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13528954 No.13528954 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me the modern relevance of an ideology that has failed in almost every country that it has been tried in, has been rendered defunct by the advent of modern social liberalism, and has little to no power in the collective consciousness of modern society.

>> No.13528962

It's relevant because it was influential in contemporary politics and remains so. What the fuck kind of question is that?

>> No.13528965


>> No.13528975

Relevant in contemporary politics?

Name me a country in which the dictatorship of the proletariat is actualized.

Name me a country where marxism is actually practiced in any way or form, sans the use of marxism as an aesthetic aid for governmental control.

>> No.13529002

It does not need to be practiced in order to be relevant in politics, the fact that it exists and has people that either fear it or support it means it has relevance because it is taken into consideration by politicians, decision-makers, etc. American political discourse still has references to communism, it had a huge effect in Eastern Europe which affected it to this day, hell, even in Portugal like 90% of the political class began their career as Marxists in student groups.

>> No.13529021

>has little to no power in the collective consciousness of modern society.

then explain the rise in popularity and fear of the SJWs, cultural marxists, antifa, socialists, chapocels, trannies, feminazis etc etc etc

>> No.13529045

Good cope for people who don't want to confront the fact that all the problems stem from industrialization and not from capitalism.

>> No.13529058
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>> No.13529063

Omg if only Marx thought of that

>> No.13529069


>> No.13529073

So communism is a literal loser ideology that got its ass handled time and time again? This is supposed to make communism look good or what?

>> No.13529076

Sounds like communism is getting outplayed then

>> No.13529083

I mean you can't call someone a loser because they lose a 10 on 1 fight.

>> No.13529088

Actual cope post

>> No.13529090
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When you hear someone say something this stupid, what do you imagine they look like?

>> No.13529094

1) off topic thread
2) it isn't relevant in that (big C) Communism is not a political program which will triumph in any meaningful way.
3) it is relevant in that it serves as an ideological justification for some number of radicals whose actions and beliefs are completely irrelevant except insofar as they are consonant with the Progressive world order which will gladly use these types as narrative shifters, glass breakers, ideology police

every one should report this thread.

>> No.13529098

If Communism was so bad why wouldn't they just leave it alone to fail on their own?

>> No.13529107

If that is the sort of opposition communism must face to triumph and it cannot handle it, then it is doomed. Communists demand worldwide revolution and cry over extreme pushback? Are you fucking kidding? Might is right, nigger. Build something capable of withstanding the opposition it will necessarily create or build something doomed to failure.

>> No.13529108

It's still relevant since it's still the only road to human emancipation.
>modern social liberalism
"Modern social liberalism" is already dying. The future of capitalism is technocratic fascism.
>has little to no power in the collective consciousness of modern society
The left-wing of capital can only pretend to be able to solve any problems for so long. People stopped buying into neoliberalism and soon they'll stop buying into both left- and right-wing variants of "capitalism with a human face" who are already grasping at straws with hopeless nonsense like MMT.

thanks for expanding on what "left-wing of capital" means so I don't have to

they are inextricably connected you mong

>> No.13529121

>Might is right, nigger.
China looks pretty big right now. Gonna be bigger than the US. Can't wait.

>> No.13529126
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Stop using this word. Totalitarianism might fit, but the future is certainly not fascist.

>human emancipation.
whoa its liek you guys are the rebel alliance and harry potter

>> No.13529138

Oh by communism do you mean party-absolutist capitalism?

>> No.13529139

Edgy zoomers.

>> No.13529150

You need capitalism before communism like Marx said. The leaders of China seem to still believe in it.

>> No.13529156

Yeah, you're right. I'm sure they will dissolve into a classless society devoid of the commodity form pretty soon.

>> No.13529159

Not soon but the rapid growth will allow them to start the worldwide takeover.

>> No.13529186

corporations are going to explain it to you

>> No.13529204
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As a proud soldier, I would love to say the following:

>> No.13529206

They did, its called North Korea

>> No.13529208


>> No.13529237

white yuppies think it'll save them :- )

>> No.13529284

This. Nobody who remembers the Cold War takes this bollocks seriously.

>> No.13529288

LOL @ this retard