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13519051 No.13519051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everything I ever tried to do in life felt wrong, but being a NEET who lives vicariously through escapism feels the least wrong of all.

I don't demand others support me, but I don't say no if they enable me. I truly and honestly think what I'm doing is the best life for me. Feel free to hate me and call me a leech, I know I help with everything I can to mitigate my burden on others. I feel sorry for all the wagie's either too enslaved to the approval of society or otherwise unable to be a NEET.

>> No.13519056

Being a NEET inherently requires demanding others support you

>> No.13519061

who pays for your stuff? I'm genuinely curious, everyone I know has been working since they were 16

>> No.13519078

No it doesn't. Relatives help you out of pity and/or generosity. I live with my cousin.

Most of the time my cousin, just food though. And if I wear clothing through he'll give me some money for more. In exchange I do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry and errands for him while he works.

>> No.13519125

So you work as a maid
Youre a maid with no spending money

>> No.13519135

Chores take 90 minutes a day, the rest is mine

>> No.13519162

i dont want to say anything to you except that there is something more for you out there. maybe this kind of consumption is what you need right now, i only hope when you get bored of it you realize what you crave at bottom is the life it represents and go after that instead of turning to despair

you remind me of me as a teenager is why i say all this, and as someone socially isolated who was never taught a thing about the world by his parents i needed art and easily consumed media to help me shape a sense of self that was fit to go out into the world. it was a profoundly silly sense of self of course, but it was something to start from.

do not be afraid to take losses anon, and have yourself beaten into the shape you must become. life awaits

>> No.13519224

>there is something more for you out there. maybe this kind of consumption is what you need right now, i only hope when you get bored of it you realize what you crave at bottom is the life it represents and go after that instead of turning to despair
I'm sick to death of hearing such drivel.

I've been a NEET 11 years, I'm not some failed normalfag coping with his shit life, this is the life I chose. I don't regret a single second of it. The reason I spend so much time on escapism is because the real world has nothing worth fighting for in my opinion. This isn't a phase, I'm 29. I know who I am and what I'm capable of and what I want out of life, which is to be left alone with my escapism and hopefully die in my sleep. I have never enjoyed living in the world, escapism helps me get through the day and give me hope to go on. I don't want money, I don't want a wife, I don't want sex, I don't want a career or a job, I don't want to be a productive member of society, I don't want to "haha just work part time bro and paint", I don't want anything to do with anyone or anything in the real world.

And anyone who does want that shit is operating under some serious cope's.

>> No.13519279

>I'm not some failed normalfag coping with his shit life
Normalfag is a 4chan meme. you are a human being, no? then you are like the rest of us. maybe you are not a failure, maybe it is the world that has failed you. but something has gone wrong. a man is not meant to want so little from the world, to want an unimportant life and an unimportant death. at least get angry. at least lash out at the world. you are resigned. you are the only one coping. how can you say you know the world has nothing worth fighting for when you have been a neet 11 years? how can you know what you are capable of? i am crying for you anon. and before i go to bed tonight i will be praying for you. i know you don't want my pity or my advice. but i only wish the best for you.

>> No.13519285

cringe yet based

>> No.13519286

NEET life is the neat life, I should know

>> No.13519292

>Normalfag is a 4chan meme
No, it's not. 4chan itself is 90% failed normalfags, you're one it seems.
>then you are like the rest of us
I'm a NEET, I'm obviously different and want different things.
>a man is not meant to want so little from the world
Yes, he is. For 100,000+ years of human history all man wanted was to survive, not because it was so time consuming and hard he didn't have time to dream of an iphone. But because that's all he needed to feel content. Civilisation is a disease, the natural state of man is not greed.

>> No.13519335

You’re more cucked than me and I work.

>> No.13519356

I work so I can provide for myself and my family instead of being a slave. I feel sorry for you, OP, you truly do seem like an utter moron.

>> No.13519363

The only reason you think like this is because you're an ugly failure and you know there's no way that you'll ever get a girl and kids, so you "choose" this miserable life and try to portray it in the best possible light so others won't take pity on you. And to fool yourself.

>> No.13519395

I'm so glad you know what I think better than I do.

>> No.13519400

>I work so I can provide for myself and my family instead of being a slave
You ARE a slave though. You're a slave to the system and you're retarded for starting a family. The very fact you did proves your selfishness, greed and pettiness.

>> No.13519404

>The only reason you think like this is
Because he actually believes it.

You queers really can't envision a person who doesn't buy into your gay fucking society, can you?

>> No.13519409

What the fuck is your point, he should be trying and failing miserably or just bullying him?

>> No.13519425

>For 100,000+ years of human history all man wanted was to survive,
If this was true no progress would ever have been made. Man has always been self transcending and creative in aspiration.
>Civilisation is a disease, the natural state of man is not greed.
Civilization IS the natural state of man, it is in this departure from brute animality that we succeed. "Greed" is a cheap and bitter moralizing against man's most beautiful capacities. All the arts and sciences, our technology, our skyscrapers. You cannot tell me all that is nothing, or not marvel at this collective work we have made together. No one man knows the whole of its innerworkings. Civilization is the ultimate work and it hangs in the delicate balance of a million hands.

You are only denying yourself the world.

>> No.13519426

It's obvious, you coping loser.

He has managed to fool himself, yes.

I don't care, I just wanted to let him know that we know he's a miserable loser trying to cope with his shitty life and the "choices" he has made (which he only made because he knows he's ugly and stupid and doesn't stand a chance at actually getting all the things he claims he doesn't care for). That's all.

>> No.13519436

nice cope, wagie

>> No.13519440

You're a slave to everything around you and you're an idiot for not wanting kids and a family.

>proves your selfishness, greed and pettiness
Cope more, faggot.

>> No.13519451

>If this was true no progress would ever have been made
The discovery of agriculture was the pandoras box. Once they stood still in one place, they became chained to it. Man invented tools to survive more efficiently, agriculture gives rise to nothing but greed, self interest, empty pleasure and death.
>Man has always been self transcending and creative in aspiration.
You're just romanticising something that by all accounts is thoroughly evil.

>> No.13519461

>Civilization IS the natural state of man
No, it's not. For 99% of our history we lived in groups of 50 people, seperated by hundreds of miles.
>All the arts and sciences, our technology, our skyscrapers. You cannot tell me all that is nothing
It's nothing. Nothing but vanity, nothing but empty vanity.
>You are only denying yourself the world.
You're insane if you think the world we have now is worth what it cost.

>> No.13519466

I dare you to get off the internet and go live in a hut in the middle of fuck-all nowhere without any trace of civilization

>> No.13519469

>You're a slave to everything around you
In what way?
>and you're an idiot for not wanting kids and a family.
Tell me why you decided to marry and have kids.

>> No.13519478

Ok, I will

>> No.13519486

You're a slave to the system, to life, to your ugly self and to the wims of those who support your lifestyle.

I want a wife and kids because I like having sex and being intimate with a woman, and I like the thought of being immortal and raising a miniature of me who's going to rule the world. Simple as.

>> No.13519490

Unless you're living alone in the wild, you too require the support of others.

>> No.13519530

what kind of escapism, just books?

>> No.13519542

>greed, self interest, empty pleasure and death.
You need to stop this spiteful moralizing. You are really twisted up inside and I understand this makes you feel superior and better in the moment but you are only creating for yourself a comfortable position of self-denial. Your position is absurd. Who are you moralizing on behalf of in this position of self-denial? Obviously you are not happy. Stop confirming all your biases and going out of your way to make it worse. On some level you know this is what you are doing. You are being stubborn like a little boy. You have taken the gift of life which will never come around again and you have threatened to discard it in a tantrum. There is still time for you. Your history does not need to mean a thing. Life is a struggle anon, and you are not alone in dark times. Do not let the darkness win. You are not alone. I love you anon, even if you don't understand.

I am going to sleep now. I would wish you peace, but what you really need is something to fight.

>> No.13519556

>You're a slave to the system, to life, to your ugly self and to the wims of those who support your lifestyle.
I don't see how. I have no debts, I have no responsibilities, I have no dependents, I have nothing stopping me from hiking up into the woods and living out my days there. Unlike you, slave.

>I want a wife and kids because I like having sex and being intimate with a woman
>and I like the thought of being immortal and raising a miniature of me who's going to rule the world
Just like I thought. Pure egotistical selfishness and greed. You brought a life into the world so that you could treat it like a puppet and force it to dance to your tune. Wow, I'm so envious of you...

>> No.13519562

Books, anime, music, films, video games.

>> No.13519567

Yet you will do nothing byt rot away in your cum-stinking basement, you faggot slave.


>Pure egotistical selfishness and greed
So? LOL what a pathetic faggot you are

>> No.13519572

>Obviously you are not happy
No one is "happy". I'm far happiER as a NEET than I ever was at anything else I ever tried in life. So you can piss off with the tired "All NEETs are depressed and unhappy" meme.
>the gift of life
Are you joking?
>Life is a struggle anon
And there's worthwhile struggle like finding food to survive the winter, and worthless struggle like the one you're advocating. Get a job, get laid, make money, buy, buy, buy, participate in the system. No. Fuck off.

>> No.13519577
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>So? LOL
I pity the poor bastard of a child you're responsible for

>> No.13519581

Yeah, so fucking horrible giving birth to someone, I should be thrown in jail!

LOL faggot

>> No.13519596

>Yeah, so fucking horrible giving birth to someone, I should be thrown in jail!
You think it's funny that when your son asks you "why was I born" your answer will be "I wanted a clone of myself to brainwash so I could live longer than my natural life lol"?

>> No.13519600

I think it's a motherfucking game is what it is. Do you think you are funny? Do you think you are enlightened? Do you think you're moral? You're not, you're just a pathetic faggot whining on 4chan of all places

>> No.13519616

>I think it's a motherfucking game is what it is
And you have the gall to criticise NEETs for being defeatist?

NEETs sustain themselves and generally bother no one but disgusting breeders like you who decided to have children but refused to accept responsibility for them beyond their usefullness as a second chance at life.

You're the lowest of the low.

>> No.13519632

>NEETs sustain themselves
No they don't, they are sustained by everyone else.

>but refused to accept responsibility for them
No, I won't let my children become like you, it's called being a good parent and it's step 1 in making your child an ubermensch, you dumb faggot.

>> No.13519657

>No, I won't let my children become like you
NEET's are born, not made.