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/lit/ - Literature

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13522869 No.13522869 [Reply] [Original]

Why do British people write better than Americans? If you start reading a British newspaper and an American newspaper, you instantly spot the difference in prose elegance and overall quality of writing.
This is not just predominant for people in writing professions, but in average folks too. If you read answers from Americans and British people in Quora, you see the same persisting phenomenon.

>> No.13522879

The same reason that The Economist is better than The Atlantic. British people have a firmer command of the English language and a better and more analytic understanding of the world

>> No.13522882

Because unlike America, our bastard-child of a country, Britain actually has standards. Why else do you think so many of us are horrified at the prospect of importing their chicken after brexit?

>> No.13522966

>elegant quality prose
>elegant quality prose on newspaper
>elegant quality English prose on a newspaper
>elegant quality English prose on an English newspaper
Fuck off I just hope summer ends soon

>> No.13522967

>British people have a firmer command of the English language and a better and more analytic understanding of the world
but why so?

>> No.13523052
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Well I'd say that the British people, unlike other predominantly speaking English countries, have had a longer history and thus more experience with writing. As America was still developing, Britain was a power house of culture and elegance. The American of that time would have less access to national newspaper and time to read it given the amount of work they would have in a developing country. Also, as America was developing, the education standard would have been lower than Britain's, pertaining to the lesser eloquent writing style adopted throughout the years as writers would be writing for the American people. America is a much more practical country as I see it, shown through their language which disregards euphony for speed. I've never read an American newspaper but I'm sure it be easier to read if anything.

>> No.13523075


>> No.13523078

the post is about writing, so belongs here

>> No.13523084

Does /lit/ actual get increased traffic because of summer? Most newfags wouldn't bother with /lit/ since it would actually require at least some reading. Although I've definitely seen an increase in "high school reading" book threads recently.

>> No.13523083

good reasoning. have a (You)

>> No.13523086

Name a British writer from the 20th century who's better than William Faulkner. I'll wait.

>> No.13523088

There are enough awful threads on /lit/, at least this one's about writing. Better than an IQ thread, religious bait or podcast recommendation.

>> No.13523089

American English is niggerised.

>> No.13523092

salty Americans baka. Just admit your inferiority and move on

>> No.13523103

No thank (You). Here have it back.
Well that's just rude and ignorant. I was only asking a question about 4chan traffic, honest. Frankly, I think your behaviour is uncalled for and you should apologise.

>> No.13523108

If someone in another country is reading something a British person wrote 9 times out of 10 they went to Oxford and had mandatory word training

>> No.13523109

More newbies, probably true veterans are lurking/staying away because bored normies are on vacations from whatever were doing and hey lets go to 4chan to see photos of murdered people
This board tends to be less affected by quality drop but it’s still very noticeable

>> No.13523118

meant for>>13523092

>> No.13523124

Britfag thinks the literate world with internet access is composed of UK and USA only
I hope you go fuck off soon out of the EU

>> No.13523128


>> No.13523135
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American writers:
Tao Lin
Le Guin

British Writers

>> No.13523139

>implying it isn't

>> No.13523150

Are you kidding? English newspapers and magazines use the most stupidly sarcastic, snotty, condescending yellow tabloid journalist voices I've ever seen.

>> No.13523152


>> No.13523154

This is generally true for all colonies and their former mother countries. Spaniards, Portuguese, Brits, French, etc. all (generally) speak and write better than their former colonies. I can't think of any exceptions. Usually there are individual outliers among the literate and educated, but that's really it.

>> No.13523155

kek she's still steps below him.

>> No.13523156

Brits all write the same as each other and use the same range of diction everywhere. They tend to encourage certain stylistic fashions, but that’s about all. I don’t think they write well and I can’t recall a single original phrase in a British publication.

Canadians write pretty well. Bongs all write journalese platitude mush and not one has a voice of his own.

>> No.13523166

I agree, they have a firm command of that impoverished and narrow thing called English. It’s probably why the only good writers of the past century wrote Irish and American.

>> No.13523183

>Tao Lin, Kerouac, Bukowski

Sterne, Swift, Defoe, Shelley, Byron, De Quincey, Coleridge, Stevenson, Wordsworth, Keats, Ballard, etc. It seem like you only read best-sellers, lad. And you missed the giant of American letters: William Faulkner.

>> No.13523188

My boss is British and he's barely literate. He can't spell for shit, his grammar is atrocious, his reading comprehension is somewhere around the 4th grade level, and he butchers the pronunciation of even simple names.

>> No.13523191

This is false. America attained to full literacy long before Britain and excluding immigrants exceeds it still.

>> No.13523203

The British idiom post 1900 is ebonics tier

>> No.13523204

Hurr durr i don’t know shit about it so it doesn’t exist/is stupid
Anglosphere is amazing
Amazingly retarded.

>> No.13523219

>he doesn't know about the 2 country conspiracy
Non-US/UK countries are just myths.

>> No.13523225

>America attained to full literacy long before Britain
can i get a source on that?

>> No.13523251


>> No.13523255

>If you start reading a British newspaper and an American newspaper, you instantly spot the difference in prose elegance and overall quality of writing.
Disagree completely and you couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.13523258

>Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov (/nəˈbɒkəf, -ˈbɔː-/; Russian: Bлaди́миp Bлaди́миpoвич Haбóкoв [vɫɐˈdʲimʲJr nɐˈbokəf], also known by the pen name Vladimir Sirin (Russian: Bлaди́миp Cи́pин); 22 April [O.S. 10 April] 1899– 2 July 1977) was a Russian-born American novelist

>> No.13523264

I work with a British lady; "Eurrrgh! I don't do Chinese food. All them bits. Disgusting. And it tastes horrible with that MSG they put in it. Well, to be fair, I've never had it, but you can just tell".

>> No.13523272

He arrived to America in his 60s. Russian-born my ass. He's Russian and couldn't even speak proper English, listen to his interviews.

>> No.13523278

>not Trash

>> No.13523328

>Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 – 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish[1] satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric.
>Laurence Sterne. Nationality: Anglo-Irish
And if you include faggots like Bukowski, Tao Lin, and Kerouac you might as well include Ballard for the UK. He's also not so distant genre-wise from Philip K Dick, which you also included.

>> No.13523347

this was the best article i read from either british or american media on johnsons election


>> No.13523426

Americans are totally negrified. The white ones have become sub-humans since the early 1900s by soul and character.

>> No.13523433

THe white ones outscore you in all international tests and have a higher rate of nobel laureatship

Meanwhile the negrification of you could only be an improvement

>> No.13523434
File: 27 KB, 1200x800, ireland-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do irish people write better than the english?

>> No.13523438


>> No.13523442

English was his first language, he just had an accent

>> No.13523447

Because they’re not English

>> No.13523451

Americans in general don’t have much experience with non-Americans. Those few expats they do experience in the US are always packed into one kind of box or another. Compare this with a country like England or Canada, where there’s always a variety of different histories and cultures with which it’s inhabitants must interact. I’ve never met an American who wasn’t laughably naive and childlike in their conception of world affairs, and they’ve got a certain innate universalism which infects everything they do

>> No.13523467

A very thick, unamerican accent... and you faggots complain about immigrants not speaking properly. Fucking Americans, I swear.

>> No.13523477

is there something to do with education that British knows more about world affairs? I can't imagine a country to be collectively more curious than another without any reason.

>> No.13523522

Then the third world sees you precisely as you see Americans

>> No.13523550

america and england are the exact same

>> No.13523572

hiberno-english is idiosyncratic and retains elements of antiquated english when it was first introduced to ireland

It also lends itself naturally to metre

>> No.13523574

They know nothing about the world. They have a few more ready platitudes because unlike Americans they have are
a. unimportant and dependent
b. situated closely to countries their geopolitical equals

So they can tell you that France is full of rude vulgar people, that Germany is efficient, and that the toilets often leak in Italian transport. The problem is they mistake this little world in which they play a not insignificant part for the entire globe and it disturbs them to find that they are as irrelevant to the average American as Estonia is to them.

>> No.13523583

Britain isn’t the best example due to being an island power, but it’s at least somewhat close to European affairs. Americans can experience every climate and landscape within their own borders.

Sure, in many countries the average joe speaks three languages fluently. Once the artic passage melts I can see Canada becoming entirely cosmopolitan, we already have an innate disposition towards it, but Britain, Australia, and the USA are doomed to be insular powers. Every country besides USA however being at least a secondary and merchentile power, with all the prespective that entails.

>> No.13523584

Tbh that's the vibe I've always gotten from the English and what sets them apart from every other European

>> No.13523589

>not a single book worth reading
Canada is shit

>> No.13523593

Remember when /lit/ was a slow board?
Now it’s going down to /his/ tier

>> No.13523608

i can't see how Britain knowing more about geopolitical equals than Americans would possibly make them more eloquent, which was the premise of this discussion.

>> No.13523611

>England or Canada, where there’s always a variety of different histories and cultures with which it’s inhabitants must interact

California alone has more sub-cultures than England.

>> No.13523621

/his/ is a great board, so that would be a compliment

>> No.13523642

>/his/ is a great board
theres too many communist tards for it to be a great board

>> No.13523800

I think it's the cultural inheritance of "taking the piss," friendly insult; Americans have casual coarseness instead. It's less effort, requires zero restraint; gets to be a habit.

Things are so much simpler as a zombie.

>> No.13523830

These are the commonest literate (not literary) denominators; if the difference of writing quality persists here it is significant.

>Insult OP's maturity
>Age is maturity
If you can't be smart be nice.

>> No.13523833

>Rude and ignorant
I wouldn't bet a taco, señor.

>> No.13523849
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>> No.13523854

way too many literal nazis to be a good board. It's basically /intpol/

>> No.13523868

Ireland has a way longer tradition of copist monks. They developed the first vernacular epic that was written down (the Tain), and saved classical civilization by preserving even the secular literature, while the Roman-centric Latin world didn't have an interest in anything other than the bible. Irish monks were imported all over Europe. A pity nordic barbarians and the eternal Anglo rekt them.

>> No.13523906

Why are you claiming Nabokov? He's an immigrant, not born. You wanna try for Wodehouse too? Also: whatever the 14th Dalai Lama is legit Polish literature.

Burroughs: degenerate what writes wiv 'is todgja
Kerouac: can't write; beat era posterboy

Add to Brits:
-both Shelleys

>> No.13523923

What's the business anon? It sounds bluecollar it mercantile, not professional.

>> No.13523926

Not a proper source and im not the person who said that but de Tocqueville commented on how well educated Americans were in Democracy in America, for what it's worth

>> No.13523942

My fucking sides. Leave this place and neber return

>> No.13523948

What awful prose lol, typically Bongish

>> No.13523954


>> No.13523958

My mistake. : )

I will accept that my whole post is invalidated for one brain fart, if you accept that yours is likewise

>> No.13523977

>On opponent's race
Tsk tsk. A uniquely American vice.

>> No.13524001

>Canada, where there’s always a variety of different histories and cultures with which it’s inhabitants must interact

>> No.13524020

Who said anything about race?
>tsk tsk

>> No.13524027

>Mary Shelley
Just fuck off idiot

>> No.13524083

So basically no proof to what you said?

>> No.13524091

Im a different anon from the one who made the original claim. I won't research for him/her but anecdotally Americans were comparatively well educated--what they said was not entirely unfounded, at minimum.

>> No.13524112

I did decide to do some brief research for anon. Here's a source about American colonial literacy.

>> No.13524124

Wodehouse is English emigre, just like Nabokov.
Mary Shelley was groundbreaking, transhumanism before the idea had a name.
>Byron doesnt count
(You) pulled out Kerouac and Burroughs. Please.

>> No.13524128

Says the faggot defending Tao Lin, Kerouac, and Bukowski as being part of the American greats.

>> No.13524149
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Closest approximate is Yikes. So, have sex.

>> No.13524161

I am beyond expecting you to have even read one sample of half the names you pulled.

At least read their wikis before you start parading your ignorance.

>> No.13524168

This is no more conjectural than my proposition, and no where does it compare rates of Britain. Using the same metric of signatures, New England had a illiteracy rate of 70% compared to England 40%. https://www1.umassd.edu/ir/resources/laboreducation/literacy.pdf

Still, I appreciate you going out of the way to look into it anon,

>> No.13524174

>They ARE americans
>Just like our Math Olympiad Chinks
>And Marathon Sprint Negros
>And they have the green card to prove it

>> No.13524189

fair enough, have a nice day

>> No.13524198

define American if you think Asians, blacks, and others who were usually born here aren't American.

>> No.13524219

So, which one is it?

>> No.13524222

Any one that grew up the American Way are American; that's the only qualifier i got.

But the poster included people who came over in their adulthood and retirement, which is just planting flags. I find that dishonest.

My point about the sprint negros and math olympians doesn't extend to born-here Americans; they got their greencards also post-childhood, for academic or athletic careers. Iegally American < culturally american.

>> No.13524224

it's a dying board like /lit/, not quite shit, but far from good.

>> No.13524225

Don't tell me what to do

>> No.13524233

ok, makes sense

>> No.13524236

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.13524351

>J-just fuh-FUCK OFF
I think I know why you can't see that your writers are shit...

>> No.13524384

Probably considering that for the entire time with which Britain was at its peak, America was still more or less developing as a nation and uptill then the well-to-do followed British and European cultural trends, and its only until the late 19th and early 20th century upon which America is able to emerge out of the shadow of British-Anglosphere-dominance into becoming their own in which cases you saw the initial flairs of American literature. However, America only really became a cultural power once movie theatres and television became more prevalent and the primary cultural mediums, meaning that the creative talent that couldve gone towards literature instead went to film

>> No.13524423

Nice read.

>> No.13524475

Chaucer, Shakespeare, Wilde, Joyce, and Tolkein
>congratulations, you've reached the end of superlative British writers
Poe, Twain, Faulkner, Hemmingway, McCarthy, Wolfe, Steinbeck, Hawthorne, Melville, etc., etc. etc.
>need I say more?

>> No.13524492

The British are so obnoxious that they voted Churchill out of power in the middle of WWII.
Nothing they do can be taken seriously. They gave away their empire, and don't even have a constitution.

>> No.13524497

>Joyce and Wilde

>> No.13524502

I see it this way as well, there are certain kind of astonishing exceptions, Melville being the most striking, but generally America hadn't developed a literary culture until things were becoming very weird with modernism and other mediums were taking over as you say.

>> No.13524519

What country do you think Ireland belongs to?

>> No.13524521

When I met Brits in Europe that’s the exact vibe I got. Not saying Americans are any better, but y’all suck just as much but in your own special way.

>> No.13524533

churchill was voted out after the war ended. also, putting your constitution in one single document is a low IQ move

>> No.13524543

The people who founded the colonies were intellectuals. They achieved a very high literacy rate early on in pre Revolution America. They would have millions of books imported from England. In those days, a new Charles Dickens novel coming out would be the equivalent of the Super Bowl in today’s America. No, the USA was not always intellectually degraded. That started around the early 1900s

>> No.13524780

Etc. It’s rare for most countries to have multiple legal systems, and Canada has always been a weird corporate mixture of various historical actors. Also monarchies naturally tend towards ethnic-historical alliances, while democracies tend towards nation-state homogeneity. This is a clearly observable phenomenon anywhere there’s a regime change from monarchy to democracy, with some exceptions. Both Canada and the US were settled by mostly trans-European stock, but Canada was settled by multiple similtanious institutions, while America was founded on the vague ideology of a couple initial colonies.

>> No.13524784

If Oscar "ComedyManners" Wilde is not to be considered British, who do you consider American?

>> No.13524793

If you start reading a british newspaper and an american newspaper you instantly notice the blatant immigration shilling that permeates british journalism and the feminist shilling that permeates american, american was better though.

>> No.13524816

>Remember when /lit/ was a slow board?
How far back are you talking? I haven't come on /lit/ much in the last few years but it doesn't seem to be notably more active than it was in ~2015

>> No.13524868

What a trainwreck of a post on every conceivable level. Two accurate picks (I'm sure you haven't actually read Chaucer), a genre fiction writer, and two Irishmen, and then a bunch of parochial boomers under 'American'.
>Who are the Beowulf poet, Pearl poet, Marlowe, Milton, Pope, Locke, Sidney, Dryden, Middleton, Jonson, Fielding, Tennyson, Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Rochester, and Dickens

>> No.13524956


>> No.13525010

>born and raised in Ireland

>> No.13525017

>Beowulf poet
Not British, Britain as the nation didn’t yet exist.
More Norman still.

>> No.13525027

Shut the fuck up idiot, Americans still outscore bongs on international tests. Your islandof bucktooth’d mongs isn’t special lmao

>> No.13525031

>literary culture
>hasn’t produced a single real writer in over a century
Bongbreath stinks desu

>> No.13525117
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Have you heard what an actual British person sounds like, on the streets? They're no Christopher Hitchens or G. K. Chesterton. They have some of the most vulgar and colloquial dialects you'll ever hear.
>If you start reading a British newspaper and an American newspaper
It has nothing to do with the country, but the kind of news agency. The Daily Mail and the Sun are no different than American equivalents (and those are widely read in America on the internet).

>> No.13525153
File: 26 KB, 304x447, geewargis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P. G. Wodehouse
Rudyard Kipling
V. S. Naipaul
Anthony Trollope
Evelyn Waugh
Iris Murdoch
M. R. James
Aldous Huxley
Ford Madox Ford
Joseph Conrad (debatable)
Thomas Hardy
Harold Pinter
David Lindsay
Agatha Christie
C. S. Lewis
Doris Lessing
G. K. Chesterton
David Mitchell
Arnold Bennett
Martin Amis
Kingsley Amis
J. A. Baker
Mervyn Peake
Salman Rushdie
J. G. Ballard
Graham Greene
Laurie Lee

This is not to say American writers are bad, but proportional to their size, Britain has many more writers of a higher calibre.

>> No.13526500

>Salman Rushdie

>> No.13526536
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ehhh sort of.
britain has a literary tradition, america doesn't (probably won't ever) have one. and a writer without a tradition is adrift, nervously self-assertive, an individualist lost in a crowd of individualists.

>> No.13526561

America probably produces more books than any other nation

>> No.13526626

that's got nothing to do with it (and anyway i think it's china).
if the early US congress debated to speak another language (a native american tongue, say) they'd more than likely eventually end up with a distinctly american literature. as it happens they have had books in english that in some way resemble what i shall have to call british lit and in other ways don't. those other ways are likewise non-american, whether they spring from european cultures like german or french or non-national cultures: jewish, black. no coherent tradition could emerge from all that

>> No.13526645
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It can't be education, because even the lower class has much better jokes, football slogans, etc. than Americans.

I used to think it was evolution, from criminals escaping execution if they could prove they were literate. But that can't be it, because that happened way before the revolution.

Not sure if non-ethnic Brits have the same writing talent. Haven't seen enough examples

I think this is getting closer to the truth. We don't admire clever insults with the exception of a few things like black people playing "snaps". Still not sure though

You know what they have in common? Lots of shills discovered topics that hurt their feelings and started sliding them.

>> No.13526654

Hardly any of those are nearly as popular or talked about

>> No.13526911

Ireland has a population of 5 million and outperformed you as soon as you it was emancipated. The idea that there is something in English blood (if you can call the present mixed inhabitants of your island English by blood) ishilarious

>> No.13526916

Yeah, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Salinger are Europoors. No wonder youpeople haven’t produced a single page worth reading in over a century.

>> No.13527079

hemingway treated outdoor matters in an indoor (european salon) style.
>No wonder youpeople haven’t produced a single page worth reading in over a century
that's a non-sequitir.
and i never said brit lit wasn't bad. but the americans are a bloody sight worse.

>> No.13527298

cringe at all those initials

>> No.13527991

>bloody sight
This is why bongs have to go begging for expatriate Americans while Ireland and America produced Joyce, Beckett, Hemingway, Salinger,
Mencken in the last century

The art of Hemingway is European, and when I ask for evidence you say it was written in a European way. Just lol

>> No.13528119

you didn't ask for evidence. and anyway that was my point, wasn't it - their books come from british or european or other cultures.
>This is why
what is why?
oh dear

>> No.13528457

>quibbling and making no good points
Every time a Bong posts on this board. You made a claim so go ahead and support it if you can. If you can’t stop posting generic shit and fuck off to reddit

>> No.13528507

i am supporting it. though your artillery didn't exactly blow the fortress to pieces.
god, all right. don't tell me. waugh, a powell, p. g. wodehouse, liz taylor, r graves, k amis, angus wilson. that what you're after? what a bloody life.

>> No.13528573

I’m talking about Hemingway, idiot, not requesting a list of literary nonentities.

>> No.13528660

nonentities? my goodness you did let them have it
what did you want to say about hemingway then old boy

>> No.13528699

>Those few expats they do experience in the US are always packed into one kind of box or another
Now in all fairness, that is because of the legitimately insane criteria we brits have to meet to move to america which almost universally ensures that you hold a high ranking job in a specific sector like law or medical departments, or that you are a multimillionaire business tycoon.
Which is weird considering that other european countries have a somewhat easier time moving there via greencard applications.

>> No.13528714

>that you hold a high ranking job in a specific sector like law or medical departments, or that you are a multimillionaire business tycoon
and even then it takes years

>> No.13528779

This clown is saying Wodehouse is a real artist

>> No.13528857

well why not

>> No.13529322

>not Real artist
Matter of opinion; an artist of minor significant accomplishment is still an artist.

You'll have to define what Real Art is; a few names on both lists will provably get taken off.

>> No.13529350

...or you'll just have to judge all this stuff on it's merits
(and you should probably stop capitalising art while you're at it - or are you german or something)

>> No.13529357

Not poster.

I went UK recently; they advertise new novels (fiction AFAICT) on subway posters. Chicklit, nongenre, highmiddlebrow.

The fact that pleb amusement consumption is /lit/ indicates a literary culture.

I dont think Americans read enough for poster-adverts to even work.

>> No.13529377

>Stop capitalizing art
What do you mean? That i am using royalty earnings as a metric? Not that I am, but it is very tempting until you consider Rowling, James, and Meyer.

If you have a preferred metric you'd rather use, i am open to suggestions.

>> No.13529384

i actually just meant the first letter (Art)

>> No.13529395

lol alright got me

>> No.13529447

>the fact that people advertise chick lit and genre trash means there’s a literary culture
This board is so full of dimwits I can’t believe it

>> No.13529460

>PG Wodehouse isn’t an artist
>akshually you’ll now have to define art
This thread is the best proof I’ve ever seen that England does not have a literary culture

>> No.13529469

I said he was, just a minor one compared to other names.

I asked anon to define what he might call art so i can understand why Wodehouse is to be excluded.

>> No.13529474

Alright, tell me what you think constitutes a literary culture.

>> No.13529477

Not genre fiction you stupid fucking bong lol

>> No.13529478

Or at least suggests one.

>> No.13529491

I also said non genre; you might have missed that.

Literary culture, not philosophic culture. High level genrefic might qualify.

>> No.13529496

Fine, Britain has a chick lit culture. I concede it. Now fuck off, dulb bong.

>> No.13529497

Am not a bong. An outsider to both countries, library dweller.

>> No.13529504

Again, i did also mention non-genre; the kind of bland modern like Time Traveller's Wife.

>> No.13529510

Do you HAVE perimeters for what you consider a "literary culture?"

Just saying what's "not it" contributes very little.

>> No.13529529

That’s not literature. I can’t believe you’re using children’s fiction to prove that a country that hasn’t written a single phrase of value in a century has a literary culture.
It’s self-evident

>> No.13529542

>Evasion 100
Alright, you win.

>> No.13529559

Oh, I forgot, they wrote Harry Potter

>> No.13529578

>Who wrote Percy Jackson
If you're going to descend to YA, very well, we can go there too.

>> No.13529592

To add to American infamy:
Meyer and EL James are both misbegotten plagues, American culture crawled out of the petridish and veloceshitting in the collective face of the world.

>> No.13529603

You’re the ones pretending YA constitutes literary culture.

Bongs confirmed retarded

>> No.13529605

It is self evident American is a literary cesspool to produce EL James

>> No.13529631

>Time Traveller's Wife is YA
The point was about bland non-genre moderns being advertised; i could have picked another example of the type. Little Prince, half of Coelho, Wide Sargasso Sea &c.

>> No.13529637

Again, i am not a bong.

>Voluntary ignorance
>Willful blindness
Cut down on FoxNews

>> No.13529657

Iiterary culture, if extant, will not exclude children. If you had a literary culture you would know that it is organic; lifelong, starting young.

>> No.13529663

If my spawn managed The Magician's Nephew and Sophie's Choice at the age most are stuck on Harry Potter, I'd be gloating.

>> No.13529913

Americans tend to go for big noises, big numbers; anything that allows self insertion or identification with "Alpha".

Writers tend not to be this kind of person, writing being introspective.

writers in america might be likened to acid plants attempting to flower in alkali soil. It happens, but you cant help thinking they'd flower better elsewhere.

>> No.13530010

The best thing about British writers is that unlike Americans they don't forget to include a story in their novels.

>> No.13530027
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Ahh the great newspapers of England

>> No.13530076

>reading for the plot

>> No.13530179

>Reading to have read

>> No.13530185

Pull out an American yellow paper printed same date, for comparison.

Otherwise, nice cherry.

>> No.13530193

>Writing fiction with no plot
So, Dianetics?

>> No.13530252

What did you expect?
Anon is a n American
>S. Nob.

>> No.13530457

>plotfags think there’s nothing else

>> No.13530688

>Pseud collecting Wokémon Badges

>> No.13530693

>not using Math Overflow exclusively

>> No.13533161

>Name a British writer
Americans lmao

>> No.13533167

the irish are britons

>> No.13533172

>quality is measured by its populatity
Classic Burger mentality.

>> No.13533177
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>> No.13533191

it happens to be true

>> No.13533214

Not really. I think the Irish made it clear they don't want to be Britons.

>> No.13533221

More people liking something generally means it's more enjoyable. No one talks about those boring British authors on /lit/ for example

>> No.13533232

they can dispute it then
but not even god can abolish historical fact

>> No.13533233

wow the pleb levels are off the chart. no wonder you're a burger shill.

>> No.13533237

>being so contrarian you start to argue the Irish are Britons
bravo, retard.

>> No.13533243

I'm not even American, I just admit that they dominated the 20th century for literature

>> No.13533244

you don't really hold that against them

sorry if i said anything out of line

>> No.13533255

weird. because the original reply mentions writers from all centuries.

>> No.13533274

because america has been the centre of the english speaking world the last 100 years

>> No.13533637

>foul-bowelled hooligan

Unironically pretty good

>> No.13533731

This is the temperament of all Anglos, and as such is present in the British, but Americans represent the peak of Anglo insufferability.

>> No.13534902

There’s a bong in this thread trying to claim joyce. Cringe