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13526782 No.13526782 [Reply] [Original]

>He fell for the consumerist slave "chase your dreams" propoganda instilled since birth
You don't NEED anything in this life but the bare basics.

You don't need your job, you don't need your friends, you don't need your social status, you don't need goals, you don't need plans for the future, you don't need wanting things. If you want for anything in this life you're a slave.

>> No.13526821

>but slaving to anime is ok
youre not a bluehaired alien robot anime girl either

>> No.13526832

The distinction is I don't need it.

Eradicate anime from existence and I wouldn't care, but I can still admire it while it's here.

>> No.13526833

desire is a productive force

>> No.13526867

I wouldn't leave the house otherwise

>> No.13526868

Guess I'll just sit on my ass and wait for death then.

>> No.13526874

Desire only creates more desire, it's destructive

You joke but humans did this for 120,000 years before farming and the wage slave was invented.

>> No.13526893

it's true

>> No.13526899


NEED capitalized looks a lot like NEET

>> No.13526938

You don't "NEED" to do anything, but what the fuck would be the point of life? I can see the anti-consumerist argument you're making with regard to "not needing" a job, social status, material possessions, etc., but are you honestly arguing against having goals or dreams? Are you honestly arguing against having a future? What do you propose people do with their lives, just sit around doing nothing until they die? How is that any better than consumerism, any better than sitting around playing video games until you die? Low-level wageslaving is a miserable existence, but so is nihilism. Create something -- beautiful art, a stable family, something that could improve the life of you or the people around you.

>> No.13526940

>but what the fuck would be the point of life?
My point is there is no point and the only thing that awaits you from inventing one is suffering.

>> No.13526943

no they didn't
just the Jains
anyhoo, OP is a mess: follow your dreams doesn't mean be a consumer cuck

>> No.13526947
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okay but know that cherishing a genuine friendship and a wanting relying on yourself is not slavery.

>> No.13526963

>follow your dreams doesn't mean be a consumer cuck
Name your dream

>> No.13526975

there's this janny on /mu/ who deserves a couple broken legs . . .

>> No.13526981

I'd like to not be constantly chased harassed and hurt

>> No.13526988

I'd say this, you have to rely on things necessarily just some things are more helpful some less, for instance your biological body rn, consciousness has a range of abilities which imply limits etc

>> No.13527003

Its weird how internet addicted people don't realise they would be a panic stricken mess without it or tv. You do need things and would go insane without them, there's a sadness to someone who uses the net as a crotch, surviving rather than thriving

>> No.13527008

Is the internet usually your crotch

>> No.13527014

Not lately but it has been, and you only realise it when you get off it

>> No.13527020

>Its weird how internet addicted people don't realise they would be a panic stricken mess without it or tv. You do need things and would go insane without them
The fact people believe this is a demonstration of the sad state of the world. You're living in a dystopia and you're so enslaved to it you're defending it as a personally held belief.

>> No.13527024


>buhhh everything sucks what's the point of doing anything?

A sad, pathetic mentality. Do you really believe that "the only thing that awaits you from inventing [a point in life] is suffering"? You can disprove that immediately by just looking around you. All the great works of art, people in love, strides forward in science/medicine -- none of these things would exist if your teenager-tier philosophy were ubiquitous.

>> No.13527025

Do u get happy when it gets big?

>> No.13527029

Oh yeah how long have you gone without those things + video games

>> No.13527031

I forgot what it's called but it's a kinda zeroism (vs monism) Metaphysics. I guess nihilism but they had a name

>> No.13527034

cringe and primmiepilled

>> No.13527035

this feudian slip couldnt get much more meta than this

>> No.13527038

Or comes from buddhism I meant to say*

>> No.13527051

You don't like being called out do you

>> No.13527077

this is the part where we feud now for dopamine points? likely you were talking about yourself.

>> No.13527089

You have to understand that you don't need things but you can use them

>> No.13527108

The denial is real

>> No.13527117

why hang socks above your head

>> No.13527124

f e u d a l c r o t c h

>> No.13527148


>> No.13527156

Regularly setting and achieving goals is linked to life satisfaction. A community you can contribute to and depend on is good for mental health. Having friends for meaningful long-term relationships and deep conversations is extremely valuable.

Also lift weights and eat lots of vegetables.

>> No.13527188

>You don't need your job, you don't need your friends, you don't need your social status, you don't need goals, you don't need plans for the future, you don't need wanting things.
you need all these things if you want a girlfriend or wife

>> No.13527199


>> No.13527266
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