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/lit/ - Literature

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1353303 No.1353303 [Reply] [Original]

Jim enjoyed his dinner, used lots of ketchup and chewed with his mouth open so that he could get the whole taste experience. He was eating great food and there was positive energy at the table. At 6:28 pm a seagull flew down and perched atop the retirement home as sparkling waves crashed on the rocks beneath a sky painted by the setting sun. Jim channeled positive energy to the seagull and it developed a winning attitude. With determined look, the seagull took flight once more and the hope of a people soared across the sky on its back.

In all entirety, in all delusion, a fierce entity was crafting the building blocks of himself. Nothing was said and nothing was done. Nobody pretended to know what they knew to be an impossibility and many strived for the things beyond life's ironic grasp. 8 Layers of unbecoming spilled their existence on the city and ordinary men were driven to incredible heights by the pulsating knowledge of the moment. Left arm, right arm, it all pretty much mixed together nicely and these were the knew days everyone had hoped for, but none had the sense to strive for. It was finally brewing in this warm night, the eve of adventures and the homecoming of an ancient creature. This creature was the All. It was about damn time, too.

>> No.1353305

Well as luck would have it that seagull you have come to know and love returned home to his family and encouraged his wife to heal their love. A moment of rejoice in this cruel world was underway and by nightfall even the sun was smiling on the other side of the world. In this brief moment every atom in the world got a little smarter. Somewhere in the world a lady was grabbing at a rich man's cock and they would have sex, guarded by the best security detail in their area. Acres and acres of land would be flown over by a helicopter that was on its way to get stuff done. A child would be born fully clothed and ready for his first day at school.

>> No.1353309
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There is no way i can fully convey the holy events of those 24 hours on planet Earth. So much change took place and forged the destinies of many great folks. Jim Pearson feasted on the heart of Kate Handings and her blood was cast upon the Tomes of Understanding. Her fingernails exploded as her soul raced to Hell to suck the cocks of demons for all eternity. A boat outside Jim's island capsized, but the All was so prevalent in the area that a surprise storm blew all the sailors to the hospital and turned on the TVs in their rooms.

>> No.1353327

holy shit... i have never read something so hilarious yet so piercing. it took me from uncontrollable laughter in one moment, to stolid reflection in the next. this is some serious next level shit, the best writing i have seen in quite a long fucking time.

>> No.1353329
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bump and sluts' tits. somebody else continue the story. let me see you write

>> No.1353334

Not good. Several months ago there was a better story about a bird that was better than this. The bird sees a girl being raped and tries to comfort her. Then he doesn't go back to his nest and a wizard give him a wish to become human or stay as a bird.

It was...really well-written, and if you wrote that, that was a lot better.

>> No.1353349
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naw i didn't write that one. in my story the bird would have verbally harassed the fuck out of her for 2 hours after she was raped lol. there would also be a homeless man.

>> No.1353382


If you had written that, I would have encouraged you to go back to it. Since you're not,

>In all entirety, in all delusion, a fierce entity was crafting the building blocks of himself. Nothing was said and nothing was done. Nobody pretended to know what they knew to be an impossibility and many strived for the things beyond life's ironic grasp.

Don't ever start a paragraph like this, unless you've gotten to a point where it will be meaningful. You've given us a paragraph about a generic person and a bird that has that person's positive energy. You haven't gotten to the point where you can say difficult things like "in all entirety, in all delusion" which are difficult to parse and are questionable choices even when you've set it up right. And you haven't. Another one, at the end: "Life's ironic grasp" is not a phrase you just throw out there without the reader understanding, in context, why the hell you said it or what you meant.

I don't know if you were looking for feedback, but no matter. You definitely have creativity and a flair for the literary, but you need to start from Earth before you go into the sky!

>> No.1353392
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cool, thanks for the feedback. it doesn't make perfect sense but i guess those excerpts you quoted kinda reflect my own state of mind. i can see how anyone else would be lost though

>> No.1353399


uhh... sauce?

>> No.1353402
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just some seattle hoes i barely know

>> No.1353454

This day was long as memories are short. Perfect strangers met in a harmoniously suspended reality. Enchanted orgies transpired in high school locker rooms, friendships formed among the long-time strangers living next-door, and prison yards had not a single disturbance. Every man's life had shifted abruptly to his fantasised perfection, and everyone felt the artificial happiness like a drug.
In the smokey cool of dusk, Professor Mastiff glided up behind Jim on the deserted sidewalk. He gently kissed Jim's cheek and whispered hoarsely, "Do you know what my dick is for, Jim?" Jim froze in his surprising uncertainty. Dr. Mastiff's breath felt heavy, his unshaven neck scratched Jim's check, and his voice evoked loathsome memories of an abusive uncle. Jim felt a violent tug at his belt as the professor shoved him against the graffitied wall. "It's for your ripe little ass. Won't you like that?" But Jim could not imagine anything he'd like less. He wrestled away from Dr. Mastiff's arms just as his erect member brushed bare skin. Jim rushed through alley after lonely alley and pounded up the stairs to his apartment. His newly adjusted mind forced him to reflect on the harsh, sudden return to reality. Lights flickered on in solitary houses across the land as millions felt the same disenchantment.

>> No.1353455

New intellect engendered uniquely powerful remorse over lifetimes wasted in ignorant convictions. Introspective men realised their change in intellect and felt the most certain hopelessness at a lifetime doomed to wrongs through misunderstanding. Others peered into their memories like strangers, as they could not recognise their former selves. Still other people dishonestly clutched their imaginations with halfhearted, desperate avoidance of a completely immature life. No one wished to start over. No one wished to lose everything. No one wished to confront his thoughts, but no one could settle into his former stable reality. The world mournfully, almost beautifully, joined in its universal depression.

>> No.1353459
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