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13530398 No.13530398 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything cringier than a religion that denies predestination but can't refute it? Looking at you, Catholics...


>> No.13530436
File: 112 KB, 1103x187, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13530441

Not an argument, Christcuck

>> No.13530549

You didnt really ask for an argument you asked for something more cringy which he gave to you. Classic Low Iq anon

>> No.13530576
File: 536 KB, 1611x982, 532123C1-CF63-407F-85B0-E8D8D58DC942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm I wonder who this is....

>> No.13530593

a bunch of pop science larping reeeeeeeeligion books and then STIRNER (???) - EPICURUS (THE VATICAN SAYINGS, BECAUSE THE CATHOLICS PRESERVED HIS WRITINGS) - PORTAPOTTY FREDDY

the absolute state of /nothing/

>> No.13530597

Whatever helps you burn easier in Hell heathen

>> No.13530611


>> No.13530620

essential feelosopher core

>> No.13530627

>muh christanity
Nobody cares, its not 2007 anymore. Making fun of christards isnt edgy anymore, its mainstream. All the kids nowadays talk about the evils of judaism and the jews.

>> No.13530637

Someone mashed together my trio with theirs

I’ve read the Hitchens, have some Russell, but I am not interested in Harris at all

>> No.13530640

>fedora retard gets BTFO
>regurgitates old pol memes despite being a cucked leftist
He fucking humiliated you, GTFO

>> No.13530641

>Trannyfag core lit

>> No.13530643

This, sam harris is a racist and a neonazi. He literally says races can have different genetics

>> No.13530646

So you admit you're a bad influence on the youth and you have been teaching them new gods

>> No.13530652

Holy shit y hasn't he been hanged yet? Only thing worse than German nazis are Jewish nazis. They should definitely know better

>> No.13530679

> It’s not me I swear

Dude you really need to see a fucking therapist

>> No.13530684

Did you know he's a 50 year-old menopausal lesbian tranny

>> No.13530689

>imagine being proud of this list

>> No.13530695

this is frightening behavior

>> No.13530697
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Hes literally a cryprofascist you fucking nazi

>> No.13530708
File: 41 KB, 850x400, 1564039797953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine all the words in those books being refuted by one (1) Voltaire quote lmoa

>> No.13530724


You asked for cringe and he gave it to you.

>> No.13530729

This is a joke?

>> No.13530759

I literally can’t think of a more embarrassing list