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13527299 No.13527299 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?

>> No.13527300


>> No.13527312

You pray to multiple gods with weird skin colors and multiple arms
You meditate and hope to achieve a state of eternal bliss following what some guy under a tree told you

>> No.13527315


I would say the self would be a big one. Buddhism’s take would be that the self is illusory while Hinduism would say there is an eternal self.

Both are a process philosophy

>> No.13527326

hinduism is wrong view

>> No.13527332

Hinduism is escapism through ideas. Buddhism is based on reality.

>> No.13527364
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Buddhism has a B in it and Hinduism has a N

>> No.13527373

The answer you never knew you needed is right here >>13527364

>> No.13527378

Unironically deep. There is some seriously symbolism in that.

>> No.13527390
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>there is some seriously symbolism in that

>> No.13527394
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An American Vegan druggie low-test 'kinda-bi' crypto-materialist Buddhist professor was teaching a class on Gautama Buddha, known subverter of the Tradition. "Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Buddha and accept that he was the most brilliant individual the world has ever known and that he proved that there is no such thing as self!" At this moment, a brave, wise and virtuous autodidact former-NEET who had read all of Śaṅkarācārya and achieved atma-jñāna and who understood the necessity of combining positive descriptions of the Absolute with apophatism stood up and asked the professor "If the Self is just an illusion, then who or what is directing my body to ask this question?". The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "a fleeting and changing bundle of mental aggregates which have no inherent existence, you stupid eternalist". "Wrong", the absolute madman replied, "the subject precedes its own negation, if Atma is an illusion with no reality sustaining and underlying it, then it wouldn't be consciously experienced as awareness, there are no examples of illusions such as mirages being self-aware like we are, you cannot have a dream without a dreamer, a illusory snake is never mistakenly seen in an empty room, but only where there is an existing real such as the rope upon which the idea of the snake can be superimposed. The Buddhist model contradicts empiricism, logic and common sense and as such must be rejected".

"T-t-this is all wrong, you just haven't meditated enough, if only you had you would understand that I'm right!" the professor screeched in a state of panic. "Meditation is a fool's errand my friend" the student wisely replied, "only knowledge leads to liberation as it's only knowledge which is mutually incompatible with ignorance just as light is to darkness, whereas meditation belongs to the sphere of action which can exist without opposition alongside ignorance". The professor was visibly shaken and dropped his copy of Mulamadhyamakakarika. He stormed out of the room crying those Buddhist crocodile tears. The students all applauded and began to recite Vedic verses. A eagle named 'Dharma' flew into the room and perched atop the shoulder of the brave student and shed a tear of joy. The works of René Guénon were read aloud from several times, and Kalki himself showed up and ended the Kali Yuga. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day, he retreated to east Asia but soon died from the complications of a gutter-oil diet. ॐ

>> No.13527408
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>> No.13527432

Hinduism : there is 1 guy in /lit/ who always make this kind of thread who is eager to have a debate with the power of rambling and strawmanning
Buddhism : there is 0 guy in /lit/ who wants to debate on this meaningless subject

>> No.13527439


>> No.13527470

>contradicts empiricism, logic and common sense and as such must be rejected".
lmao since when is Hinduism some sort of Anglo-Saxon Protestant rationalism?
Your whole thing is contingent upon accepting an eternal/beginningless metaphysical Supreme deity that is the source for all creation

>> No.13527471

What is wrong with you? I recognize you in every vaguely eastern thread.

>> No.13527487
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>> No.13527490



>> No.13527501

>both are a process philosophy

>> No.13527508


>> No.13527511
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>> No.13527515


>> No.13527522
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>tfw so big-brained that puny Buddhists have no recourse but to try to claim that you're some anonymous fan of some unrelated author who posted a year ago

>> No.13527552

Not an argument

I would argue they are with just different starting points. Buddhism starts with epistemology and Hinduism is through ontology. The take away is the process of becoming

>> No.13527563

rent free

>> No.13527574
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Paranormal goes in /x/.