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13535649 No.13535649[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>when a gaythiest tries to pretend his life has meaning without God

>> No.13535653

god is dead, we have killed him.

>> No.13535668
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>when christcuck can't say fuck without being soaked in boiling pee for all eternity

>> No.13535671

>when christcorpses need a sky patriarch for meaning
Don't forget to clean your room!

>> No.13535689

what's a gay theist? Is that like a priest?

>> No.13535693

i know, right? Allah may save their souls.

>> No.13535700
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> when a christfag tries to pretend his life has meaning

>> No.13535712

>when you believe in a literal ghost

>> No.13535719
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yeah... im thinking theyre seethin

>> No.13535721
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>I have the 4 of clubs! Unlike gaytheists.
Who are playing with a full deck

>> No.13535722

have you actually not had an experience with a ghost before?

>> No.13535734

no, did you?

>> No.13535738 [DELETED] 
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>n-no, s-shut up!
>m-my 250 year old superstition predicated on the paradigm of classical physics that is already being btfo is c-correct
>y-your stupid beliefs a-are old and outdated
>w-what? t-there's a whole corpus of contemporary literature being written by actual scientists and philosophers who use modern findings to only further prove theism, and these figures stretch across all theistic traditions, both Eastern and Western?

>> No.13535740
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>when a fake christian gloats about other ppl sufering

>> No.13535746
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>> No.13535748

Bait, but I'll bite.
Life is so much more meaningful if this is literally it. We better make the most of it while we're here. If you believe in an eternal afterlife, then this life is pretty fucking meaningless, especially considering you can fuck around for 99% but in the last few weeks you can repent and God will act as if you've been cool this entire time.

>> No.13535755

>We better make the most of it while we're here.

>> No.13535760
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Because its fun.
Time enough for undreaming sleep in the eternal grave

>> No.13535762
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>> No.13535781

My grampas old house was haunted. I would also hear weird noises and see blisms of light floating by in the basement room with the creepy painting of a doll

>> No.13535782

jeffrey dahmer seemed to have a lot of fun

>> No.13535784

ghost arent real you idiot

>> No.13535788
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based snail poster

>> No.13535794

yeah it could definitely be described as a ghost, or something from another dimension...

>> No.13535800

what is this pic

>> No.13535805
File: 211 KB, 1024x768, atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheists are usually the most braindead worthless people that exist on this planet, not saying religionist are any better but is just how it is.

>> No.13535808

yes they are. when someone dies a tragic death and didn't reach a natural ending they will haunt around until their souls are finally at peace.


>> No.13535809
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>> No.13535821

What's with people on the internet who haven't experienced the supernatural and are always aggressively pushing their materialistic worldview on others? I don't get why they care so much and it's kind of suspicious. I hope the people in this thread are at least agnostic and not actually atheist.

>> No.13535825

So do all those kiddie fiddler priests, and suicide jihadists, and ...

Indie musical girl before she dyed her hair blonde, eatin an apple. Ain’t she cute? “Snail Mail”

>> No.13535827

And by 2050 the percentage of unaffiliated will have halved. I can't wait until it's legal to hunt down fedoras in the streets.

>> No.13535840

thankfully non-religious don't breed as much

>> No.13535842


>> No.13535848

they also commit suicide more often, which isn't a good thing, I truly hope they get help

>> No.13535850

yeah but theres no God so it doesnt matter

>> No.13535854

I already saw a UFO but not a ghost

>> No.13535867
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Clairo's girlfriend Lindsay Jordan

She's back to being brunette

>> No.13535873

More cuteness for me then

>> No.13535876

how is sin and disordered priorities meaningful? if anything it's glorified, soulless hedonism. If you follow any sort of morality against that stance you're already proving my point: the path of right living is more meaningful, and not coincidentally will also bring you closer to God. How can anything be meaningful without having a standard to perfect meaning to compare it to? Only the perfect meaning can perfectly satisfy, after all... everything else is just rat race cope and pseudo ubermensch "photo album" memories and pleasures. I'll take the infinite over the finite anyway

>> No.13535891

Agreed, fedoras annoy me but it's important to separate the sin from the person and try not to drag the world one step closer to hell by celebrating the deaths of our brothers and sisters

>> No.13535893


>> No.13535899

Extremely based, I'd stepped away from God for a while to look into philosophy more. After looking into a lot of stuff, I've only been brought back to God with a deeper understanding of myself and a stronger faith

>> No.13535918

>Flushed cheeks
Such a babe.

>pol/tards going on and on over a doctored pie chart. They think the faithful aren’t the ones committing suicide
Why not go back. It’s election season, go.

>> No.13535923


>> No.13535930

Puff and nonsense. “Sin” “closer to god”
How are you to be taken seriously?

>> No.13535951

also, presumption of the chance to repent before you die is a seriously grave sin. Essentially you are putting God to the test. Many people die suddenly without the chance to repent since they prevailed in depravity. Cliche but you and I really could die tomorrow, momento mori.

>> No.13535958

They post here with their mood swings often enough. They want a big schlonged daddy figure in the sky to tell them what to do. I try to help them across this agnostic fence. They are agnostic-theists and they shop around for nirvana, Allah, crystals, they’re sad cases, but its poverty that keeps the minds of the masses stuck on faith as a mooring.
Capitalism serves your devious purposes of course.

>> No.13535965


what's questionable about sin. to sin is to quite literally "miss the mark", etymology wise. sin is real, God is real, justice is real. There are eternal consequences for our actions, we will be judged. This isn't to incite fear but i think in our heart of hearts we all know what it is to sin.

>> No.13535966
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>whines about muh sky daddy
>whines about capitalism
>whines about centrists
jeez, did you dilate today?

>> No.13535969
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I don't think there can be anything more pathetic in existence than an anarchist socialists.

>> No.13535980

the root of capitalist evils is ursura. the root is immense greed. moral truth cannot be divorced from economic injustice.

>> No.13535994

Read Stirner, layabouts

>> No.13536005

read Origen

>> No.13536015
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@ « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.13536019
File: 236 KB, 1461x786, 4E6B3769-31FE-4828-A1FD-799D8E04E96D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the blasphemers! He who took actual Christianity away from us and snuffed it out.
Now you all worship Satan and can’t tell the difference. For shame. Eternal hell for you all.

>> No.13536133

>are at least agnostic and not actually atheist.
Agnosticism and atheism are not exclusive. Theism/Atheism is whether or not you believe in a deity. Gnosticism/Agnosticism is whether or not you know (or claim to know).
You can be an agnostic atheist.

>> No.13536140

>how is sin and disordered priorities meaningful?
What am I doing that is sinful? Or more importantly, what am I doing that is immoral? How are my priorities "disordered"?

>> No.13536150

Adding god to the equation doesn't make life any more meaningful.

>> No.13536221

Man's ultimate power is to create purpose. I can grab a stick and say its use is my back scratcher. That is now in fact its purpose. This power is not limited to sticks but people themselves. Anything you command power of, you determine that thing's or person's purpose. That is why the lives of wage cucks feels so empty. Their boss exerts power over them. Their boss decides their purpose, not them.

>> No.13536240
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>> No.13536244

But when I have a stick to scratch my back AND God... now that right there is maximum purpose, baby.

>> No.13536250

>I can grab a stick and say its use is my back scratcher. That is now in fact its purpose.
Thats your purpose for using the stick. Thats not the sticks purpose for existing.

>> No.13536314
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>> No.13536337

Other people can try to give my stick a purpose but they'll have to fight me to have it mean anything.
Therefore the only meaningful purpose is the one I give to the stick as the possesor of it.

>> No.13537289


have you actually even read a bible.

>> No.13537292


>what is you shall have no other gods before me

beware the modern idols.

>> No.13537298


just because you ignore the intended use of an object or your life does that mean that use is now equally valid.

>> No.13537309

Fuck off

>> No.13537327

Surprisingly not everyone is a schizophrenic

>> No.13537330

Chill out Ahmed

>> No.13537343

I’m Catholic and this is a stupid thing to say. There are many kinds of atheism, and some of them are brimming with meaning. I think they will, in the long run, be let down by the things that give their lives meaning (especially the post-Protestants and political religions common in the West), because these are false religions, but it’s observably untrue that they have no meaning at all.

>> No.13537365

How does christianity give meaning? Superficially, it seems similar to performing a given task for the purpose of wellbeing.

>> No.13537464

read a book that isnt the bible