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/lit/ - Literature

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13508868 No.13508868 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/, what are some good books about chess?

play me. time settings are 3 minutes guillotine

>> No.13508870

wheres the link bish

>> No.13508871

forgot link:

>> No.13508993

Zweigs Schachnovelle

>> No.13509609

>see the game entirety
>good game
>turn engine evaluation
>black winning since turn ten
And here i thought i'm no better

>> No.13509655

Boris Gelfand's Decision Making series is amazing.
Artur Yusupov's 9 book series.
Basically any book published by Quality Chess.
Any book on Tal's games.
Mark Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual is basically the only book you need on the endgame, but you need like 9000 IQ to understand some of it.

>> No.13509664

Missed mate in 2 after bxf3

>> No.13509688

this is good

>> No.13509698
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Anyone home, add me, name seen at the top right corner above the rook

>> No.13509753

>tfw playing chess since I was 8 but I've been hovering around a 1400 elo for about 20 years and get mated in like 9 moves

What is my problem? Do I just have bad foundational knowledge? Do I need to relearn how to play and forget everything I know?
My middlegame problem solving is good, but I literally have no clue how to end a game and I have no clue how to start a game.

>> No.13509763
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>> No.13509812

Good game lady buck

>> No.13509816

fischer 960

>> No.13509952

>look for chess thread on /tg/
>no such thing
>turns out it was on /lit/ all along
Who woulda thought

>> No.13509959


Same. You need opening/defence strategy.
I tried youtube vids but it doesnt cut it. Either learn from a pro or buy one of those nerd chess books.

>> No.13509960

/sci/ has one too. What does that tell you?

>> No.13509964
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Lit is the racist gentlemans club

>> No.13510108


>> No.13510310

People don't follow rules