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/lit/ - Literature

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1351527 No.1351527 [Reply] [Original]

Pick one to read:

The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged


>> No.1351533

fountainhead shorter better

>> No.1351540


>> No.1351543

just cuz its shorter doesn/t mean better.. atlas shrugged

read it

>> No.1351566

in the case of ayn rand shorter is better

>> No.1351589



>> No.1351601

he's right
she can babble

but question: is it as good as others claim it to be?
I like it, dont love it though

>> No.1351631

hey /lit/ would you recommend these books if they're cheap, or just not at all? Are they really heavy, feminist, pointless readings?

I know bioshock and games were inspired by her works, or ripped off, but they seemed well received, so surely the original works should be amazing?

>> No.1351639

why must we do this. this is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.1351654


do you enjoy philosophy?
if so read it..

just think about this, Ayn Rand is actually Russian.. Russian!

>> No.1351664

I read excerpts from both in some Rand sampler that I got from an objectivist society, and Fountainhead seemed less shitty.

But both of the excerpts were enough to convince myself that I didn't need to read an entire book of hers.

>> No.1351671

ayn rand's entire philosophy can be summed up as "plebes don't touch my shit"

>> No.1351678

so it's kind of shit but also good?

don't wanna read it and find out it's shit, and/or be hated on for possibly liking it.

>> No.1351685

the fountainhead as I believe it is shorter

>> No.1351682

the fountainhead is decent
atlas shrugged is an abomination

>> No.1351688

still long as cunt though

>> No.1351693

it might not be good and you might be hated for reading it but just don't give a fuck about that, also you'll be able to debate objectivists who smugly say "just read her books and you'll understand"

>> No.1351855

ummm she pretty much promotes the idea that if a bitch gets raped its her fault.

>> No.1351882

Fountainhead got me hard for architecture.

Atlas Shrugged is too extreme (I have only 60 pages left or something).

Maybe I was just too poisoned by you guys before I started AS, but I definitely didn't like how it made me feel whereas fountainhead made me happy. The whole empowerment thing worked for the fountainhead but did the opposite for me in AS. I dunno, I suppose I should finish AS since the ending should resolve most conflicts.

Her style of making you hate people definitely increased in skill for AS. She set up characters just so that you couldn't do anything but hate them. Also, I was really getting sick of the "He sensed it, but it was just out of his field. He couldn't find the words for it, or he didn't want to name it" sort of suspense crap. It can get quite overbearing.

Rollercoaster Tycoon < The Sim

>> No.1351887


Then, Atlas Shrugged

p.s. Deep&Edgy must die daily on his own vomit.

>> No.1351888

Actually she supports rape. It is what every girl desires.

That and girls don't really have to stay faithful, but guys sure as hell do.

>> No.1351891

atlas shrugged is awful and you're an awful person

>> No.1352066
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If you want to learn the most and have the best read, read Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.1352075


>> No.1352077

>Atlas Shrugged
stop trolling plz

>> No.1352086
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You all are jelly for Ayn.

>> No.1352199

back to page 1

>> No.1352480

Read Rand.