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/lit/ - Literature

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13506765 No.13506765 [Reply] [Original]

This book is 100% right.

We need to stop attempting to spiritualize matter and instead recognize that Nature is an object in itself devoid of Telos so we can finally free Intelligibility from the erroneous concept of Meaning.

There is no essence, only the contingency of mere existence.

Eliminativist Materialism draws conclusions that modern science emphatically concurs with and enables us to shirk off the derelict systems of metaphysical compromise brought about by Kant and Dualists in general.

You cannot refute this.

>> No.13506800

have sex

>> No.13506812

read guenon

>> No.13506818

literally how much and what philosophy do i have to read (oost Kant) to tackle this work?

>> No.13506824

wow ur philosophy is "shit is just shit, so lets kill ourselves" real fucking galaxy brain there m8

>> No.13506892

A lot honestly. Nietzsche, Hegel, Bataille, Messailloux, Heidegger, Artaud, Deleuze, Badiou, etc. There are more I just dont remember atm.

That being said he does explain himself clearly, he doesn't just reference shit without saying what it is.

>> No.13506906

Meillassoux. i need to go to sleep

>> No.13506942
File: 320 KB, 2060x1236, steven-pinker-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaypilled and ASSed.

>> No.13506943

Me attempting to rationalize my suicidal depression: The Book

>> No.13506947

why is that a need?

>> No.13506948

>this book is 100% right
>insert extreme claim on the nature of philosophy and science
>you cannot refute this
Why must all philosophy thread on 4chan look exactly the same?

>> No.13506967

it's semi-ironic performative shitposting. Test the waters of extreme positions by asserting wildly in a persona of arrogant grandiosity, you can't know what you think about a position until you turn yourself into someone who would expound on it and then get torn down or confirmed in your beliefs by others. At least for mentally ill retards like myself that's how it works, I can't just chill and think about it alone.

>> No.13506973

Interesting answer, and it makes sense, but it's so fucking tiring over time. We've had this thread a thousand times.

>> No.13506981

It's literally 4chan's version of clickbait. Won't ever go away.

>> No.13506998

I'm afraid you're right and it makes me sad. If at least it was less prevalent.

>> No.13507001

this isn't even the claim of the book

>> No.13508553

>You cannot refute this.
I dont have to. It rests on fallacious premises.

>> No.13508632
File: 54 KB, 604x453, yup_thats_a_pigeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't understand the argument he puts in one of the first chapters, it went something like: we can learn things about the past before there were any humans around, therefore Kant is wrong

what did he mean by this? can somebody post the argument in a more correct form and explain it?

>> No.13508635

>nothing means anything, therefore be a leftist
it's all so tiresome

>> No.13508779

Materialism is retarded, the universe isn’t even made out of anything, it’s just a bunch of (imaginary) rules interacting. Skeptical idealism is the future.

>> No.13509665

also analytics: Sellars, Churchland, etc.

>> No.13509673

ITT: coping fags with meme philosophers
btw you're right OP

>> No.13509784

And so what are we supposed to do ?
Just carry on as normal ?

>> No.13509797

People have asked him before and he hasn't given a satisfactory answer. Why care about anything if you're a hard reductive physicalist including his philosophy or Prometheism?
He's too special to associate with the speculative realists and thinks there's value, ironically, in Laruelle.

>> No.13509807

become a leftist obviously

>> No.13509867

>more concerned with philosophy being difficult than being correct

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.13510123

>anglo worships death and nothingness

oh gee oh wow

take the electric universe pill nigger

>> No.13510518

I haven't read it, and unless I have to I probably won't. Can you elaborate?

>> No.13511300

>Electric universe
Based and Guenonpilled

>> No.13511303

more like cringe and crankpilled
learn some physics, brainlet

>> No.13512439

Thats because real wisdom can't be written down. So these retards just chase each other around trying to look smarter than each other.

>> No.13512657



worthless thinkers

>> No.13512683

*laughts hys-eso-terically*
*in six languages*

>> No.13512688

>still talks in -isms

>> No.13512690

I know qualia is a huge wrench in the gears of the materialist project but is there any rational reason a rock is anything but dumb material?

>> No.13514120

Based and true