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13509224 No.13509224 [Reply] [Original]

>coffee and cigarette

>> No.13509236

>Get dragged into a coffee shop by a friend
>We order two cups of a weirdly named coffee that comes in a giant mug
>It's just regular ass coffee with foam on top
>"Would you like some serviettes sir?"
>Some what?
>Uhhh no thanks
>Get to the table and ask my friend what the fuck a serviette is
>"A napkin"
>Why the fuck wouldn't he say napkin then? Fucking pompous shits, I fucking hate coffee, I fucking hate coffee shops. Fuck this place.
>Fucking 8 quid for regular fucking coffee with foam on top what in the fuck...

>> No.13509237

Is there any bigger brainlet redflags?
>I think best in the morning after my coffee and smoke
just lol

>> No.13509251

Why are you projecting bruh? How's that purity of soul treating you?

>> No.13509256

I like being able to run ten miles without coughing up a lung, and think smoker skin is unattractive and sticks out like a sore thumb

>> No.13509262

>running 10 miles
Are you being chased by a bear or something?

>> No.13509265
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>> No.13509272

One of my favourite things in life is to simply ask a smoker why they smoke.
The smoker is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, polluter, rat, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But point out that his only motive is fashion and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.13509278

chased by your mother, who is hungry for my seed

>> No.13509328


>> No.13509333

>8 quid
what the fuck

>Be in Milan
>Notice a small kiosk selling coffee
>Think to myself "I'll try it if it's below one euro"
>ask how much for an espresso
>1 euro, the man says
>drink it
>it's one of the best goddamn espressos I've ever had

This is how coffee should be, a quick shot of espresso you just get on the go, cheap, and good quality, no milk no sugar, no bullshit, just the pure essence of taste and energy.

>> No.13509338

I smoke for company

>> No.13509365

I smoke because I'm addicted. I justify by listing off the social benefits I've experienced from it.

>> No.13509371

Meh, espresso is fine, but I much prefer a cup or regular ole' coffee. Cold brewed is nice too.

>> No.13509406

angl*id are programated to find french word sophisticated, deal with it

>> No.13509422

I'd reply that I smoke because it's the best there is.

>> No.13509430

And niggers. American niggers take french names to appear classy, and african niggers are obsessed with french culture

>> No.13509464


>> No.13509489

>smokers only smoke because its cool

>> No.13509506

I like me a flat white with 3 sugars and a B&H silver at first break (around 11)

>> No.13509520


>> No.13509530
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I smoke because it hastens my progress towards an early death and I’m too much of a pussy to kill myself

>> No.13509548


>> No.13509557

>14 year old normalfaggot watches an episode of House M.D./True Detective and decides to LARP as the protagonists

Haven't actually cringed at a 4chan post in a while, good job friend.

>> No.13509569

you're quite sensitive

>> No.13509576

You know that really hurt my feelings.

>> No.13509635
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>I cant wake up without my ol cup of joe!!1 xd

>> No.13509659

Your death is going to be shitty though. You will be bedridden for months with chemo and surgery pain or you could get oral cancer and survive with a badly deformed face. There are far better and exciting ways to hasten your death. Go do some daredevil shit. It might even liven you up a bit you depressing fuck.

>> No.13509680

the trick is to commit suicide when the cancer begins to spread, you know you're already done so you have no reason to wait for a painful end

>> No.13509683

I'm moanin' all the mornin', moanin' all the night
And in between it's nicotine and not much heart to fight
Coffee feelin' low as the ground
It's drivin' me crazy, this waitin' for my baby
To maybe come around

>> No.13509689

>Fucking 8 quid for regular fucking coffee with foam on top
are you talking about a cappuccino? It's not really a new thing, anon.

>> No.13509994

>not below 1 euro
>try it anyway
Way to not have any principals

>> No.13510003

I wish I'd never picked up smoking. I'll quit cold turkey and be fine for about six months until my anxiety starts acting up about something then all I want in the world is a fucking cigarette. I'll buy a pack of Turkish royals at some seedy gas station and inhale the sweetest relief baptising my lungs with fresh tar. Until I get disgusted with myself halfway through the pack and throw the rest in the trash or give it to a homeless person. Just quit again yesterday. I hope it sticks this time.

But despite all the self hatred, I have never felt more at peace than the morning coffee and smoke. Waking up after a drunken night of sloppy enthusiastic sex with someone I can't tell if I care about and sitting half naked on the porch ruining the fresh morning air with nicotine.

>> No.13510075

You can tell this post was made by someone who smokes for fashion

>> No.13510112

That's how it is for everyone anon. First you smoke to be cool and social then you smoke because it's a good pick me up then you smoke because it's hard to go a day without it.

Starts as fashion ends with a habit.

>> No.13510116
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Nobody ever died of coffee induced cancer

>> No.13510130

there's literally nothing wrong about soking for fashion
I expect /lit/ of all places to understand this

>> No.13510147

Are you also a fan of foot-binding?

>> No.13510155

I wonder how many have died from post induced cancer

>> No.13510254
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I approve of your posts, butterfly. Keep on niceposting.

>> No.13510259

jesus christ you are dumb

>> No.13510261


>> No.13510267

>Pope poster like me.

>> No.13510287

sounds unironically comfy

>> No.13510297

Italians got coffee, literature, food and women right.

>> No.13510315

Actually, come to think of it, maybe they didn't get women right but the rest of the list is on point.

>> No.13510322

I open a canister of pure oxygen every morning and sit with it in the bath. When the tank sinks to the bottom I know it’s time to get out.

>> No.13510498

little girl feet are not fashionable

>> No.13510511

bad meme reta*d

>> No.13510675

Nah man they just have coffee, that I'll admit. For the rest, France does it better

>> No.13511123

I used to love coffee and black tea, but since a few months ago I can’t drink anything with caffeine without getting terrible anxiety, why the fuck is this happening
I already quit smoking and drinking alcohol and now I’ve lost coffee too

>> No.13511772
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>having principles in 2019

>> No.13511788

And honestly, if it was just the bad breath, wasted time, smelly clothes, and yellow fingers I'd probably even say it was worth it. It's only when I feel the soreness in my throat after a heavy day, or a cough is a little more persistent than it should be that I'm really forced to face what this addiction means and how awful of a deal it's been.

>> No.13511803

if you smoke and youre not working class you just look like a tryhard

change my mind

>> No.13511814
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>opioids, coffee and cigarettes

>> No.13511848

dont believe the movies, most french women act and sound like men

>> No.13511864
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I've thought about picking up cigs for the social aspect, like you say, but then I realized that it would only lead me to hooking up with women who also happened to be smoking.

Women who still smoke in 2019 are pure trash, and who the fuck wants to kiss an ashtray?

>> No.13511870

Did you quit smoking around the same time? Nicotine skyrockets your caffeine tolerance.

>> No.13511875

This nigga knows what's up. Best part is, nobody will blame a man with cancer for killing himself.

At least until those assholes come up with a cure for cancer.

>> No.13511894

based Big Pharma witholding the already developed cure for cancer to maximize profits in the coming electromagnetic pollution derived cancer epidemic and accidentally keeping the door for socially acceptable suicide open

>> No.13511896


Even the working class has given it up.

>> No.13511918

the habits of the working class are downstream of their superiors. if anything the working class are tryhards, trying to signal financial liquidity by wasting money on a luxury commodity instead of investing in higher quality foods for themselves and families

>> No.13511919

>tfw gave up smoking and coffee and only drink water and wine

Take the greek pill

>> No.13511928

>doesn't know what serviette is
You're just a retard

>> No.13511931
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>any drugs

>> No.13511939

the greeks smoked hash and magic mushrooms

>> No.13511945

is this a vox article

>> No.13511954

You can't deny that the notion sounds pretty cool and relaxing

>> No.13511960
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>not only smoking

>> No.13511967


>> No.13511969

cope post
start actually reading the greeks

>> No.13512006

>drinking coffee
You shouldn't participate in these two addictions.

>> No.13512017

How else is my local cafe suppose to know i'm n intellectual?

>> No.13512027
File: 22 KB, 480x480, so tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't slept decently since the start of the year. I'm so tired that I literally fell asleep about 30 minutes ago and awoke felling like I got run over by a fucking train. I also realize I'm addicted to sugar and chocolate from abstaining all day. What do?

>> No.13512035

Wean off it

>> No.13512043

I've never in my life heard anyone call a napkin a serviette. Why would you purposely use a word 99% of people never use? Fuck coffee shops, exclusively populated by smug pseuds.

>> No.13512045

go for a night walk a drink some water.

>> No.13512055

I only drink coffee during exams

I am an avid smoker, though

>> No.13512063
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Jesus, you really are a chickenhead fuck. A lot of restaurants and cafes call it a serviette. It's just a paper napkin, it's not uncommon. Are from outside the UK or something or just so retarded words just escape your feeble brain?

>> No.13512067

Just walk in with a copy of Infinite Jest :^)

>> No.13512076

Nah, i'll just have a back coffee and drink outside so I don't have to talk my scarf off.

>> No.13512080

I've never been anywhere but that coffee shop that called them serviettes. Say napkin and everyone knows what you mean, no one uses anything BUT paper napkins anymore.

>> No.13512099

Maybe in Burger land but I and many of my fellow middle class peers as well as my parents say serviette when it should be said. Fucking ESL faggot

>> No.13512100

sure, but the overwhelming majority of normalfags would never admit that under pain of death

I doubt you'd even be comfortable admitting it irl in front of other people

>> No.13512103
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I gave your mom coffee induced cancer

>> No.13512156

footbinding hurts and doesn't get you laid

>> No.13512162

I'm from the UK, take your middle class fake poshness and fuck off.

>> No.13512169

So it really is the latter, you really are a brain dead moron.

>> No.13512181

What is the point in using an uncommon word when a common one works fine?

Serviette is used exclusively by poser faggots who want to look posh.

>> No.13512193

>uncommon word
it's not uncommon you fucking idiot. Supermarkets label paper napkins as serviettes a lot of the time and a lot of regular cafes and restaurants will refer to them as serviettes. You're actually a smooth brain, holy shit

>> No.13512214

>it's not uncommon you fucking idiot.
It is uncommon. Napkin is more popular, so use napkin. Say serviette to my face and I'll choke you with a bundle of napkins you limp wristed faggot.

>> No.13512231

Not the guy you're replying to but serviette is used pretty commonly in Canada.

>> No.13512260
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You fucking what mate? Pussy is more popular by I'll definitely call you a cunt retard as then situation arises. I'll cum on your mum and wipe it off with a tissue and call it a serviette to your faggot face. Youwhat. I'll fucking smash your head in, but I doubt you could get any dumber. When I do i'll take shit down your throat and wipe my ass with a piece of cloth and call that a napkin. Try me cunt you won't

>> No.13512318

There's nothing cool or provocative about smoking. I've gone off and on with it over the years, usually picking it up during a time of punctuated stress. I do it because I enjoy it. It gives you an excuse to step away from your affairs for five minutes, and provides a kind of "locus" around which to concentrate. The bio -rhythmic sensation of inhaling and exhaling the smoke is soothing. What's more it keeps me from stuffing my face with food every 30 minutes.

>> No.13512339

>trying to write like kierkegaard

>> No.13512360
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>not adhering to a strict exercise routine alongside your manual labor job
>not quitting cigarettes and alcohol
>not impressing clients with your vitality and physique
>not elevating what is normally cumbersome wageslavery into mere exercise
>not studying a martial art

You are both right, and this is how much I agree with you.

>> No.13512362

I would say because it feels good and looks cool. Want one faggot?

>> No.13512397

counterpoint: having a good physique but with smoking cigarettes and not being a peasant

>> No.13512484

there is literally nothing wrong with being a nicotine addict. If you use patches or other NRT you don't even get cancer.
It sucks to introduce another dependency, but if you keep yourself well fed your life is better in every way than if you were a non-smoker

>> No.13512490

>blatantly shits up any thread even resembling a non-atheistic thread

>> No.13512539

Messing with rudeposters is nice

>> No.13512674

Ding ding ding! wish I never started. Quit about a year ago but it's a daily battle

>> No.13512732

>frog poster things he's better than Otis

disgusting. be ashamed, faggot.

>> No.13512860

Fr*nch women are subhuman.
t. Sp*niard

>> No.13513028

Whats a good martial art to do as a college student? I've been interested in Boxing for cardio and other purposes, but dont really care what I do

>> No.13513032

>not picking up on the obvious joke

>> No.13513048
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>tea and cigar

>> No.13513056

In South Africa they call them exclusively serviettes. once I was at a pharmacy and needed a napkin, and I asked the lady at a counter for a napkin and she was confused because she thought I was saying nappies, which is diapers.

>> No.13513085

And this is bad thing?

>> No.13513100

Imagine paying 8 bongs for and not knowing what a cappuccino is you utter manchild

>> No.13513193
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>> No.13513231

based and neurogenesis pilled

>> No.13513243

Grow up, OP.

>> No.13513245

True for the most part, but once in a blue moon the cigarette just hits right and suddenly whatever anxiety you may have had just goes away and you everything feels great.

>> No.13513255

is this why he left?

>> No.13513282

nah ,he left because he's a faggot

>> No.13513295

It was a nice film

>> No.13513297
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>pepe the frog

>> No.13513582

Serviette is not a posh word it is just traditional. You are a city boy thats why this word perplexed you.

>> No.13513601

At least it's the other way around when it comes to looks.

>> No.13513637

Better diet, decaffeinated green tea, a weighed blanket, hot showers, obviously being active, and DON'T spend most of your day in your bedroom, even if you aren't in bed perse it makes it tougher to sleep when you're in the same environment

>> No.13513770
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>he doesn't know whose quote it is

>> No.13514042

Absinth and opium is based

>> No.13514074

IS coffee + cig combination shown in a novel/story an instant setting red flag?

>> No.13514214

>start drinking mass amounts of coffee, cigs and pharmaceutical drugs to sustain concentration when reading
>feel like a genius first year or so of doing this
>now totally fried out possibly retarded


>> No.13514284


>> No.13514296
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>> No.13514299

Funny. You'll be surprised where that actually comes from.

>> No.13514360

lol, i have been had, it seems. Why does Goebbels write like that anyway? It is so blatantly stilted and graceless.

>> No.13514474
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>> No.13514478

>t. Jean-Baptiste Moulinard

>> No.13514559
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>Read and poo

>> No.13514577

are you a smoker if you have a single cigarette a day, after work?

>> No.13514578

>eating ass. >heroin >folk music

>> No.13514658

>manual labor job
maximus plebius

>> No.13514676

It feels good. It's a stimulant. Clearly you've never smoked.

>> No.13515887
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>id mage me feeyul guud n shiet
>yew musda nevah haed id yew dunno nuffinz

>> No.13517126

Yeah, but you didn't know that before you started doing it

I'm glad you're statistically likely to live a decade less than me

>> No.13517315
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This whole zoomer generation smokes for the wrong reasons. My generation? We smoke because it's good. Because it's better than unbuttoning your collar. Because we deserve it; because we're men.

>> No.13517389
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>coffee and phenibut
I am become death, destroyer of worlds

>> No.13517522

"I'm addicted and it feels good" this was my awsner when I used to smoke. I quit a year ago, nowadays it just feels discusting, except for when I'm drinking and near a smoker, then yep, I will be asking for a cig or two, and I will smoke with pleasure heh.

>> No.13517523

fuck this is a good post

>> No.13517540

It's a quote from Mad Men substituting drinking for smoking.

>> No.13517577

>addy and coffee and kratom and tea and puff after puff of that fiend, nicotine

I wish I could man up and face the monotony and depression of substance-free living. Cut back on my kratom usage this month and it really opened my eyes to how numbing the shit is. Ive been able to control my adderall use most days, but I still go on binges too frequently. Books for overcoming a non-serious but philosophically unsound reliance on substances?

>> No.13517580


>> No.13517713

NIGGERS could be anywhere

>> No.13517773

I really wish I could do 'butt but I'm on antidepressants :/