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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 237 KB, 1185x899, 080218-43-Xenophon-Plato-Alcibiades-Socrates-Greek-Greece-Philosophy-History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13524677 No.13524677 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about this beautiful man?

>> No.13524684

Yes, we can.

>> No.13524687

Did Plato jsut follow him around with a scribe or something?

>> No.13524694

i believe they fugged

>> No.13524695

One thing I noticed while reflecting on the teachings of this beautiful human was that he was incredibly talented at articulating through junctures in an argument where most people would lose their focus. How does one improve at this?

I'm aware it requires a level of abstraction and conceptualization that isn't all to prevalent in most daily conversations.

>> No.13524696
File: 33 KB, 412x129, 1563947214316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fugg

>> No.13524710

Socrates became a social pariah, people may have actually put him in trial if he kept harassing them, but what’s more, he had a change of mind. So he retired to write all his new ideas down. So he ingeniously invented his number one fan and named him Plato, which was more of a nickname anyway, but in truth a pseudonym for Socrates.
No one else ever mentions this Plato.

>> No.13524719

Is there any evidence that this could be true? Socrates did after all have a fantastic memory.

>> No.13524738

They're shitposting cause they don't believe there's enough evidence to prove Socrates is real

>> No.13524743
File: 332 KB, 750x521, 92CCD6C4-997C-4CEC-AF02-4DF2D71CED3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be general nuisance to the public and also crazy guy
>spend my days yelling at people and telling them they’re stupid
>make the people of Athens hate me so much they kill me
>2000 years later
>praised as the first REAL philosopher
How did he do it bros?

>> No.13524749

I wish that butterfly had enough depth for that to be their post

>> No.13524750

bully athenian nerds so hard that the entirety of western civilization knows your name

>> No.13524759

Nietzsche said he was really ugly

>> No.13524766

I heard Socrates is not as good of a read as Aristotle. True?

>> No.13524769

I may be making it all up, but I know there’s three or more people who vouch for Socrates being real. More than we can say for Jesus.

I wish you had enough depth to make sense of this post

>> No.13524788
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190725-082915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13524792

>be me
>be Socrates
>become the worlds first and second greatest philosopher

Well, trannyfly has never contributed anything of worth. Nomatter how you slice it, we've received these works. Either Plato and Socrates were real, and Plato accounted Socrates' brightest moments, or at least the moments that were in line with his ideals; or Plato was a pen name of Socrates and he became both the first and second greatest philosophers; or Plato created Socrates and Plato became the source of what are now realized as two of the greatest philosophers.

In all three cases, either Plato or Socrates existed. Just for you retards that aren't convinced, if neither Plato or Socrates existed, then some unknown person or people breathed life into the two most brilliant characters on the planet.

>> No.13524799

>when Plato the philosopher, who is often in Aristotle's mouth...
Plato and Aristotle confirmed Greek philosophers

>> No.13524804

Fuck off

>> No.13524823

>beautiful man
He was ugly as sin

>> No.13524831

>or Plato was a pen name of Socrates
And here you are plagiarizing my idea. Contributing nothing. What a dumb block of cheese.

>> No.13524839
File: 9 KB, 241x249, 1564032090144s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They way I understood is that Plato was Socrates student. So Plato was just as learned, and could have written the dialogs from both memory and genius. They didn't have to be verbatim, just true to the style.

>> No.13524842

Dry boipussi detected

>> No.13524846

>plagiarizing your idea
No retard, it was a logical proof. IF anything I lent your idea tactile credibility. You are fucking DENSE.

>> No.13524847

It’s a relevant question because if Socrates is real then Plato was a pseud.

>> No.13524863

>if Socrates is real then Plato was a pseud
>Plato was a pseud
Who was it that was on about true belief vs true knowledge? As in both being the same. Wasn't it him?

>> No.13524869

Actually its to his credit that Socrates managed to seduce so many bois despite being an ugly fuck, and it was all a slight of hand! He tricked them! He made them fall in love with philosophy instead of Mr. Socrates! Uh oh!

>> No.13524875

This must be why boomer men say impress a girl with your smarts, because men can actually be impressed by smarts

>> No.13524910

Socrates and the Buddha both had encounters with enchanting mystic women who taught them of love. Is this the key to genius and inspiration?

>> No.13524954
File: 158 KB, 926x1632, 1563251105080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it certainly may cause a rise in you

>> No.13525147

Its tactile credibility was already intact from when I first came up with it. Plagiarist.

>> No.13525195

banterfly is too good at it to be a woman

>> No.13525203

You’re such a low tier of narcissist

>> No.13525272


>> No.13525273

>no one ever mention this Plato
Diogenes Laertius? Xenophon? Thucydides? Cicero? Plutarch? okay, I know, still debatable, but what about pics that proof yo are a girl?

>> No.13525292

you can do it, too
start today

>> No.13525323

>posting ideas on /lit/ in the first place
Yeah sure go park your Ferrari outside the projects too (not that your idea was original or of quality)

>> No.13526373

Which were contemporaries from Athens?
Not actually trying to say he’s fictional. It was a joke.

>> No.13527483

What we have of Aristotle are basically lecture notes compiled by his students. They're still straightforward to read, but certainly not as smooth as the Socratic dialogues and treatises that Aristotle himself sat down to write, all of which are lost today.

>> No.13527488
File: 7 KB, 200x237, b5465bbaa07f02b391dd508d53e8ae7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my property bitch, and so are you

>> No.13527878

stop. stop. stop. ffs, you are so unbearable, just stop for godamn once you moron

>> No.13529273
File: 21 KB, 700x700, jDBr2RI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. His assertion is that he BELIEVES they fugged.

>> No.13529290

You don’t need pics. She acts like a girly girl 24/7. All of her posts reek of not only estrogen, but rampant estrogen.

For whatever reason she is a lesbian (though she masturbated to me) and yet she is a COMPLETE girly girl. All day I am harassed by even seeing her replies and the style she writes in :3

>> No.13530785

Practice oration and comedy. The callback is a hallmark of comedic narration, which requires you to craft a story to get to the punchline. Build it in complexity every time you tell the joke.

When you begin to do this within general conversation, reference your initial point from time to time, just so the person listening won't also lose focus and think you're bloviating.

>> No.13530793

>who is Aristotle

>> No.13530817

But Plato tried a political experiment in Magna Grecia at some point, also his noble lineage is mentioned (Socrates couldn’t care less about social prestige)
Socrates’ change of mind, he often referred to that (Eutiphro etc.) is the one from metaphysics to logic, I also suspect a sophist phase (Aristophanes’ Clouds)
But Plato, albeit being a nickname, seems quite a historically consistent figure

>> No.13530832

Isn't this Aristotle? And the guy with armor Alexander?

>> No.13530854

Aristotle didn't look like an ogre mixed with a satyr

>> No.13530863

I thought that was the lion and tinman

>> No.13531363

I think it's Alcibiades in the armour

>> No.13531404

Alcibiades is the boy on Socrates' shoulder.

>> No.13531565

left to right

>> No.13532597

A representation of a muse is on Socrates’ shoulder. It’s representative of his daemon. He’s talking to Alcibiades.

>> No.13532600

Good advice anon

>> No.13532639

Socrates and Alcibiades were both dead by the time Alexander was on the scene

>> No.13533707
File: 50 KB, 400x400, Baudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be born in a society with written language
This was absolutely not a guarantee until remarkably recently in human history.

>Be lucky enough to be born in a society with a strong oral tradition and strong, location-rooted, established, social bonds

No oral tradition and there isn't already a discussion of literature and theology to get you thinking about deep thoughts.

No established social bonds, and there'd be no reason for you to be having deep talks with people you're never going to see again.

No location-rooted bonds, and you're too busy moving around with the seasons or trying to avoid getting killed by wolves, bears, and big cats while Hunter-Gathering to sit down and write anything worth a shit down

>Bust ass to get known as the smartest guy in your mostly pre-library, pre-mathematics, pre-logic, pre-internet, pre-car society

This is highly not trivial. the basic tools we take for granted to get smarter in a lot of cases (textbooks, public education, widespread literacy, access to a safe and consistently functional postal service) literally weren't invented yet. You're probably going to have to find tutors and mentors to apprentice with, go to war and bring books back, get rich and pay other people to get books for you, or find all the other local smarty-pants and put them all in a room together yourself, because otherwise nobody's doing it.

>Convince other people that not only are you smart, but you're so fucking smart that they're going to write down everything you say and evangelize your message so people keep re-writing it

Scrolls aren't cheap, stonecarvers are prohibitively expensive, and your message has to travel some 2000 years to reach 2019; anything that isn't known to be significant and worth preserving so other people are rewriting it anytime an old copy is destroyed is going to eventually break down, end up burned, thrown out, or used to wrap fish.

>Lay down a verbal and logical smackdown so intense that they're still talking about it 2000 years later

Doesn't matter if the Greeks thought you were smart, you've got to say something that'll still be relevant in two millennia or the only people who will know about it are history grad students or some dusty fuck working at a museum archive.

Socrates made it all work because he was the first to assemble all the puzzle pieces to be 2019 famous.

>> No.13533774

Incel cope. Be sure to have sex.

>> No.13533809
File: 102 KB, 680x680, 5F7A4DDA-4E4C-4795-9327-953F207299F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socrates says something
Surely that is so, Socrates.
>Socrates says something else
You are most certainly correct, dear Socrates.
>Socrates just keeps talking
Why yes, that is undoubtedly just
>And Socrates just keeps talking some more
It cannot be disputed, Socrates.

Honestly what was Plato thinking?

>> No.13533819


Did you even read his books? Even in the Republic, Glaucon and the other dinner party guests are constantly sassing Socrates on his definitions of justice being stupid.

>> No.13533831
File: 166 KB, 960x685, F1F3760B-E3F8-4592-B8AD-5B294F09750F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read everything Plato ever wrote. He can be wholly ignored. Discard the Greeks and Start with Spinoza.

>> No.13533837


>> No.13533840

>Start with Spinoza

That's a funny way to say "Congregate to Kant"

>> No.13533845

>Congregate with Kant
That’s a funny way of saying Launch with Locke.

>> No.13533855

Bravo, have a (You)

>> No.13533856

Good boy.

I know, it’s just a fun idea. I suspect the same about Clouds Socrates.

>> No.13533866


>> No.13533867

You're right. The pronunciation is an Albany expression

>> No.13534914
File: 44 KB, 641x482, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13535085

Pretty sure butterfly fag is a tranny. There's screrncaps of it floating around, talking about taking HRT and feeling suicidal.

>> No.13535091

What's the deal with this namefag?

>> No.13535143
File: 1.12 MB, 1173x751, 1564117723103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she(he) reads books to children in drag

>> No.13535170

It's a shop.

Men cannot act like women properly just as women cannot act like men properly. They are not wired for these processes.

She knows this as well :3

That's something many SJWs fail to realize.

>> No.13535968


>> No.13535977

and youre the mother fucekr who puts that fucking emoji at the end of each fucking post. YOURE THE ONLY ONE. ITS GETTING TO ME.

>> No.13536412

There are a few billion people who vouch for Jesus being real.

>> No.13536557

>she masturbated to me
Care to give the whole story
Don’t leave out any details

>> No.13536630

Imagine you're an Athenian going to the market to buy olives or some other Greek shit, but on the way you meet Socrates, so you try to pretend you didn't see him but you accidentally make eye contact and he runs up to you shouting 'HEY GUESS WHAT THE ORACLE TOLD ME,' and all you want to do is get something to eat because you've been starving ever since the Spartans laid siege to the city, and you heard that a ship finally came in to Piraeus but now you have to play 20 questions with this asshole who probably has the plague too, and by the time you finally get done the market's all sold out and you're gonna go to bed hungry again and also smelling vaguely like piss since Socrates annoyed his wife again.

No wonder they killed him.