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13525870 No.13525870 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explain or argue for a Christian Theocratic Totalitarianism in the modern age?

>> No.13525932

Your obsession with S. Korean idols is unhealthy.

>> No.13525963

will keith kelloggs journals

>> No.13525983

This is the closest:



>> No.13525988

God I hate kpop fags so much. I can't believe someone interested in Christianity and possibly is a Christian would post this garbage.

>> No.13526006

Not really, because such a thing isn't really compatible with the teachings of the Bible, Jesus, or the Church Fathers.

>> No.13526012
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god doesn't exist

>> No.13526017
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The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practices a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its keynote is intolerance. - Adolf Hitler

>> No.13526047

Admittedly, this may not be what you're after, but Zach Sodenstern is a science fiction writer who argues a similar line. His Fourth Reich saga tells the story of a degenerating US, with heaps of violence, gore and depravity. Its set out like a picaresque, but much of the books are conversations on morality that the protagonist has with his dog flip (god, get it). The two to look out for are revolution and the crystal cathedral .That's sort of the meat and potatoes of the saga.

>> No.13526071

God is more real than that plastic face.

>> No.13526286
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>> No.13526288

The Handmaid's Tale

>> No.13526308

Brothers Karamazov is literally about this you pseuds

>> No.13526310


Those are antonyms, anon.

>> No.13526317
File: 406 KB, 480x618, 25F33D5F-9E00-4F28-8F95-849A77DCBCC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child.

oh no, anon.

>> No.13526492


>> No.13527510

>Christianity is Jewish
Oh dear anon.

>> No.13528342

Oh dear rabbi.

>> No.13529035

That's a fact, if you deny the Judaic roots of the Christian religion and Jesus blood you're a borderline schizo who isn't different from antivaxxers

>> No.13529055
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>> No.13530528

Sperg take on Christianity

>> No.13530544

the mild and wholesome girl kpop groups are cute

>> No.13530566

Fellow believers want this no doubt but that won't happen until the Millenial Reign of the Messiah. The 1000 year reign where Jesus is our world leader. It doesn't require anyone to use force. Jesus returns and destroys The anti-christ, and his prophet, and government. That anti-christ government will take the world by military force. That government will create a law that won't let anyone worship at all. Not Jehovah, not Jesus, not Allah, not Buddha. No one. It's Secular Fascism.

>> No.13530574


>> No.13530596

based jihyo poster

>> No.13530599

What slutty blowjob eyes

>> No.13531009

I know of a blog that is dedicated to women. It's nice and wholesome. They're just trying to show that girls can decide to live this way too, if they want and how living this way can be beneficial to them. They have a lot of atheist and leftists trolls that harass them on every blog post they do. Very sad desu.
This was one of the blogs I found one night, it's good, but not the specific one I mentioned with people shaming them:

>> No.13531439


>> No.13531444

Unfortunately, not.

>> No.13531452

As usual the complete polar opposite of reality.
The modern left is an HERESY of Christianity. It only could flourish Because due to the Liberal order We're not supposed to torture heretics to death anymore. And that has demostrably ruined the West.