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/lit/ - Literature

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13505804 No.13505804 [Reply] [Original]

I'm only 18, I have a bookshelf with over 170 books (mostly philosophy and Classical Lit). I've only read about 50 of them from cover to cover. Whats wrong with me?

>> No.13505816

You've read more than most of /lit/

>> No.13505828

You buy more than two or three books at a time, entry level mistake.

Start reading an hour a night, don't you dare buy any more books until you're done with everything you already have, and relax you're basically a babby still

>> No.13505829


>> No.13505833


>> No.13505985

Why do you think there's something wrong with you?

>> No.13506067

>Read books are far less valuable than unread ones. The library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means, mortgage rates, and the currently tight real-estate market allows you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this collection of unread books an anti library

It doesn’t matter OP. If those unread books motivate you to learn, go for it. I probably have twenty or so unread books in my shelf that I just haven’t felt like reading just yet. I’ll get there.

>> No.13506518

Because I feel like I'm not doing enough. I spend several hours out of my day reading and it takes me 4 days to get through 300 pages. Im worried that I will die an ignorant man, so I want to absorb as much useful and good information as possible. I want to read faster but every time I pick up a philisophy book by Nietzsche or anyone else I'm left confused and it makes me feel like a sack of shit.

>> No.13506523

It's philosophy dude, of course it's hard to read. Read if you want to and not because you're worried.

>> No.13506958

Most of my library is unread as well. I want to build a good collection while I still have the means/access to lots of second hand books before I fuck off to the country and can't easily buy books anymore.

>> No.13506988

>I must obtain quantitative results even when doing philosophy
Completely cucked m8. Striving to be better is noble, disciplining yourself is important, agonizing on whether you'll do enough and how much reading you have left is foolish. Even in a lifetime of reasing you wouldn't be able to read 1% of what's important. You'd need to learn a dozen languages and as many mathematical and logical formalism, by the time you'd be done there would barely be any time left to do more than skim the traditions in all those languages.
Just read the books for what they're worth, don't think too much about what you have not read left.

>> No.13507010

You're making good progress, just stop buying books until you've read all that you want to from the 170. There's no shame in not completing books you don't like, either.

>> No.13507011

that's impressive dude. more than i've read and i'm 23

>> No.13507014

That's about 50 more than most people read in their lifetimes. What exactly are you whining about?

>> No.13507029

no one cares
go blog somewhere else

>> No.13507053

You read much more than other people your age and you know it. There's nothing wrong with you and your post is status flaunting.

>> No.13507095

You like the idea more than the practice.

>> No.13507097

Yeah, good work. Keep going.

>> No.13507189

Yo dude got something to help.
FIRSTLY see pic related, it's condensed info from A Mind For Numbers by Oakley.
Then Read the book "How To Read A Book." by Adler, IT'S NOT A MEME. It's actually really good advice for reading. Here's the basic advice in my personal condensed form.
>Get a selection of books with intent
This means to decide your subject. A very common subject is just a diverse knowledge in general. Most people would recc a mix of scientific books (check the /sci/ wiki and search Wiley Publishing Company) and reading through the western canon. Search J . Adler reading list, and Faidiman Lifetime Reading List. Also, use the /lit/ wiki.
>Read all material outside of main text. Preface, forward, index, table of contents, appendix, dustjactet, ect.
>Skim the books. Check random paragraphs and sentences. Check underlinings, highlights, italics, bold text, ect
>Read normally what chapters seem most important to the book and most important to subject of study first
>Research any words or terms that are unfamiliar.
>Begin reading books analytically, that is, writing notes, from the beginning.
NOTE; The above step is made easier by "Speed Reading" individual chapters one at a time, reading them analytically afterwards. By speed reading, it's not about getting the info or remembering it. It's just to make the note taking easier. Just scan it once over..
>Write your interpretation of the following ; What's it about as a whole. What are the major parts in what and relation. What questions does the author ask and what answers are given (In a math book, the questions might be "How do we calculate addition problems?"In a history book, it's "What happened here at this time?".
>Finish reading the book at this point, summering each page (or only a few pages, depending on the quality of the book) in notes as you go
>Write following; Key terms and words. The meaning of important sentences. Arguments from most relevant paragraphs. Determine what has been asked and answered or unanswered.
>Rewrite most important and relevant text in own words by explaining what it means. Establish list of questions asked and find answers from all authors. Examine disagreements between authors.
>Review material created in process.

>> No.13507196
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forgot the darn image

>> No.13508184

Exactly, it's not about reading fast, it's about understanding and digesting what you read. Especially if you read non fiction. I'm a very slow reader because I use books like college textbooks. I read maybe five a year

>> No.13508197

Humble bragging on 4chan? I think your problem is that you're a faggot

>> No.13508215

>it takes me 4 days to get through 300 pages
To "get through" a page is to understand it. If you're left confused by the end of it then you haven't "got through" anything. Maybe try spending the same amount of time on 30 pages, instead of 300.

>> No.13508226
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Are you this insufferable in real life? It's not difficult to read many books, despite what the average person would want you to believe. 50 books is nothing. I was going through 50 a year in my early teens. What matters is how deeply you understand the material; if you have the vanity to brag about how erudite you are on 4chan, you probably don't understand what you read.

>> No.13508231


Probably bait, but I'll respond. There is a distinction between reading and "reading". Counting the number of books you read is for imbeciles. If you are hell bent on counting anything, "count" the number of philosophers you've become familiar with and try to explain their core ideas to someone or yourself. Because you're the type who counts books, it is likely that you don't know shit. You "drop names", which is not a substitute for "not being an ignorant man". If my assumptions are true, then this realization willl force you to read those 50 books all over again. Conclusion: stop counting pages and books, and start learning.