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/lit/ - Literature

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13523957 No.13523957 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you reading what you are reading? How did you come across it?
Here's a photo of my cat.

>> No.13523962

>phenomenology of spirit
literally just because I want to sufficiently counter pseuds who think "read X" is an argument
am i pathetic?

>> No.13523963

I'm reading Point Omega by Don Delillo because I found it discounted to $1 at a random book store

Nice cat

>> No.13523976

that's not the worst reason
thanks man

>> No.13523985

Ulysses because it was a gift from my grandma and Portrait of The Artist already had an impact on me.

>> No.13524017

L’échange symbolique et la mort
I heard it mentioned on the radio during a discussion of contemporary manifestations of ordeal-like practices and it sounded interesting

>> No.13524034

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

I want to cradle that cat in my arms

>> No.13524042

The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by Roberto Calasso
I used to read lots of greek mythology as a kid, so seeing alternative versions of the greek myths is really nice.

>> No.13524337
File: 700 KB, 640x962, 351D6A1D-4168-41BF-922C-5496BAE79578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute cat. His eye always like that or is this an expression of some sort?
To better inform myself on the world I live in and perhaps be able to help fix some of the major problems. But also to accent the fictional works swimming around my head.
I’m still reading Half-Earth by Wilson and The Unnamable Present by Calasso. I saw a review of the former somewhere and filed it away as something to read. The weather is getting worse the urgency is increasing.
Finally took note of this Calasso guy. I know /lit/ has been talking about him for a while, but not as often as some of these forced memes. Still not sure what to make of it. On the one hand he’s very thoughtful but on the other, well, he makes some odd connections and assumptions still reading

Hey hey. DLed that too.

>> No.13524348

I'm reading both Martin Gilbert's and John Keegan's First World War books to see which is the more comprehensive work on the topic.

>> No.13524369

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

>> No.13524401

I'm reading "Slow Days, Fast Company" by Eve Babitz because it's quite similar to one of my favorite authors Renata Adler. It's the kind of book you finish knowing more about the author than the characters. I'm not sure what draws me to these sorts of works but if I had to guess it's some sort of desperate attempt to feel like I'm connected with someone.

>> No.13524444

About to start the Dark Tower series after many years of putting it off. Hope I'm in for something good.

>> No.13524789
File: 1.24 MB, 2100x3150, War-God-Vol1-US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War God by Graham Hancock

Heard him on JRE and found his way of telling
stories to be engaging.

I had read some of his non-fiction, but the way he talked about his work in fiction got me intrigued.

haven't regretted it thus far.

>> No.13524800

I absolutely love Hancock for his ancient civilizations stuff. I don't even care if he's wrong, I just that somebody will ask those questions and report on them no matter how much academia and the press shit on him, it takes balls.

I obviously think there is merit to his ideas, but that could be very wrong. Either way the possibility intrigues me so much it's just fascinating. As are his ideas about the spirit world in Supernatural.

>> No.13524905
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The Stranger
>Why are you reading what you are reading?
/lit/ told me to read it
>How did you come across it?
/lit/ told me
>Here's a photo of my cat.
That's a cute cat.

>> No.13524923

Wanted to read 20k Leagues Under The Sea for a while now, because I saw the movie as a kid and thought it was cool, then a friend told me the book features a lot of descriptions of marine biology and that only made me more interested in it. I'm liking it so far.

>> No.13524959

Death and ministry, found it at a place that cleans out garage sales among a bunch of doctor books. It’s a lot of examples of how those involved in death are insensitive to the family. Not terribly interesting but involves my interests as I used to like reading about the funeral industry and death rites in general and collected the dead for a while.

>> No.13525023

I totally buy most of what Hancock is saying about ancient civilisations, and the flood makes perfect sense.

I think his fiction is really good too. (I've not read a lot of it but still, dude can obviously put a sentence together)

>> No.13527027

Perfectly valid reason to read a book and the opposite of plen when it comes to Non-Fiction at least

>> No.13527054
File: 544 KB, 1143x1600, 1558405484992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this posted and thought it was cool so I bought the book. I love the aesthetic of it and it feels like how Gene Wolfe pulls on archaic terminology to make things familiar yet alien. The actual content is very much like Zen Koans, but with a Christian flair. Here's another quote I liked:
>Once Paesius, the brother of Abba Poemen, made friends with someone outside his cell. Now Abba Poemen did not want that. So he got up and fled to Abba Ammonas and said to him, 'Paesius, my brother, holds converse with someone, so I have no peace.' Abba Ammonas said to him, 'Poemen, are you still alive? Go, sit down in your cell; engrave it on your heart that you have been in the tomb for a year already.'

>> No.13528545

He's squinting a little bit. Half-Earth seems interesting, just looked it up.

>> No.13528564

Which is better so far?

>> No.13529438

Sounds neat.