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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 151 KB, 1080x1080, rupikaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13520171 No.13520171 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a high school English teacher. I had Milk and Honey in my classroom last year and a lot of my girls read it and loved it.

One of them never spoke in class before reading it, but began raising her hand more as the year went on. When I asked about it, she said she'd been reading a lot of stuff like Rupi Kaur and realized that'd she'd stayed quiet in classes because she didn't want to talk over boys.

Another girl started reading feminist literature over the summer and showed up again in the fall telling me about reading Dickinson and asking for more recommendations.

And the one boy who chose to read it started buying his mom flowers every week.

Am I a big fan of Rupi Kaur's poetry? Nah. Am I big fan of how she's inspired my young people? Yes.

>> No.13520181

>Am I big fan of how she's inspired my young people? Yes.
She inspired them to be insufferable lefty faggots who make empty gestures and whine about meaningless drivel? I don't see why you're so impressed.

>> No.13520188


>> No.13520192

This isn't your vagina studies hugbox, nigger

>> No.13520220

>implying liberals are lefty

>> No.13520223

You mean she was sold victimhood narcissism and is on her way to being another brain dead feminist cunt.

>> No.13520224

>being so caught up in your /leftypol/-memeidology echo chamber to think that they actually aren't

>> No.13520232

>I'm a high school English teacher
Thanks. Saved me the trouble of reading your shitty opinions.

>> No.13520243


Of course they loved it: she writes exactly like them. I'm not saying that her messages aren't empowering to the right audience, or timely, or that her success isn't impressive, or that Instagram wasn't idiotic for deleting her menstrual blood photo. I am saying that Rupi Kaur's poetry is flat-out terrible, identical in every way to any 16 year-old's overwrought "profound spoken word" drivel, her drawings are little better, and the fact that she's sold over a million copies and become #1 on the New York Times bestseller list doesn't change the fact that any decent pop song has better words. One's subject matter doesn't exempt one's skill from criticism. But I sadly agree that she is the perfect poet for our times: her poems are mostly indiscernible from the millions of cheesy affirmations clogging our social media, except that she carefully signs her name to each cloying profundity: brief, shallow, so utterly tailored to her target audience that they amount to flattery, even in the sense that most of the audience could do as well themselves. This is Rumi for the Instagram age. So why should this bother me? Well, by way of comparison, Dionne Brand’s 1990 volume of poetry, No Language Is Neutral, sold around 6,000 copies, a remarkable number, even with a Governor General’s Award nomination. Rupi Kaur's first collection of poems has sold over a million copies so far. In fact, more people bought 'milk and honey' than bought all other poetry books by all other Canadian poets combine, living or dead, in 2016. It's horrifying.

>> No.13520248

big think, it's a book full of shitty femtweets

>> No.13520263

Sherlock Holmes helped me start and finish college. Who am I to judge?

>> No.13520266

The Democrat party is right wing

>> No.13520274
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>> No.13520281

they're centrist pro capitalism clowns

>> No.13520287
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Care to define what you think what makes something left wing?

>> No.13520290

this person is not a high school English teacher

>> No.13520292
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What dimension is that compass from?

>> No.13520299
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How can one woman be so fucking ugly

>> No.13520304

>high school wine aunt teacher
>on 4chan
/lit/ b8 is too overthought; no brevity or simplicity

>> No.13520345

>Soviets are somehow directly responsible for the rise of Fascism

>> No.13520353

Neither pic rel nor me implied that

>> No.13520384

I don't know, she's trying hard to poison young minds. Seems legit.

>> No.13520395
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>> No.13520397

Fascism was literally a reaction against the Soviet-led Comintern you idiot.

>> No.13520405

is this summer or you're just typical Amerilard?

>> No.13520408

Define what leftism is

>> No.13520413

It's probably copy pasted from Reddit like a lot of bait threads

>> No.13520423

How is he even wrong retard?

>> No.13520440

You're confusing content with assertiveness. They can be assertively more evil

>> No.13520444

RP will go down as own of the most important female writers in western history. She is better and has more influence than Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost combined, and still so young

>> No.13520483
File: 1.39 MB, 1000x950, scaphism-the-boats-punishment-and-executions-scaphism-was-a-34590536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milk and Honey
[The king] decreed that Mithridates should be put to death in boats; which execution is after the following manner: Taking two boats framed exactly to fit and answer each other, they lay down in one of them the malefactor that suffers, upon his back; then, covering it with the other, and so setting them together that the head, hands, and feet of him are left outside, and the rest of his body lies shut up within, they offer him food, and if he refuse to eat it, they force him to do it by pricking his eyes; then, after he has eaten, they drench him with a mixture of milk and honey, pouring it not only into his mouth, but all over his face. They then keep his face continually turned towards the sun; and it becomes completely covered up and hidden by the multitude of flies that settle on it. And as within the boats he does what those that eat and drink must needs do, creeping things and vermin spring out of the corruption and rottenness of the excrement, and these entering into the bowels of him, his body is consumed. When the man is manifestly dead, the uppermost boat being taken off, they find his flesh devoured, and swarms of such noisome creatures preying upon and, as it were, growing to his inwards. In this way Mithridates, after suffering for seventeen days, at last expired.
—Plutarch, Life of Artaxerxes

>> No.13520513

Depressing post desu.

>> No.13520615

No :^)

>> No.13520955

>my observations shall not be challenged

>> No.13520976

Arguing for a party's or an individual's position on a linear scale of Left/Right is an act of absurdity. There are so many permutations that leave the line that such an evaluation is irrelevant without everyone agreeing on what the weight of each qualifier is - let alone determining if we agree on whether a qualifier indicates left or Right.

>> No.13520983

Ask your students to read Lolita as a foeign author assignment

>> No.13520990

Marx would disagree with you.

>> No.13521031

Our new celebrities have to be seen as stupid and then we begin to appreciate them after the fact. Pseuds follow men they believe to be smarter than themselves and normals desire people that won't challenge their superiority complex. Most people really just want someone that says what they were thinking themselves. We are so obsessed with our own egos that we strive to become like people we want to be ourselves. Rupi matches the intellect and viewpoints of her young female audience.

>> No.13521035

She's beautiful.

>> No.13521054

She's fine. The dudepoets who just post typewritten pages next to cigarettes are the trash. Nowdays you can fine a lot more women who are actual classicists who believe in the traditional forms, the ambitious male artists all want to be on some cyber-eco-post-capitalist faux-meme-deco wave shit

>> No.13521066

>Nowdays you can fine a lot more women who are actual classicists who believe in the traditional forms
Are you claiming that RK fits this description?

>> No.13521081

Well she's brown and her poetry is similar to Rumi so sure. More to the point, girls are actually buying books of poetry.

>> No.13521135
File: 60 KB, 620x607, rk.waiting.for.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well she's brown
This I do not contend.
>her poetry is similar to Rumi
Can you provide an analog in Rumi's collection to pic related?
>girls are actually buying books of poetry
Do you consider this an inherent good whereby the quality of the poetry is irrelevant?