch.

>> No.13543940

Cry harder

>> No.13544709

Nietzsche and Spangler knew

>> No.13545030

Modernity has been one huge illusion, the idea that we know better than men of centuries past. But this whole time we've been animating a corpse. The illusion will break this century.

>> No.13545431

Start a family. Make your own microcosm. Don't look to society to fix your problems. Society doesn't care about you.

Find a good woman (not easy).
Have a child(ren) (expensive / a huge comittment).
Be a strong husband and father.
Struggle like a bitch.
Do a good job and reap the rewards that a happy wholesome family brings.

That is what you can strive for today, everyday, and it will be heaven on Earth for you if you do it right.

>> No.13545528

gib some recs anon

>> No.13545604

meant for

>> No.13546160


>> No.13546167

You put the death of 4chan over the death of the UK and the US lmao

>> No.13546263

He was proceeding in reverse chronological order

>> No.13546363
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>the Yakuza is dead
They aren't really

>> No.13546394

>there is nothing on the earth to explore
Actually earth is infinite but we're only allowed to move around in a small area.

>> No.13546425

Pursue med school

>> No.13546434

what is next?

>> No.13546450

have children

>> No.13546487

>find a good woman (not easy)
it may be "not easy" in the USA i assume but its literally not possible in slav yurop
ill give you one million rubles if you can find me a 16 year old girl here that is has not been regularly going out to get drunk and get fucked by a (or even multiple) new guy every week since the age of 14, high teen libido + hedonistic lifestyle means you will not find a girl here that finished school and is not in one way or another a cum dump, some are submissive weak sluts because they got "raped" more or less when they were around 14-15 some are dominant girls trying to ride any dick possible because they will do anything for their dose of the d they come in different flavours really doesnt matter at the end of the day the result is that you can not find a virgin girl any older than 16 (age of consent, ironically) and by that i mean not have lost their virginity to a guy they love and stayed with him, this doesnt happen here, they have already chosen their flavour of slut and what kind of guys they go after and how they like their masturbatory intercourse

>> No.13546506


>> No.13546681

There are frontiers that you’re too upset to even see, you goddamn fucking nerd.
When the first waves of settlement to Northern Canada start, and They slip up and reveal what’s in Antarctica, and Red Chinese space-rockets head off to the stars, and the next Great Awakening shakes America, your tiny little balls are gonna shoot (zip!) right up into your body, you’ll be so excited you won’t even believe it.
Don’t be a gaywad.

>> No.13546700

It's very pathetic how long I had to follow this response chain.

>> No.13546705


>> No.13546724

I was thinking more manchild, but I guess that also works.

>> No.13547071

Perhaps in the cities this is true. However, the countryside, or at least what remains, still can produce women with a pseudo-peasant upbringing and all the values that come with it.

>> No.13547101

there's some really wonderful cinema coming out if you expand past Western hegemony - i'd argue it's even a golden age. only medium not yet entirely compromised.

>> No.13547142
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Overcome yourself.

>> No.13547151

Move to the country. Things are better where it is rural.

>> No.13547164

You're the only one saying anything about material wealth equaling happiness. Your fat, video game infested mind is the only one who thinks misery and strife are what makes life interesting. Truth is you only want to destroy because you are too lazy to create. Either have sex or hurry up and kill yourself. Your attitude stinks.

>> No.13547176

>you write like a woman

You are parroting /pol/ bullshit. You have one sample of writing and have immediately jumped into the tired talking points of an angry virgin.

>> No.13547189

The seeming collapse of the external world is simply an erosion of your very soul

>> No.13547190

>Devil May Cry 5
>Resident Evil 2 remake
>Monster Hunter Anything
>The FF7 remake is shaping up nicely

The Japanese games industry is doing fine. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.13547195

>organised crime is alive and thriving
>theme parks for tourists* try setting up shop and living there
>watch Horse Money (2014)
>he doesn't know how to utilize a library
>Western governments have too much to do
>most of the oceans are unexplored
etc. etc.
just pick something and get on with it, thats all your that conflict is, you wont even try, good god it is, in fact, all so tiresome

>> No.13547561

no you are just wrong you dont understand how it works here

>> No.13547567


I'm not that guy and your rhetoric of "/pol/ bullshit" is invalid. It is intellectually legitimate to dismiss the thoughts of women, and to diagnose sufficiently feminine writing, to reject it. Women are wrong.

>> No.13547569

>the Mafia is dead
>the Yakuza is dead
Are you by chance completely retarded?

>> No.13547571


Very dumb post. Overall, it really is that bad.

>> No.13547614

I’m not saying your general idea is necessarily wrong, but as someone is intimately familiar with rural Eastern Europe, I can tell you that good, traditional women still exist, at least for now.

>> No.13547708


>> No.13547787

spoken like a true modern

>> No.13548022
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>public libraries are pathetic and redundant

Come again?

>> No.13548586

All information is on the internet, so libraries are redundant.

They're pathetic because they are full of poor people (the rich can buy their own books and don't need the communal computers, etc.).

>> No.13548690

>All information is on the internet
This might be true in the not very distant future, but you'd be fucking surprised.

>> No.13548895

There's still Africa
>but it's poor and a shithole
Good, it's like starting over

>> No.13549165

Dude they're dead as shit - Yakuza in particular as Japan has tons of effective laws keeping them from making money. Watch Twilight of the Yakuza if you want an idea about the situation

Mafia is a lot more generic and there are tons of variations and types on it, but the classic Italian gangster you'd hear about or see in movies is waaay over.

>> No.13549182

The chicago mob sure, it’s a nigger gang town now. The mafia and the yakuza still exist but -more- within the realm of legality. They acquire illicitly and sell legally.

>> No.13549938

be "intimately familiar" wharever the fuck you mean by that but as a person/subhuman from eastern europe i am saying, you are wrong. As much as it pains me to say that. i too always thought that id wait out and find me a wifeable gf ever since i was a teen and skipped out on the whole casual sex culture during all my school years and now i am the retard whos a virgin in his 20s because i was too elitist to fuck hot sluts and am still without any gf/wife while others my age have a number of partners in the double digits by now

>> No.13550529

You realise that the Yakuza are like 60% of the government right? You realise you can quite literally walk off the street into a Yakuza office in Tokyo right? They are right out in the open

>> No.13551652

OP and the like, work on accelerating collapse if you know what I mean.

Collapse, I hope.

>> No.13551710

corruption is streamlined and efficient nowadays, none of the exciting pioneering of the old school mob, not hot and fast competition, no real struggle.

>> No.13552138

I am not necessarily contradicting you anon. To be fair my exposure to Eastern Europe is limited to the countries around the Carpathian basin. I am not a native and I do not currently live in this region of the world. However, my extended family remains in the countryside, surrounded by both peasant houses and miniaturized panel houses. I lived with them for two years and taught in the local high school. Granted, you have more authority on the subject, but I am confident that my perspective remains valid.

Yes, there are many whores, especially amongst the young. That being said, I’m sure that a minority of students remain chaste or remain loyal to a single partner.

Your perspective is too pessimistic. While many girls have become hyper-westernized and materialistic, the virtuous ones remain. I know this from experience. In fact, the good ones in the east are arguably the perfect mates - they strike a perfect balance, retaining their traditional values while not being too religious.

Go to the country for a year and see what happens.

>> No.13552371

vanity it’s all vanity

>> No.13552374

share sause

>> No.13552406


>> No.13552460

>public libraries are pathetic and redundant
you sound like a knob who sits inside all day

>> No.13552476

>Western governments have nothing to do

ahahaha have you seen singapore? hong kong? do you know how undeveloped a place like london is compared to them?

>> No.13552530
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>> No.13552543

Sorry to hear it's like that.

>> No.13552801

Post some

>> No.13554161

Sexual pleasure is temporary right now you don't feel different if you had sex in the past or not. Don't be conditioned.

>> No.13554171

What about deep Siberia

>> No.13554228

>i too always thought that id wait out and find me a wifeable gf ever since i was a teen and skipped out on the whole casual sex culture during all my school years and now i am the retard whos a virgin in his 20s

What's your plan now?

>> No.13554231

>you write like a woman
>writes something that agrees with the poster


>> No.13554253

what plan? im going to die a virgin thats about it

>> No.13554294

>the Mafia is dead
>the Chicago mob is dead
>the Yakuza is dead
as if you'd ever get involved with them lmao
>New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Paris, Miami, are all safe theme parks
you clearly have no idea. im pretty sure drugtrade and usage is at an all time high
>film is dead
>cinemas are all pathetic, homogeneous and dying
look better dipshit
>literature and poetry are dead
>public libraries are pathetic and redundant
>Western governments have nothing to do except build a bit more infrastructure
hillariously false and in no way a critique
>there a nothing on the earth to explore
again, as if you'd ever get involved. Even if it was a thing today, you'd read a story in you newspaper and that would be the peak of your relationship with exploration
>no more science is done by hobbyists
>there are no more polymaths
this is extremely not concerning
>there are no more grand philosophical insights
there never were more than today. you just have to do read something to understand them.
>the internet is homogenised, centralised, and dead
>4chan is dying a slow painful death
first sensible statements
>exciting investment banking trading floors (loud, filled with working class Italian Americans / Londoners) are silent and filled with tie wearers
i thought autists liked silence
>videogame arcades are dead
>tinkering with computer parts is dead
not if you actually went there/did it respectively
>every operating system is a walled garden consumercuck mush
that makes total sense. install linux if you dont like it
>universities are sterile corporate morality training centres
as if you've been to one.
and if you were, your experience is far from universal. especially because youre probably a mutt
>idea of lone genius is dead
no one is hurt by this. especially not you.
>crypto is dying
>biotech consists of nootropics for autists and rubbish for half dead people
very concerining
>>all sports except football are dying slowly and painfully
>football is sterile and most teams are dying
>the success of products and services depends mainly on their ability to have dumbed down and simplified interfaces
makes total sense, and if you dont like it, look for alternatives. thats why capitalism still works. somewhat
>Japanese Vidya is dead
only a very specific niche audience cares.

>Europe is dying
>the UK is dead
>The USA will die a white demographic death
>Comics are dead
>radio is dead
>toys are dead
>cars are dead
>shopping malls are dead

when is something dead according to you? if something doesnt work as you'd like, doesnt mean its dead.
i get it, you can't handle change, but that's how the world works.

>an average day in 2019 requires as much autism to succeed, yet also as much fake socialising, as a decade in the 19th century
if i look out my window (I look out on a shopping street) I see no such autism or fake socialising being employed

>> No.13554304

oh i don't know, it was incest so i didn't watch it i just liked the thumbnail

>> No.13554323

One two

>> No.13554331

kanye west is a lone genius

>> No.13554340
File: 475 KB, 886x643, map-usa-population-mormon-amish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The USA will die a white demographic death
Not necessarily. Whites are due for a fertility rebound in a few generations, and non-Whites are due for a fertility decline. The Amish and Mormons are the future.


>> No.13554352
File: 35 KB, 646x601, 1536771749044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you clearly have no idea. im pretty sure drugtrade and usage is at an all time high
It's funny, ever since my shitty estate got gentrified, I could almost swear there is much more drugs than there used to be in the 90s when my estate was filled with chavs and dealers.

All those stabbings in London seem to be mostly territorial and cases of mistaken identity. All the hipster folk seem to be immune to the effects of drug violence. I guess being their number one customers would hurt their bottom line.

>> No.13554362

Literally every point in your post is wrong and you should stop seriously go outside and try doing something for once instead of complaining about made up problems. But you won't, because you like complaining, you're comfortable in your own delusions and your misanthropy. Go suck a cock and choke on it like the niggerfaggot your are. I hate you with all my heart.

>> No.13554430

The Mormons aren't doing nearly as well as you think, they're following the exact same trends of other Christian sects just at a slightly slower pace.

>> No.13554435

>im going to die a virgin thats about it
Guessing no friends either? That's a lotta years you're going to spend isolated and unsexed.

>> No.13554436


All those things are finished, this is a quick break between now and when shit starts popping off again.

>> No.13554442

>Whites are due for a fertility rebound in a few generations
Why would this be? The modern world depresses fertility, it's simple.

>> No.13554473

whatever i already spent over 2 decades unsexed, i just think i couldnt be happy if i would sex a virgin girl, i would infact probably get very sad and cry if i tried to have sex with a non virgin slutty girl

>> No.13554562

Why the fuck are people so obsessed with muh sex (literally glorified massage - imagine dedicating your existance to getting glorified massage) is beyond

>> No.13554577

I really don't understand what began the white nerds obsession with race this past decade. Like when I used to live in an area with mostly white people, the kids of my ethnicity used to stick together. It was a tenuous bond to begin with since I never had hobbies that matched theirs but it was a chavvy white school so we needed to stick together.

As soon as I moved to a different school with more kids of my ethnicity, that fucking group dissipated like sugar in water and I was back to being on my own again, though I found a couple of other losers to hang out with who weren't my race.

>> No.13554600

Cos it isn't just "muh sex". Otherwise every virgin would be visiting brothels.

>> No.13554612

>this past decade
People have always preferred the company of people similar to them, nerds weren't immune, they've always self-segregated, ever noticed white urbanites don't play Yu-Gi-Oh?

>> No.13554664

Similarly people don't remember that the black community had a large presence within the anime community especially in the 80's, they got entirely pushed out by the fujoshi and trans clique in the late 00's.

>> No.13554683

blessing in disguise i'd say

>> No.13554692

Cos you don't like black people?

>> No.13555004

>the Mafia is dead
Stopped reading here.
>What is a deep state
>What is a shadow government
Pro tip: that is what mafia had become lately

>> No.13555059

I think sexual liberation has ruined things to a degree. I can't think of a single relationship I've had that wasn't just based around sex. It's so synthetic

>> No.13555096

This, unironically

>> No.13555105

Nothing, literally nothing you stated is dead, if anything, all these things changed and adapted into something else

>> No.13555177

very funny

>> No.13555219

What is it then

>> No.13555254
File: 3.06 MB, 200x234, 1559759292391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What lit have you been reading, son?

>> No.13555515
File: 32 KB, 422x422, 1536590604989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People have always preferred the company of people similar to them
Sure, people are animals, and I guess there's some sort of innate instinct to group together with people that look like you but like if that's the sole reason you stick with people, *especially* when you were/are an outcast to begin with, it doesn't seem like a wise choice.

I guess being an outcast now isn't the same as it use to be.

>> No.13555551

The concept of "outcast" has been watered down horrendously, at no point in history would a person capable of gathering a entire group of people from the local populous under the same roof as the "insiders" be described as an outcast, nerds have a persecution complex they've never truly been outcasts.

>> No.13555609

Plain corruption is different from Mafia.

>> No.13555780
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>> No.13555836

The situation has only worsened since the middle ages.

>> No.13555890

i am a virgin, but me and my fellow 20 year old virgin friend imagine its about showing a girl compassion and just make her feel the absolute best she could feel to bind your relationship more
you cant do that with a girl you dont love, so we dont get hookers or talk to sluts

>> No.13556154

>20 year old
You've barely started your life. You got at least 5 years.

>> No.13556351

>write like a woman
>one two
>three four five

>> No.13556390


>> No.13556403

hero of the novel

>> No.13556773

are you a virgin or just retarded?

>> No.13556954

Is the czechoslovkian study done in soviet russia times? It could be juzt propaganda

>> No.13557038

>nerds have a persecution complex they've never truly been outcasts.
Depends on where you lived. Plus I'd say in the past outcasts/misfits were drawn to nerd/geek shit, so they were outcast for other reasons.

>> No.13557214

I am taking a shit at the gym right now, in the process of overcoming the fact that I am a weak bitch.

>> No.13557243

5 years til what?

>> No.13557251

You don’t have to worry about any of that because you ecological collapse is going to swiftly kill 95% of life on earth from the top down

>> No.13557290

Point of no return and halfway to wizardry.

>> No.13557354

part 1/2

>the Mafia is dead
>the Chicago mob is dead
>the Yakuza is dead
Thank god criminals are dead

>New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Paris, Miami, are all safe theme parks
Good, living in a safer world is nice

>film is dead
No it isn't, you just "feel" collectively all the greatest films of the past as one singular thing and compare it with the last few films, it's because you look at only the mainstream capeshit, there's tons of patrician films if you just look around

>cinemas are all pathetic, homogeneous and dying
The visitors were reduced due to the internet but now it's stabilized because it's a social phenomenon and not about the film itself

>literature and poetry are dead
They were never alive desu, travel back in time anywhere you want 99% of people won't give a shit about any of that, only a handful rich people, which gives you a skewed impression, you seems to glorify the past too much.

>public libraries are pathetic and redundant
It's a good thing they're redundant, we have more information much faster, fuck cucking out and wasting year of your life trying to find a fucking quote, kys

>Western governments have nothing to do except build a bit more infrastructure
Unlike non-western govts that...are shitty all around? Jesus christ, you just seem to hate peace and prosperity, you want crime and turbulence because "it's more cool", kys degenerate

>there a nothing on the earth to explore
This is the first item in your list that is correct, yes physically there aren't much places to discover.
Granted that we haven't explored the oceans beneath and many territories of earth, but we generally know what we're going to find, nothing mindblowing unlike a thousand years ago, you didn't even knew if were gonna find monsters or magic, exciting times for explorers.

>any crime you commit or disciplinary trouble at work gets you blacklisted for life from all interesting work
That's a bit harsh but if done right is for the best, we wouldn't want a rapist coming to your town and be friendly with your family

>no more science is done by hobbyists
>there are no more polymaths
Sure it would be exciting but obviously we have advanced science so far that we exhausted the easy ways to do science

>there are no more grand philosophical insights
wrong, again, you're not looking enough, the past's grand phil insights weren't apparent to everyone and even needed years to even start being taken seriously, you have a distorted sense of how the past works my fren

>> No.13557359

part 2/3

>the internet is homogenised, centralised, and dead
You have something against ease of use, it's like you want trivial things to be challenging, that's stupid, that's for literally brainded people who have nothing going in their lives, imagine having kids, career and tons of other shit and now you have to navigate through countless sites in order to do couple of simple things, hard pass

>4chan is dying a slow painful death
People keep saying this for the past decade, it was never that good, it's mostly nostalgia and glorifying of the past.

>exciting investment banking trading floors (loud, filled with working class Italian Americans / Londoners) are silent and filled with tie wearers
who cares

>videogame arcades are dead
Thank fucking god, I hate them with a passion and anyone who likes them

>tinkering with computer parts is dead

>every operating system is a walled garden consumercuck mush
You can find tons of autism if you want to, it seems to me that you don't want a "complex OS" it's just you want everyone else to have that hard to use complex OS, why? Because there's tons of shitty OS you can get that are a chore to maintain but your problem is that you want everyone to use it, have sex

>smartphones are a dumbed down consumer interface for the world
What a stupid fucking point, it's for obvious reasons yeah, why would you expect something else,
why make everything a fucking chore kys

>TV is going through a short lived revival but will die again soon
Everything is going to die

>music is dead
only the mainstream compared to previous decades mainstream, the substream is teeming with countless genres, again you don't care about the actual genres you care it's not widespread

>universities are sterile corporate morality training centres
Muh SJW, kys sargon, universities were always that desu

>idea of lone genius is dead
you're fucking tiresome man, what a pathetic human being also I'm a lone genius but I don't make a fuss about it

>crypto is dying
Only the proof of work coins that are sucking the life out of our electricity and GPU prices.
Generally the future is crypto we just have to find better ways to use it.

>biotech consists of nootropics for autists and rubbish for half dead people
Garbage take all around

>there are no foreigners

>all sports except football are dying slowly and painfully
They are all painfully aweful and I hope they all die

>football is sterile and most teams are dying

>the long tail of stupid fuckers is here to dumb everything down

>the success of products and services depends mainly on their ability to have dumbed down and simplified interfaces

>Japanese Vidya is dead
Only in relation to some romanticized past/who cares/kys

>> No.13557368

par 3/3

>Europe is dying
>the UK is dead
>The USA will die a white demographic death
Muh white race, have sex

>Comics are dead
A racist and a nerd, kys

>radio is dead
It was obnoxious

>toys are dead
So is your brain

>cars are dead
No they aren't

>shopping malls are dead
If you were alive the times shopping malls were sprouting you'd still complain and say that local shops are dying and are replaced by "homogenized/centralized entities, malls", you just mentally gymnasticize something to turn it into something you can complain, because you fucking enjoy catastrophologizing, you might not realize but you enjoy the decline because it feeds you with a romantized tragic narrative you miss so much in your life

Overall rating: kys/10

>> No.13557374


>> No.13557425

get rekt fag OP

>> No.13557438

>If you were alive the times shopping malls were sprouting you'd still complain and say that local shops are dying and are replaced by "homogenized/centralized entities, malls", you just mentally gymnasticize something to turn it into something you can complain, because you fucking enjoy catastrophologizing, you might not realize but you enjoy the decline because it feeds you with a romantized tragic narrative you miss so much in your life

pretty much the best part of this thread, completely btfos OP and anyone like him