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/lit/ - Literature

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13514111 No.13514111 [Reply] [Original]

>If there is no God, if there is no Judgement Day, if there is no divine justice after death, then there is ultimately no reason to care about anything at all
For some men, this realization makes them want to indulge in life and pleasure, and to live like a hedonistic animal. For some, it makes them lose the will to live at all, in the knowledge that even pleasure is meaningless.

Any /lit/ on this loss of faith? How does one justify living when living is meaningless?

>> No.13514122

Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.13514128

>my life has meaning because sky daddy says it does
If a question like the OP seriously bothers you, you are a total retard.

>> No.13514129

Stop being such a pussy. Justice is a spook. Religion doesn't give anyone a reason to care about anything at all, it comes from the inside independent of it. Animals don't have philosophy, so a hedonist animal is an oxymoron - only humans can be hedonistic. You don't need to know the meaning of something to enjoy it and go along with it. Just grow up.

>> No.13514133

>spends time on literature board
>comments on posts about literature
>somehow, still manages to be illiterate

>> No.13514192

Mark Passio. YouTube. Natural Law. 8 hours. Go.

You're welcome.

>> No.13514232
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Good to see someone who actually has some fucking awareness here.

>> No.13514645

Become Muslim

>> No.13514657

Mother lode of bad ideas

>> No.13514666

So prior to the creation of Yahweh's Christianity, there wasn't meaning? Or do you also include all other religions with a judgemental characteristic? And furthermore, how does avoiding punishment for the entirety of your life constitute a "meaningful" life?

>> No.13514671

Just don't bother, OP is clearly retarded and/or a kid.

>> No.13514686

>if there is no divine justice after death, then there is ultimately no reason to care about anything at all
That’s not a realization. That’s an extremely faulty conclusion. Having faith that things will be dealt with in the afterlife is what makes the world we’re living in a Hell on Earth.
Fucking write it down and get this off topic bs out of here

>> No.13514719

Portrait and parts of Ulysses

>> No.13514727
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>falling for the Joyce meme

>> No.13514735

Yeah, I know. I'm just bored senpai

>> No.13514861

This lack of will to live or desire for a hedonistic nature with no ultimate consequences in the form of a deity is a proof a lack of morals in said person. Basically the same idea as what would you do when no one is looking. Although life has “no meaning” in that being good or being bad have no affect on the afterlife, there are consequences in life and life is open to be however you choose to live it. The idea that there needs to be a deity for people to act like decent human beings or attempt to make something of themselves is ridiculous, and reduces the human life to truly something worthless. God or no god, morals, achievements, and dreams do not faulted.

>> No.13515037
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>falling for the anime meme

>> No.13515489

>>my life has meaning because sky daddy says it does
>If a question like the OP seriously bothers you, you are a total retard.
The empty space left by God is one of the most important fields of philosophy, you absolute fuck. It is one of the most fundamental questions in existence, and you fedora fuckers only expose your stupidity whenever you disregard it in an attempt to seem cool.
>Religion doesn't give anyone a reason to care about anything at all, it comes from the inside independent of it.
It absolutely does, you mongoloid. Are you honestly saying that a person who genuinely believes in divine punishment, and a person who believes that death is the end of pain, are going to live and act in the same way?
>You don't need to know the meaning of something to enjoy it and go along with it.
OP is specifically saying that he can't go along with it, which is a natural reaction to nihilism. It isn't a question of whether or not you understand the meaning of life - it is a question of whether there is a point in continuing living when life has no purpose, if one has the option to die without consequence.
Based as fuck, interesting lecture
>how does avoiding punishment for the entirety of your life constitute a "meaningful" life?
It gives an objective that is not tethered to this worldly life, which means that there is something more to take into consideration than your fleeting, vain desires. If all we have is this world, then egoism and selfishness makes logical sense, and harming others doesn't matter as long as one can avoid consequences. If consequences are guaranteed at the Hand of God, however, then that is an entirely different world.
Get cancer, butterflyfag
>This lack of will to live or desire for a hedonistic nature with no ultimate consequences in the form of a deity is a proof a lack of morals in said person. Basically the same idea as what would you do when no one is looking.
I hate this argument. Near to all human "morals" are faked in order to avoid punishment. Ask yourself this question, fuckface: would you prefer to live in a world with no police, authorities, or justice system, where the only thing keeping people in line are their "morals", or would you prefer to live a place where people are scared of punishment by the authorities? God is the ultimate authority, which no one can outrun or hide from.

>> No.13516525

>Having faith that things will be dealt with in the afterlife is what makes the world we’re living in a Hell on Earth.
No. The world is the way that it is due to ignoble rule, based on illegitimate authority. You completely ignore what is Faith, because you lack it, and are blind to it; this causes you, in typical fatalistic, and pessimistic, manner, to conflate it with hope and/or superstition, and to deride the ideals that are impelled by its vision.

>> No.13516542

thank you for saying it. buttershit is horrendous

>> No.13516549

>wannabe jannie
>midshit take from reddit

worst poster here

>> No.13516550
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you fuckers couldn't just let this stupid thread die a dignified death could you

>> No.13516556

>No God
Wrong, there are multiple
>No judgement day
>No divine justice
Sort of correct

>> No.13516557

There's no reason to care regardless of whether there is divine justice or not. Divine justice is just one more opinion at the end of the day.

>> No.13516566

>you don't need to believe in God to be a good person
OK. When do you start?

>> No.13516589

why do i come to this shit board

>> No.13516598

Because you are a retard? Only a retarded person would keep returning to a board he thinks is shit.

>> No.13516601

Honestly I'm tempted to just post another Sopranos clip

>> No.13516616

tbqh "dude heaven and hell" is such a shit basis for caring
like lmao what if I don't care where I end up? I'm then free to do as I please

>> No.13516630
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There is NO noble rule. There is NO legitimate authority. Another faulty conclusion from a degenerate mind (if you aren’t just a larping nitwit). I actually CAME from a tradition of faith. I know ALL about it.

>Whereth the pickleths?!

>> No.13516684


>> No.13516720

"There is no meaning in this existence whatsoever," he cried, conjuring meaning out of his experience and perception as he did so.

Nihilism is a bit of a laugh, innit.

>> No.13516748

>There is NO noble rule. There is NO legitimate authority.
The fact that you cannot conceive of a noble worldorder only indicates your own ignobility.

>I actually CAME from a tradition of faith.
Faith is antithetical to tradition.

>> No.13516758

nobody cares. /his/ sucks

>> No.13517089

This thread could have been interesting, but lit is shit and full of fedoras on one side, and christcucks on the other