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13503698 No.13503698 [Reply] [Original]

After he killed his brother Abel, Cain went to the land of Nod where he met people, found a wife, etc...
But wait a minute - weren't Adam, Eve and their sons were the only humans created by God? Who did Cain met after his banishment?
Someone please explain this for me!

>> No.13503749

Adam and Eve had a lot of children, and they had already had children, etc., by this point in time. It's not rocket science.

>> No.13503770

But the Bible never says anything about this, Anon.

>> No.13503775

It has the genealogies right after.

>> No.13503784

Where the hell did Set and Cain found wives in the first place?

>> No.13503795

Every time you see a genealogy in the book of Genesis think of it as a flash forward in the story. It's a formula that introduces a new phase of history and there's no telling how many years have passed because the genealogies themselves aren't comprehensive or strictly accurate in the way we would expect modern historians to record them. A year could have passed or ten thousands years.

>> No.13503818

A highly condensed historical account doesn't list every detail of the society and every person regardless of their importance to the narrative? Crazy!

>> No.13503844

Are wo gonna take about the fact that 'Nod' means 'fart' in hebrew?

>> No.13503852

So it was a land of braphogs?

>> No.13503860

In some field after one of Adam's daughters wandered into it.

>> No.13503888

>Kane walks through Nod
So that's where CnC got it from

>> No.13503984

The Bible does say that Cain found a wife, as you noted. So she had to come from somewhere. This is the easiest explanation.

>> No.13503988
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Deepest lore. Stuff like this is why everyone should read the Bible.

>> No.13503998

Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God, not necessarily the last

>> No.13504037
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>tfw you realize the only woman was Eve

>> No.13504097

The Bible later says that Adam and Eve are the father and mother of all living. I think that's in Genesis. There are wacky theories about other people created before Adam that the sons and daughters of Eve bred with (meaning that Adam and Eve are still father and mother to all) and the ones they didn't breed with were killed in the flood, but those are just theories without anything in the Bible to back them up, and it goes against the themes and spirit of the text.

>> No.13504110

I thought Yahweh created sub-humans on the 6th day? Never read the bible but I think I heard that somewhere once

>> No.13504113

The ones perished in the flood were Cain's descendants.

>> No.13504115

Or maybe 5th. Whatever day was before the one were he created adam and eve

>> No.13504122
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>mfw they massacred CnC

>> No.13504125

What’s CnC?

>> No.13504129

Command and Conquer

>> No.13504134

I thought it was to kill the Nephilim?

>> No.13504147

protestantism really is a mental illness

>> No.13504152

>they massacred CnC

I haven't heard/thought about Command & Conquer for years and years, what happened to it? Did some Jews/women turn it into a WOKE game for WOKE queers?

>> No.13504154

No, simply degenerate people. Noah and his family were alright, tho.

>> No.13504156

What do the Catholics believe then wise guy?

>> No.13504161
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Mobile gaming. It aint pretty

>> No.13504179

The Kenites and the tribes that arose from them after the flood apparently were identified as descended from Cain somehow.

>> No.13504182

that bible often uses picturesque ways to make its point and shouldnt be taken as a scientific manual

>> No.13504348

Cain is the first Chad.

>> No.13504362

>jew: "make some shovelware shit, i need more money for lobbying"
>shabbos: "but sir the rubes won't buy complete garbage"
>jew: "stupid goy! slap the brand name of an existing beloved IP onto it, and it will make enough money to keep the gravy train rolling indefinitely"


>> No.13504377

Wh*tes are the children of G*d, niggers were already roaming the earth as feral beasts

>> No.13504385

Fun fact: there was a theory that black people are the descendants of Cain. His mark was the color of his skin.

>> No.13504748

Heck yeah thiccland

>> No.13504758

I think that's only in modern Hebrew, and slang.

>> No.13504771

It implies it, though. At some point "other people" is mentioned. The protagonists of the story are Adam and Eve and his descendants, but other irrelevant people were around after Adam and Even.

>> No.13504776

out of africa is bullshit. older fossils have been found in Europe which contradicts that theory.

>> No.13504818

Nod means "to wander".

>> No.13505023

The Catholic catechism says alot of the stories in the Bible can be interpreted as being metaphors, not a literal history book.

>> No.13505292

Post salsa

>> No.13505332

Literal interpretations of the Bible are a prottie thing. It's been established early on by the church that stories are allegorical.

>> No.13505348

Do the jews read it literal? Genuinly curious.

>> No.13506259

Lillith created humans, who created the evangelions - fake humans made in their own prideful image...

>> No.13506502

On the contrary, Lilith is rather a medieval Jewish myth of Adam's first wife who refused to submit to him, and instead fled the Garden of Eden and mothered innumerable monsters. Asuka best girl.

>> No.13506529

Jews believe that God handed Moses the law, and then whispered the bits of it he left out from his notes in Moses' ear. The Torah is supposed to be the bits God wrote down.

>> No.13506615

Aren't black supposed to be descended from Sham, who is descended from Abraham?

>> No.13506666

No, brainlet, blacks are from Ham, who was a son of Noah and the brother of Shem who was Abraham's ancestor. Nice try though

>> No.13506671

>son of Noah
Still that would imply Noah or his wife are descended from Cain.

>> No.13506678

Hush, devil quads, that's the same theory that makes the Irish descendents of Japheth, and the only white people on earth. Nobody's buying that.

>> No.13506680

Noah's wife being Cainite is tenable; one could also suppose that Noah had children by multiple mothers and only Ham's mother was Cainite. Noah's lineage is given and definitely Enochian rather than Cainite.

>> No.13506794

Abel, Cain, and Seth all had sisters and married them (well, the details change by the text). Read the Midrash.
Adam and Eve are listed as having three sons, Cain, Abel and Seth, then "other sons and daughters", Genesis 5:3, 4. So Cain and Abel (and Seth) certainly married their sisters, because there were no other humans. The ancient Midrashic exegesis Genesis Rabbah says "Only two entered the bed [Adam and Eve], and seven left it: Cain and his twin sister, Abel and his two twin sisters." Add Seth, who was born after Abel's death, and you have six original children from Adam and Eve: three male, three female.
According to one tradition, it was actually a quarrel over who would get to marry the third sister that led to Cain slaying Abel. Cain claimed the right to this sister because he was the firstborn. Abel maintained that he should marry her because she was his triplet. There are conflicting texts that trade names and roles, however.
So, the three twin sisters:
1. Aclima (Luluwa, Calmana) according to some religious traditions was the oldest daughter of Adam and Eve, the twin sister of Cain and wife of Abel. According to these traditions, she was the first female human who was born naturally. In some versions she has no children (because of Abel's death).
2. Of Abel's two twin sisters, Azura became the wife of Abel, and then after Abel's murder, she married the younger brother Seth in the Book of Jubilees, chapter 4. Their first child was Enos (Enos married his sister, No'am, and she bore him Kenan, and so on).
3. Awan (Balbira) Abel's other twin sister, married Cain. After their exile to Nod, she bore him Enoch. Enoch married his sister Edna, she bore him Irad, and so on.

>> No.13507829

Weren't Adam and Eve just the first jews?

>muh Abraham

Yes, but the bible points out he is a direct descendent of Adam and Eve as if some people weren't.

>> No.13508331

Makes sense. But if I'd be a Christian I'd say: "Not in my Bible!"

>> No.13508480

Itt: retards who haven't read the bible

OP, I'll explain this quickly. Adam and Eve were the first humans created. However, God created many other humans on Earth proper, not in the garden. Cain and Seth's wives are not related to them.
Adam and Eve are called the father and mother of all living because after the flood the only living humans were their descendant Noah, plus his sons and all their wives, who then repopulated the Earth.

>> No.13508495

Maybe he was a descendant from a privileged line, like descendant of the firstborn or lastborn or something? Kinda like how kings have plenty of descendants but only one gets to be heir.

>> No.13508503

This, I thought it was implied that all the nephilim were breeding like rabbits for hundreds of years

>> No.13508513

This is also implied in genesis, at a certain point a son of Adam would have a son that was the image of himself

>> No.13508865

> However, God created many other humans on Earth proper, not in the garden.

Quote the Bible on this one please.

>> No.13508896

>tfw no thiccc Lilith breeder gf

>> No.13508916
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You want a Lillith experience? Just ask a beautiful woman to have sex, then she will say "No.", and that's it.

>> No.13509389


>> No.13509431

>if the criminal fired the gun at person A but person B moved into the bullet's path and died then the criminal should not be charged with murder because he didn't try to kill person B
Where do you think our legal system comes from. Talmudic commentary.

>> No.13509450

A common enough theory afaik is that Cain married a woman who wasnt really human, and that's why a lot of mythological monsters claim lineage from Cain.

>> No.13509461


Literally the first page of the bible. God creates a bunch of humans on the sixth day. They are entirely separate from Adam and Eve.

>> No.13510305

talmud ain’t no bible

>> No.13510330

Adam and Eve were Jews and they only ever had Jews. Cain married outside of the tribe cause he was wise to their tricks.

>> No.13510348

And later the Bible refers to Adam as the first man.

>> No.13510499

meh. this is a weak take

a better one is to interpret it as the writers trying to express literal events, but in hindsight and with their beliefs

Genesis was written by Moses hundreds of not thousands of years later. what he is writing can't possibly be much more than an oral tradition.

when the Bible says "God smote them with famine" it means the author believes the famine is an act of God

>> No.13510903

Yes, but as it also says, many other people were created on Earth proper (instead of Eden) on the sixth day

>> No.13510944

Was the famine not an act of God?

Are not all natural disasters inherently acts of God?

>> No.13511053

Complete bullshit. Go away, please.

>> No.13511156

When you watch a clip show episode do you really believe the events are happening twice?