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13503961 No.13503961 [Reply] [Original]

>Let’s pretend for a moment that work doesn’t turn people into stultified submissives. Let’s pretend, in defiance of any plausible psychology and the ideology of its boosters, that it has no effect on the formation of character. And let’s pretend that work isn’t as boring and tiring and humiliating as we all know it really is. Even then, work would still make a mockery of all humanistic and democratic aspirations, just because it usurps so much of our time. Socrates said that manual laborers make bad friends and bad citizens because they have no time to fulfill the responsibilities of friendship and citizenship. He was right. Because of work, no matter what we do we keep looking at our watches. The only thing “free” about so-called free time is that it doesn’t cost the boss anything. Free time is mostly devoted to getting ready for work, going to work, returning from work, and recovering from work. Free time is a euphemism for the peculiar way labor as a factor of production not only transports itself at its own expense to and from the workplace but assumes primary responsibility for its own maintenance and repair. Coal and steel don’t do that. Lathes and typewriters don’t do that. But workers do. No wonder Edward G. Robinson in one of his gangster movies exclaimed, “Work is for saps!”

>> No.13503963
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>Both Plato and Xenophon attribute to Socrates and obviously share with him an awareness of the destructive effects of work on the worker as a citizen and a human being. Herodotus identified contempt for work as an attribute of the classical Greeks at the zenith of their culture. To take only one Roman example, Cicero said that “whoever gives his labor for money sells himself and puts himself in the rank of slaves.” His candor is now rare, but contemporary primitive societies which we are wont to look down upon have provided spokesmen who have enlightened Western anthropologists. The Kapauku of West Irian, according to Posposil, have a conception of balance in life and accordingly work only every other day, the day of rest designed “to regain the lost power and health.” Our ancestors, even as late as the eighteenth century when they were far along the path to our present predicament, at least were aware of what we have forgotten, the underside of industrialization. Their religious devotion to “St. Monday” — thus establishing a de facto five-day week 150–200 years before its legal consecration — was the despair of the earliest factory owners. They took a long time in submitting to the tyranny of the bell, predecessor of the time clock. In fact it was necessary for a generation or two to replace adult males with women accustomed to obedience and children who could be molded to fit industrial needs. Even the exploited peasants of the ancient regime wrested substantial time back from their landlord’s work. According to Lafargue, a fourth of the French peasants’ calendar was devoted to Sundays and holidays, and Chayanov’s figures from villages in Czarist Russia — hardly a progressive society — likewise show a fourth or fifth of peasants’ days devoted to repose. Controlling for productivity, we are obviously far behind these backward societies. The exploited muzhiks would wonder why any of us are working at all. So should we.

>> No.13504114

Where all the Pinkerfags today? Should be refuted by now.

>> No.13504180

Get a job you leech.

>> No.13504193

>I'll make a career writing about how awful working is and stupid wageslaves will gobble it up to reflect on their misery


>> No.13504199

you are extremely overexaggerating what peasants lifestyle looks like
t. entire family grew up on susbsistence farm in eastern europe

>> No.13504319
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>> No.13504336

you grew up as a 19th century peasant?

>> No.13504349

nope, but peasant lifestlye changed little from middle ages to modern age, let alone 19th century
my village got electricity and running water in 21st century

>> No.13504351

Lies. You are a fucking liar

>> No.13504361

im sorry, i am, it got electricity in late 20th century,
when the richest household bought a tv entire village would come to watch
they even gathered hay without baling machines, bought tractor in the 80s
not even 50 years ago that all was
grandparents sold some cattle, send my parents to college and now im a neet retard living in a pseudo-suburb

>> No.13504369

Ah, a peasant until the end. Sad

>> No.13504378

it is sad which is why i went to study agriculture unlike 99% of people here who are 8-5 cuckolds and think its cancer

>> No.13504440

Work is a necessity for an agricultural ecology. Agricultural and pastorial production is a de facto market and always results in a stratified society . Only gift based economies of hunter-gatherers and hamlet gardeners avoid work, for them the necessities of life are not obtained through toil, but won in a game. We are not evolved to toil, the only hope we have is an autochthonous takeover of corporatocracies, for communities to band together as capital-augmented tribes in order to take control of the game back from the market.

>> No.13504451

I changed my opinion: based.

>> No.13504501

invisible hand tugs at our reins, no it flows through our veins blows through our tunnels and rattles our chains and they all fall down yah

>> No.13504505
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>maybe it’s less about the day job and really more about what you do with your free time

>> No.13504628

hunting and gathering and chopping firewood et c. are work

>> No.13504644

It's the difference between a horse running the plains and eating grass and a horse plowing a field. It is absolutely not the same kind of work, it's more like a game.

>> No.13504656

its a game until agriculturalists overwhelm you due to their ability to sustain superior numbers

>> No.13504739

Just wait them out and famine will take them eventually, yes even with international trade. Just hope they don't convert everything to barren fields and destabilized thickets

>> No.13504744

theres a reason why agriculturalists domianted the world
they can simply sustain massive populations and complex social systems while hunter gatherers can only hide in edges of the world with no tehnological or social advancement

>> No.13504770

hunter gatherers have more complex social systems when you consider the social aspect of their more-than-human ecology. Also they have intricate cultures and constantly developing traditional knowledge.
Personally I'm not against agriculture, the early permaculture present in the highlands of New Guinea is a perfect example of how autochthonous systems can sustain high population densities in a healthy way.

>> No.13504779

you could have sustainable societies even with current technological development, you dont need anprim autism to do it

>> No.13504799

So do less work.

You can afford a 1914 standard of living at minimum wage in 15 hours a week.

The problem isn't work. The problem is your inability to make a decision about the kind of life you want to live. Do you want a life of nice things, or do you want a life of free time?

>> No.13504802

I beg to differ, and I'm not an anprim, that's stupid. I'm closer to an radical ecological pragmatist

>> No.13504817

It must be really interesting to be so deluded about society and technology as to think that most people working could simply stop without affecting our lives.

>> No.13504827

if you were then you would promote sustainability and deep ecology, not autistic regression to idealized social systems

>> No.13504840

>This world is a corpse-eater. All the things eaten in it themselves die also.

>> No.13504857

>if you were then you would promote sustainability and deep ecology, not autistic regression to idealized social systems
You don't know what I promote and have completely missed the point of my posts. I'm not interested in having a toxic argument with some common narcissistic dilettante Go get your dopamine kick by starting a flamewar with someone who gives a fuck about what you have to say.

>> No.13504895

based bob black

>> No.13504909
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Why do guys like you expand so much energy on defending their failures instead of just dealing with them.
You could have probably found a job by now, you lazy bum.

>> No.13504929

>urr durr l-loser

shut up you fucking retard

>> No.13505149

Said by a bunch of yuppies with their asses stuffed with silver dick.

>> No.13505154
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Reminder that the idea of people wanting Hell is not (only) a metaphor or Eschatological fancy, but literally descriptive. That one would deny his self-identity of being free, knowing, whole, and instead live to work thinking himself bound, dim, lacking due to this or that, blaspheming against the Spirit, and worse still mimic the initial identity through his degradation, only to ultimately see God and succumb to terminal grief of a life wasted for nothing. He will not be forgiven, not by God's power, but his own accord.

>> No.13505187

Imagine if literally everybody had this attitude. You'd have no running water, no heat or power, no law enforcement. And if we went to basic primal obligations, and if you had the same attitude as >>13504628 I've got some bad news for you. I suppose some you just expect people to take care of you, and if this is case, you have no indepence and are an insult to the democratic spirit. You are not any freer than the wagecuck.

>> No.13505262

>technology is good
>payed thugs who enforce other people's laws are good
>democratic mob-rule is good
honk honk

>> No.13505277

>le nasty brutish and short meme

>> No.13505301


How much further does your already incidental partaking in the "good" of work have to be diminished for you to change your mind? If you were institutionalized at birth and only allowed "free time" to sleep, instead of being institutionalized before you can even read and only allowed "free time" to sleep and some change?

>> No.13505650
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I know it's a hard pill to swallow and I forgive you for your outburst.
You have to ask yourself, really ask yourself, by what definition are you NOT a loser?
Definitely no job, probably no loved ones, most likely no prospects. I could go on and on.
And what do you do? You come here to defend your poor choices.

>> No.13505657


What did he lose?

>> No.13505678
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I know it's kind of overplayed, with those nasty trannies bringing it up every time but...
He lost having sex.

>> No.13505896

gtfo of this board pleb

>> No.13505959

>le noble primitive lived like aristocrats meme


>> No.13506039

Ah yes, distinguished anthropologist, the unibomber.
How will primitive people ever recover?

>> No.13506059

>didn't read
>ad hom

>> No.13506228

>comparing 40 hours of labor a week to institutionalization
Jesus, anon. I understand the "this is the best of possible worlds" angle, but that's just ridiculous.

Name anything you like.

>> No.13506280
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Yeah, bro. Your cuck-tier slavery totally makes me seethe. And you prove for all time that ASS is superior to those loser Greeks.

>> No.13506292
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>> No.13506299
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>> No.13506319
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>You can afford a 1914 standard of living
Except for in anything that matters.

>> No.13506335
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>insult to the democratic spirit
Yikes. Why are you here, rdt?

>> No.13506352
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Real winners.

>> No.13506363
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I want you to remember when this comes home to roost that you think anyone who doesn't support it is a loser.
Be happy in what you are creating, ASSburger.

>> No.13506380
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Damn, imagine missing out on these upper-tier Capital Queens.

>> No.13506434

Pinkerfags running out of COPE.
I'm here for you

>> No.13506480
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Ecotopias, thrillscapes, manmade crop jungles (like the amazon), techno-primitivism and neo-nomadism. Animism is of course the backbone here, as well as biotech, ai, and even nanotech. A healthy dose of psychedelics and entheogens run free as well.

>> No.13506508

>we can only have nature if we destroy it completely

>> No.13506566

What? You rebuild the natural ecosystems, replace our shittily designed infrastructure and cities and towns with the aforementioned, get rid of most of them, have people live sustainably homesteading off the land wherever and however they want, then build the aforementioned on new colony worlds and in habs. Pretty simple.

>> No.13506638

You conveniently left out the Monsanto and genetic drift in this post.

>> No.13506672

Literally just balkanize monsanto, create more biotech companies to compete and cooperate, and what's wrong with genetic drift, it;s just a part of evolution.

>> No.13506677
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>> No.13506731
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lmaoing at ur life

>> No.13506950

woah, you totally got me