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/lit/ - Literature

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13510904 No.13510904 [Reply] [Original]

>I have one of those nine-pound Dell laptops you can get for $389 because nobody ended up buying that model, for obvious reasons. I took the wireless card out immediately, and I plugged up the Ethernet hole with superglue. I did work on a DOS machine until about five years ago. It ran WordPerfect 5.0, which is still the best software ever written for a writer, I think.

>It’s doubtful that anyone with an Internet connection at his workplace is writing good fiction.

>> No.13510937

I think it's important to put a few steps in between you and your vices if you're trying to get work done, but cutting things out cold turkey isn't always necessary. For me, I plug my headphones into a record player because youtube videos are the most distracting for me. The small act of having to unplug from the record player and plug back into the PC is enough of a barrier that I have the time to resist the temptation and get back to work.
Maybe you give into your addictions much more easily, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.13510954

>I have one of those nine-pound Dell laptops you can get for $389 because nobody ended up buying that model, for obvious reasons. I took the wireless card out immediately, and I plugged up the Ethernet hole with superglue. I did work on a DOS machine until about five years ago. It ran WordPerfect 5.0, which is still the best software ever written for a writer, I think.
I'm not a huge fan of his work, but I think he is more or less right. Trying to get work done on a computer with an internet connection is like trying to study in a strip club. You can do it, but you're going to get needlessly distracted by energy consuming filth time and time again.

>> No.13510968

>Is it time to quit the internet?
when you post the same thread over and over again every couple of days, the answer is yes

>> No.13510970

If you get distracted that easily while doing something that presumably is your passion, then you're clearly in the wrong line of work. When I play guitar, nothing distracts me.

>> No.13510980 [DELETED] 

The Corrections is an absolutely based work of art, the rest of his books suck, and all of his opinions about the world are bad. Give it 10 years til his Bret Easton Phallis tier rambling book of essays.

>> No.13510993


>> No.13510995

Neither do I. But writing is too cerebral to get fully in the zone like one would while playing the guitar, at least while you're incubating ideas. Removing as much mental pollution as possible is a good idea.

>> No.13511015

Is this going to act as if not using a particular technology that's only had wide-spread adoption for about a decade and half is the same as living in a log cabin all alone?

>> No.13511052

Why are you so shit at guitar then?

>> No.13511058

>A kind of selfish free-riding/tragedy of the commons: not learning to handle your share of the increased attention-management load required to keep the Global Social Computer in the Cloud (GSCITC) running effectively.
But I don't want to keep it running, effectively or otherwise.

>> No.13511118

Is your guitar part of a worldwide network you retard?

>> No.13511200

can you play Neon by John Mayer?

>> No.13511243

But if I work on an internet-free machine, how am I going to google up all the ridiculous data that I need for my writing? Every single day of writing I google, as follows:
>at least 15 words to make sure the spelling and meaning is correct
>at least 10 points of information from various fields of science, technology, and arts (prose with low reference density is very boring)
>at least 5 cute asians to make me feel calmer
>at least 200 text fragments from online text corpus to make sure that people really speak the way I make my characters speak
Am I autistic?

>> No.13511257

>>at least 15 words to make sure the spelling and meaning is correct
Dictionary, either paper or the one built in to your word processor.
>>at least 10 points of information from various fields of science, technology, and arts (prose with low reference density is very boring)
Does the exact square-milage of Lithuania better explore the theme of your work?
>>at least 200 text fragments from online text corpus to make sure that people really speak the way I make my characters speak
Have you tried using real people to verify this?

>> No.13511270

>Does the exact square-milage of Lithuania better explore the theme of your work?
This exact thing does not, but some others do. Square-milage of Europe as a whole could be useful in some cases tbqh.

>> No.13511338

Explains why he needs glasses. If you type for a living getting a great screen and keyboard is a good investment.

>> No.13511345

>you know what would have made his vision better? A 42" screen 1' from his face

>> No.13511351
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Sorry guys, what I meant to say is that you are all geniuses at lit and will surely be published soon enough.

>> No.13511437 [DELETED] 

Why not just go to a library and get all the information you need for your story? I mean, if you're so thorough I'm sure you have the plot worked out and know what facts are needed from the start.

>> No.13511450

Why not just go to a library and get all the information you need for your story? I mean, if you're so thorough I'm sure you have the plot worked out and know what facts are needed from the start.

>> No.13511457

>When I play guitar, nothing distracts me.
Yes, because your guitar IS NOT A COMPUTER.
How can you miss the point so hard?

>I am distracted by X
>Hurr how can you do distracted by X, if I do Y which has nothing to do with X I am not distracted
Think before posting.

>> No.13511900

It’s about resolution and refresh rate and colour, silly.