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13508630 No.13508630 [Reply] [Original]

So if you're oversocialized from an early age and repress being a gay/tranny faggot to the point where you're not even consciously aware of it until you're an adult and then you feel intense self hatred and sadness because of it this is a bad thing?

>> No.13508638

average /lit/zen will say 'suffering is good'

>> No.13508798

Suffering is bad, so yes

>> No.13509306

suffering is what divides the true and the false

>> No.13509361

What makes you think it is something repressed and reemerging rather than something that is emerging for the first time?

>> No.13509390

No creature is nobler than the repressing transsexual, I expect a literary masterpiece from one of them sometime this century

>> No.13509397


>> No.13509547

>What makes you think it is something repressed and reemerging rather than something that is emerging for the first time?
I wanted to be a girl aged 8 for a few months but then forgot about it and I only crossdressed once every few years during my teens.
You are born with your orientation and even though sexual preferences change over time faggots would have a far higher number if porn addiction could change sexuality later in life.

If something is emerging for the first time weren't you in denial before even if you never consciously were aware of it even in your memories of dreams?
All I mean by the op is if the abnormal, diseased and deviants in society are taught to be self hating and ashamed of themselves and ostracized by others for who they are why is this a bad thing according to him?
Isn't it good that this is happening for evolutionary/inherent psychological reasons that benefit self propagating systems since prehistoric times?

>> No.13509817

t.molested by relative

>> No.13509838

is this another thing that didn't seem like a part of my reality when it actually was that I repressed so hard I now can't recall the memories of? Can bullying have the same effect?

>> No.13509945

Gays and trannies are oversocialized. It's not a coincidence that more and more of them continue to appear as we get further into the clownworld.

>> No.13509951

Can i get a quick rundown?

>> No.13510011

Modernity. The sterilization of culture and tradition through suicidal liberalism. We are either in or are about to hit peak modernity, after which there will be a gradual social collapse back into a pre-liberal state.

>> No.13510065

So this is becoming a thing? To claim over socializing is why some turn homosexual?
Talk about cope. Why are so many of you shut-ins homosexuals? I led a pretty solitary childhood and turned this way.
Don’t swallow this bullshit meme or force it down anyone’s throat. Any of you

>> No.13510091

I only meant that the abnormal are meant to feel shame about their freakish abnormality due to oversocialization from an early age. I don't see why Kaczynski thinks this is a bad thing.

>> No.13510105

Oh, well Kaczynski is a bright numbers guy, but he probably knows jackshit about psychology. Hell, most psychologists are lost in the wood of it half the time

>> No.13510198

Kill yourself

>> No.13510247

>It's not a coincidence that more and more of them continue to appear as we get further into the clownworld.

You realise that this is 4chan's fault right?

>tfw no gf
>(and no attention)
persisted for so long that eventually some anons started dressing up as girls and others lowered their sexual standards to include dudes in dresses. So the lack of attention and >tfw no gf were both fulfilled.

You're a woman. All women are bisexuals.

>> No.13510248

repressed memories are generally regarded as bullshit that fucked up a lot of people

>> No.13510291
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>All women are bisexuals.
I wish

>> No.13510658


> he thinks math is about numbers
> instead of confronting his ideas I'll just point out he has a different degree


>> No.13510679

He clearly a misanthrope. You’d trust a misanthropist psychologist, would you, midwit?

>> No.13510698

fell for the Fr*ud meme

>> No.13510799
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That's not what "oversocialized" means in Kaczynski's context, also reminder that he wanted a sex change operation himself.

>> No.13510848

my favourite tripfag.

Deep&Edgy had his moments, but I like you the best.
One day you'll outgrow this shithole and it will be all the poorer for it.

>"All women be lesbians. You get a bitch and a bitch together and give them some champagne, some coke, some weed.......they be going down on each other like titanic. Word."
- Ice-T "How to win girls and date-rape them" (penguin random house 1992)

>> No.13510855
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>> No.13511438

There's no such thing as being a repressed gay.
Too bad Freud and Jung never drew a clear line.
You cannot, for example, claim that you're a repressed butterfly and that after you overcome your repressions, you can fully (and publicly) identify as a butterfly. Same with being "gay".

>> No.13511460

Maybe, repression is a bad and politically charged word choice then. The thoughts do change over the time, and "homosexual thoughts" recur more often as you get older. Straight people supposedly don't get this at all.

>> No.13511485

Sure, doesn't mean we have to actually act out our recurring thoughts.

>> No.13511498

Why is it ok to act on recurring thoughts which are heterosexual, but not homosexual? Isn't this socialized bias?

>> No.13511510

For the same way it is (more or less) okay to act on non-violent thoughts than it is on violent ones.
I can't just say that because I have violent thoughts, society should pardon me smashing someone's head off the pavement.
As for the bias, yes, societies have that by default. There's just some that are common sense and some that aren't.

>> No.13511525

Imagine comparing thinking that homosexual sex and violence are comparable. What's wrong with you?

>> No.13511532

>You’d trust a misanthropist psychologist, would you, midwit?
Yes, I would. I wouldn't trust a faggot posting garbage on an imageboard with a fucking butterfly as his nickname.

>> No.13511593

I didn't compare it though. I just illustrated that when it comes to violence, there isn't much discussion about "social bias", yet when it comes to being homosexual, there's such bias. Just because it's sexuality? Being gay is supposed to be underground, people are supposed to shun you for it.
On top of that, there are covert forms of violence, which is what LGBT engages in.

>> No.13511629

>I'm smarter than a 170 IQ genius who spent years in his cabin reading sociology, psychology, and philosophy books
The tranny is arrogant, big surprise.

>> No.13511631

We have shitton discussions about social bias regarding violence: war and abortion. Why is being gay supposed to be underground? It's only in recent eras, where homosexuality is shunned. Pre-Christian Europe was quite open about homosexuality. Sacred Bands of Thebes and all that.

>> No.13511644

>born with your orientation
The worst meme of all. You are responsible for your sins, and you alone.

>> No.13511660

>We have shitton discussions about social bias regarding violence: war and abortion
Okay, well if I phrase it differently, then there's no discussion on the individual level. We never say: "he has thoughts of smashing people's heads in the streets, so if he does it, we should be tolerant towards that". I don't want to get into pointless semantics though.
>Why is being gay supposed to be underground?
Because it undermines the natural relationships formed between men and women. Sure, do it, but don't propagate it, and don't expect people to 'publicly' endorse it. LGBT is a prime example that they simply want to recruit. A gross political move.
>It's only in recent eras, where homosexuality is shunned
Nope. For the same reason accepting gay marriages does not necessarily mean more tolerance. Ordinary people will still not tolerate it, they just won't voice their intolerance. Nothing indicates that era that allows for LGBT to exist shuns gay people more now.

>> No.13511683

But we do have this conversations, and it's awful. Hundreds of immigrants are let out of jail in Europe because their domestic abuse, rape, and incest is considered part of their culture, and so they are not at fault. Understand that the left will accept any argument that will let them win, regardless of whether it's coherent with other leftist ideas. We are all just cultural beings, but also we are biologically programmed, and we cannot help what we do, unless we have power, but power can only be held by white people, and only men, except when white women are trans inclusive feminists, but also these people are oppressors of women of color, and life is without meaning, except that we find meaning in expressing ourselves as individuals, keeping in mind that the individual is a lie created by the patriarchy to prevent pure communal living, under which there would be only one liberating culture, which would of course be tolerant of all sub-cultural expressions of this unified culture, except to the extent that these sub-cultures are intolerant of that tolerance, which again can only be measured and understood in the terms of power of preceding cultures.

>> No.13511810

>Okay, well if I phrase it differently, then there's no discussion on the individual level. We never say: "he has thoughts of smashing people's heads in the streets, so if he does it, we should be tolerant towards that". I don't want to get into pointless semantics though.
My interpretation of your statement here is that the examination of choices by individual basis is not equitable. However, it should be noted that your objection is that this examination is socially biased, thus validating my thesis.
>Because it undermines the natural relationships formed between men and women. Sure, do it, but don't propagate it, and don't expect people to 'publicly' endorse it. LGBT is a prime example that they simply want to recruit. A gross political move.
Firstly, homosexuality is natural. Humans have been engaging in homosexual acts since prehistoric times. There are clear examples of wild homosexual animals.The propagation of LGBT in advertisements and so on is the capitalists deciding that it would be profitable to do so. How is it LGBT people's fault that some CEO thought that doing this would make them more money? Why should LGBT people remain in the shades, when their sexual equivalents of heterosexuals are allowed to publicly express their sexuality? It only makes sense if either all sexuality are allowed to be expressed, or none at all. Yes, it's political, since people have clearly faulty logic by shaming homosexuals for behaviors that they engage in anyways.
>Nope. For the same reason accepting gay marriages does not necessarily mean more tolerance. Ordinary people will still not tolerate it, they just won't voice their intolerance. Nothing indicates that era that allows for LGBT to exist shuns gay people more now.
The ordinary people believe in whatever the society tells them. The homophobia is not innate, but taught.

>> No.13511965

You can't debunk Freud.

>> No.13511985

List of books he’s read

He’d blow up the plane you were riding in without a care


>> No.13511989


>> No.13511991

Struggle is excellence*

>> No.13512090
File: 79 KB, 766x919, well well well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suffering is bad

>> No.13512240

The notion of sexual repression is such horseshit. I think it was invented by sexual deviants to encourage other people to be pieces of shit too.

>> No.13512248

Can you stop writing like a retard? Thanks.

>> No.13512250

You hate Kaczinsky too? At least we can agree on something Butterfly. :3

>> No.13512275
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>> No.13512640
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>> No.13512645

Hey, maybe I should start writing some more

>> No.13512662

>brain being a birdbath
>a bad thing

/lit/ truly is retarded.

>> No.13512672

How about
>Suffering is decided by the suffer-er
>Most of the time, suffering is useless

>> No.13512762

i think the reason is because homosexuality is encouraged unintentionally as a socially acceptable outlet for all kind of eccentricities that are themselves vigorously discouraged

>> No.13512781

Acknowledging a minority and making them visible doesn’t increase their real numbers.

>> No.13512782

Freud drew a clear line: everyone is bi, to some extent degree. If you want to know why men are gay and not bi, think like a behaviorist: how do men condition themselves sexually? Oh. All men are fetishists.

Freud also drew a clear line about "sexual identity": it's narcissism.

>> No.13513857
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Pick which stage you fit in.

>> No.13513879

What's wrong with you? What's wrong with being an adult who feels self-hatred for being gay? Are you still the same boy you were when you were 7 years old, which you feel like it is? Do you think you're still the same kid? These are questions you need to ask yourself and you are going to have to do it slowly, you have to find some new perspective.

This is very important because if you've been a normal kid you are not going to be able to deal with this crap without the help of an older, wiser parent to get you back on your feet and to tell you this is something that can't possibly hurt your kid's feelings. If you don't do this you're going to never live a normal life and probably never be comfortable in love as well. You can't make love to people because you're gay or tranny without their understanding and acceptance or at the least they'd hate you and they'd want the least you could offer them.

When you grow up you won't be able to help your child become an adult or become anything else than a gay man or tranny.

When you do become an adult it's because you have accepted who you are, it's because you've made yourself aware and have given yourself the space and the tools to live authentically and be who you truly are.

No child should have to be told they're not 'a girl or a boy'.

Gay men and trannies can't become lesbians or men but that doesn't mean that they can't develop a genuine affection and affectionate bond that will last beyond a lifetime.

In fact, your gay brother might even help you to become one of those people because in your heart of hearts you really admire that someone wants to emulate you, you love that someone has a very simple and real desire to love others and that someone who is willing to be in their way and accept their discomfort, it's just beautiful.

Homosexuality is not love of any kind and no love can come from that.

You can be attracted to someone of the same sex, you can love someone of the same sex, and you can even be attracted to all types of people if you have the right attitude, but there is absolutely no place for sexual attraction in the Bible. If you read the Bible, you understand that sexual love is not God's love. The Bible says: "Whoever commits adultery with one's own son or daughter in law is the personification of evil on the face of the earth," (Romans 15:21). Even if you love someone and accept their sexual behavior as God's love, you can only have intimate contact with them if you do it to God. You can't touch them with your hand. (It's not like you could touch anyone else's hand.) So why do we have sexual relationships with people of the opposite sex, especially if the situation is not favorable when it comes to the children and the people of God? You would have to be stupid and naive to think that if you have sex with a woman that it's going to make her love you more in return. Or you would have to have some sort of sexual interest in her in order to make that happen.

>> No.13513886

>When you do become an adult it's because you have accepted who you are, it's because you've made yourself aware and have given yourself the space and the tools to live authentically and be who you truly are.

So much this

t. Fapped exclusively to trannies years on end because i was so lost in my own self and my exact meaning in life

>> No.13513893

Nice cope homo.

>> No.13513895

What a cute little boat

>> No.13513920 [DELETED] 

>I think it was invented by sexual deviants to encourage other people to be pieces of shit too.

Violence suppression is the real bullshit. For example I am repressing violent thoughts towards this anon >>13512250
for this shit
> At least we can agree on something Butterfly. :3

if I acted out these thoughts, I would become my best self, the true me, the me who keeps beta simps in line. Bullying is GOOD.