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/lit/ - Literature

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13518268 No.13518268 [Reply] [Original]

Not chronological: read, avoid internet but use it a bit sometimes, eat, walk around, exercise, drink water, take naps, play with dogs, talk with family. I'm lonely, and so spend lots of time lying down fantasizing and walking around looking at people.

>> No.13518279

For the rest of your time off, be ready to do what a normal person does, work, go where, with people you know. I'm lucky - lots of people have given up on me, my boss, social media, email, all my distractions. My main goals for when I leave would be "keep working." If I find myself feeling like "I don't want to do this anymore, I just want to stop, I need a break." or something similar. Do I want to sit at the computer for 15 minutes and think about how much I missed being around people? No, I'm a grown man.

And if you want someone to go with you to your next job that isn't that cool, I'd suggest just making it clear you'd like someone to travel with you, or you can even pick someone who does the job. I do. I go with people around the world to work. I work at night so I can still use Skype, though it's only one hour a day. I would rather someone travel with me than do this. If

>> No.13518283 [DELETED] 

Read the Gospel of John

>> No.13518379

What. If you're telling me to get a job, I will, and want to.

>> No.13518386 [DELETED] 

It changed my life and made me Christian.

>> No.13518387

Are you asking us what our daily routines are?

>> No.13518402


>> No.13518405

>If you're telling me to get a job, I will, and want to.
i just put ur post into that ai text generator thing

>> No.13518416
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i dont have a fixed routine yet but im starting to reservate 2h for reading. 1-2h for listening to radio /podcasts and rest for thinking

>> No.13518427
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Get up at 6am. Fly to whatever shithole I'm in for the week. Sleep on the flight and read. Get to office by 11am local time.

Work 11am-9pm. Go to hotel, masturbate, read and fall asleep.

Tuesday & Wednesday:

Wake up at 8am. Office by 9am. Work until 9pm. Go to hotel, masturbate, read and fall asleep.


Wake up at 8am. Office by 9am. Plane by 4pm. Do work on the plane. Arrive home at 10pm home time. Fall asleep at like 11:30.


Wake up at 8:30am. Local office by 9:30am. Work until 4. Mandatory socialization with colleagues until like midnight. Get shitfaced and take a cab home.

Saturday and Sunday:

Hang out with my friends, read, go to the doctor for health problems, play video games, masturbate.

>> No.13518497

>wake up
>make breakfast
>masonry job
>lift, bike, or run
>make dinner
>browse internet
>write down final daily thoughts

>> No.13518513

>1-2h for listening to radio /podcasts

>> No.13518540

Makes sense

>> No.13518543

this has been my summer routine (uni student)

wake up ~8, probably jerk off to my imagination (big ass in a tight grey skirt professor fantasy or one of my various friends moms), pee, step on the scale (I weighed 176.5 this morning [trying to cut some before the school year because I row]), brew some coffee (I grind my own beans thank you very much), read and casually browse /lit/ until 11, ride a cycle and read/erg to audiobook/pullups and metal, return home, lunch and youtube video/read/ read until i go to work, work from 3-1 am (i get a lot of reading done there), go home and play mortal kombat with a beer (i play skorpion, sub-zero, and cassie cage)

>> No.13518953

>look at news on phone
>brush teeth
>sit down at computer
>surf through websites for maybe 6 hours until bored
>listen to music or watch a movie
>go back to surfing the same websites for hours and hours
Every day.

Once a month if i'm lucky.

>read 20 pages
>write 10 words

>> No.13518955

>masonry job
who you work for and what do you do

>> No.13518959

I wrote a post so long it took up 5 4chan posts, like 1500 characters, but I have decided tonight not to subject you guys to my blogposts, you are welcome.

>> No.13518990

i would have read it anon

>> No.13518991


>> No.13519016

are you really sure, it's unpleasant and embarrassing

>> No.13519024

so is my life, i'm lonely so i like reading stuff that i can relate to

>> No.13519123

It's rather unlikely that youd relate to me, im a pathetic piece of shit.

I just read through the post and it incriminates me in so many ways that I can't post it here without feeling immense fear it will be used against me in legal battles.

the sheer level of narcissim also makes me feel it's worthless to post it, Im just dwelling in self pity and desire for admiration, as always.

You can find people to relate to in your loneliness that will make you feel whole again, and good, but Im not one of those. Im not even a lonely person, im a malignant evil wrong thing that should never have existed and only pretends to be good sometimes to attract people to me for a while.

id kill myself if i had a shred of spine or morality.

Im just talking about myself again, anon, find the people in your life that care, find the people that are good, and throw everything else away, because nothing else matters but those human connections, not any abstract ideas we invent. You are probably young and can still go toward those few good things, race towards them and escape at all haste the evil you see in yourself or in the world, because it will take you over entirely and you can never leave it once it does.

>> No.13519132
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>First thing he does in the morning is read
Nietzsche specifically says not to do this

>> No.13519215

yes live with mommy

>> No.13519231

(citation needed)

>> No.13519396

same, but at least i work a few days a week and am starting uni in october

>> No.13519517

>L’ordre du jour pour le roi.— The day begins: let us begin to order for this day the business and the festivals of our most merciful master who is still deigning to rest. His majesty has bad weather today: we shall be careful not to call it bad; we shall not speak of the weather—but we shall be a little more solemn about our business than would otherwise be necessary and a little more festive about the festivals. Perhaps his majesty will even be ill: at breakfast we shall present the latest good news of the preceding evening, the arrival of M. Montaigne who jokes so agreeably about his illness; he suffers from a stone. We shall receive a few persons (persons! what would that puffed-up old frog say, who will be among them, if he heard this word! “I am not a person,” he would say, “but always the substance itself”)—and this reception will take longer than anybody finds agreeable. That is reason enough to tell of the poet who wrote on his door: “Whoever enters here, honors me; whoever does not—pleases me.” What a courteous way of expressing a discourtesy! And perhaps this poet is altogether right to be discourteous: it is said that his poems are better than the poet. Let him write many more then and withdraw from the world as much as possible—which is, after all, the meaning of his civil incivility. Conversely, a prince is always worth more than his “verse,” even if—but what am I saying? We are chatting and the whole court thinks that we are already at work and racking our brains: there is no window in which anyone ever sees a light burn before ours. Listen! Wasn’t that the bell? Damn! the day and the dance begin and we don’t know the schedule! We have to improvise —all the world improvises its day. Let us proceed today as all the world does!
At that, my strange morning dream vanished, probably a victim of the hard strokes of the tower clock which announced the fifth hour with all of its accustomed gravity. It seems to me that on this occasion the god of dreams was pleased to make fun of my habit of beginning the day by ordering it and making it tolerable for myself; and it is possible that I have sometimes done this too formally, as if I were a prince.

>> No.13519679

i have to start school but just keep delaying

>> No.13519831

Imagine living a life so pathetic that a book can change it. Now imagine considering becoming a Christian a life-changing event.

>> No.13521451

Cringe. Post it

>> No.13521478 [DELETED] 

Absolutely seething. Shouldn't you be dilating?

>> No.13522411

Dumb poltard that pretends to worship a Jew

>> No.13523243

>big ass in a tight grey skirt professor fantasy or one of my various friends moms
Fellow student here, you have patrician taste.

>> No.13523886

I desperately want my female professor to hike up her skirt and sit on my face and fart on me while she jerks me off.

>> No.13523903

based kafka

>> No.13523931
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browse /a/ or /lit/, sometimes play a video game, force myself to watch the seasonal anime, sometimes go for a walk when I feel like it, sometimes larp playing an instrument, sometimes force myself to read, sometimes cook something, take a shower once every 1-4 weeks

>> No.13523937

I also enjoy tea

>> No.13523941

i was following an intellectually rewarding, rigid daily schedule up until three days ago, where i was formally diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. lately, i've been too depressed and too wrapped in general health anxiety to get back to it.

>> No.13524887

Sucks man. What was the schedule? What's the disease?