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/lit/ - Literature

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1352098 No.1352098 [Reply] [Original]

>buy kindle
>wonder what to buy
>realise 4chan has a literature board

Any reccomendations? I was just reading some free shit called Botchan but egads it was boring.

>> No.1352108

why did you read a anime jpanaese books?

>> No.1352113

>Natsume Soseki

I'd recommend you not read any Japanese literature at all then.

>> No.1352123


well it was interesting to a point but then it was all great scott and sunnuvagun, the english expression and japanese locale were conflicted to a point it was irritating. it was like reading a weeaboos life story.

>> No.1352131

why did you get an e-reader in the first place?
for me, the only reason to buy one would be to read all the old classics for free
the newer stuff is just too expensive

>> No.1352137

having just spend a couple of hundred dollars/quid/zloti on a piece of reading equipment is it so fucking hard to find one book that might interest you under your own auspices?

>> No.1352141

Fuck, is that really how it's translated in English? I've only ever read it in Japanese.

>> No.1352146

>too expensive
>book on kindle average $10

you are aware that kindle cuts the price on most books by over half, right?

>> No.1352266
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LOL who the fuck buys books on the Kindle?


mfw when poor bitches are still hating on a device they've never used/are unaware of its potentiality

>> No.1352338

I got a Kindle recently, just finished The Killer Inside Me, very good book. I suppose the easiest thing to compare it to would be American Psycho, without the bad writing. Currently reading 120 Days of Sodom, which is pretty interesting. Only on the second day (a fair amound of the book is dedicated to describing all the characters and their dicks in great detail, then detailing all the rules of the 120 day holiday of libertinage). It is essentially a 400 year old post on a BDSM forum, but the language they use is fun ("I frigged his prick"). I hear it turns to shit after the first month, because the Marquis De Sade had his prison blown up or some shit, so most of the book exists only in the form of notes detailing the acts he would have described.

>> No.1352356

The selection on that site is pissawful.

>> No.1352358
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who buys a kindle and doesn't know what to read??
illiterate fucker

>> No.1352364

Got to Gutenberg Project, get some H.G. Wells in you.