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File: 80 KB, 752x767, deep_thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13503341 No.13503341 [Reply] [Original]

What's the least bugman way of purchasing physical books? I used to get everything from Amazon and then I switched to thriftbooks.

>> No.13503346

Wordsworth Classics.

>> No.13503354

This must be the closest any female has ever gotten to self awareness

>> No.13503358

Buy used.

>> No.13503359

this pic infuriates me a lot

>> No.13503366
File: 237 KB, 640x480, 1561923220017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13503609

the only justice we can hope for in this picture is that the rice picker raped her in the muddy bed of a rice paddy and finally turned the tables of suffering on this disgusting whore

>> No.13503617

At least in UK, ebay is cheapest

>> No.13503624

Used book stores

>> No.13503629

Same, but it also arouses me a lot.

>> No.13503634

Barnes and Noble after signing up for a membership and always pick up a chocolate chip cookie for $1 off on the way out. What a deal!

>> No.13503649

Pictures like that make me sympathize with Nick Land and Curtis Yarvin.

>> No.13503660

I wish my Barnes gave me chocolate chip cookie coupons instead of their nasty starbucks drink crap

>> No.13503668

Extremely based.

>> No.13503675

Seriously, why are you posting this misogynistic bullshit in every thread?

>> No.13503683

no girl wanta touch me pee pee :((

>> No.13503685
File: 44 KB, 804x729, 64736c154e362e85f8ba109a11cd9a01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are flesh. They are simple creatures that live entirely in the material world. The sooner you understand this the better

>> No.13503690

That ass is too powerful

>> No.13503704

I'm a female myself and most men fail to grasp my writings. You just post this shit because you are unattractive.

>> No.13503708

>You just post this shit because you are unattractive.

You're just proving his point.

>> No.13503715

>You just post this shit because you are unattractive

>> No.13503717
File: 64 KB, 640x852, teddy-moutinho teddybearosito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The closest women get to spirituality is when they become mothers.

>> No.13503719
File: 37 KB, 280x522, teresaofavila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or nuns.. but I guess that counts as a kind of motherhood, they're called "madres" in other languages

>> No.13503725
File: 278 KB, 500x583, t-when-the-nice-guy-losses-his-patience-the-devil-34300357~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shallow thot, why won't you alook at my ding-a-ling, whore?

>> No.13503728

>to disprove your statement I will use hole denial, the only weapon available to females
big think

>> No.13503741

This picture makes me so angry.

>> No.13503750
File: 47 KB, 720x1280, d1014c4c88815301f14f52e0ce47248a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fake. It's an old photo taken the Vietnam war with the cutout of a thot and a fake Tinder quote overlaid on it. But the sentiment is hilarious

>> No.13503752

>hole denial is a weapon
>No I am not an unpleasant loser, women are only repulsed by me out of spite.
Reminder that female arousal is significantly more spiritual than mens. If for some reason you did manage to make it into a hole, it would be dry. Sex is a spiritual thing, and you are not being denied a hole, you are being denied spiritual access to a woman's soul.

>> No.13503758
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1562763337767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet you submit to the flesh by posting this filth. NOT GONNA MAKE IT.

>> No.13503778
File: 115 KB, 768x768, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, there is nothing spiritual about sex. It's just the rubbing of the sex organs until fluids are exchanged.
>a woman's soul
Flesh is the essence of women

>> No.13503785

You're weird in the creepy way

>> No.13503788

>a woman's soul is in her cervix
that explains a lot of things actually lmao

>> No.13503791

no it's not, wtf

>> No.13503792
File: 158 KB, 1024x1280, 1546881169189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a mother if you want to attain something close to spirituality. You are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.13503796

I'm a man, stop using /lit/ to vent your undiagnosed personality disorder weirdo.

>> No.13503798

>I'm a woman and totally not just a materialist, that's why I will asume you're sad because of purely material reasons.

>> No.13503799
File: 19 KB, 499x499, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real
Ok this is fucking epic

>> No.13503805

>I'm a man
maybe technically

>> No.13503807
File: 64 KB, 445x791, 6f307b7989aa35f87e2df873c488feb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop white-knighting

>> No.13503819

as if that wasn't obvious from the start

>> No.13503823

get thee to a nunnery

>> No.13503855

Why? Whats so bad about showing skin?

>> No.13503864

Would you be fine with your gf/wife advertising her sexual organs on social media? If yes, you're a cuck.

>> No.13503869

So the picture makes you mad out of insecurity? Still, what is objectively wrong with that

>> No.13503873

it's exploiting the workers for an excuse to post ass

>> No.13503896

Insecurity? Answer my question. Objectively, I could whip out my dick and post it on Facebook. What would I gain from doing that? Ask yourself why a woman would post these images on social media. It's to attract likes and comments from others, which is a sexual signal. She keeps potential male suitors lined up by putting her SMV out there. She doesn't value you much in this case. Having a gf/wife that does this is essentially living in a perpetual state of cuckoldry.

>> No.13503966

Thriftbooks is good but it's also a bit of a gamble. Sometimes they send completely wrong books or stuff in garbage condition. And they often send you the wrong edition if you care about that. They do refund you though and they're great for the price.

There are lots of other big sellers like wonderbooks and discoverbooks on ebay and abebooks that are ok. I still buy new occasionally when I can't find decent conditions.

>> No.13503971
File: 25 KB, 720x623, 1561492028137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13503986

Go to store, find book you want, buy book, sit down and read book or go home and read book. The only bugman thing to do in this situation is to reflect on this basic process.

>> No.13504006

I didn't know Mao posted here

>> No.13504016

you go to a brick and mortar bookstore and walk in, say hello to the employee that greets you and go buy some books like a normal fucking person

>> No.13504028

imagine shaping your life around some arbitrary notion invented by a few retards on the internet.
funnily enough your caring so much about how you appear to other people when you buy goods is incredibly bugmanish, like it doesn't matter that you enjoy and learn from the books you buy but only how other people see you based on your consumer habits

>> No.13504044

no it’s not I remember the backlash the girl got after she posted it. why would you make that up lol

>> No.13504074

This. Bugmen don't read books, they just flick abacus beads while playing Starcraft.

>> No.13504078


>> No.13504126

>What's the least bugman way of purchasing physical books?

Probably just ordering off amazon or abebooks

Going into a bookstore is pure cringe. Used bookstore are at least less consumeristic

>> No.13505289

>Flesh is the essence of women
Never thought of it like that before. That makes so much sense.

>> No.13505385

ok, this post makes me think you might actually be a woman and not just a LARPer

>> No.13505407

>people failing to grasp your writing is good

>> No.13505708

Abebooks.com or thrift shops.

>> No.13505724

>female writing abilities

>> No.13505749

Why? What is the harm in this privileged whore becoming conscious of her life advantage?

>> No.13505757
File: 149 KB, 1301x1777, 9a64a8fde78a3b5663c6aebd8dbdf0a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because her post reeks of dishonesty

>> No.13505797

How so?

>> No.13505826
File: 87 KB, 1024x689, fuck i want to cum in her ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she'll probably only think about her life advantage for a minute at most and then go back to her lifestyle of partying and socializing. It's like she got an epiphany and then promptly ignores it to go back to the way she was

>> No.13505884

Seems like an assumption, but sure. Would it be better to be 99% ignorant, or 100% ignorant?

>> No.13506925

>Sex is a spiritual thing, and you are not being denied a hole, you are being denied spiritual access to a woman's soul
If only you were smart enough to understand what you just said.

>> No.13506931

It's only appropriate that soul and hole rhyme.

>> No.13506953

This picture is fucking getting me angry

>> No.13506964
File: 34 KB, 579x663, 1553921963463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sucks through teeth* phheewww euuueee

corrrrrrr luvly deer

pwwwoooaaaaahhhh id bury my face in that crack

oooooooffff lassie

mmmmmmmmm wana see that arse rumble with stench

alri u win this time cumbrains, settle down

what the fuck you dumb bitch you just said women's only value and defining feature is being a hole for men to fuck. lord almighty there are some dogshit women these days. did you know many cultures considered women to be more spiritually inclined and sometimes outright superior? now you're telling me you're a hunk of flesh that doesn't even know herself beyond sex. this is too degrading for the lovely women i know and love irl, you are feeding womanhaters with legitimacy, please delet.

>> No.13506969

this, plus they have deals and coupons pretty frequently

>> No.13506975

>buying books
read them on a kindle you dunce

>> No.13507055

yeah im thinkin hes based

>> No.13507070
File: 547 KB, 2348x1108, 1551468152910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy fucks

>> No.13507342

Probably buying from local bookstores or checking them out from the library. That said, it's probably pointless to attempt to boycott Amazon or anything. Amazon provides a better and more convenient service than their competitors in addition to having wider name recognition, so the average person is going to buy from them regardless of any other considerations. Plus, our system favors monopolies, so if it wasn't them, it would be someone else.

>> No.13507965

When did /x/ get here?

>> No.13507972

Decent bait.

>> No.13507975

>what could you possibly detest about a whore posting a realization, if you can even call it that considering the actions taken, online with a booty pic for attention

>> No.13507986

I don't know man, maybe her trying to say she's not shallow kind of makes you a dick for calling her shallow

>> No.13507991

>*deploys shame dialectic*

>> No.13507997

>I don't know man
I agree

>> No.13508185

caring how you buy thing is the ultimate bugman move

>> No.13508255

>No its them that is wrong

and still bet you are a tranny

>> No.13508642

I don't get it, elaborate?

Is it more than just misogyny? A variant of "red haired people don't have souls", but with women and spirit?

>> No.13508670

Local bookstores and distributors along with town/city markets.

>> No.13508831
File: 186 KB, 952x717, cumbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single one of you.

>> No.13508978

dat filename

>> No.13508989
File: 36 KB, 512x512, 1532020931173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13509013

im on nofap day 5 hardmode nigga wassup

>> No.13509081

>Nurses egg containing his wife’s son

I fucking lost it

>> No.13509085

You’re about to get boners while you sleep!

Tis only a matter of time

>> No.13509105

Second hand book stores

>> No.13509966

You have to be able to think in any language other than cliches if you are to have any hope of understanding anything more complicated than your base assumptions.