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/lit/ - Literature

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13505738 No.13505738 [Reply] [Original]

Could you give a one hour presentation on a book of your choice in front of a large audience with no preparation?

>> No.13505741


>> No.13505770

Easily, one simply needs to pick the right book. The Bible would be a capable choice, for one.

>> No.13505890

>can I sperg out about my hobby in front of people
If you can gather the people, sure.

>> No.13505952

No, I'm also incapable of talking about anything I think I know with another person. I'll just stutter and fail to formulate a complete thought.

>> No.13505968

Yes if I'm allowed to bring other books into the game. I have one interconnected pile of shit that I'm dying to present.

>> No.13505983

Likely, if I'm doing it in the presence of people I'm comfortable around.

>> No.13505990

Invisible man easily. Maybe Silence.

>> No.13506011

The Bible, probably. Heart of Darkness maybe.

>> No.13506019

I could ramble about Under the Volcano for a while, yeah. I’d just spend thirty minutes talking about Faust and all its iterations

>> No.13506029

Can I just sleep instead?

>> No.13506179

I'm a teacher. A shitty presentation, yeah. If I actually prepared it would be good.

>> No.13506195

it would probably amount to stand-up comedy

>> No.13506554

Yup, I'm just good at bullshitting.

>> No.13506619

Wise choice. I feel like I could do the Bible or the Odyssey pretty easily since there's just so much to cover. Also Dune since I've reread it heaven knows how many times.

>> No.13506776

Sure. I'm a professor, so I do that all the time.

>> No.13506825
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Yeah, I could do this for my favorite book, House of Leaves.

>> No.13506833

A better question would be: are there any books you have read that you couldn't speak on for an hour?

>> No.13506845


I teach high school, that's basically what we all do: fuckin wing it (and deal with distractions)

>> No.13506855

Yes, but i'd go on so many tangents i'd seem like Zizek. And i'd go from some massively far right and far left talking points to the point people would think i'm insane (or a slightly more right wing Zizek, which is pretty much the same thing).
And if one girl in the audience remains engaged and finds it interesting, i'd pretty much marry her.

>> No.13506862

i have this same problem. is it just a matter of practicing talking about these things? i feel like i just kinda vomit thoughts incoherently as i struggle to think of exactly what i want to say next and fail to conjure the words that communicate my meaning the way i want them to

>> No.13506867

If I could bring the book with me, sure. It would be shitty and awkward, especially at first, but I'm sure I could bullshit my way through, especially by resorting to reading and analyzing passages

>> No.13506873

i used to teach at uni so yeah sure

>> No.13506875

no, that's not a better question because if they've actually read more than a few books, people aren't going to be able to recall enough detail from each and every book they've read to talk about it for an hour, and i should think that's obvious to anyone who isn't a complete autist

>> No.13507007

No. I can't even utter a long sentence without stammering.
I think I might actually have a learning disabilty.

>> No.13507056

Who's this uncanny looking qt

>> No.13507130


>> No.13507238

Yeah, I read philosophy, I could talk for an hour on most chapters I read. If we are playing hardmode, I could probably squeeze an hour out of Blood Meridian, or the Trial, or soft cheat and pick a collection of short stories like Fictonnes

>> No.13507308

post more photos of this cute

>> No.13507320


Moby Dick, perhaps.

What field are you a professor in and do you enjoy it?