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/lit/ - Literature

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13502757 No.13502757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So when is the working class gonna rise up? It should've happened by now, right? Was he wrong?

>> No.13502759

This is a board for discussing literature.

>> No.13502765

Yeah and Marx wrote books whose implications and predictions i would like to discuss, faggot

>> No.13502767

A lot of people write books. Take it to /his/ or /pol/, faggot.

>> No.13502769

Not soon
unfortunately it feels like leftist are too focused on idpol and tranny rights, I'd rather have the old scool left

>> No.13502772

Both of those boards are shit. /pol/ is filled with troglodytes and /his/ is deader than a faggot's T-cells.

>> No.13502777

You sound like yer seething a bit too hard pal. What happened? Your corporate overlords didn't let you swallow their cum today?

>> No.13502780 [DELETED] 

What’s crazy is that it wasn’t the working class you stood up, it was the elites, and they fought against government constructions, there by freeing the people from something like communism

>> No.13502781

You sound like you're sympathetic towards Saint Karl, so answer the questions in the OP then. Why is this proletariat not rising up famsci? Is it because class consciousness is a weak and frail lie, or do you have a decent excuse?

>> No.13502784

What’s crazy is that it wasn’t the working class who stood up, it was the elites, and they fought against government constrictions, there by freeing the people from something like communism

>> No.13502788

Decades of anti-left propaganda and corporate brainwashing
>Unions are sochulism and sochulism means no food lol
In usa at least

>> No.13502792

>i-it's propaganda! i-if only the dumb proles knew what was good for them and had a strong leader like me to lead them!
Pfft aahahaha. The commies had half the world under their control at the cold war and it still collapsed. If they're that pathetic then "The proles" will never rise up.

>> No.13502795

I don't think it's gonna happen. Accelerationism is the only option now.

The "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" syndrome has spread out of america and workers who do realise the system is broken always say the same thing:

>I'm one person, I can't change anything

>> No.13502800

Also the vast majority of proles recognize that there's more to life than material conditions. It's one of the reasons why commies have never gotten any connection with the working class. Rather than listening to their concerns, they go to the working class and dictate what they should be concerned about.

>> No.13502804

Don't act like unions weren't actively fought against (Industrial Workers of the World primarily) and red scare wasn't a thing. Organizing a workplace in us is a herculean task

>> No.13502807

What exactly do you mean by rise up?

>> No.13502812

It wasnt in Western Europe, with the culmination of the student protests in 1969, but communist parties remained significant political forces in the West until the early 90s, when they just died off. Yet they could never get anything close to a communist revolution off the ground, and they had already given up any semblance of being a 'working class' party in the 70's. Only exception was maybe Italy and Greece.

Revolution, seize the means of production, establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. Even the Bolsheviks revolution wasnt a real revolution, since there was barely any proles. It was just a glorified coup d'etat by disgruntled soldiers led by an ideologue in Lenin.

>> No.13502816

By that logic ANY topic is welcome on this board, go to /b/.

>> No.13502827
File: 60 KB, 640x854, hgv840q3nio21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also the vast majority of proles recognize that there's more to life than material conditions.

No, they're too tired after work. After work they watch or read garbage. This garbage informs the views on things. And thus they remain ignorant.

>Rather than listening to their concerns, they go to the working class and dictate what they should be concerned about.
You mean, neoliberal homosexuals.

>> No.13502832

bro stop talking about a worker's revolt your scaring the hoes

>> No.13502834

>And thus they remain ignorant.
Being ignorant is the most central thing you have to do, to be a prole.
Just like the most central thing to be part of the bourgeois is to be intentionally wrongly informed about any given subject.

>> No.13502837

>I wanna discuss Kenneth Brannaugh's All's Well that Ends Well but /tv/ is a shit board. Since it's set in Japan I'll just post on /jp/ instead

>> No.13502839

OP could have phrased the last sentence "Was it wrong?" and had a picture of Capital instead of Marx and you'd be fine with that. Dumbass. Stop making us tiptoe around of discussing philosophy by awkwardly phrasing it in terms of books.

>> No.13502843
File: 192 KB, 621x938, Synchronicity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sigh, if only the proles knew what i know. If only those dumb fucks could listen to the obvious truth that i possess.
>You feel lonely and alienated? You care about God and nation? Fuck off prole, here are the things you should be worried about.

>> No.13502847

>i am a jew who practices usury

>> No.13502848

>You feel lonely and alienated?
yeah marx has nothing to say on alienation and liberal atomization

>> No.13502854

>muh chapo trannies
read 'Wage labor and capital' or 'Value, Price, and Profit' It's not the "absolute truth" but it's worth checking if you want to know the fundamentals of marxism

>> No.13502856

I dont think you could possibly comprehend the complexity, of, of a situation that we find ourselves in. The society that is capitalism is corrupt at its core, the rich, the ones that benefit by a birth right. Take control of the poor with there campaigns and wealth. Whilst the poor gamers, are left in the dust. Communism brings us all to the same level, but some do not deserve to be equal. Communism will always fail if the gamers arent in charge.

>> No.13502862

Im not talking about that kind of alienation. Marxist alienation is mostly just a projection of a particular psychology that way overemphasizes the importance of alienation of the product. Most of the malaise that affects modern workers, especially in the mid-west, has nothing to do with alienation from their product, and if you were to say to a worker or farmer whether their problems would be solved if they could 'produce what they want' then they would say no.

Until the left realizes that materialism is hopelessly myopic, they'll continue to be outmatched and eclipsed by the far right, which, for all its flaws, at least doesnt dictate to proles what they really should care about. I dont think they'll ever learn, though.

>> No.13502871

>toddler in the background is dressed exactly like the adult toddler in the foreground
what did God mean by this?

>> No.13502873

Marx was right. What he failed to predict is the working class revolution would be of robots against humanity

>> No.13502875

But this requires more than just isolating minorites, what you must do is find them and tear them apart. For a markists, there flawed logic brings false ideas that are not chosen by the gamers. Another Commie owned

>> No.13502879

>redditor tries to fit in
>fails miserably
A tale as old as time. You have to go back

>> No.13502882

Alienation from the product is only one of the forms of alienation Marx talks about. There are either 3 or 5 others, depending on how you read the Paris manuscripts.
The one I think is really relevant is alienation from others. Marx phrases it as "alienation from other workers" but Marx scholars have since identified a number of other types of social alienation. Alienation from the species-being is very important in the Hegelian reading of Marx.

>> No.13502883

I see you have absoultey owned me, society says other wise, as a gamer my only social media platform is wiisports chat. This form of media cannot be manipulated by the goverment. Another hater owned

>> No.13502897

Your foolish, and a terg. your words have conformed with societys formalites, you are a sheep, and i am a woof, and society is the shepered

>> No.13502909

The problem still stands that all the alienation derives from a particular mode of production, and that all of it is supposedly going to evaporate once communism is achieved and everyone becomes an association of 'free producers'. Setting aside the question of whether such a society can even exist, this view bulldozers over all problems people have and reduces them to nothing more than relations of production. Things like families, tribal/national belonging and religious purpose, perhaps the most important aspects of a prole or peasant's life, have to be demolished. Why should a prole support this? Every time it was attempted, the abolishing of these concepts brought total ruination. Free love experiments following 197 were so devastating that they had to be curtailed by conservative pro-family projects. Nationalism made such an extreme return in 'communist' countries that it mirrored fascism, and almost every communist had given up on criticism of religion by the 70's and 80's, admitting that perhaps Feuerbach wasn't right and that there really is more to life than ontological materialism.

So knowing all this, why on earth would a prole support you?

>> No.13502934

>So knowing all this, why on earth would a prole support you?
Because they are still alienated. Religion, nationalism, etc. clearly isn't working out; you have plenty of those to go around, and have for millenia. Marx was right about them being ineffective opiates.

>> No.13502952

>religion, nationalism clearly isnt working out
Both those concepts have been around for millennia, while Marxist materialism had 50 years before it crashed and burned spectacularly, only to be survived by, you guessed it, nationalism and religion.
So really, what's not working out here? If anything, materialism is the opium that distracts people from the spiritual rot that has seeped in. It's why religious extremism and reactionary extremism is so much fiercer and more potent, while materialism just died off because barely anyone feels resonance with it.

>> No.13502956

>So really, what's not working out here?
You might want to look outside. Or maybe look up these things called the World Wars.

>> No.13502957

It has happened, several times.

>> No.13502961

Normies, normies, calm down. Find the truth in society, the neverending constant draging of suffering that we all live in, it doesnt matter, marx was part of the system and religon is and nationalism and every other form of literature. Break the barrier and see society for what it really is

>> No.13502967

Lurk more.

>> No.13502976

>We had two world wars, therefore we should do away with concepts that have been tied to humanity for as long as written history
>Materialism, on the other hand, is stable and eternal, even though it lasted barely 50 years before rotting away and being replaced by these supposedly unstable concepts again.
Nah, religion and nationalism are here to stay. Materialism is the historical aberration.

>> No.13502978

I don't like marxism and communism but it's more human than having people like Bezos and Zuckerberg around.

>> No.13502979


Wake up and smell societys lies, pitful rats.

>> No.13502984

Dont think i forgot about you 2

>> No.13502986

>processing people in slave camps, mass terror executions and systematic food deprivation is more humane than lizard people
The lizards are the lesser evil here