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File: 309 KB, 1125x1798, 66D71445-14C3-492F-8A1B-42BFE77549D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13528201 No.13528201 [Reply] [Original]

>zoomer poetry

>> No.13528242

>I can't wear it.
>It doesn't fit me
kino poetry tbqh

>> No.13528259

>this got published
absolute STATE

>> No.13528265

Imagine paying for this.

>> No.13528272

it's probably like $8.

>> No.13528276

i'm russian and love it
ya ebal tvoyu suku v rot
ya ebal tvoyu tupuyu blyad
i'm russian and love it
ya ebal tvoyu tupuyu blyad in a soviet era schoolgirls uniform
ya ebal tvoyu rhythmic gymnast
i'm russian and love it
my dick size is large
i can't wear her full cause she too small
it's training with your prima ballerina

>> No.13528278

I bet you my first born it's $10 or more for this book.

>> No.13528286

>paying $8 for that

>> No.13528288

Beautiful language

>> No.13528291

Should I off myself lads? Yay or nay?

>> No.13528299

nay, you'll miss some cool stuff

>> No.13528301

Nay. You could off yourself any time but you can’t live forever.

>> No.13528302


>> No.13528313

Nay, just keep swimming.

>> No.13528320

I like it

>> No.13528327
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 1563654462397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get crunk instead

>> No.13528328

kakoi prekraniy yazik
lovi huy za vorotnik
ebu anastasiyu zavorotnuk
voobrazhayu paying for this
absolutne state
i bet my first cum on her face was her best sex
ebu tvoyu blyad like tiranozavr rex
you'd fixed your post
svodil tvoyu suku pod most
tam dal ei pod hvost
smotrel serial lost?
some cool stuff
podrochil ei na sharf
yay or nay
tvoi batyanya gei

>> No.13528340

Nah man. Never. Non-existence sounds cool if you imagine it as "being free" or existing without suffering, but it's not that. You never feel the relief from offing yourself. You just stop being, there is no freedom.
Or, if God actually exists, you go to hell, which is also very bad

>> No.13528358

sounds cool
salvii kurnul
it as being free
tvoya blyad lubit huyi
but it's not that
ya daval ei v zad
there is no freedom
ona nadela prez rtom

>> No.13528373


>> No.13528385

Mein Gott, I'm polish and I can read this, it's actually fucking hilarious

>> No.13528388

It’s not

>> No.13528409

it's not
moy huy kak kanat
i bust a nut
ebus, ebat
tvoya tupaya blyad
soset, ya rad
beautiful huy za schekoy
yeyo grud potrogal rukoi
pomatsal ee popets
kak tvoyu mat tvoi otec

>> No.13528424
File: 355 KB, 1600x1027, 49181095-8DE6-4793-A049-E5B3EBAF24F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through the shattered lenses, I heed the foregoing call from that which lies in the east: O tilted gecko! I see the colorful scales light up all worlds above and below, all things that make dreamy dwelling in the micro and macro. Oh, what sight! Honor! Gifted to me the glistening chains of rhetoric, but I float atop the softened lake akin to a messiah. Be it true! Be it just! O gecko, your scales shine within the pallid moon, or they are that selfsame orb that sends men into shameless hours of retreat from the heavy lifting of days. O gecko!-

>> No.13528469

блядь зaeбaли пиндoшapы

>> No.13528495

someone post the tiger poem

>> No.13528499
File: 83 KB, 1560x1040, 1559556171343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poetry kino

>> No.13528518

unironically based for a 6 year old

>> No.13528538

Who the fuck rebrands tweets as poetry

>> No.13528558
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 1547221895347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you must Ride the Tiger, little one.

>> No.13528569

Yay, just cause everyone else is saying nay

>> No.13528705

Thank fuck I'm russian these are hilarious

>> No.13528850

Kill me now

>> No.13528883

This hole is insufferable

>> No.13528892

second ones all right. not a poem really but

>> No.13528906

Wish I were OP
So I could start disappointing people
So I could have been sucking
Dicks like he does
Or making shitty threads
Or shitposting
Like OP

>> No.13528912

She got published because she has a lot of pay pig instagram followers.

>> No.13529084

>posts generic poem about “not bein generic bein urself n shit”
>posts it on her generic Instagram “basic white gurl with a hint of mood” account

>> No.13529151

Yeah do it ya pussy

>> No.13529189

Children unironically write the best poetry. There's an exhibit near where I live for children poetry. Adults play with fancy forms and words l, but I've never felt raw emotion from reading it the way I do whe reading child poetry. They can say just the right thing, often in less the six lines. I don't know how they manage to pick just the right words, but they do.

>> No.13529199

Who publishes this? I'm really curious.

>> No.13529203

Michael Jackson said artists need to 'get out of the music' and let it do it's thing. I think people overcontemplate too much so they don't produce raw emotion

>> No.13529207

BASED contrarian pill

>> No.13529230

I like the left one better than the right one.

>> No.13529272

yob tvoyu mat', pidor blyat

idi nahuiy blyat

>> No.13529276

Lold at this desu. Good poem

>> No.13529283

book name?

>> No.13529471

>not immediately unfollowing dasha on instagram after the adam breakup

>> No.13529495
File: 209 KB, 750x627, IMG_20190617_143143_512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what is THE ONLY true zoomer poetry that actually matters. Yes, you know.

>> No.13529538

Dasha is more interesting than any of those other fags.

>> No.13529660


>> No.13529854

Is there any good contemporary poetry someone can recommend? Preferably metered poetry

>> No.13529945

You mean the one that was already mentioned in the thread?

>> No.13529952

What the fuck is this?? This is worse than Rupi Kaur, how on earth can that happen?? lmao

>> No.13529973

or you reincarnate, without your soul having understood what is.

>> No.13530059
File: 600 KB, 684x992, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'why' is very beautiful and pushes on the very real wound that American and European zoomers have on them, the Russian association is a fair overemphasis but has truth in it since it is a state organised differently.
Many young peoples natural interests aren't being flourished, they're not being pushed to be great at anything other than capital accumulation both by their parents and society surrounding them.
It's like children are expected to become great at things themselves while being surrounded in screens fighting for your attention to watch ads in-between entertainment which the parents are glued to too. Not being allowed to grow, not having a genuine teacher or a supporting parent. Just being a battery for capital.
It's not a very well written poem but that's somewhat symbolical to what it is stating, the poem doesn't need to be great, no one is expecting it to be great, just hoping it will sell well and create an artificial common interest between manufactured schizophrenics. Seeing idiots here say it's worth less than completely empty gibberish is wrong.

>> No.13530371

It is shit smeared on a page

>> No.13530694

Eagles Can Fly

Monkeys can climb
Crickets can leap
Horses can race
Owls can seek
Cheetahs can run
Eagles can fly
People can try
But that's about it.

>> No.13530791

too soon

>> No.13530893


>> No.13530911

to be fair there is worse larkin poetry than this

>> No.13530969

I fucking hate being Russian.

>> No.13530982

Loool, eto ohuenno

>> No.13530984
File: 193 KB, 1440x1440, 60583517_856640658015717_9131351562650422712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit taste and lowkey down syndrome
how did gay adam put up with this

>> No.13530995


>> No.13531021

she is such a fucking attention whore. and you faggots are worst who keep spamming her.

>> No.13531107
File: 181 KB, 1479x1479, CEA151E9-BDA9-4970-ABA3-BC67ECA7B4AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13531113

top tier angloid genetics

>> No.13531117

There are way too many reasons to list.
Why would anyone ever enjoy being Russian, that's the question.

>> No.13531118

She is Russian

>> No.13531136

Kinda vague

>> No.13531139

Genuinely can't tell if this is fake or not

>> No.13531184

It's really hard to put into words.
The fact that I live in a third-world shithole joke of a country which is being fetishised by all sorts of degenerates for various reasons which aren't true (White nationalists think that Russia is the last bastion of the white race and that Putin actually cares for white people and that all Russians are white etc. etc.; Commies praise Russia for it's past and reminisce at how 'great' Soviet union was, when in fact it was the worst period of Russia's history; Incels and virgins who fetishise russian women and who unironically think that they are any different from their women or are feminine/traditional/racist/beautiful/smart/whatever quality they come up with.)

Russia is probably one of the most misinterpreted countries in the world and it bugs me BAD. People always get the wrong idea about us.

>dude, look at this 10/10 russian instathot with tons of makeup/filters, shallow 'personality' and soulless eyes, she's so fucking trad dude, I wish I had a russian gf
Duuude >I suffer in russia, haha amirite

>> No.13531191
File: 106 KB, 991x902, Kuppista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13531208

B-but this could be said about any country anon...

>> No.13531213

Poetry is the ultimate red pill you dum dum

>> No.13531228

Your heart is filled with self-loathing bruh

>> No.13531234

>I wish I lived in Norway. They have beautiful nature, their government isn't that corrupt, people are nice, their women are nordic beauties and the wages are high.

It's called 'I love myself too much to live in a third-world shithole filled with corrupt bureaucrats, whores and drunktards and I want to get a decent wage. I barely survive on $500.'

>> No.13531240

>when in fact it was the worst period of Russia's history;
Russia was better before the Soviet Union?

>> No.13531243

Yes. Why is that even a question?

>> No.13531249

>I barely survive on $500.

>> No.13531309

I don't know anything about Russia's history but I already read about heavy industrialization which raised standards of living from the agrarian society. How wrong is this?

>> No.13531310

"Before the Russian revolution, Russia had 90% illiteracy, was a backward and virtually a colonial country (many industries were foreign owned). The communists were ruthless in suppressing dissent, had horrible human rights etc. BUT they did manage to provide a decent level of education, living standards, and industrial development, which brought it up be able to manufacture tanks by the thousand and defeat the Nazis, and become a legitimate global superpower by the 50's and 60's.

Compare for example the lack of development in Africa for a contrast."

>> No.13531317

It’s complicated

>> No.13531318

If only i could

>> No.13531325

None of those things are good though

>> No.13531337


>> No.13531348

Lmao if you live in moskow or Spb i can agree, but its places with high prices in general. You can move, lmao, to live in Moskow now you need at lest 50k rub

>> No.13531355

>Factories good

>Before the Russian revolution, Russia had 90% illiteracy

>was a backward

>a colonial country (many industries were foreign owned)
Where's proofs

> they did manage to provide a decent level of education
Right, go on

>decent level of living standards
U-huh, carry on

>and industrial development
The only one I can agree with. We were able to produce tons of rubber boots and metal pipes, that is true.

>which brought it up be able to manufacture tanks by the thousand and defeat the Nazis
It wasn't the tanks that won the war. Soviet Union relied massively on the land lease from the Allies. Without it USSR would've crumbled fast.

> and become a legitimate global superpower by the 50's and 60's.
A superpower where citizens have nothing to eat, are getting repressed and freedom of speech is absent. Mate.

>> No.13531364

>muh land lease
>muh miserable citizens
Fucking kys you libtard

>> No.13531389

>muh factories
>muh army (lol)
>muh 5 cent ice-cream
>muh big landmass
>muh sputnik (no moon-landing, wept)

>> No.13531409

>It was better when all of us were 50 iq farmers who did nothing but work the fields and die at 30.

>> No.13531412

Do you even realize how retarded you sound right now? Jesus fucking Christ the absolute state of brain dead rusophobic zoomers. If you’re using meme arrows to highlight your “arguments” it makes them more valid or something?

>> No.13531480

Fucking what? Do YOU realise how retarded YOU sound right now?

>I hate German Nazis
>Dudebruh, you're a fucking anti-semite

>Lost war that we have already won
>A bloody civil war that has torn he country apart
>Noble, smart people fleeing to France and the US and being successful there instead of Russia
>30+ million people who died during the Great Purge and in Gulags
>You can rat out your neighbour for not being a commie and he would get into jail or killed
>Iron curtain
>No civil production at all, government has everything under control
>No freedom of speech, you're only allowed to be a communist and you MUST be in the party, otherwise you can't get a job
>No food
>Cold war
>The USSR crumbled in less than 90 years
Yeah, definitely worth it.
I'd rather be a fucking peasant and work out in the field (because if we didn't have the revolution we'd still be tending crops, yeah, brilliant logic -not-) and have my Tsar on the throne.

>> No.13531517

Please don’t reply to this absolute faggot

>> No.13531520

t. roasted commie.
It's ok to be White.

>> No.13531534

>waaaaaaah don't reply to the guy who's right, i don't want it to be true
retarded crybaby

>> No.13531545

Shut the fuck up retard
How is he right?

>> No.13531548

just read the post, it's all in there

>> No.13531583

Well it’s just his point of view. It doesn’t make him right

>> No.13531736

Where is my metaphysic?! You lost it!

>> No.13531786

I think one of the weirdest features of some young-people-literature and -poetry today (I fucking hate saying “zoomers”, that itself sounds like a fucking “zoomer” coinage) is how much it seems to revel in the mundane and the un-aesthetic, even to the point of ugliness and banality. You can see this in the really common modern poetic style of free verse with minimal punctuation and minimal adornment — no metaphors, use of rhetoric, no interesting diction beyond a 9th-grade level. There’s hardly any sense of beauty, of aestheticizing reality. Instead, it’s about some bland and only semi-creative “self-expression”. There’s hardly a sense of physical reality in some of the poetry either, of creating scenery or expressing the beautiful or interesting aspect of objects, or nature, etc. Instead, it takes place in a curiously anti-visual, vague world populated by the speaker’s own solipsistic thoughts and emotions and maybe the occasional references to technology and modern products.

Another trait is the curious fact that its favorite emotion is no-emotion. The poetry is anhedonic, dry. Any outburst of sincere and passionate emotion is seen as something icky, weird, old-fashioned. In fact, even when the poetry/literature gets into the topic of depression (itself a fairly large theme in modern-young-people-literature), it won’t do this in terms of some passionate Hamlet-like or Byronesque outburst; instead, it’ll talk about it in terms of the absolutely mundane, like with the inevitable product placements and references to modern technology addiction, something like:

By Zoomer

i ate
a whole tub of
Ben & Jerry’s™ Rocky Road ice-cream
while watching
four seasons in a row of
Orange Is the New Black on

>> No.13531789

Writing poetry can be good for you. I like to read mine in a Welsh accent makes it sound respectable.

No one touch or to speak to
Could this be cause for alarm
Though the cosy return is too much.
Through the rain window and down
distant lights amassed
they pause me in thought
who is down there
and what are they doing right now
I am glad they are there now
the cosy return to me
is too much
Maybe they managed to find somewhere sheltered
And now they are
Or perhaps they have been caught
And now they are

>> No.13531863

Nicely put. I agree

>> No.13531866

before the first world war russia was the fastest growing economy in europe. it had already overtaken france and was gaining very quickly on britain and germany. with regards industry being "foreign owned" even that was decreasingly true. russians themselves started up 3x as many joint stock companies as germans in 1914.
this isnt of course to say it was on track to be a cool libtard utopia like the west but what mightve been is literally up in the air
>inb4 nice bro i read all that

>> No.13531885

>>13528201 >>13528242 >>13528265 >>13528278 >>13528320 >>13528469 >>13528538 >>13528850 >>13528892 >>13528906 >>13529084 >>13529199 >>13529230 >>13529276 >>13529283 >>13529471 >>13529952 >>13530059 >>13530694 >>13530911 >>13530969 >>13530984 >>13531021 >>13531191 >>13531736 >>13528276


>> No.13531927

I legit hate this vocaroo. Ironically It’s the definition of cringe

>> No.13531928


>> No.13531933

Shut the fuck up you mongrel

>> No.13531946


>> No.13531952

Dae cringe? Cringe?

>> No.13531958

I love it

>> No.13531978

This was really thought provoking. Thank you for writing it.

>> No.13531990

You’re welcome bro

>> No.13531998


>> No.13531999

this leftist(-adjacent) pivot into full russiabooism to dab on russiagate shitlibs is some top tier cringe

>> No.13532298

this guy thinks he will be a bigshot author and his works will be so important that digi-boys of the future times will search for the archives of these 4chan vocaroo clips (alongside probably all the other bullshit he has posted through the years) and he probably thinks he's some adventgaard genuis for this 'next level trolling' but secrets up buddy but then they just went and ruined it all by putting fag in the title

>> No.13532439


a song lyric from the mid 70s

Well I've been up all night again
Party-time wasting is too much fun
Then I step back thinking
Of life's inner meaning
And my latest fling
It's the same old story
All love and glory
It's a pantomime
If you're looking for love
In a looking glass world
It's pretty hard to find
Oh mother of pearl
I wouldn't trade you
For another girl
Divine intervention
Always my intention
So I take my time
I've been looking for something
I've always wanted
But was never mine
But now I've seen that something
Just out of reach, glowing
Very Holy grail
Oh mother of pearl
Lustrous lady
Of a sacred world
Thus: even Zarathustra
Could believe in you
With every goddess a let down
Every idol a bring down
It gets you down
But the search for perfection
Your own predilection
Goes on and on and on and on
Canadian Club love
A place in the Country
Everyone's ideal
But you are my favorita
And a place in your heart dear
Makes me feel more real
Oh mother of pearl
I wouldn't change you
For the whole world
You're highbrow, holy
With lots of soul
Melancholy shimmering
Serpentine sleekness
Was always my weakness
Like a simple tune
But no dilettante
Filigree fancy
Beats the plastic you
Career girl cover
Exposed and another
Slips right into-view
Oh looking for love
In a looking glass world
Is pretty hard for you
Few throwaway kisses
The boomerang misses
Spin round and round
Fall on featherbed quilted
Faced with silk
Softly stuffed eider down
Take refuge in pleasure
Just give me your future
We'll forget your past
Oh mother of pearl
Submarine lover
In a shrinking world
Oh lonely dreamer
Your choker provokes
A picture cameo
Oh mother of pearl
So so semi-precious
In your detached world
Oh mother of pearl
I wouldn't trade you
For another girl

>> No.13532527

based critic, upvote

>> No.13532584

Of all the weary years I spent
Lamenting what I did not do,
Not pressed or pushed, but prone to waste
Away in comfort -- a disgrace.

>> No.13532857

Adam Friedland (cumtown pod) had a breakup with Dasha while they were pre marriage. There's no full story I don't think, and they were keeping it private until Dasha mentioned living in a sublet on her shitty podcast. Nick confirmed it on discord later

>> No.13532860


>> No.13532886

Based and enlightenedpilled

>> No.13532927


>> No.13532934

Yeah, he got hit with the big yikes

>> No.13533094



Also I loled, thank you

>> No.13533101
