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13510779 No.13510779 [Reply] [Original]

What book will help me with my feelings, pic related

>> No.13510786

depends on what you're feeling mate

>> No.13510794
File: 21 KB, 257x387, The_Peaceful_Pill_Handbook_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Peaceful Pill Handbook

>> No.13510795

I’m feeling a lot, very often, without secession

>> No.13510806

Gnosticism, based on the picture; The Pistis Sophia unveiled: " The path that conduces the initiate to the final liberation is absolutely sexual."
Do not confuse this with the act of sex.

>> No.13510808 [DELETED] 

Id recommend this one book where you finally have sex, incel.

>> No.13512429

You cant achive this with a book, ypu need human love.
But the most similar feeling I had was Stirner, but you are hugging yoursf.

>> No.13512450


>> No.13512456

Do you really think that your desire for intimacy with a girl is something cosmic and transcendental worth dwelling on and expressing as such? It's just an evolutionary drive and chemicals in your brain telling you to get laid and then pair-bond.

Go read Marx instead

>> No.13512767

What does it mean then?

>> No.13512780

thats a really gay pic, op.
like, mega double triple gay.
ultra gay.

read the sun also rises.

>> No.13512808

The fall, albert Camus.

>> No.13513034
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>It's just an evolutionary drive and chemicals in your brain telling you to get laid and then pair-bond.
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.13513495


>> No.13514176

What? Do you really think your partner is your "soul mate" bonded for eternity through pure cosmic love? And that very conveniently the incarnation of this soul is within a member of your specie, of the opposed sex, roughly of the same age and in geographical proximity to you?

>> No.13514185

Union of both masculine and feminine into one androgynous being, which is both object and subject, and thereby above both and thereby neither.
NO, this is not physical (fuck off trannies)

>> No.13514195

The feminine is eternal, the form of the woman is merely a vessel. It contains variable amounts of the same energy and exudes it within a different method, that of the lover, that of the mother, smaller qualifications, etc

>> No.13514201

Isn't it exhausting to go through life with this purely materialist outlook?

I'm not even saying that what you've said doesn't have a certain truth to it, but I do disagree with the implication that "therefore nothing else"

Read The Symposium, unironically

>> No.13514292

>Isn't it exhausting to go through life with this purely materialist outlook?
Not really when talking about obviously material things. Trying to make everything much more than it actually is is key to disappointment.
What could sexuality and pair-bond be besides a purely material desire for the purpose of reproduction of material bodies? What does sexuality even mean to a "soul"? Why does a soul need or want exclusive union with a single soul instead of all of them? How do you even keep your personality, your wants and desires and preferences, which are created by senses, when you are an immaterial being without your material memory or material senses? Why care about your human mate when you are no longer human?

Maybe. But as was said in the thread before, when ascending the soul reunites with masculine and feminine energy and becomes one. To seek opposite energy in life is polarization due to material incarnation for the purpose of sustaining material life.