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/lit/ - Literature

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13538304 No.13538304 [Reply] [Original]

The more I interact with forms of fiction (literature, anime, etc) the more I feel cheated out of life. It has been seeming more of the case to me lately that civilizations and people only live in order to create great art and literature, the most sublime and beautiful life and reality. I've been suffering more and more because of my inability to meet with fictional characters and live inside these forms of fiction and feel crushed whenever I finish anything. My indifference for reality has turned into contempt and hatred. I have become bored to death and sick of living and have been minimalizing all gestures and movements I make out of my weariness. I sense all the small hopes and ambitions of the people around me and am filled with disdain. Literature four this feel?

>> No.13538321
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>> No.13538377

work out, get a job, and have sex you lazy sack of shit. and stop watching anime.

>> No.13538423

I do workout, I hate my job, and I have sex with hookers

>> No.13538459

>be a normalcattle
Is that even a life worth living?

>> No.13538470
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And anime is great you fag

>> No.13538603


>> No.13538637
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What if arts and literature are not superstructure phenomena on a bodily and material base? What if living life conjures up stories and allows you to tinker and knead meaning into everyday practices and objects?

>> No.13538742

Being normal and simple is the best way of living. Your problem is your vanity.

>> No.13538934


>> No.13539015

cope. life is boring

>> No.13539030

That's a pretty good introductory sentence. Instead of reading, go write Your diary desu with this diction and create the world You envision.

>> No.13539071

You are boring, desu. How ironic.

>> No.13539113

"no u"

>> No.13539368

my diary desu

>> No.13539591

I’ve noticed that life runs a lot more slowly or maybe it’s true to say that you become very aware of how hyper and fast modern society has become. Everybody is trying to fuck and have as many orgasms as possible, thinking that quantity is quality and speed means the quickest route to the destination. Reading is taught me about life, being aware of the seasons, taking every little sign as a spell writing out the narrative of the life of blessedness

>> No.13540136


>> No.13540162
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>the problem is you, now go work for big nose instead of thinking

>> No.13540183

The more you know the less appealing the reality outside is. Why bother with real romantic relationship when you are craving ideals and experiences that dont exist and are only projected into some woman. Why chase career when it is never going to fulfill your ideals and goals if it is not shallow. Why create things and practice when you are doing it only for self masturbation as even if you could share it with someone they wont understand since it is impossible once you reach higher levels. Even intellectuals would have problems because those levels are very individualistic. Life is pain and I hope it is going to be over soon. If you have to pray for something, pray that there is no afterLIFE again so we wont be cheated twice.

>> No.13540233

Individualism and philosophy/thinking are unironically bad and a poison. It is unnatural to not want to be around other people and not want contribute to humanity and not work. Clean your room, get a degree in something useful (programming and finance. avoid the humanities it is just mental masturbation), get a job, make money, and get a wife and kids. You will feel a lot better when you do these things you need responsibility in your life.

>> No.13540239
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For me, it's the opposite. I've been interacting with people and reading only non-fiction books, thus any media too fanciful, such as Japanese cartoons, have become boring and shallow to me. I only feel alive when I'm doing something that has to do with reality. If I watch some movie, for example, it has be something like Woody Allen's movies.

>> No.13540254
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Let us dream...Let us pretend...Let us delude ourselves...
Don't spoil my dream.

>> No.13540266

This post reads like the good kind of schizo

>> No.13540272

The more I read fictional literature the more I realize the boundaries between itself and philosophy, namely the employment of logic, is entirely arbitrary. How do I enjoy fiction?

>> No.13540276

I wonder if anything interesting is going to come from this demographic that loves both literature and anime. If NGE and Kaiji and Tatami Galaxy and Lain and Angel's Egg will inspire any literary works.

>> No.13540277

>thinking that quantity is quality
now this is redpilled

>> No.13540345

Anime is Westernized as fuck so nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.13540438

No it is time to wake up. The ugly and poor had advantage to see how it really is but we didnt listen. There is no salvation.

>> No.13540460

>What is battle royale
One of the teen sensation books that middle age sjws love is a mainstream rip off of it. Wouldn't be surprised if it's getting its own manga

>> No.13540485

Weird to see somebody go through this too. I categorize my time with fiction as intense episodes of immersion that break my sense of personal identity. Basically I cease to exist and my conscience is occupied totally by the space of whatever fiction I am consuming. I am only fully capable of doing this with anime. Literature has only ever been somewhat effective in certain instances. I sometimes wonder whether this might be a relatively new human experience that will increase in frequency within developed societies as more and more people put more value into fiction and their immersion in it. From what I would guess, you are probably earlier along in the process than I am. The contempt and hatred will stop eventually. For me, it manifested as a sort of angst towards a realization that life will never fulfill me in the way fiction does. This anger will be replaced by a more fundamental indifference to life. The sheer weight of understanding that the real world is meaningless will bring about a feeling of disassociation. Nothing will feel real, every social interaction you ever have will feel like chore. Other people will feel like brick walls. I don't mean that in the "sheeple" kind of way. I would compare it more like talking to bethesda npcs or something. You should be experiencing that now if I'm guessing correctly.
Unfortunately, because of the fact that my immersion is limited to anime, I am forced to deal with the fact that the amount of actual watchable content is not as large as something like literature would be for somebody else. There are far more bad, unwatchable anime than decent ones. I am coming close to running out completely. Because of this, I feel my life has effectively been cut short. The time I spend without fiction is blank to me. It is a colorless gap in my memory of nothing. Periods of time without fiction fly by, and conversely, the time with fiction feels slower. I believe I have artificially extended my mentally perceived life span in this way. That being said, the time without it is comparatively meaningless. I envy your position in that you are able to remain in the phase that you are in. If you were to ever run out of fiction, your situation would be much worse, as is the case for me. I do not want to grow to old age living an unfulfilled life. I don't feel too terrible though. I would much rather end my life sooner than later if I were forced to live it pointlessly. My time with fiction has given me breadths of experiences I do not think some people feel in their whole lives. I am greatful and calmed by the fulfillment from the fiction that I have consumed. In another way, I believe my experience with fiction has brought me to believe that reality is not really real. It is like the things I have seen and felt are evidence that reality isn't limited to what I perceive now. It's not at all spiritual, I just feel like, or hope maybe, that when I die, I will wake up somewhere else and forget everything.

>> No.13540748


>> No.13540864


>> No.13540886

Tell me where you are at in life

>> No.13541141


>> No.13541873
